VITAL INFO FOR MRS - Math with Matthews




AP Calculus is the study of rates of change and accumulation. AP Calculus AB is equivalent to the first semester of college calculus (derivatives), plus part of the second semester (integrals). AP Calculus BC completes the second semester and includes polar and parametric applications and Taylor series. Each course counts as a separate AP math course, so you can earn up to 8 hours of college credit by passing the BC exam.


email (preferred):


|A 90 – 100 |Your grade is computed using a weighted average: |

|B 80 – 89 |70% formal assessments (tests, quizzes, projects, etc) |

|C 70 – 79 |30% informal assessments (classwork, homework, mini- |

|D 60 – 69 |quizzes, learning tasks, etc) |

|F 0 - 59 | |

****If you are absent, you have up to 5 days to submit any missing assignments for full credit. You may also turn in late assignments up to 5 days after the due date for 50%.


Pencils, blue or black pens, highlighter

Notebook paper and graph paper

3-ring binder (1” – 1.5”)

Calculator (TI-83, TI-84, TI-89)


1. Show respect for your classmates and for me. This includes:

• Being on time to class.

• Turning off your cell phones.

2. Be prepared for class – do your own homework every day! Attempt every problem!

3. Begin your warm-up immediately when you come into class.

5. Work only on math, and work until the bell rings—no packing up early!

6. Come for help as soon as you need it. Tutoring times are on Monday and

Thursday afternoons from 2:30 – 3:30. I am also available every morning at 6:30 a.m.

7. Take advantage of the opportunity to retest!


1. Davidson Next: edge. I will help you set up an account. You will find videos on 14 topics, practice problems, and assessments. Great to help you learn new material when you’re absent or when you need a little extra help!

2. Look for lessons by Patrckjmt

(Video tutorials!)

3. or download the free app for iPad or iPhone

4. complete set of notes, by topic,

used at Lamar University.

OTHER MATH HELP SITES: (I have not looked at all of these, so if you find a good one, please share with the class!)

Here are a several sites that offer help in mathematics. All of these sites offer "live" help. Several of these sites operate through email and other operate through a forum system.

• MathNerds A free math help site. Be forewarned, they won't just work your homework for you (and that's a good thing)! They will expect you to tell them what you've already tried and what you don't understand.

• Math Help Boards A set of forums where you can get help in a variety of math subjects (including both University and lower level subjects).

• Dr. Math Another free help site and like MathNerds won't just work your homework for you!

• Study Skills Online This is an excellent web site with some great discussion of study skills by Martin Greenhow. The site has some occasional comments pertaining to the school Dr. Greenhow teaches but is a great site that goes into much greater detail than I do here in my "How To Study Math" section.

• Free Math Help This is a forum in which you can get help in Algebra, Geometry and Calculus. You need to register, but the registration is free.

• S.O.S Math Forum S.O.S Math's forum for getting help for a wide variety of classes. In order to post a question you'll need to register, but it's free.

• Chegg Homework Help Homework help from . They offer help with more than just math!

•  This site has both help services as well as software.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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