Continuing Professional Development Units (CPDU)

Continuing Professional Development Units (CPDU)

CPDU - Continuing Professional Development Unit: a measurement used in continuing professional development to award credit for participation in a broad range of activities, including action research, staff development programs, curriculum design, mentoring, supervision of a student teacher, workshops and seminars, etc. CPDUs generated by workshops, seminars and conferences are earned at the rate of one for each hour of participation. Such a workshop or seminar must be offered by an approved provider.

Number of CPDUs Needed

For teachers who choose to use the CPDU option, the law states that 100 percent of the requirement for continuing professional development for full-time teachers may be met by earning 120 continuing professional development units (CPDUs)

To convert semester hours to CPDUs, multiply semester hours by 15. The Educator Certification System (ECS) at includes definitions and point values for activities, converts different types of credit to CPDUs and totals credits automatically.

Regular education teachers using CPDUs for all or part of their professional development must have 20% pertaining to serving students in the least restrictive environment; special education teachers must have 50%. See the Section on Purpose E (Corey H.) that follows.

Purposes for CPDU Activities

Your activities earning CPDUs must address one of the following purposes, but are not required to meet any specific proportion except for Purpose E as specified in the law:

A. to advance your knowledge and skills in your current area(s) of certification, endorsement, or teaching assignment, consistent with the Illinois Professional Teaching Standards and the Illinois Content-Area Standards;

B. to develop your knowledge and skills in areas determined to be critical for all Illinois teachers, known as state priorities;

C. to address the knowledge, skills, and goals of your local school improvement plan, if employed in an Illinois public or State-operated elementary school, secondary school, or cooperative or joint agreement with a governing body or board of control;

D. to expand your knowledge and skills in an additional teaching field or toward the acquisition of another teaching certificate, endorsement, or relevant education degree;

E. to address the needs of serving students with disabilities, including adapting and modifying the general curriculum related to the Illinois Learning Standards to meet the needs of students with disabilities and serving such students in the


Purpose A - You may fulfill 100 percent of the requirement for continuing professional development by completing eight semester hours of college coursework. If you choose to use this option, at least two of these semester hours must address Purpose A. (If you qualify for proportionate reduction and choose to meet your entire requirement through coursework, at least one-fourth of your semester hours must pertain to Purpose A.) Note: All education courses contain content that is applicable to Purpose A.

Purpose B - While you are not required to devote activities to the state priorities (Purpose B), the state priorities identified by the State Board of Education are listed here for your information. In March 2000, the State Board adopted the following five state priorities:

Reading, Mathematics, Standards and Assessment, Integrating Technology into Teaching and Learning, Special Education.

If the State Board of Education changes the state priorities, the state agency will notify each school district superintendent, each regional superintendent of schools, and any other organization that requests notification no later than 60 days after the decision. This notice will include a list of the priorities and the date the new priorities take effect.

Purpose E - Regular Education Teachers - Regular education teachers (i.e., all holders of standard or master teaching certificates who are working at the early childhood, elementary, or secondary level but are not assigned to teach special education classes, also referred to as "general education teachers") are required to devote 20 percent of their continuing professional development credits in each renewal cycle to activities that will help them serve students with disabilities in the least restrictive environment. To be creditable, an activity does not have to have the words "special education" in its title. Instead, the allowable activities may address a wide range of topics (see list below). However, the evidence of completion must indicate how the activity will help the teacher meet the needs of students with disabilities. Also, some portion of at least one activity must address adapting and modifying curriculum relevant to the Illinois Learning Standards to meet the needs of children receiving special education.

Possible Topics to Meet Purpose E: Activities that are applicable to this requirement may address a wide variety of topics, including but not limited to multi-modality instruction; applied learning; applied techniques for teaching academic content (e.g., mathematics, reading, or other applied work with methods content); making adaptations, accommodations, and/or modifications to the general education curriculum; understanding the IEP; behavior management and discipline (managing students' behavior); child and adolescent development; classroom environment; counseling; understanding team teaching. An identified portion of at least one activity must address adapting and modifying curriculum related to the Illinois Learning Standards to meet the needs of students with disabilities.


Purpose E - Special Education Teachers

Special education teachers are subject to a different set of requirements. While employed in a special education position, teachers must accumulate 50 percent of their credits with activities relevant to special education.

As long as a teacher holds a limited LBS I credential, activities attributed to "Purpose A" must address the needs of students with disabilities other than those for which they previously held endorsements or approvals.

Note: The 50 percent requirement affects only teachers who are using CPDUs as part or all of their continuing professional development credits.

Professional Development Activities

The primary goal of the certificate renewal requirements is to help you grow as a teacher and, in turn, improve student achievement in your classes. As you choose professional development activities, think about how you can use your professional development experiences to affect learning in your classes.

In deciding on the activities you want to use, you should also consider three special circumstances: the option for "other" activities, a special requirement related to travel, and your timelines.

1. "Other" Activities ? You may earn continuing professional development units for activities not specifically described in the CPDU Values chart. These "other" activities may be acceptable if you complete keep on file written evidence that

describes the activity and its purpose, intensity, duration, and outcomes; discusses how the activity is related to the improvement of your knowledge and skills; identifies which activity enumerated in the CPDU Values chart most closely resembles

the claimed activity (e.g., auditing a college course is most similar to attending a workshop or seminar); and proposes a number of CPDUs that is commensurate with the value assigned to the similar activity identified above.

It should be noted that the category "Other" may not be used to claim credit for activities that are specifically described in the CPDU Values chart, but only partially completed. The definitions contained in the chart describe the minimum intensity that is required to count these activities for credit. "Other" activities claimed will be scrutinized carefully to ensure that they contribute to the improvement of teaching knowledge and skills. They should be clearly comparable in focus or outcome to activities described in the CPDU Values chart to earn comparable credit.

2. Travel - Teachers who plan to apply for credit for travel must submit a request on paper for approval at least 30 days prior to travel. Teachers who have an LPDC request approval from their LPDC. If no LPDC exists, teachers request approval from their regional superintendent of schools. The written request must identify activities or aspects of the travel that will contribute to his or her professional development and describe what he or she will accomplish through the travel experience.


3. Timeline - To ensure that you have time for any necessary appeals, you should complete your activities and submit the statement of assurance on ECS or ISBE 73-98 to your LPDC, if applicable, or your Regional Office of Education by March 1 of the final year of your certificate's validity. This timeline is for your protection only, and there is no penalty for applying after March 1.

That does not mean that you cannot engage in activities that begin or are completed after March 1 in that final year, but you should be sure that you will be able to complete the activity and get evidence of completion prior to June 30 when your certificate's validity expires.

Approved Providers

Note: Workshops, conferences, and other training activities presented either by approved providers or out-of-state providers are the ONLY activities counted by the hour.

If you a workshop or symposium or similar training in Illinois, the provider must be approved by the Illinois State Board of Education and the State Teacher Certification Board. To search for approved providers, use the the Professional Development Provider (PDP) System. To get to the PDP system, from click on Professional Providers" and then "Professional Development Provider System" and "Enter as a Guest." (By holding down the "control" and "F" keys you can call up a search function and enter keyword(s) for the search.)

Providers are listed under the first word of their names. For example, a provider named Wanda Adams would be listed under W for Wanda, not A for Adams. One problem that has surfaced is that providers are putting their names differently on the evidence form than they did on the application, which is where the provider name on the system comes from. If you cannot find a provider, you can search for variations of the name or contact the provider.

If you attend an out-of-state training activity that does not target Illinois teachers or a nationallevel conference that just happens to be held in Illinois, you may count one CPDU for each hour of participation, the provider does not have to be approved. Keep a program or agenda marked with the sessions you attended as evidence of completion.

A teacher may not receive credit for conferences, workshops, institutes, seminars or symposiums that are designed for entertainment, promotional, or commercial purposes or that are solely inspirational or motivational. The State Superintendent of Education or a regional superintendent of schools may recommend that the State Teacher Certification Board and the State Board of Education jointly disapprove such activities and events. However, teachers who have included such activities in good faith will not be penalized.


Advanced Degree(s) Anyone with one or more advanced degrees or a Master Teaching Certificate is eligible for a reduction in professional development requirements. These reductions apply to teachers who held their degrees or certificates prior to beginning the new certification cycle as follows:


Teachers with a master's degree in an education-related field need to complete twothirds of the professional development requirement.

Teachers with more than one master's degree, an educational specialist, or doctorate need to complete one-third of the professional development requirement.

Teachers with a Master Certificate obtained as a result of NBPTS certification need to complete one-third of the professional development requirement over the ten-year validity period of their Master Certificate.

Situation No advanced degree One advanced degree More than one advanced degrees Master teaching certificate

CPDUs for Five Years Full Time 120 CPDUs 80 CPDUs 40 CPDUs 40 CPDUs over ten years

CPDUs per Semester 12 CPDUs 8 CPDUs 4 CPDUs 2 CPDUs

Each semester hour is equivalent to 15 CPDUs. Teachers can convert semester hours to CPDUs accordingly.

The semester-hour and CPDU options are two of several options for professional development available to teachers. Many of the options, such as earning an advanced degree, endorsement or a subsequent certificate, meet the renewal requirements for the full five years. No reductions apply when using those options because they fulfill the requirement for five years of full-time teaching.

Part-Time Teachers

For any period during which you teach on a Standard or Master Certificate for less than 50 percent of the school day or school term, you are only required to complete 50 percent of the professional development requirement. The reduction applies only if you use the CPDU or coursework option (for example, there is no way to "reduce" other options such as earning an advanced degree or subsequent certificate). Note: each semester hour of college coursework is equivalent to 15 CPDUs.

Performing Other Services

If you teach for part of the day and perform other services, such as those associated with departmental leadership, for the other part of the day, you will not be considered a "part-time teacher." You are subject to 100 percent of the requirement for continuing professional development because you are using your Standard or Master Certificate for 100 percent of the services you perform. (In other words, no other certificate authorizes your work, as would be the case with a part-time administrator.)

If you hold both a teaching and administrative certificate and are employed in a split assignment, either full-time or part-time, that relies on the administrative certificate for 50 percent of the time and on the teaching certificate 50% of the time, you may choose whether to fulfill the requirements for the teaching certificate or those for the administrative certificate.


Proportionate Reduction for Periods of Exemption

The proportionate reduction is relevant only if you are using the CPDU or coursework options; otherwise, there is no way to "reduce" the remaining options (advanced degree, subsequent certificate, endorsement, etc.) If you take a leave or are not employed in a certificated position during your certificate's period of validity, you will need fewer CPDUs or semester hours to renew your certificate. Examples of such circumstances include, but are not limited to, maternity or paternity leave, assignment to an administrative position, acceptance of a position outside of education, and time off from teaching to return to school to obtain another degree. You are also exempt for semesters when you are employed and performing services for fewer than 45 school days in a position requiring a valid and active certificate.

The amount of required professional development is reduced by ten percent for each semester of exemption for Standard Certificate holders or by five percent per semester of exemption for Master Certificate holders. The requirement for Purpose E (least restrictive environment) is 20% for regular education teachers and 50% for special education teachers based on the number of CPDUs required after the reduction has been taken.

Example: You teach for the first two years of your certificate's five-year period of validity. You take a leave during the third and fourth years and maintain your certificate as valid and exempt. In the fifth year, you resume teaching and change your certificate's status back to valid and active.

By proportionate reduction, if your full-time requirement is 120 CPDUs, then you will be required to have 72 CPDUs (6 semesters times 12 CPDUs per semester) to renew your certificate. As a regular education teacher, you will need 20% of 72 CPDUs (14 CPDUs) applicable to least restrictive environment.

If you hold an advanced degree, you are eligible for further reductions. For full-time teaching without an advanced degree, teachers need 12 CPDUs per semester. If you hold one advanced degree, you get a one-third reduction, which would the requirement to 8 CPDUs per active semester. If you hold more than one master's degree, an educational specialist, or doctorate or hold a Master teaching certificate, you need 4 CPDUs for each semester employed in a public school.

Using the same example above, if you held a master's degree, you would be eligible for a one-third reduction in addition to the proportionate reduction. You would need 8 CPDUs per semester or 48 CPDUs (6 semesters times 8 CPDUs per semester) to renew your certificate. As a regular education teacher, you will need 20% of 48 CPDUs (9.6 rounded to 10 CPDUs) applicable to least restrictive environment.

You may earn credit during a period of exemption, but any credit earned will not increase the amount of credit needed for renewal. For example, if you teach three years and are exempt for two years, you will be required to earn 60 percent of the credits required for certificate renewal, whether or not you have earned some credits during your two years of exemption.


Requests for exemptions are submitted to Regional Offices of Education either online through

the Educator Certification System (ECS) available on our homepage (enter


ECS by clicking on Professional Development and then Exemptions) or on paper using ISBE Form 77-08, Notification of Change in Teaching Circumstances (Exemptions). To get to

downloadable forms from , click on "Certification" and then "Forms."

Retired Teachers/Teachers Who Plan to Retire

For Standard Certificates, you must earn 10% for each semester you teach. If you hold a Master's Certificate, you must complete 5% of the requirement for each semester you teach. The percentages are based on the total amount of credit you need (i.e., 10% of 120 CPDUs is 12 CPDUs per semester, 10% of the one-third reduction for those who hold an advanced degree, which would be 80 CPDUs, is 8 CPDUs per semester).

At the time of retirement, notify your Regional Office of Education using the electronic system

ECS available on our homepage or the paper form "Notification of Change in

Teaching Circumstances" (ISBE 77-08) that you will be valid and exempt for the remainder of your certificate's validity. You will then be able to renew your certificate by submitting a Statement of Assurance indicating the required professional development was completed for the years you taught.

The following scenarios explain various situations for retired teachers.

Scenario I

You exchanged in 2000. You actively taught for two years on the new five-year Standard certificate and retired at the end of the 2001-02 school year.

In this scenario, you would need to complete 40% of the required credits to qualify for renewal at the end of your teaching certificate's period of validity in 2005. You may earn these credits at any time during the five-year period.

If you use the online system ECS to submit your Statement of Assurance, you will need to request exemptions for the semesters remaining after retirement, if applicable. The system will reduce the required number of CPDUs relative to the semesters exempt.

If you use paper, the Regional Office staff has access to your public school employment records and can verify that you have been exempt through those records.

Scenario II

You exchanged in 2001 and retired at the end of the 2001-02 school year. You actively taught for one year on the new five-year Standard certificate.

You would need to complete 20% of the required credits to qualify for renewal at the end of your teaching certificate's period of validity in 2006. You may earn these credits any time during the five-year period.

If you use the online system ECS to submit your Statement of Assurance, you need to request exemptions for the semesters remaining after retirement, if applicable. The system will reduce the required number of CPDUs relative to the semesters exempt.


If you use paper, the Regional Office staff has access to your public school employment records and can verify that you have been exempt through those records.

Scenario III

You taught on your Standard certificate but did not complete the required professional development. You will not be able to renew your certificate unless you apply for reinstatement.

You may apply for a reinstated certificate valid for one fiscal year. After this one fiscal year period, you may receive a renewable Standard certificate only if you have

completed the balance of the professional development activities that were required for renewal of your previous certificate, and

earned five additional semester hours of credit at a college or university in the field of professional education or courses related to your contractual teaching duties.

If you do not complete the renewal requirements and the five-semester-hour penalty during your reinstatement year, your certificate cannot be reregistered. Public schools cannot employed teachers on unregistered certificates. You could, however, apply for a Type 39 Substitute Certificate.

Special Accommodations until January 1, 2001

Note: Legislation that became effective June 30, 2004, eliminated the need for many of the interim procedures because the legislation eliminated the requirement to submit a Certificate Renewal Plan and to have activities approved prior to participation. This section has been revised based on the new legislation.

To address the uncertainty of several timelines for putting the new certificate renewal system in place, the State Board of Education and the State Teacher Certification Board adopted interim procedures for the period between July 1, 2000, and January 1, 2001. The interim procedures apply only to teachers who renewed their certificates between July 1 and December 31, 2000.

The interim procedures were intended to ensure that if you participated in activities during this period, you would be able to receive the appropriate credit. Such interim activities might include taking coursework during the summer of 2000 or supervising a student teacher in the fall.

Individuals who held a Standard or Master Certificate during this interim period can count any professional development in which they participated when they submit their Statement of Assurance prior to renewal of their certificates. Activities - During this interim period, you could engage in any activity except travel (which by law requires the prior approval of your LPDC or Regional Superintendent if you do not have an LPDC) that is consistent with the law and applicable rules. Please review this document and the CPDU Values list for specific definitions of eligible activities. Providers - After January 1, 2001, individuals and organizations that want to offer workshops, conferences, or seminars for continuing professional development credit must receive prior



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