Emily Garrett- Unit 2

Operating systems: What is an operating system? How they work?An operating system is a collection of software’s that help to manage computers hardware resources and provide services for computer programmes. Is essential component to help the application programmes to function correctly? The function of the operating system is to manage data and tasks done on the computer. The operating system allocates resources like the main memory and storage and to involve the user in what they wish to do and use security interfaces and many other things to help computer to efficiently run. -25717510985500Here is a diagram showing the operating system and the way that it functions showing it is efficient for each programme to run and the steps it has to go through on a day to day basis. An operating system works by the user using a certain application that could be Microsoft word, power-point then the operating system whether it be Linux, windows or mac OS X the next stage of the system is for the systems to go to the hardware and then the process carry’s on showing an in depth system of how work is saved and used. Examples of operating systems: Windows system:4343400125222000Windows operating system is a series of interfaces that is used for personal computers by the windows systems. By using the following website I have found out that around 90% of computers contain windows operating system technology. Windows is major operating system because they are a well known name so people know that the system will be working efficiently and correctly.Functions features and services:Peripheral management- the function of a peripheral is to give the computer more compatibility but is not essential needed for the computer to fully function. The services that this peripheral offers are to add methods of new technology onto the computer along with making it a lot quicker. Example of peripherals may be windows mouse which plugs into computer to give extra functions. -18034016446500Screenshot showing windows 7 home peripheral management showing windows 7 home and how each peripheral has been managed into certain sections.-18351523241000This image shows OS X peripheral management and how it shows when peripherals are being used at which time. Security- each computer has security that either comes with the computer or that the user can add onto computer. An example of security is having a password to log onto the computer this makes sure not any one and everyone can just log into the computer and tamper with the technology. Within an operating system there is internal and external security, which makes sure all components on the computer run correctly and checks for any problems that can be found and allow the website or programme to run or to not run. In OS X security the system runs checks everyday to ensure no one is trying to hack into the computer this is known as gatekeeper. Within OS X there are many types of security a few examples are; more difficult passwords so harder to unlock, privacy controls. -17970524130000Here this is an image of an OS X security system you can see that it tells you what version and the size of security that is available.Another type of security is windows 8 which also includes different types of security within it, the differences from this to OS X is that windows 8 includes a anti-virus protection, lock up data and devices. -19748511049000Here is a screen shot showing windows 8 security example of lock up data. Here from looking at the two images you can see that OS X informs you of security and when it needs to be up-dated whereas a window 8 operating system shows you the security.File management- file management of a computer is to handle the files which consist of two sections set files and directory files. File management looks at the files and keep them in certain areas of where the user would have originally put the files. File management orders data and information into primary and secondary files which are all kept under control and safe. Example of file management is OS X on an iPhone files are put into app sandbox folders which then have different branches full of other data coming of them you can see this by looking at the following image. You can see that this type of OSX file is very simple and has different folder in which the data is stored but only has one main folder for each section. 476258699500Another example of file management is windows 7 within this windows 7 id different to OS X as it hold a lot more files as it has one main name folder but within that folder it has other folders inside which allows more data to be held at any one time.-2406658255000You can see the image shows windows 7 file management and straight away can see the complexity of this compared to the example of OS X file management. Device drivers- A device drive is a programme which links into the peripheral device to the operating system, this is an essential piece of equipment that the computer requires as allows the computer to have more new and better systems and programmes. The device driver has a function that also provides the operating system with quicker access to the hardware so if the computer can not hold a certain programme the device driver will run and allow the computer to use the software. -17970518415000An example of device driver is Linux this allows devices to be added onto the computer for extra uses. Below is a diagram showing the process in which Linux device driver has to go through. -1835154889500The majority of computers use windows 8 device drivers as it is known as a well known brand and is reliable to use. Device drivers may consist of printer; usb mouse etc. here is an image showing windows 8 and the types of devices that may be used. After looking at the two images you can see windows seems more up to date and shows each device that is running on the computer at any one time whereas Linux just shows one device but shows the complexity and detail in what happens when using the device and how it runs throughout the computer. Customising- customising an operating system is to change themes colours wallpapers and different types of settings. Customising happens as the user’s individual preference gets changed to resemble them. After doing research I found out that customising can be quiet daunting for someone who don’t have excellent ICT skills also I have found out that Linux is the best customising type to be using as allows you to have more computer facilities available to be able to use this is good because many people like to customise there property straight away and make folders work etc. placed into where they want it placed and low to viruses occurring. Generally OSX users can’t customise the interfaces because of the settings whereas windows 7 or windows 8 can be customised a lot more. -14478016319500Here is a screen shot of windows 8 you can see that it is very colourful and essay to use this allows people to use a computer without having to worry about not knowing where to and what to do. -1435101714500This diagram shows mac OS X wall paper and stings you can see it is very dull and documents are small and placed at the bottom. -1435108572500This screen shot is a shot of Linux wall paper you can see it has a general start bar. After looking at the three screenshots you can see that each operating system is very different from one another which shows why everyone has their individual preference to what the do and don’t like. Support for media- within an operating system there always needs to be support for media drives these are things like cd and DVD drives. The function of the support for media is so that images, music or DVDs can be captured and placed and portrayed onto the user’s screens.An example of support for media is windows 7 from doing some research I found out the majority of people gave this an 8 or 9 out of 10 rate. Windows supports burning of CDs/DVDs as well as media player and many other files. -5524519177000Here is an image showing windows 7 and what devices of media that the computer supports showing that it show each device and how much each one is loaded. Another example of support for media is OS X is mainly used for just cd and DVD drives this is due to the amount of capacity that the computer can store. Below is am image of this.-18796021336000After looking at the two screen shots you can see that OS X goes into more detail on what devices it supports and which version of the media will be played on the computer showing more detail to it. Stability and reliability- this is how stable by adding security to it an example of this could be Microsoft essentials which then makes the computer reliable as stops any viruses from occurring to the computer or desktop. Example of stability and reliability in operating systems is windows 7 known as a good hard brand as it is the full version and because of the amount of people that use windows 7 it shows that it is reliable brand to use. Before windows 7 there was windows 95 and windows up over time these became un reliable due to the fact that they were not backed up enough and the main reason more new version of operating system has been realised is too make use of different cultures and use different systems so more people use newer systems but also if there is a problem with one type of system e.g. windows up then a newer version is created to stop any problems from occurring. Whereas Linux is not reliable due to their not being enough security on the system but also because anyone and everyone can download Linux and that it is written to fit peoples needs when and if they want to use it. Reliability and stability also comes under the acknowledgement of how long the computer lasts without it naturally breaking and weather it would be safe to save lots of important documents and files onto it. Utility- utilities within operating systems perform a very specific task on the computer. Each utility differ in terms of size, complexity and the function that they do. Examples of utilities are data bases or spread sheets as they can perform many different functions at any one time. Utilities are found on every operating system that being Linux, windows 7 and mac OS X. each utility has different functions depending on the different type of operating system. Cost and support- costs of operating systems are; for an OS piece of equipment it is a lot higher price but has found to be a lot higher quality so the user’s money is being well spent in terms of maintenance and cost support. The support for the machine needs to be of an high quality so that it can keep the maintenance but also so that if something goes wrong the support of the computer can reinforce the problem this comes into cost as the better operating system you have the less likely it is to breakdown. Windows 7 home cost about ?79.99 showing a high price but for a good quality product. An OS system costs around ?49.99 for a full pack. Linux is free to download but it is not as reliable as the other two because don’t have as much security. CLI command line interface- CLI-command line interface:-85090247586500Command line interfaces are used to communicate with the computer, the computer shows a prompt. The user then types in commands into the computer which will allow it to perform specific tasks and act upon the command. CLI allows you to manage or resolve issues and generate data. Usually this type of interface is often used by system administrators or programmers usually in engineering or scientific environments which require technically advanced personal computers. After doing research I also found out that this type of interface is popular with those with visual disabilities as the responds and commands can be displayed as braille displays. An example of where this would be used is in a highly developed science laboratory to manage the data and to keep notes of when equipment has been tested then cli would be used for this production to happen. Here is an image showing a CLI interface and the commands that would be taken when using it and the layout of the interfaceAdvantages CLI- command line interface:-An advantage is when the user uses the operating system then the user knows the correct commands then it can speed up the interface and be quicker than any other type of interfaces.This interface uses a lot less central processing unit processing time than other interfaces. Command line interfaces have a low resolution which allows a cheaper monitor to be used with the interface. A large advantage of command line interface is that it does not require windows to run for it to work but most effective type of operating system to use on CLI is windows 8 as it is easy to work your way around but also looks very colourful and eye catching. Disadvantages CLI- command line interfaces:If a person has never used cli interface it would be very confusing for them to get the hang of it. When typing a command into the interface then you have to always make sure that all spellings are correct otherwise the command will fail to work. If you don’t know the instruction you cannot just guess and “have a go” you have to make sure you’re precise and correct. When using this interface you always have to learn the command which can be very time consuming and difficult usually there are hundreds of commands to learn. GUI- graphical user interface- Graphical user interface is an interface which takes advantage of computers graphic compatibility’s and makes the computer easier to use and don’t need people to learn certain commands to be able to use the interface efficiently. Also allows users to interact with the interface by using visual icons, pointers and menu bars instead of text large amounts of complex text. Generally anyone can use graphical user interface as it is virtually on every computer weather that being windows 7 or OS X mac it makes it much easier for a user to use and don’t need to be known as “smart” to use this sort of software. An example where this would be used is on a general computer on the start button where it has icons and small amounts o texts of programmes that are on the computer. 317520193000Here is an image showing windows 8 GUI interface you can see how you have minor pieces of text/words along with a logo showing the visual side to this interface. Advantages of GUI graphical user interface:- This interface is generally really easy to use even if your new to the computer technology so don’t take much time to learn what to do. A large advantage to this interface is that no commands need to be learnt in order for the system to work correctly. If you don’t understand something when using graphical user interface then there is always good facilities that can provide you with some sort of help. Another major advantage when using computer and using GUI on computers is that it allows you to exchange data between different software applications. Disadvantages of GUI graphical user interface:- This can be a large problem for many people but GUI software takes up a lot more hard disk space than any other interfaces.GUIs use a lot more processing power than other interfaces. Unfortunately graphical user interfaces always need a lot more memory (ram) than other interfaces meaning they take more room up on the computer.In most cases experienced programmers find the software very slow and would much rather prefer to use CLIs.Open sources:An open source is a type of software that allows the source code to be available to the public for them to be able to use change or share. Open sources are codes which programmers improve to benefit the general public who use the software’s. Open sources software is the most prominent example of open source development in the modern world. To be able to do this software you much have an obligated licence which says and allows you to change information or study in complexity the information to benefit others but must keep with the correct rules and regulations, the purpose is to keep information up to date and allow the public to change it if they need to and for the information to be available to the public who use the software’s and programmes. The implications of using open source software are that there is a lack of legal regulations meaning anyone and everyone can use it and may not be using the information for the correct reasons. As well as this usually this software has a lack of formal technical support meaning if someone is confused there is not much they can do to get help, they could get help but this would involve them to pay for training and tutorials which not many people would want to do. By a developer developing open sources it allows them to receive a lot of money especially if they do extremely well at improving a programme. ................

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