Oldfield Brow Primary School

 EnglishEveryday choose one of these videos to watch - to improve your fitness as well as your English! are going to do a mix up of different activities this week!! Starting with an interpretive dance film writing task!! How is this English? I hear you ask…….. try Activities 1 and 2 and find out!Activity 1Watch Peter and the Wolf - you will notice there are no voices or words! Watch the film and then write a report on what has happened - and what the ‘moral of the story’ might be… or what we could learn from watching it. Activity 2Watch Red Riding Hood Dance. Write a short playscript to show the conversation for one part of the story, for example when Red Riding Hood goes into the cottage, or when she first meets the Wolf. Scroll down to find an example of how to layout this playscript! 3 you write a short story using 10 words with a silent ‘b’?? I expect it will end up as a fairly daft story!!Parents - If you scroll down this link, you will find other short videos to support spelling strategies!Activity 4 Watch the video on homophones. Can you write a list with as manyny homophones as you can find?? L:et’s see who can find the most!Then write out this passage but make sure you correct all the mistakes! This is a good example of when a ‘spell check’ on a computer does not work, because they are all real words, just used incorrectly!!Won knight I sore a pear of men buy the see. Eye thought there feet were stuck butt sum people came and court hold of them and pulled them out. Watt were they doing? They had to no that the tied was coming in! The men had taken a long thyme to get hear. Now they had to go all the weigh back again. The won with lots of read hare looked odd. He was holding too parcels tide up with string that had nots in. I thought eye new him. Was I write?Read Theory - Activity 5We have had a break from comprehension and reading, so i want to see this week how many you can complete! I will share details of how many have been completed and who has done them the most accurately on the Y4 webpage!SpellingsWeekly spellings will need to be completed and they will be updated every week. If possible, they can be tested at the end of every week. This week’s spellings are:Adverbials of frequency and possibilityregularlyoccasionallyfrequentlyusuallyrarelyperhapsmaybecertainlypossiblyprobablyYear 4 Home Learning Pack (good grammar activities) Geography In this lesson, we will be analysing the various natural resources that can be found in the South American nation of Chile, looking at how geography has helped to determine this Wednesday at 9.30am Steve Backshall will be doing a live lesson, talking about his experiences, his travels around the world, the animals he has seen and answering all your questions live. Access his Youtube Channel here. ScienceSoundsIn this lesson we will be looking at the acoustics of sound In this lesson we will look at an Optical Illusion artwork before creating our own. You will learn to shade in to show that an object is three-dimensional. To code!!have a go at a coding activity that interests you - Minecraft? Frozen? Star wars? plenty of options for you to learn something new!. EHere is the login for 5-a-day fitness! Have a go!: OBPSHAPASSWORD: WA14oldfieldR.E are 15 (very)short clips about Islam. Choose at least 5 to watch, and write 2 facts from each that you did not already know! Present this as you wish!Why don’t you try using Google Draw if you haven’t already? You can insert pictures and text boxes to display your learning! you scroll down this page, you will see an example of what can be produced!MathsWhite Rose MathsEach day you can watch the White Rose Maths tutorial and then follow the link to the BBC Bitesize lesson and complete the activities and worksheets available on there. Watch the tutorial for each lesson on Follow the link to BBC Bitesize for extra practise and complete the lesson activitiesOr access it by following this link each day. Mymaths If you have any problems with your login information please contact year4sb@oldfield- or 4cd@oldfield-. Timestable Rockstars! BreakersPlay a board game with your family. Stay active by playing in the garden or do a home workout. Help to make dinner. Create a memory book or start a scrapbook about something. Keep a diary. Complete a puzzle or a jigsaw. Bake! Can you make cakes/biscuits/bread?Have a movie night with your family. Design a rainbow poster to display in your window. Make and race paper aeroplanes.Gardening! Do you have any seeds that you can plant? Write an email or a letter to a family member or a friend. Mindfulness colouring. Create something using crafts. Read! Mymaths activities. Think of 2 things every day that you are grateful for. Tidy your room. Write a poem. Write a quick story outline for a sequel of your favourite film. Have a karaoke night. Act out a scene from your favourite movieRead again!Ask your parents if they need help with anything. Design your own game. It is important that you take a break and relax between the learning activities. Make sure you value this time with your family and try something new. Below are a few suggestions to keep you entertained but of course you may have your own activities, let me know how you get on! Have fun! Mr Butler and Miss Drabble ? Additional resources and useful websitesMathsTwinkl Twinkl is offering resources with a One Month Ultimate Membership, totally free of charge. They have granted access to every parent and carer so pupils can still have access to high-quality learning during any periods of disruption.Setting this up is really easy to do - go to twinkl.co.uk/offer and enter the code UKTWINKLHELPS Classroom Secrets Classroom secrets have produced home learning packs for support during the school closures. Download the specific pack directly from the website. Timestable Rockstars Times table Rockstar’s: children should aim to complete Garage sessions as usual and have been encouraged to compete in 'Rock Slams' with other classmates to create friendly rivalry and competition!Topmarks Lots of interactive maths games to consolidate understanding of key areas.NessyFree Maths Videos & WorksheetsEvery Wednesday and FridayDuring this difficult time, we want to offer as many free resources as we can, to help parents working on schoolwork from home with their children. Let’s keep those kids engaged with learning!We've already told you about Nessy's Youtube Channel but now we're also going to be sharing times tables videos on our Facebook page every Wednesday and Friday. Alongside the videos, we'll be offering free worksheets for you to print and fill out. These go along with the teaching lessons in the videos. EnglishSpelling frame Spelling activities for and specialist resources for each year group. Literacy shedLiteracy shed is a free website which is very useful at giving students stimuluses to write from. It includes lots of videos and pictures of all genres. ................

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