
Mission/Purpose StatementBCS is a dynamic and collaborative learning community. We cultivate an engaging environment that embraces all students and empowers them to pose questions, integrate resources, synthesize, evaluate and apply their knowledge to positively influence our diverse and ever-changing world.WEEK AT A GLANCE – Week of June 8 - June 14, 2020 LAST WEEK OF SCHOOL!?*Following the state directive, BPS schools will be closed for the duration of the 2019-20 school year. Learn more about online learning and the health crisis at birmingham.k12.mi.us/covid19.*We will begin our Weeks-at-a-Glance with important dates this week followed by Mr. Morawski’s letter and BCS News and Announcements.?To submit an item for next week’s “WAG”, email cbassett@birmingham.k12.mi.us?SPIRIT WEEK “AT HOME EDITION” - This week, choose a day and dress up in your favorite summer outfit. Take a picture of you getting ready to enjoy summer vacation!Monday, June 8Chartwells offering Free Breakfast and Lunch for students in need (see flyer for details) - Breakfast/Lunch service continues until June 29th!?Choice Hour Quarter I for the 2020-21 Sign Up is open! Sign up is due Friday, June 12 by 11:59PM! (see more info below)7-8PM Approaching Antiracism - From Equity to Anti-Racism Panel sponsored by BCS Diversity Committee (details below)Tuesday, June 9Last day for teachers to post new lessons in Google Classroom2-3PM Virtual Forensics Team Auditions (grades 4-7) for 2020-21. Read Intro to Forensics to learn more.?6:30-7:30PM 8th Grade Celebration Virtual Ceremony - view on the BPS YouTube ChannelWednesday, June 102-3PM Virtual Forensics Team Auditions (grades 4-7) for 2020-21. Read Intro to Forensics to learn more.?Chartwells offering Free Breakfast and Lunch for students in need (see flyer for details) - Breakfast/Lunch service continues until June 29th!?Thursday, June 11Friday, June 12Last Day of School!Choice Hour Sign up is due by 11:59PM! (see more info below)Curbside Locker Content Pick-Up Available (various times, see this letter or read below for more details)?Summer Packets for 3/4, 5/6, and 7/8 summer learning experiences will be available on the BCS Website and sent out via eNews.Chartwells offering Free Breakfast and Lunch for students in need (see flyer for details) - Breakfast/Lunch service continues until June 29th!?Saturday, June 13Happy Summer! Congratulations on finishing another school year!?Sunday, June 14Happy Summer! Congratulations on finishing another school year!?Last WAG to kick off summer will be sent!?Click on the link to the full BCS Calendar: District Calendar - 7, 2020Hello BCS!The final week of the most unbelievable school year is upon us! Our students, faculty, staff and you, our parents, have met these challenges the BCS way with agility, grit, grace, creativity, intelligence, wisdom and empathy. It is, truly, what makes BCS a great place to be – Thank you for allowing me the privilege to lead this remarkable community these past 7? years. I look forward to an incredible final week honoring our 8th graders during their Ceremony, which will broadcast at 6:30 PM this Tuesday, June 9 on the Birmingham PS YouTube Channel at this 8th grade Ceremony Link: ! (Again, the link will go live at 6:30 PM Tuesday). Feel free to join the “watch party” and following along using the BCS 8th Grade Ceremony Program. Additionally, our teachers look forward to hosting their new students in a modified Move Up Day on Monday for students new to 3/4, Tuesday for students new to 5/6, and Wednesday for students new to 7/8. Moveover, for parents new to those teams, Jason and I have created (not professionally mind you) Move Up Day Orientation Videos. As your child enters a new BCS team at 3/4, 5/6 or 7/8, you probably have many questions about this different team and level. To hear about the daily schedule, academic classes, co-curricular classes, lunch and other topics of interest, check out these orientation videos:3/4 Move Up Day Orientation video for Parents/Guardians (slides from 3/4 presentation)5/6 Move Up Day Orientation video for Parents/Guardians (slides from 5/6 presentation)7/8 Move Up Day Orientation video for Parents/Guardians (slides from 7/8 presentation)We look forward also to seeing many of our parents and students in their cars from a distance this Friday, June 12 for the Curbside Pickup of the students materials left in lockers and locker rooms. This Parent Letter went out via eNews to families on Friday afternoon, so click on the link for all the details, process, and timing. If you cannot make the pickup, feel free to have a friend or neighbor grade it for you. Looking forward to seeing you!Finally, and importantly, please plan to attend a must-see event! In the wake of the recent and tragic injustices and racist acts nationally, our BCS Diversity committee is hosting a webinar with the focus on being an antiracist.? Join us for the webinar?Approaching Antiracism tomorrow, Monday June 8th from 7:00-8:00 PM.? The event will explicitly explore...How are you approaching antiracism? Consider what it means to be an antiracist in our local and larger communities. Listen as Arthur Jack, president of the Birmingham African American Family Network (and former BCS parent); Embekka Roberson, Assistant Superintendent for Student Learning and Inclusion; Jay S, BCS graduate and student at Seaholm High School and Joe Leibson, BCS Spanish Teacher address questions around antiracism in Birmingham Public Schools and beyond. This exclusive live webinar is sponsored by the BCS Diversity Committee and will be moderated by BCS teacher, Rick Joseph. The event is limited to 100 attendees, so please register now at: hope you will join us for this important work!I wish each of our BCS families continued health, happiness and everlasting gratitude. And for all of us, may we share joy in the summer experiences we have with those most special in our lives.Thank you for reading,Mark Morawskimmorawski@birmingham.k12.mi.us Twitter: @mark_morawski #BCSLearnsCheck out my blog: Character Education Word of the week: GRATITUDEInfuse this word into your conversations and share these quotes with your children as a character education focus. There will be a new word every two weeks.“Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.” – Robert Brault“None is more impoverished than the one who has no gratitude. Gratitude is a currency that we can mint for ourselves, and spend without fear of bankruptcy.” – Fred De Witt Van Amburgh“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” – Albert EinsteinALL BCS NEWSBE SURE AND VISIT US on twitter (@bcs_cobras) and LIKE “Birmingham Covington School” on FACEBOOK?HONORING OUR BCS 8TH GRADERSAs we eagerly await honoring our BCS 8th graders during the ceremony on Tuesday, June 9 at 6:30 PM, we wanted to prepare you for the ceremony with a special delivery of a gift bag for each 8th grader between noon and 3PM on Monday, June 8.? The gift bag will include several items including a program for you to follow along during Tuesday evening’s ceremony.? The highlight of the gift bag drop off will be that the delivery will be made by a BPS school bus with a few BCS staff members dropping the bag by your front door.? We will be using several buses across our BPS community to divide up the delivery among staff for efficiency.As a reminder…The gift bags will be delivered on Monday, June 8 between 12PM and 3PM, andThe ceremony will be on Tuesday, June 9 from 6:30 PM.?The ceremony will be 45-60 minutes andCan be viewed on the BPS YouTube Channel launching live at 6:30 PM.We are looking forward to great final days for our BCS 8th graders!?HOW ARE YOU APPROACHING ANTIRACISM? A PANEL DISCUSSIONConsider what it means to be an antiracist in our local and larger communities. Listen as Arthur Jack, president of the Birmingham African American Family Network; Embekka Roberson, Assistant Superintendent for Student Learning and Inclusion; Jay S, student at Seaholm High School and Joe Leibson, Spanish Teacher at Birmingham Covington School address questions around antiracism in Birmingham Public Schools and beyond.Monday June 8th 7-8pmThis exclusive live webinar is sponsored by the BCS Diversity Committee and will be moderated by BCS teacher Rick Joseph. It is limited to 100 attendees, so please register now at: CARDSReport Cards will be available to view via PowerSchool Parent Portal on Friday, June 19.? Due to the extended closure, grade 3/4 report cards will include comments only (not proficiency levels), and grade 5/6 and 7/8 report cards will include a “G” for grade and relevant comments.INTERESTED IN JOINING THE FORENSICS TEAM NEXT YEAR? AUDITIONS ARE THIS WEEK!?BCS is looking for students (current 4th-7th) who want to join the Forensics team. Forensics is competitive acting and public speaking. Students learn how to effectively communicate and is a great activity for students who love to act, who love to research and write, or who need help with confidence boosting in front of a group! It is a fun, multi age, large group that competes during Quarter I and Quarter III. If students are interested in being on the team next year, we are asking that they go through virtual auditions the week of June 8th. Check out the Intro to Forensics document to find audition information. Questions? Contact coaches Veronica Pilarski vpilarski@bps- or Courtney Bassett cbassett@bps-??PARENT CURBSIDE LOCKER CONTENT PICKUPWe have finalized plans and adjusted the date to this Friday, June 12 to allow parents to do a “curbside pickup” of their student’s materials left behind in their lockers. This pickup will take place on Friday, June 12.? Don’t worry!? This “curbside pickup” will not include any food left in lockers or other noteworthy decomposing material. Since we are unable to allow parents and students access to the school, our awesome teachers and staff have cleaned out the lockers, and bagged and tagged the contents for pick up. You can also drop off school-owned materials if you would like.?What to know:Pick up your student’s locker belongings on Friday, June 12th according to the alpha schedule noted below this message.? If your child has a scheduled Zoom session with their teacher or others who cannot make the assigned time, please feel free to come during the Just in Case” time from 3:25-4:10 PM. Feel free to have a friend or neighbor pick it up if you’re not available.What to do:Use either entrance off Quarton Road to enter the bus loop/parking lot area. ?See this map.?Noted by signage, stop at your child’s homeroom sign and collect their clearly marked bag.? Please maintain social distance (6 feet) from others at all times.As always, give yourself ample time, be patient in the loop, and look out for others.?Other details:Medication will be held until fall; however, If you have medication that you would like to pick up, contact Kathy Juriga at kjuriga@birmingham.k12.mi.us. This pick up needs to be pre-arranged with Kathy prior to picking up locker bags curbside.Please keep until the fall any laptops borrowed from BPS unless you’re not returning to the district.School owned materials/texts/books/library books can be dropped off in the appropriately marked bins in the location marked on the map (in front of the pool). ?See map for details.? If you have items, which belong to individual classrooms, please label with a sticky note or something similar to identify to whom the item should be returned.? Except 8th graders, these materials can also be held until fall.Students in grades 3-7 will receive their yearbook in the fall, and 8th graders’ books will be delivered on June 8th with their “graduation” gift bag.?While 3/4 and 5/6 Room Parents are coordinating teacher gifts, we have been asked to place a location for drop off of any teacher’s gifts.? The map has location noted.? However, if you would like to give a gift to a teacher, consider electronic delivery if possible. :-)Mr. Krum and Ms. Stobel have contacted families about their instrument pickup. Please contact them directly should you still need your child’s instrument.?We will have staff outside to help direct traffic, locate bags, and answer questions as they arise as we all remain socially distant.? Below is the schedule:Last NameDate and Pick Up TimeA,B6/12 (8:15-9:00)C, D, E6/12 (9:10-9:45)F,G,H6/12(9:55-10:40)I, J, K6/12 (10:50-11:35)L,M?6/12 (11:45-12:30)N,O, P, Q?6/12 (12:40-1:25)R, S6/12 (1:35-2:20)T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z6/12 (2:30-3:15)Just in case :-)6/12 (3:25-4:10)If you do not want to collect these belongings, we understand and will add these items to our Donation Bin in the parking lot.? They will go to a good home! Unless otherwise noted above, please adhere to the above schedule and note the map locations when picking up items in order to make this as smooth and safe as possible.??2020-21 QUARTER I CHOICE HOUR SIGN UP IS NOW AVAILABLEDEADLINE IS FRIDAY JUNE 12 AT 11:59 PM! REGISTRATION IS ONLINE ONLY!Believe it or not, it is time to sign up for Quarter I Choice hour for the 2020-21 School Year!?The choice hour selection books and links to the online sign-up forms are available online at: I runs September 1, 2020 - November 2, 2020Reminders:?All choice hour sign up is now ONLINE for all grade levels!: The form can be found online at make sure you use the correct booklet/form. Choose the grade level that corresponds with your student for NEXT YEAR.?At this time, we are not accepting payments for Quarter I of choice hour. We are still asking that you sign up by the deadline, but we will collect payments later on.??If you have questions about the Choice Hour Program and/or class offerings contact Courtney Bassett, Choice Hour Program Coordinator, at cbassett@birmingham.k12.mi.us. If you have questions about Choice Hour scheduling, contact Kathy Juriga at kjuriga@birmingham.k12.mi.us. Thank you for supporting the Choice Hour Program!Please make sure to sign up for Choice Hour online by 11:59 PM Friday June 12, 2020. After this date, registrations will be considered late.??PTA REFLECTIONS ARTWORK RETURNUnfortunately, Reflections participants were unable to celebrate with a pizza lunch this year.? However, student certificates and/or awards will be handed out along with the return of the artwork.? This will most likely take place in the fall.? Please contact Diana Patterson at d4patter4@ if you have questions.? For information about the 2020-2021 PTA Reflections Art Program, check out the BCS Summer Packers which will be available on June 12 on the BCS website.?VIRTUAL CHOICE HOUR - CHECK IT OUT IF YOU HAVEN’T ALREADY!? New Live Class Times offered below!?Enrichment, the BCS way, continues!? We are excited to offer our great Quarter IV Choice Hours in an adapted online format. We hope that students will take advantage of this opportunity and sample some of our Choice Hour's with the various 20-30 minute enrichment activities offered. You will find the start of some great extensions for your student's academics and interests in these offerings. Learn more and get started by visiting the Virtual Choice Hour Document.?Students do not need to enroll or “opt in” for virtual choice hours. All classes that are listed on the above doc can be enjoyed by all students! Simply click on the title and browse the curriculum/content offerings for that class! Choice Hour Teacher contact information is also available on the corresponding course doc in case students need to reach out to the instructor!?Check out the classes with LIVE Zoom Meetings this week (you can also check out other great classes by clicking the document below):Intro to Forensics - LIVE meetings availableBCS Backgammon - LIVE meetings availableCobra Intern'l Club - LIVE meetings availableEmpowering Girls- LIVE meetings availableGardening for Bees - LIVE meetings availableIntern'l Foods - LIVE meetings availableMinecraft Mania - LIVE meetings availableThe Stock Market? - LIVE meetings availablePhoto Stories - LIVE meetings availableQuestions? Contact Courtney Bassett cbassett@birmingham.k12.mi.us?BCS SPIRIT COMMITTEE GOES VIRTUALIn conjunction with our Virtual Choice Hour offerings, our BCS Spirit Committee headed up by Mrs. D’Orazio wants to encourage us to showcase our school spirit from home! Each week will have a different spirit focus!?Week of 6/8?This week, choose a day and dress up in your favorite summer outfit.Take a picture of you getting ready to enjoy summer vacation!All Choice Hour Learning and Spirit Week pictures can be submitted to be shared through our BCS Choice Hour Seesaw. Learn more and how to share by reading the Choice Hour Seesaw Info Page.SCHOOL SUPPLIES FOR 2020-21 SCHOOL YEARFor those that ordered supply kits, thank you.? Unfortunately, with the “unknown” of how school will look, BCS staff informed me that they don’t feel comfortable with the current list they have (especially since some of the supplies were used to “share” with each other).? The lists may change, but teachers aren’t sure that those changes will be made in time for me to make them available in your kit.? For a full refund email the company before June 30th with your order number (found on your email receipt from 1st day school supplies) and let them know you would like a refund.? If you do NOT do email them,, the kit you ordered will still be mailed to you in August and you can keep everything because you think those items will get used at home or at school by your child anyhow knowing there may be extra items or additional items teachers request. Sorry for the confusion. If you have any questions, please email me.? Alifya Vohra, alifya@?POWERSCHOOL TIP FOR GRADES 5-8How about a tip for grade 5-8 parents?? Our grade 5-8 teachers are using PowerSchool to update students and parents about the status of assignments and provide feedback via comments.? For the assignment in PowerSchool, there will be a status of complete or not complete and there will be a green dot with words next to it for any comments notes. To begin, please sign in to PowerSchool and on the Dashboard switch your view to Quarter 4. ?Another useful part of this will be for parents to be able to sign up for automatic PowerSchool email reports. You can choose from a variety of detailed reports that will be sent to you automatically. This is shown in the below video tutorial link. Parents can even choose the frequency with which they are sent. Also, parents and students can try out the free PowerSchool App after downloading it to a phone.? Take a look at the Parent Portal for PowerSchool video for grades 5-8: LEARNING PLANDistrict Information: Learn more about our BPS Online Learning, including an Online Family Guide, at birmingham.k12.mi.us/virtuallearning.?During this challenging time, BPS seeks to provide the community with an avenue to have their questions answered in hopes of providing transparent, informative details. See the FAQ for answers to questions already asked and submit new questions to our ASK A QUESTION link. BPS administrators will work to answer your questions as quickly as possible and to the best of our ability.?BCS Communications: Information that has been emailed out to families regarding virtual learning will be posted here: BCS Remote Learning LaunchBPS Online Guide for Families?DISTRICT FACILITIESAll BPS District facilities are closed to the public through the end of the school year. This includes playgrounds, fields and tracks. This is being done as we adhere to the Stay Home, Stay Safe directive from our state and requests from local municipalities.COVID-19 BPS UPDATESYou can find all BPS COVID-19 related updates online here: Birmingham Public Schools will be closed beginning Friday, March 13 and will remain closed through the end of the school year?Additional websites and resourcesThe Oakland County Health Division has provided the attached fact sheet to help address concerns. Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) What You Need to Know. Additionally, the CDC provides a situation summary that is updated daily as needed: Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Situation Summary, as does MDHHS: Communicable & Chronic Diseases. The CDC will continue to prepare for the potential spread of COVID-19 and will provide guidance to communities. Learn more at CDC Protects and Prepares Communities. Find a resource on all local food sources here. Information on the Pandemic EBT Program to support families in need here.? Lighthouse has partnered with Oakland University to help provide food deliveries to our Oakland County neighbors in need. If you are in need of having an Emergency Food Box delivered to your home, please order using the online form here.?COMMUNITY NEWS AND INFORMATION FOLLOWS…Seaholm Offers Support (SOS) is a service organization founded by BPS community member, Lisa Corey, and supports members of the Birmingham Public Schools community. SOS provides volunteer services and limited financial support to families within the community who experience temporary need. SOS has been able to donate $2000-$4000 each week to BPS families impacted by the coronavirus pandemic. They are in need of additional funds in order to continue this support to our families. If you are able to help with a financial donation, please visit .? A donation of $50 will help feed a family this week.VIRTUAL SUMMER FORENSICS CAMPNew and returning forensics students - or students interested in a cool virtual summer opportunity that promotes performing, research, public speaking, and civic inquiry - should check out this camp! Details can be found here: Empowered ZOOM ClassesKids Empowered is running a series of different zoom classes on topics ranging from LEGO to Sibling Conflict. See the complete Kids Empowered ZOOM Class list and sign up today!INCOMING SEAHOLM RUNNERS INTERESTED IN CROSS COUNTRYAny interested families, please watch this video about the cross country team: SEAHOLM BOYS INTERESTED IN PLAYING SOCCERNew Players/Families: Our New Player Information night was canceled.? If you know of incoming freshmen or new players interested in Seaholm Soccer, please direct them to and the New Player Information page.? And please encourage them to register and follow our FB page - Seaholm High School Men’s Soccer.??INCOMING SEAHOLM GIRLS INTERESTED IN PLAYING SOCCERCalling all graduating 8th-grade girls who are interested in joining the Girls Seaholm Golf Team in the Fall.? Golf tryouts start in early August and we would love to have you join us for some summer rounds and workouts.? Please send your e-mail and phone number of the student and parent to kvalente@.? We will add you to the list of communications.VIRTUAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP CAMPWho: Student entering grades 5-9 this fallWhat: 75-minute online sessions filled with fun, interactive activities to build an innovative and entrepreneurial mindset including:Playing gamesDeveloping new “products”Producing commercialsCreating a pitchWriting a jingle ANDSitting in the investor seatWHEN: AM and PM options the weeks of June 15-19 and 22-26 on ZoomLearn more and register on Virtual Entrepreneurship Camp OnlineFor additional District and Event News, Athletics Community Sports Groups Information click BPS District eNews?Review the annual FERPA updates and guidelines:FERPA Directory NoticeFERPA Annual Notification of RightsReview the District's Non-Discrimination PolicyAsk questions, submit comments or share stories anytime, anywhere through Let’s Talk! ................

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