Alcoholic Beverage Distributor’s Monthly Report

Alcoholic Beverage Distributor's Monthly Report

Log in with the user id and password provided through the EDS registration process and click on the Login button. If you have not registered, click on the NEW USER? link. If you cannot remember password, click on Forgot Password?

Filing a New Report

Choose the license that you are filing the report for from the drop down menu . If you are entering the detail manually or uploading only Transaction Data, click the correct report link

under File a New report.

Filling Out the General Information Page

The General Information page will auto populate with information provided during the registration process. A Reporting Period month and year must be selected. A selection from the Amended? drop down menu is also required. Add the Report Submitted By name, which is the person verifying the submitted information. Once completed, save the report.

Helpful Hint

Save your report often. If you are keying in a large amount of data, save often. This helps guard against data loss and is considered a "best practice". TIP: If you are going to pause the report activity for more than ten minutes, save the report and close out of EDS altogether. To resume your report, log back in and open the report from the Saved Work link.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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