Pengguna yang sedang mempertimbangkan membuat …

Operating System dan Aplikasi

Sebuah sistem operasi, atau OS, adalah program software yang memungkinkan perangkat keras komputer untuk berkomunikasi dan beroperasi dengan perangkat lunak komputer. Tanpa sistem operasi, komputer tidak akan bisa digunakan.


Daftar Pengembang OS

Di bawah ini adalah daftar dari banyak jenis sistem operasi tersedia saat ini, platform dan pengembang Operating Sistem.

|Operating system |Platform |Pengembang |

|AIX / AIXL |Various |IBM |

|AmigaOS |Amiga |Commodore |

|BSD |Various |BSD |

|Caldera Linux |Various |SCO |

|Corel Linux |Various |Corel |

|Debian Linux` |Various |GNU |

|DUnix |Various |Digital |

|DYNIX/ptx |Various |IBM |

|HP-UX |Various |Hewlett Packard |

|IRIX |Various |SGI |

|Kondara Linux |Various |Kondara |

|Linux |Various |Linus Torvalds |

|MAC OS 8 |Apple Macintosh |Apple |

|MAC OS 9 |Apple Macintosh |Apple |

|MAC OS 10 |Apple Macintosh |Apple |

|MAC OS X |Apple Macintosh |Apple |

|Mandrake Linux |Various |Mandrake |

|MINIX |Various |MINIX |

|MS-DOS 1.x |IBM / PC |Microsoft |

|MS-DOS 2.x |IBM / PC |Microsoft |

|MS-DOS 3.x |IBM / PC |Microsoft |

|MS-DOS 4.x |IBM / PC |Microsoft |

|MS-DOS 5.x |IBM / PC |Microsoft |

|MS-DOS 6.x |IBM / PC |Microsoft |

|NEXTSTEP |Various |Apple |

|OSF/1 |Various |OSF |

|QNX |Various |QNX |

|Red Hat Linux |Various |Red Hat |

|SCO |Various |SCO |

|Slackware Linux |Various |Slackware |

|Sun Solaris |Various |Sun |

|SuSE Linux |Various |SuSE |

|System 1 |Apple Macintosh |Apple |

|System 2 |Apple Macintosh |Apple |

|System 3 |Apple Macintosh |Apple |

|System 4 |Apple Macintosh |Apple |

|System 6 |Apple Macintosh |Apple |

|System 7 |Apple Macintosh |Apple |

|System V |Various |System V |

|Tru64 Unix |Various |Digital |

|Turbolinux |Various |Turbolinux |

|Ultrix |Various |Ultrix |

|Unisys |Various |Unisys |

|Unix |Various |Bell labs |

|UnixWare |Various |UnixWare |

|VectorLinux |Various |VectorLinux |

|Windows 2000 |IBM / PC |Microsoft |

|Windows 2003 |IBM / PC |Microsoft |

|Windows 3.X |IBM / PC |Microsoft |

|Windows 95 |IBM / PC |Microsoft |

|Windows 98 |IBM / PC |Microsoft |

|Windows CE |PDA |Microsoft |

|Windows ME |IBM / PC |Microsoft |

|Windows NT |IBM / PC |Microsoft |

|Windows Vista |IBM / PC |Microsoft |

|Windows XP |IBM / PC |Microsoft |

|Xenix |Various |Microsoft |

Catatan :

Untuk mengetahui Versi system Operasi Anda bisa mengetikan

ver (DOS command)

winver (Windows)

uname (Linux dan Varian Unix)


Pengguna yang sedang mempertimbangkan membuat perubahan dari Windows ke Linux atau Linux ke Windows umumnya ingin tahu kelebihan dan kekurangan masing-masing sistem operasi . Berikut adalah tabel untuk membantu mengilustrasikan keuntungan dan kekurangan masing-masing sistem operasi.

| |Linux |Windows |

| |Sebagian besar varian Linux yang tersedia secara gratis |Microsoft Windows $ 50.00 - $ 150,00 per tiap |

|Harga |atau dengan harga jauh lebih rendah daripada Microsoft |salinan lisensi. |

| |Windows. | |

|Kemudahan |Meskipun sebagian varian Linux telah meningkat secara |Microsoft telah membuat beberapa kemajuan dan |

| |dramatis dalam kemudahan penggunaan, Windows masih jauh |perubahan yang telah membuatnya menjadi lebih |

| |lebih mudah digunakan bagi pengguna komputer baru. |mudah untuk menggunakan sistem operasi, dan |

| | |meskipun masih di perdebatkan masih lebih mudah |

| | |dari Linux. |

|Kehandalan |Sebagian besar varian Linux terkenal handal dan sering |Meskipun Microsoft Windows telah membuat |

| |dapat berjalan selama berbulan-bulan bahkan |perbaikan besar dalam kehandalan selama beberapa |

| |bertahun-tahun tanpa perlu di-reboot. |versi terakhir dari Windows, masih tidak bisa |

| | |dibandingkan dengan keandalan Linux. |

|Perangkat lunak |Linux memiliki berbagai besar tersedia software program,|Karena jumlah pengguna Microsoft Windows besar, |

| |utilitas, dan permainan. Namun, Windows memiliki pilihan|ada banyak pilihan perangkat lunak program, |

| |yang jauh lebih besar dari perangkat lunak yang |utilitas, dan permainan untuk Windows. |

| |tersedia. | |

|Harga Perangkat Lunak |Banyak tersedia software program, utilitas, dan |Meskipun Windows tidak memiliki software program,|

| |permainan tersedia di Linux adalah freeware dan / atau |utilitas, dan permainan gratis, sebagian besar |

| |open source Bahkan program yang kompleks seperti |program memiliki harga antara $ 20.00 - $ 200,00 |

| |seperti Gimp , OpenOffice , StarOffice , dan Wine yang |+ per salinan. |

| |tersedia secara gratis atau dengan biaya rendah. | |

|Perangkat keras |Perusahaan Linux danprodusen perangkat keras telah |Karena jumlah pengguna Microsoft Windows dan |

| |membuat kemajuan besar dalam dukungan hardware untuk |dukungan driver yang lebih luas, Windows memiliki|

| |Linux dan Linux hari ini akan mendukung sebagian besar |dukungan yang lebih besar untuk perangkat keras |

| |perangkat keras Namun, masih banyak perusahaan tidak |dan mayoritas produsen perangkat keras mendukung |

| |menawarkan atau memberikan dukungan driver untuk |produk mereka dalam Microsoft Windows. |

| |hardware mereka di Linux. | |

|Keamanan |Linux akan selalu menjadi sistem operasi yang sangat |Meskipun Microsoft telah membuat perbaikan besar |

| |aman. Meskipun masih bisa diserang, jika dibandingkan |selama bertahun-tahun dengan keamanan pada sistem|

| |dengan Windows, jauh lebih aman. |operasi mereka, sistem operasi mereka terus |

| | |menjadi yang paling rentan terhadap virus dan |

| | |serangan lainnya. |

|Open Source |Banyak varian Linux dan program open source yang |Microsoft Windows tidak open source dan sebagian |

| |memungkinkan pengguna untuk menyesuaikan atau |besar program-program Windows tidak open source. |

| |memodifikasi kode yang diinginkan. | |

|Layanan |Meskipun mungkin sulit mencari pengguna yang terbiasa |Microsoft Windows memiliki dukungan, dan memiliki|

| |dengan semua varian Linux, ada banyak dokumentasi online|jumlah besar dokumentasi online yang tersedia, |

| |yang tersedia dan bisa membantu,. |serta buku-buku tentang masing-masing versi |

| | |Windows. |

Untuk aplikasi coba kita lihat tabel berikut :

|Windows Software |Linux Equivalent/Alternative |

|3D Home Architect |Sweet Home 3D ( ) |

| | |

|3D Studio Max |K-3D ( ) |

| | |

| |Wings 3D ( ) |

| | |

| |Art of Illusion ( ) |

| | |

| |Blender ( ) |

| | |

|ACDSee |KuickShow ( ) |

| | |

| |ShowImg ( ) |

| | |

| |Gwenview ( ) |

| | |

| |GQview ( ) |

| | |

| |Eye of GNOME ( ) |

| | |

|Adobe Acrobat Reader |okular ( ) |

| | |

| |Xpdf ( ) |

| | |

| |Evince ( ) |

| | |

| |ePDFView ( ) |

| | |

| |KPDF ( ) |

| | |

|Adobe Audition |Audacity ( ) |

| | |

|Adobe Illustrator |Skencil ( ) |

| | |

| |Inkscape ( ) |

| | |

| |Karbon14 ( ) |

| | |

| |Xara Xtreme for Linux ( ) |

| | |

|Adobe PageMaker |Scribus ( ) |

| | |

|Adobe PhotoAlbum |F-Spot ( ) |

| | |

| |KPhotoAlbum ( ) |

| | |

| |digiKam ( ) |

| | |

|Adobe Photoshop |CinePaint ( ) |

| | |

| |Krita ( ) |

| | |

| |GIMP ( ) |

| | |

|Adobe Premiere |PiTiVi ( ) |

| | |

| |LiVES ( ) |

| | |

| |Kino ( ) |

| | |

| |Cinelerra ( ) |

| | |

| |kdenlive ( ) |

| | |

| |Jahshaka ( ) |

| | |

|Ant Movie Catalog |Moviefly ( ) |

| | |

|AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) |Kopete ( ) |

| | |

| |Pidgin ( ) |

| | |

|APC PowerChute |Network UPS Tools ( ) |

| | |

| |Apcupsd ( ) |

| | |

| |PowerD ( ) |

| | |

|CDex |Sound Juicer ( ) |

| | |

| |Rubyripper ( ) |

| | |

| |ripperX ( ) |

| | |

| |Grip ( ) |

| | |

| |KAudioCreator ( ) |

| | |

|Collectorz |aviManager ( ) |

| | |

| |GCstar ( ) |

| | |

| |Tellico ( ) |

| | |

| |Alexandria ( ) |

| | |

| |Griffith ( ) |

| | |

| |vMovieDB ( ) |

| | |

| |Katalog ( ) |

| | |

|Dreamweaver |Quanta Plus ( ) |

| | |

| |Geany ( ) |

| | |

| |Nvu ( ) |

| | |

| |Screem ( ) |

| | |

| |KompoZer ( ) |

| | |

| |Bluefish ( ) |

| | |

|DVDShrink |k9copy ( ) |

| | |

| |OGMRip ( ) |

| | |

| |Thoggen ( ) |

| | |

| |xdvdshrink ( ) |

| | |

| |DVD Rip-O-Matic ( ) |

| | |

| |qVamps ( ) |

| | |

| |dvd::rip ( ) |

| | |

| |AcidRip ( ) |

| | |

|Everest |HardInfo ( ) |

| | |

|Finale |Lilypond ( ) |

| | |

| |Denemo ( ) |

| | |

| |Rosegarden ( ) |

| | |

| |NoteEdit ( ) |

| | |

| |Brahms ( ) |

| | |

|Flash |F4L ( ) |

| | |

|Fontographer |FontForge ( ) |

| | |

|Forte Agent |Pan ( ) |

| | |

|FruityLoops |LMMS ( ) |

| | |

| |Hydrogen ( ) |

| | |

|Google Desktop Search |Google Desktop ( ) |

| | |

| |Beagle ( ) |

| | |

|Guitar Pro |TuxGuitar ( ) |

| | |

| |DGuitar ( ) |

| | |

| |kguitar ( ) |

| | |

|iTunes |Banshee ( ) |

| | |

| |aTunes ( ) |

| | |

| |Quod Libet ( ) |

| | |

| |SongBird ( ) |

| | |

| |Exaile ( ) |

| | |

| |Amarok ( ) |

| | |

| |Listen ( ) |

| | |

| |Rhythmbox ( ) |

| | |

| |gtkpod ( ) |

| | |

|Legacy Family Tree |GRAMPS ( ) |

| | |

|LimeWire |FrostWire ( ) |

| | |

|Meal Master |krecipe ( ) |

| | |

| |Gourmet Recipe Manager ( ) |

| | |

|Microsoft Access |Kexi ( ) |

| | |

| |knoda ( ) |

| | |

| |GNOME-DB ( ) |

| | |

|Microsoft Excel |KSpread ( ) |

| | |

| |Open Calc ( ) |

| | |

| |Gnumeric ( ) |

| | |

|Microsoft Frontpage |Quanta Plus ( ) |

| | |

| |Nvu ( ) |

| | |

| |KompoZer ( ) |

| | |

| |Bluefish ( ) |

| | |

|Microsoft HyperTerminal |minicom ( ) |

| | |

| |GtkTerm ( ) |

| | |

|Microsoft Internet Explorer |Epiphany ( ) |

| | |

| |Opera ( ) |

| | |

| |Firefox ( ) |

| | |

| |Konqueror ( ) |

| | |

|Microsoft Money |KMyMoney ( ) |

| | |

| |GNUcash ( ) |

| | |

| |Gnofin ( ) |

| | |

| |Grisbi ( ) |

| | |

|Microsoft Office |GNOME Office ( ) |

| | |

| |KOffice ( ) |

| | |

| |OpenOffice ( ) |

| | |

|Microsoft OneNote |BasKet ( ) |

| | |

|Microsoft Outlook (Express) |Thunderbird ( ) |

| | |

| |Evolution ( ) |

| | |

|Microsoft Powerpoint |Open Office Impress ( ) |

| | |

| |KPresenter ( ) |

| | |

|Microsoft Project |KPlato ( ) |

| | |

| |OpenProj ( ) |

| | |

| |GanttProject ( ) |

| | |

| |Planner ( ) |

| | |

| |TaskJuggler ( ) |

| | |

|Microsoft Visio |Dia ( ) |

| | |

| |Kivio ( ) |

| | |

|Microsoft Windows Media Center |Freevo ( ) |

| | |

| |Elisa Media Center ( ) |

| | |

| |XBMC Media Center ( ) |

| | |

| |MythTV ( ) |

| | |

| |LinuxMCE ( ) |

| | |

|Microsoft Word |Open Office Writer ( ) |

| | |

| |AbiWord ( ) |

| | |

| |Kword ( ) |

| | |

|mIRC |Konversation ( ) |

| | |

| |KVIrc ( ) |

| | |

| |BitchX ( ) |

| | |

| |Xchat ( ) |

| | |

| |ChatZilla! ( ) |

| | |

| |irssi ( ) |

| | |

| |Pidgin ( ) |

| | |

|Mp3tag |Kid3 ( ) |

| | |

| |Pinkytagger ( ) |

| | |

| |EasyTAG ( ) |

| | |

| |Cowbell ( ) |

| | |

| |Audio Tag Tool ( ) |

| | |

|MSN messenger |Mercury Messenger ( ) |

| | |

| |Kopete ( ) |

| | |

| |aMSN ( ) |

| | |

| |Pidgin ( ) |

| | |

|Mudbox |SharpConstruct ( ) |

| | |

|Nero Burning Rom |X-CD-Roast ( ) |

| | |

| |Brasero ( ) |

| | |

| |GnomeBaker ( ) |

| | |

| |Graveman! ( ) |

| | |

| |K3b ( ) |

| | |

|NetMeeting |Ekiga ( ) |

| | |

|NetStumbler |Kismet ( ) |

| | |

| |SWScanner ( ) |

| | |

|NewzCrawler |RSSOwl ( ) |

| | |

| |Liferea ( ) |

| | |

| |BasKet ( ) |

| | |

| |Akregator ( ) |

| | |

| |Blam ( ) |

| | |

| |Straw ( ) |

| | |

|Notepad |leafpad ( ) |

| | |

| |NEdit ( ) |

| | |

| |jEdit ( ) |

| | |

| |Kate ( ) |

| | |

| |gedit ( ) |

| | |

| |Scribes ( ) |

| | |

| |tpad ( ) |

| | |

|OrangeCD Catalog |GWhere ( ) |

| | |

|Origin |SciGraphica ( ) |

| | |

|Partition Magic |Partimage ( ) |

| | |

| |GParted ( ) |

| | |

| |QtParted ( ) |

| | |

|Picasa |F-Spot ( ) |

| | |

| |KPhotoAlbum ( ) |

| | |

| |digiKam ( ) |

| | |

|Pro Tools |Ardour ( ) |

| | |

|Quicken |KMyMoney ( ) |

| | |

| |GNUcash ( ) |

| | |

| |Gnofin ( ) |

| | |

| |Grisbi ( ) |

| | |

|SoulSeek |Nicotine ( ) |

| | |

| |Nicotine-Plus ( ) |

| | |

|SoundForge |ReZound ( ) |

| | |

|TexnicCenter | |

| | |

|Total Commander |GNOME Commander ( ) |

| | |

| |xfe ( ) |

| | |

| |Tux Commander ( ) |

| | |

| |Midnight Commander ( ) |

| | |

| |Krusader ( ) |

| | |

|Traktor DJ |Mixxx ( ) |

| | |

| |terminatorX ( ) |

| | |

|Videora |thin liquid film ( ) |

| | |

|Winamp |Audacious ( ) |

| | |

| |Amarok ( ) |

| | |

| |XMMS ( ) |

| | |

|Windows Media Player |KPlayer ( ) |

| | |

| |VideoLAN ( ) |

| | |

| |xine ( ) |

| | |

| |mplayer ( ) |

| | |

|Windows Movie Maker |PiTiVi ( ) |

| | |

| |LiVES ( ) |

| | |

| |Open Movie Editor ( ) |

| | |

| |Avidemux ( ) |

| | |

| |Cinelerra ( ) |

| | |

| |kdenlive ( ) |

| | |

|WinIso |ISO Master ( ) |

| | |

| |KIso ( ) |

| | |

|WinMerge |KDiff3 ( ) |

| | |

| |Meld ( ) |

| | |

| |xxdiff ( ) |

| | |

| |Kile ( ) |

| | |

|WinTV |XdTV ( ) |

| | |

| |tvtime ( ) |

| | |

|WS_FTP |gFTP ( ) |

| | |

| |FireFTP ( ) |

| | |

|Zbrush |SharpConstruct ( ) |

| | |

|ZoneAlarm |Guarddog ( ) |

| | |

| |Firestarter ( ) |

| | |

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