| Spring 1 Week 2 CLASS 2LP 2020-2021 W/B 11/1/21 Words of the week ( furiously mysteriously anxiously |

|8:55 |9:15 |09:30 – 10.45

| |11:00 – 12:00 | |13:15 – 14:15 |14:15 – 15:15 | |


| |Spellings




Practise writing them in rainbow writing


5x each and then put into a sentence. |Shared reading – children to write and draw a prediction about what they think might happen in the story called ‘The Bear and the Piano’.

Listen to the story after.


B |Maths- L.O. To find a total.

Recap on the different values of coins and notes – may help to practically show children the coins and notes if possible.

Might be nice to play shops and children price up different items to buy and work out how much money they would need to buy 2 different items.

White rose – find the total sheet day 1.

Video link - |L |SPAG- to use the suffix ‘ly’ to turn adjectives into adverbs.

There are lots of different spelling rules to adding ‘ly’ -today we will focus on adding ‘ly’ when the root word ends in a consonant.

Children to add ‘ly’ to these adjectives and turn them into adverbs. Then write or say into a sentence checking it makes sense.

quick, smooth, slow, quiet, loud, independent, |Science – To discuss the use of everyday materials. Science activity sheet and materials hunt. | |


| |Spellings



Practise writing them in joined up writing 5x each and then put into a sentence. |Shared reading – read the first part of the story ‘The Bear and the Piano’ up to…Every night, a crowd gathered to listen to the magical melodies coming from the bear and the strange thing.

Discuss the meanings of these words – stubby, eventually, shyly, melodies and the words of the week – furiously, mysteriously and anxiously. |

R |Maths - L.O. To find a total.

Recap ordering coins and complete - White rose – find the difference sheet, day 2.

Video link -

|U |SPAG – to use the suffix ‘ly’ to turn adjectives into adverbs.

Recap adding the suffix ‘ly’ to adjectives ending in a consonant. Complete SPAG sheet – day 2. |DT – I can generate ideas by drawing on my own and other experiences.

Children to design a new Piano for the bear. Think about the colour, texture, materials you could use to make it e.g cardboard to represent wood, paper and black pen for the keys,

DT design sheet. | |


| |Spellings




Practise writing them in pyramid style –






5x each and then put into a sentence. |Shared reading –read the next part of the story up to and before long…

Children to make a list of reasons 'for' and 'against' the bear leaving the forest and going to the city. |

E |Maths - L.O. To give change.

Focus on giving change. Explain to children that subtraction number sentence would be the way to work out the difference. May be nice to work practically again by playing shops/ practising buying different items and using a coin/note to pay – then working out how much change would be given.

Giving change at the toy shop – 3 levels of ability- 3 sheets. |N

|SPAG – to use the suffix ‘ly’ to turn adjectives into adverbs. Adjectives ending in ‘l’ still just need ‘ly’ added to them.

careful, peaceful, beautiful, wonderful,


Children to add the suffix ‘ly’ and write or say into a sentence that makes sense. |PE –children to create different moves that go with different adjectives e.g. doing something carefully, slowly, neatly, quickly, beautifully, quietly, etc. | |


| |Spellings



Practise writing them in the flower 5x each and then put into a sentence. |Shared reading –

Read the remainder of the story and write a list of any adjectives that you can add ‘ly’ to. |

A |Literacy – to use the suffix ‘ly’ to turn adjectives into adverbs.

Long write – children to write their version of the story using as many adverbs as they can.

See example of a beginning. |C |Maths- L.O. To give change.

Practise again giving change. Today children need to first add up the cost of two items before they subtract this from the coin used to pay.

White rose – find the change sheet.

Video link - |Ipads –numbots | |FRIDAY | |Letter formation

See sheet, ensure children start and finish letters in the correct place. |Reading comprehension- How to repair a bicycle puncture.

Focus on sequencing Suki. |K |Maths- L.O. To find a total and to give change.

Maths strip |H |Music - When the bear in the story plays, he dreams of strange and wonderful lands. Listen to a piece of piano music and draw / write / describe what it makes you think of.

- watch trailer to listen for free to the piano music.

|, DT – I can follow my own design idea.

Children to try and make their piano using different materials.

Or easy option just using paper and a black pen/pencil

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