Reiss-Evans-Broyles, Pharmacological Aspects of Nursing ...

Reiss-Evans-Broyles, Pharmacological Aspects of Nursing Care, 6E

ISBN: 0-7668-0502-6

|Student Study Guide CD-ROM (over 500 questions) packaged free in |Free interactive activity software allows the student to learn in|

|back of main text |a stimulating environment. Includes review questions in the |

| |NCLEX style, with rationales for correct answers, and case |

| |studies with questions, answers, and rationales. Also contains |

| |case activities, games such as Tic-Tac-Toe, crossword puzzle, and|

| |a comprehensive game quiz format. |

|Electronic Classroom Manager |Organized by chapter, editable and printable. Includes changes |

|(0-7668-0503-4) 1 CD-ROM in a DVD case (gratis with adoption) |to new edition, chapter outlines, and answers to case study |

|includes: |questions. |

| | |

|Instructor’s Guide | |

|Power Point Presentation (50 slides) |Presentation of over 50 full color images from the text to |

| |enhance student learning experience. |

|Computerized Test Bank (1,000 questions) |Database of 1,000 questions. Includes true/false and multiple |

| |choice questions with answers. Allows instructors to add their |

| |own questions, offers electronic “take-home” testing or |

| |internet-based testing capabilities. Also allows instructor to |

| |incorporate multimedia into electronic tests. |

|Online Resource |Updates, information, and supplemental content |

|(olcs/reiss/index.html) | |


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