Please be patient and polite when visiting pharmacies

Please be patient and polite when visiting pharmaciesCommunity pharmacies are currently experiencing unprecedented demand for their services and safety measures to protect staff and customers from Covid-19 has meant, in some cases, there have been long delays and shortages of stock.Unfortunately, according to the pharmacist’s union the Pharmacists’ Defence Association, this has led to pharmacists and their staff experiencing verbal abuse and threats from customers.While I appreciate that people are anxious and worried about getting their medication, the stories I have heard from the pharmacy community in Gwent are unacceptable.Right now community pharmacists are part of the front-line defence against Covid-19. They are an essential part of the health service, giving help and advice, while also trying to do their day job and provide medicines and service to residents.I have fed my concerns back to the Chief Constable of Gwent Police and asked that neighbourhood policing teams make visits to local pharmacies as part of their daily patrols.?No one should have to put up with abuse and threatening behaviour in the line of their professional duty. We are all in this together and the situation is unlikely to change for many weeks. Please show tolerance, patience and understanding when visiting your local pharmacy. Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner reinforces calls for residents to stay home and stay safeThe Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent, Eleri Thomas, has reinforced calls for everyone in Gwent to stay at home wherever possible: “It is essential that everyone listens to the clear government guidance to help tackle this virus.??“All of our public services need your support and the easiest way of doing this is to simply stay at home.??“It is essential that people who need help can get it. And, to do that, all public services need to be able to respond as efficiently and effective as possible.?“Collectively, we all need to pull together to protect the most vulnerable in society by doing everything we can to slow the spread of Co-Vid 19.??“Help us achieve this by only calling 101 and 999 if you need to and please do not call Gwent Police for guidance on what the new government guidelines mean to you. Full guidance is available at the website and this is the place for the most up-to-date information on the virus.?“The message is simple. Stay home. Protect the NHS. Save lives.” Don’t suffer in silence?No-one should have to suffer from violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual violence (VAWDASV).However, help is available to people who do.Live Fear Free is a Welsh Government helpline giving information and advice for people suffering with domestic abuse or sexual violence. The helpline is free and staff are available 24 hours, seven days a week with information, support and signposting. The phone number is 0808 8010 800.You can also go to .uk and click on VAWDASV for information and advice.Speak out, as there’s no excuse for any abuse. Please don’t suffer in silence; help is available. Be aware of Coronavirus scamsFraudsters will use any opportunity they can to take money from innocent people.Since February, Action Fraud has received 107 reports of Coronavirus-related scams, with innocent people losing a total of ?970,000.There has been a 400% increase in reports during March as the situation worsens.The Gwent Police Cyber Security Team have highlighted the most common scams which include:Online shopping: People have ordered protective face masks, hand sanitiser and other products that have never arrived. Carry out research on websites you don’t know before completing a purchase. If you decide to go ahead, use a credit card as most credit card providers insure online purchases.Phishing emails and texts: Claiming to be from organisations such as World Health Organisation (WHO), HMRC, Netflix, Amazon, Local Health Boards and local councils. These emails/text messages could contain malicious links and attachments which could lead to fraudsters stealing personal information, email logins and passwords, and banking details. Don’t click on links and attachments in emails, carry out your own research and never respond with personal or financial details.Door to door testing kits: Suspicious callers are said to have been knocking on doors of elderly and vulnerable residents saying that they are health officials doing door-to-door testing. Do not answer the door to anyone you don’t know or anyone calling out of the blue. These tests are only available from the NHS.False school meal messages: Some parents have received text messages and emails offering free meals which request bank details. These are not legitimate and you should not respond with any of your information.? UK Government launches Coronavirus Information Service on WhatsApp?The new GOV.UK Coronavirus Information Service is free to use and aims to provide official, trustworthy and timely information and advice about coronavirus (COVID-19), and will further reduce the burden on NHS services.?The GOV.UK Coronavirus Information Service is an automated ‘chatbot’ service which will allow the British public to get accurate answers to the most common questions about coronavirus direct from government.To use the free GOV.UK Coronavirus Information Service on WhatsApp, simply add 07860 064422 in your phone contacts and then message the word ‘hi’ in a WhatsApp message to get started.?For more information visit .uk/government/news/government-launches-coronavirus-information-service-on-whatsapp Have your say on draft strategic equality plan objectivesThe Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent (OPCC) and Gwent Police are asking residents if they agree with four draft objectives for its forthcoming Strategic Equality Plan.The Strategic Equality Plan is based on the Equality and Human Rights Commission’s guidelines and draws together information about the organisation, its commitment to equality and other related information that supports the equality objectives.?The draft objectives aim to support vulnerable people, ensure policing activities are carried out legitimately and proportionately, and foster positive relations between communities and policing.Residents can have their say by completing the online survey. Tampon Tax Fund open for applicationsThe government’s Tampon Tax Fund, which allocates funding raised from the VAT on sanitary products to projects to improve the lives of disadvantaged women and girls, is open for applications.Applications can be made via .uk/government/publications/tampon-tax-fund-application-form-2020-2021-funding-roundThe deadline for applications is Sunday 31 May. ................

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