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Fair Use and Copyright LawAssignment 1: Fair Use FAQVisit and answer the questions below.The Copyright Act gives copyright holders the exclusive right to__________.By carving out a space for creative uses of music, literature, movies, and so on, even while the works are protected by copyright, fair use helps to reduce a tension between copyright law and the _____________.What was the court ruling in In Carol Burnett v.s. Twentieth Century Fox? Whether something is considered “fair use” will depend on four factors. Briefly explain each.Assignment 2: FAIR(Y) Use QuestionsWatch answer the questions belowYou cannot copy work without the permission of the What can be copyrighted? Can you copyright an idea? We can only copyright the _______an idea takes.A work in the public domain is free for ______________.How long is a copyright? A company’s copyright last how long? You can borrow a small amount of copyright protected work to Fair use depends on the nature of the work you borrowed, the amount, the commercial impact, and it has to be something that Click on the creative commons attribution non-commercial share alike3.0 license and tell me what you think it is.THE BIG QUESTION! Why can the people who made this video use Disney images without being sued? Assignment 3: Parody – “Falsiness”Watch and explain whether or not the video infringes on copyright law. When answering, consider the following:What was the purpose of the movie? Is it a different work than the original? Is it informative?What was the nature of the original work? Was the new work transformative in any way or merely a copy?How much of the original work was copied?Does the movie harm the original work in any way or act as a substitute?Assignment 4: You Be The JudgeCopy QuizTrue or False?Copyright status is only granted to well-known authors and filmmakers..Sam buys a new band's CD but decides he doesn't like the singer, so he resells the CD on eBay. That's legal.The sole purpose of copyright is to make authors money and protect them from getting their works stolen.Amy tells Daniel about her summer vacation, and he says he'd love to see her pictures. Amy uses a peer-to-peer (P2P) file-sharing program to upload the photographs she took at camp so he can download them. That's copyright infringement.Jason copies the entire last chapter from the final Harry Potter book to his commercial blog without any additional commentary. Since he only used part of the work, Jason would be protected by fair use.Kathy downloaded a few photos of local organic farms from 's Creative Commons (CC) pool. She follows the rules of the photographer's specific CC license and uses them in her digital video about sustainable agriculture. That's OK.Dwight finds a peer-to-peer (P2P) network that offers free music downloads. He owns all but one of his favorite band's CDs, and he finds that particular CD on the network. He's too cheap to buy it, so he downloads the songs. He's not committing copyright infringement.Paula read an interesting article about the making of the film Titanic and wants to use a short quote in her cinema review paper for journalism class. That's copyright infringement.The Public Domain is a polar research station in Antarctica.Adam recorded a video for his YouTube channel about the upcoming Senate elections and includes an official photo taken by a government employee and four bills authored by the incumbent that Adam found on the Senate's website. That's copyright infringement.Justin downloaded the black-and-white horror classic Night of the Living Dead from the Internet Archive and decided to mix an audio sample from the film into one of his original songs. That's copyright infringement.Since Richard forgot to register his screenplay before he sent it out to agents for review, he's no longer eligible to copyright it. ................

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