Thomas M. Menino, Mayor

a new bostonian's guide to


Helping new immigrants settle in the city

Welcome to Boston!

Benvindu! Moving to a new place can be challenging, especially for an immigrant moving to a new country. You may find many

Bienvenue things different in Boston from how they used to be back home; like school, work and especially the weather!

Byenveni! The following quick checklist was created to help make your

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it lists some things to do. You you need to do and which ones

dobro pozhalovat'youCayrreillgicoing to do first.

Benvenuto pozhalovat' Cyrillic

Welcome to Boston Checklist

ApphluyanfoyrinagSocial Security Number (SSN) and/or Mass ID

?Bienvenidos! hMuaanndyairningFinMd aanpdlaaricne to live Willkommen dobro pozhalovat' Cyrillic Find daycare for your children

huan yingLearn how to register your children in school MandarinGet information about finding a job

Get maps of bus routes and find out how to get around

Apply for a driver's license

Find a Community Health Center close to your home

Find English classes for you and your family

Find a public library close to your home

Open a bank account

Learn about your rights

Find services for your elderly relatives or relatives

with disabilities

Learn about common practices

Learn more about U.S. government

Get additional resources to help you get settled in Boston




2 Mayor's Welcome 3 Mayor's Office of New Bostonians 4 Neighborhood Map 6 How Can Boston Help You? 7 Map of Essential Services Downtown

Getting Started

8 Housing 12 Utilities 15 Caring for Your Children 18 Children's Education 24 Employment and Starting

a Business 28 Banking 30 Transportation

Settling In

36 Health 39 Adult Education 41 Legal & Immigration Assistance

Civil Rights Encountering Law Enforcement Domestic Violence Child Abuse Elder Abuse Immigration Assistance 50 Elderly Services 52 Disability Services 55 Public Assistance Housing Food Fuel

More Things to Know

58 Public Safety & Emergencies 61 Common Practices 64 Learning About U.S. Government 66 Community Organizations by

Language Spoken 68 Consulate Locations



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