Train the Trainer Workshop - Clemson University


For Workshop Leaders, Summer, 2013 linked on ,Workshops, Workshop Leaders


1. As they arrive, ask students to plug in the Ethernet cord and power supply and if possible turn off wireless switch.

2. Ask them to go ahead and turn their computers on and log in.

3. If they are very early, ask them to check to make sure they do not have any Windows updates to do while they wait. This year we will work together – and NOT have them proceed at their own pace. If there is still extra time, suggest that they uninstall any programs they do not need.

4. At the start time, pass out handouts (not earlier so you can have them all stay together). Introduce yourself and any helpers in the room. (All leaders and helpers should wear name tags.)

5. On the podium computer, show, Workshops, Workshop Links – mentioning all web sites covered in the workshop are there – tell them this is also on the back of their handout.

6. Network Registration. Have them complete their network registrations by opening Internet Explorer.

If they get the NetReg screen:

Have them fill it out but do NOT reboot. Tell them to be sure that under description they should put: Clemson User Name – kind of laptop (like Dell) - Ethernet

Tell them they must register both Ethernet and wireless on each computer they use. (We’ll do wireless at the end.)

Tell them that they can see their registrations at (go there on podium computer) and see the policy there under “add registration”. This address is on the back of their handout and on the Workshop Links page.

7. Remove Antivirus. Go to Control Panel, Programs and uninstall all antivirus programs. Some to look for are anything that starts Norton, Symmantec, Live Update, Live Reg, AVG, Trend, McAfee, Kapersky, Panda, Avast, Avira, Microsoft Security Essentials. Some may ask to leave the one they have on their computer. Tell them they may do so at their own risk – and the Support Center may require the Clemson Anti Virus before helping them with malware. If they have Windows 8, ask them to also remove Defender since it is antivirus on Windows 8 (but only antimalware on Windows 7 and earlier). If there is enough time, suggest that they also remove any trial version software, older or partial versions of MS Office, Works, etc. while waiting.

8. Download Software Installer. Have them go to and click on Student Install and download and run the CCIT Software Center. Depending on their browser’s settings, they may get some security warnings. They might see a warning about this being potentially harmful to your computer. They may click on Actions, More Actions, Run Anyway… Tell them to be very patient it will probably take a very long time to install. While waiting on this, proceed to the next few steps.

9. CCIT Web Site and Passwords. Next, have them go to and show them around a little bit. Show them the password reset option. Talk a little about password restrictions (should start their password with a letter and use @, # or $ for the special characters). Explain that they will have three passwords – Clemson, Windows, and Google. Tell them they will have to change the Clemson password once per year, but the other two will not have to be changed.

10. Central Password Reset. Have the students open a browser and go to

Click on the self service tab. Create their own questions/answers in case they ever have a problem and need to reset their password without knowing old password.

11. CU Safety. Open a browser. Go to login/clemson and follow the prompts to register for the Rave Alerts for CU Safety – to get text messages in the event of an emergency. Explain that this is OPTIONAL if they do not have a cell phone or have one that charges for text messages.

11. Configuration and Software Choices. By this point, if their Software Installer is finished installing, have them select “CCIT Configuration and Setup”. It will take them through these pages:

a. Configuration registration – put in their Clemson user name and password

b. Welcome message – click I agree to two messages. Explain that it would be rare to lose data while doing this, but we did caution them to back up their data in the pre-workshop instructions.

c. User information – have them user their Clemson user name as their primary account name and any password they want

d. Additional user information – have them create a backdoor account (can be called backdoor or anything they want) and a password for the back door account. Also have them put in their full name and initials for Microsoft Office – the name they want to appear when they turn in digital documents to a professor.

e. Computer name – it is recommended that they user their Clemson user name. If they have more than one computer they may attach additional letters or numbers to identify them.

f. Standard software – if they already have any of these, they may uncheck them. Tell them we’ll talk about them in a few minutes.

g. Finish/Closing – there will be a few steps where you see progress.

h. There may be several system restarts, but the installation will continue after the restarts.

i. Note the icon on the left below can be clicked on to see installation status:


Note if they see errors, ask them to be patient, some times they resolve themselves after a few minutes…

While waiting on installation (after all of the restarts are finished), proceed to the steps below:

12. Software. Tell them that there are other software programs they can install, but wait until asked to do so by an instructor. Explain the four they are currently installing:

a. MS Office 2010 Professional – explain that Clemson has a site license with MS for all students to install any version of Office on any computers they use for academic purposes. There is a version 2013 that will be available when they are ready to upgrade – but for now the recommended version is 2010.

b. Trend Micro – Clemson antivirus that will be managed to provide the best protection for users on the Clemson campus.

c. PawPrints – the printing and plotting solution that allows users to print to public printers. We will show a video on that in a few minutes.

d. EduRoam wireless – this will put the best settings on their computers to access the Clemson wireless – and some other school that use the same wireless

13. Go to Explain that if they need to reset their Google Apps password, they can do it from here. Or if they want to change their mail forwarding, that is here too. Strongly recommend that they not forward their Clemson email to some other service. Leave this open for a few minutes until after the Google Apps Demo.

14. Google Apps Demo. Have them open a new browser tab and go to Put in user name and password. If they have not been on before, temporary password will be cu##xxxx where xxxx is last four digits of social security number.

(If Google password does not work, they can go to to reset it.)

Show them Arrow beside email address, Account, Security, Change password to change password.

Show them the More option in mail - which is where trash goes. Mention if they get email from askpostman, that is the university spam filter and they should look at it in case any good mail is going there. Talk about the importance of checking your mail frequently.

Show them the black bar across the top with the other apps – including Calendar, Sites (mention this is a place where they can create their own web sites – and they will be required to have a web site for the ePortfolio program).

Have them click on Drive and install it. Show them that it makes a folder in their documents where they can drag and drop files. Emphasize the importance of data backup and mention there are other options listed on the Links page. Mention another similar option is found at Clemson. – but they only keep that while they are at Clemson – but they get to keep Google Apps after they graduate.

15. Talk about Backups. Tell them that it is important to back up your important academic data regularly. Mention that Google Drive (30 GB) and Clemson Box (10 GB) are tied to Clemson account, but some other options are: (free 2 GB of drag and drop storage – can be installed on multiple computers and share files), (free 2 GB of backup – can set to do automatically), (7 GB), DVDs/CDs, external drives… and Clemson. (10 GB, but must be transferred when they graduate).

16. Recommend Malwarebytes Antimalware. They can get this at . Explain that Spyware is caused by visiting certain web pages and/or file sharing programs. Tell them they have McAfee antispyware and Defender (a part of Windows). If they want a THIRD one they can try this.

Remind them that Malwarebytes will need to have new definitions downloaded regularly – and scans performed periodically to keep the computer running well.

17. Talk about file sharing programs. Explain that it is illegal to upload or download copyrighted material – which includes most music files. Explain that downloading music can cause other problems with their computers including possible viruses and/or spyware – not to mention possible legal problems.

Recommend , or as a legal and free way to listen to music on their computers. Some other legal options include Youtube, Grooveshark, Last.FM.

18. Talk about care of laptops. Place drinks on the floor or beneath laptop. Use protection in backpacks. Keep backpacks with you at all times – treat it like a purse. Use cable locks if laptop is left where it could be stolen (in unlocked dorm room). Recommend for accident/theft insurance.

19. Talk about laptop etiquette. Turn off sound in class or group situations. Do not email, instant message, web surf, or play games during class or your behavior could result in everyone being asked to close their laptops – preventing some from taking notes.

20. Discuss Training Options. Tell them we have instructor led training, Tech Talks on Tuesdays at 2:00, web pages with links to self-help on various Windows, Apple, and Microsoft products – as well as Google, Audio/Video, HTML, and a lot of other topics. Tell them to go to and click on Training for more information.

21. Explain the different support options. They can call their vendor - especially from home. They can email or call the CCIT Support Center ( or 656-3494). They can visit the CCIT Support Center.

22. Show them how to update their Windows and their Trend Micro. Explain that those things should be set to update automatically, but it’s a good idea to go ahead and do it periodically – or any time they have been offline a while.

23. Activate Office and Show PawPrints. After the software installation finishes, have them open MS Word 2010. It should ask them to activate – tell them to do that. While it is open, show them File, Print, and the PawPrints printers.

Send your job to the print queue: [CCIT Lab Printer]

Visit any of our PawPrints printers on campus

Swipe your card or enter user id info via touch panel

Select job from your list to be printed and click [Print]

NOTE: the plotters are located in the Support Center and are used to print large academic posters. Plots cost $1 per square foot, print is 5 cents per page (front and back). The first $25.50 of printing per semester is free. See Printing and Plotting page for up to date information.

24. Wireless. Help them find their wireless on/off switches for the laptops that have that feature. Talk about speed of Ethernet vs wireless. Have everyone unplug their Ethernet cables and help them get on wireless. Have them click on the “talking computers” in the taskbar and select eduroam. Tell them to select “more information” and put in user (NOT an email address), password, and leave logon blank. They will need to provide “more information” a second time and click OK.

If they have trouble, have them put their Ethernet cable back in and go to and try the installer from there. Tell them to look at this page later for more information about wireless at Clemson. Remind them that wireless connections may be slower than Ethernet connections and there may be a few locations on campus that do not receive signals.

Still having trouble? Here is the certificate (will have on flash drives if it appears necessary)


Mention the Guest wireless – which should not be used by students.

Once they are online wirelessly, have them open a browser. If it goes to the Network Registration page, explain that they need to register once for Ethernet and once for wireless. Have them register again – putting “wireless” as a part of the description.

25. Workshop Links. Remind them that if they go to click on Workshops, Workshop Links they can see a link to all of the web pages mentioned in the workshops.


*** Emphasize this:

26. Tell them that if they have a computer other than one of the Windows recommended laptops, they should consider an insurance option such as Safeware () – this INCLUDES Apples. There are several insurance options linked from CCIT, Help and Support, Laptops, FAQ, Theft Protection & Insurance.

Remind them that most vendor warranties (including Apple) do not provide for accidental damage or theft insurance.


If you have need this during the summer:

Orientation wireless for guests (temporary)




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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