| |5 pts |4 pts |3 pts |2pts |1 pt |

| |-The information used is accurate and |-Information is accurate. |Information is somewhat accurate. Project|Information is not always accurate and |-The information is not |

|Information |demonstrates good research. |-Project does demonstrate some |does not demonstrate much research and/or|it does not demonstrate much research or|accurate. Very few or no |

|[pic] |-Student used multiple sources for |research and/or details. |details. |examples. |details. |

| |information. |-Provided information for each |-Provided information for some but not |-Did not provide much information. |-Did not provide information or |

| |-Provided full information for each |category |all categories |-Did not address all categories |very limited information. |

| |category | | | |-Did not address all categories |

|Illustrations |Illustrations were created with effort |Illustration were created with |Illustrations were created with little |Illustrations were created hastily; they|No illustrations or very few |

|Images |(not hurried); large enough to see; they|“some” effort; pictures |effort; picture does not necessarily |do not clearly illustrate the |illustrations. |

|[pic] |do a good job illustrating the |illustrate information |illustrate information |information | |

| |information | | | | |

|Personal Response | |Response or Question and Answer |Response or Question and Answer indicates|Response or Question and Answer |Response or Question and Answer |

|[pic] |Response or Question and Answer |indicates an understanding of the|a partial understanding of the text; |indicates a very limited understanding |is inaccurate, confused, and/or |

| |indicates a thorough understanding of |text |information may be too general or |of the text; response may exhibit some |irrelevant |

| |the text; |Student makes relevant |simplistic |flaws |No connections or details. |

| |Student makes relevant connections with |connections and provides personal|Student makes some connections and |Some or no personal connections were | |

| |material and provides personal |experiences |provides personal experiences |provided. | |

| |experiences with detail. | | | | |

|Appearance |The project was neat, clear, and shows a|The project is not as neat as it |The project lacks neatness and looks like|The project is sloppy and disorganized; |The project is extremely sloppy |

|[pic] |lot of brainstorming and effort went |could be, but the information is |little effort was put into it; the |it looks like it was done on the “bus” |and disorganized or large |

| |into it |organized |information isn’t organized well on the | |sections are missing |

| | | |paper | | |

Total points earned: __________ / out of 20

Teacher comments: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________


A one pager is a single-page response to your reading of a poem, novel, chapter of a book, or other piece of writing. It is a way to communicate your understanding of the material in a unique way. A one-pager allows you to be creative and experimental. It gives you the opportunity to respond to your reading imaginatively and honestly.

Directions: Read the following activities. You may must do 4/5 activities.

It is up to you. Use a lot of color and pattern to illustrate your

thoughts and ideas clearly and creatively. Include a title of the

piece you are responding.


|Include a notable quote(s), phrase(s), etc. that jump out at you. Write them down anywhere on your |

|page. Use different colors or writing style to make them stand out. |

| |

|Use a visual image, either drawn or cut out from magazines, which create a “visual focus” on your |

|one-pager. Pictures should represent what you have visually in mind about the reading. |

| |

|Make a personal statement about what you have read. What did the reading mean to you? What is your |

|opinion, final thought, big question, or personal connection? |

| |

|Ask a question or two and answer it (you may use the internet) |

| |

|Be creative. Communicate your understanding or interpretation of the reading. Create in a way that |

|your audience will understand something about the literature piece. |

| |

Fill the page up. Make it rich with quotes, images, color, etc.

Do not…


Think half page will do


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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