
Nursery Home Learning ActivitiesDate of Work Set:11th May 2020The?activities?and links to resources?for this week?can be found in the table below.??Each week, literacy (Read Write Inc), and numeracy activities will be set as a ‘DAILY MUST’.?We have named these activities a?‘Daily Must’ as they are vitally important to ensure that your child’s academic skills do not significantly decline during these uncertain times (these activities will be mostly revision of topics already covered). As well as the ‘Daily Must’ activities,?we are setting a topic work, creative,?outdoor and ICT tasks which your child can complete if they so wish.?Activities recorded on paper?or in practical form can be shared with Miss Williams through Dojo?as a message or by uploading a photo with a brief description if needed.Daily Must: Speaking and ListeningHere I would suggest that you and your child hold as many conversations as possible throughout each day, making them fun and light-hearted.Suggested Activities:Hold conversations during – breakfast, lunchtime, dinnertime, bath-time and bedtime etc.Are there any situations based in story books that you and your child are reading that can spark off a conversation? E.g. - postman delivering letters (the postman/woman may be the only person they are seeing at the door at the moment) - children playing in school/a park (are they missing their friends? Who are their best friends? What are the things they wish to do when they return to school with their friends?). - minibeasts in the story (did your child see any minibeasts in the garden today?).Daily Must: Literacy Read Write IncRead Write Inc Guide for ParentsPupils in Sandfields Primary School are taught to read and write using a phonics programme called ‘Read Write Inc’. The Oxford Owl for Home website has a fantastic Read Write Inc. page where you can find lots of free resources to support your child’s learning during the school closures (Free eBooks | Videos | Set 1 resources | Kits for parents).Nursery pupils are new to the programme and will only be learning the Set 1 Sounds.Click on the link below to access the website (you will need to sign up for free to be able to access the resources and enjoy the books): Sounds Set 1Nursery children are initially taught to learn the Set 1 Sounds by learning picture phrases related to each sound. During the summer term, they would then be introduced to one sound per day from the Read Write Inc Programme. The Set 1 Sounds can be found as flashcards for you to use by clicking on the link below: week I would like them to learn the sounds - m, a, s, d, t. , Initially I would introduce a single sound each day and get the children to first recognise the picture (for example, mountain for ‘m’), and when they see the letter sound on its own to say the sound (‘m’). In RWInc we have stretchy and bouncy sounds...’m’ is a stretchy sound and I would therefore say mmmmmmmm. But on day two when I would be teaching ‘a’, I would introduce it as a bouncy sound a, a, a, a, a etc and so on.Stretchy Soundsm s n f l r v zBouncy Sounds a d t i p g o c k u b e h j y w x So this week, the sounds are:m - stretchya – bouncys – stretchyd – bouncyt - bouncyHere is a link to help you help your child pronounce each sound you have taught a few of these sounds, you can create a pile of flashcards to go through daily.Each day when you introduce a new sound, keep adding the new sound to the pile of flashcards already taught and practice all of the sounds you have learnt at speed.If there are a few sounds that your child is struggling with, remove them from the pile and re-teach the difficult sounds one at a time, only adding them back to the speed pile once your child is able to confidently recognise them. If you would like to see how teachers teach sounds to pupils using the Read Write Inc programme, you can find daily lessons on You Tube by clicking on the link below:. lesson is only 10 minutes long -remember to only watch videos for the Set 1 Sounds (the videos change daily so may not match the sound you are about to teach, however, they will give you a good insight into how to teach the Set 1 Sounds).Sharing Books with your ChildI am sure you have a wonderful array of books at home that you and your child often share together, however, below I have placed a link that will take you to a fantastic online resource offering a large selection of ebooks that are both fiction and non-fiction format (RWInc, Oxford Reading Tree and Project X). will need to click on the link above and sign up to this website for free to be able to enjoy these books.Try to read an eBook, or a book that you have at home every day or night-time in bed.HandwritingIn Nursery, from the moment your child joins the class, we are working on developing their fine motor skills which in turn will positively impact their ability to accurately use writing implements (finger, pens, pencils, paintbrushes, chalks and crayons etc).Initially, we encourage your child to explore making independent marks on paper, the floor, walls, in flour/salt/rice etc (if you are unsure what I mean here, please message me on dojo). Then we begin to encourage your child to make marks using a variety of materials (a finger, pens, pencils, paintbrushes, chalks and crayons etc). We encourage them to create a variety of lines including circles, spirals, wavy lines, zig-zag lines, straight lines. Once they have mastered this, we move onto basic 2D shapes - a circle, triangle, square, star, diamond, oval, hearts, rectangle and even pentagons. Many of these pre-writing skills will help your child when they begin to form letter shapes. I would be encouraging your child to use a standard tripod grip when using a writing implement. However, don’t worry if they are preferring to use a ‘fist’ grip, just encourage them to try to use the correct hold from time to time (we want them to enjoy mark making and not feel stressed).RWInc Letter Formation PhrasesWhen working alongside your child as they are practising and developing their handwriting skills, I would naturally be using these phrases, especially if they look to me for reassurance in how to form a particular letter sound. These phrases I use when I am introducing a letter sound a day Please keep me up to date in how your child is doing on dojo and we can set new and fun challenges with their writing!Daily Must: Numeracy For NurseryMathsActivityDaily Warm Up *Daily practice counting forwards from 0 to 10 and then to 20 and backwards from 10 to 0 (from 20 to 0 if they find 10 to 0 easy).*Counting on your fingers – ‘waking them up’ when counting forwards and ‘sleeping’ (putting them down) when counting backwards. *Show me.....using your fingers (start with numbers 1-5 and increase to 1-10) - Say ‘Can you show me 3 fingers? Can you show me 6 fingers? Etc. *Have your hand behind your back so your child cannot see. Hold up a certain number using your fingers or number card – explain I have a number that is one more than …..one less than …..what number do I have? Say ‘I have the number 1 more than 3, which number do I have? 4 (using fingers)Say ‘I am holding the number 1 less than 6, which number am I holding? 5 (using number cards)Repeat this with different numbers!!*Write numbers 1-5 on separate pieces of paper – Can you put them in order from the smallest to the biggest? Biggest to smallest? Can you pick up the number one more than ____ and hand it to me?Can you pick up the number one less than ____ and hand it to me? (expand to numbers 1-10 or even 1 to 20 if your child is very confident with numbers)______________________________________________________ActivitySimple Repeating Patterns with LegoHere I would like you to challenge your child to build towers using Lego blocksKey questions:Can you build a tower of 5 blocks using the two colours? (You may need to help them choose the 2 colours they wish to use and count out the 5 blocks one at a time with them - e.g. red, white, red, white, red, getting them to count how many they have as they go along. Your child may need reminding that they only need 5. AFTER THEY BUILD THEIR TOWER...Ask them...How many red blocks do you have? How many white blocks do you have? Which colour do you have the most of?Which colour do you have the least of? (remind them least means less) If you child is very confident in counting and using numbers, you could get them to record the in a simple way (using a computer, chalks, paint, pen, pencil) e.g. 3 + 2 = 5 or 2 + 3 = 5. You can revisit this activity and repeat it with different numbers and colours. Once your child is finding this activity too easy, why not challenge them to use 3 different colours? Initially I would stay within using no more than 10 blocks. Can your child challenge you? ICT Challenge 1Naming Everyday ObjectsHere you will be encouraging your child to name everyday objects, people in photos and their toys etc. You can also begin to expand their vocabulary using new and unfamiliar objects too. What To Do: Using a feely bag (PE bag, shopping bag, pillow case etc)...put a selection of around 10 objects inside e.g. a teddy, fork, cup, book, brush etc. Let your child feel inside the bag (I usually say close your eyes, makes it more fun) and ask them to pull 1 item out. Ensure you pause here, see if they spontaneously name the item. If they are unsure, you can then offer a choice and say ‘is it a brush or a cup?’ etc.If they are still unsure then you can name the item clearly, letting them hear you name it a few times and copy you.If you are able to demonstrate and use a particular item (e.g. pretending to drink as you say ‘cup’ then do so). Not all items you are able to perform actions with. Keep encouraging your child to take 1 more item at a time out of the bag and name them. When the bag is empty, encourage you child once more and say ‘now I would like to see if you can pick up 1 item at a time and say it’s name out aloud ‘BRUSH, CUP, TEDDY’ etc. Parents/carers, I would suggest you visit this activity regularly with a different selection of objects, but try to place 1 or 2 of the previous objects in that you have played with to ensure are very familiar and saying each one clearly. If your child is finding this activity easy, challenge them to take out 2 objects and a time and say ‘It is a _____ and ______.You can increase the number of objects you have in the bag.You can begin to include less familiar objects.Activity 2Understanding ‘He and She’What To Do:Try to find 2 toys ‘1 girl (e.g. Barbie) and 1 boy (Spiderman/Buzz Lightyear) - if your son or daughter doesn’t have a male or female character, then I would use a teddy and tell them it is a boy or girl. Gather a selection of everyday objects (e.g. cup, spoon, brush, flannel etc). You demonstrate how the toys can do lots of things (pretend to give Spiderman a drink or wash Barbie’s face etc). Whilst doing these actions, say he’s drinking or she’s washing. Then you tell your child it’s your turn. The adult says she’s eating (can your child pick up the spoon and feed Barbie?). He’s washing (your child will pick up the flannel and wash Buzz’s face) etc. To extend this concept, when you are reading story/picture books with your child, sometimes pointing out that ‘he’ is running, or ‘she’ is skipping etc.Or you can even say ‘Look at that boy, he’s running.’ ‘Can you see the lady? She’s eating or sitting....all of this depends on what the characters are doing in the staory book. Creative ActivitiesRainbow ActivitiesBelow I will attach a selection of images that will encourage you make a rainbows in a variety of ways. Some will develop your child’s creative skills, others their maths skills and many are just for you to have fun with whilst learning all about colours. Activity 1 - A Rainbow Scavenger HuntCan you challenge your child to go on a colour scavenger hunt around the house? I would suggest doing one colour at a time. Each colour can make part of the rainbow. As they return with things, from time to time ask them ‘which colour are you collecting?’ Ensuring they are saying their colour words clearly. We have also been learning our colours in Welsh, so you can ask them to say each colour in Welsh – red – coch, orange – oren, yellow – melyn, green – gwyrdd, blue – glas, purple - porffor. Your child should know the Welsh colours, but if you are unsure how to pronounce each word in Welsh, you will be able to find videos or translators online to help you. Avtivity 2 - Rainbow Collage CraftActivity 3 - Rainbow Smartie CakeActivity 4 - Skittles and Water Investigation OutdoorsActivityActivity 1Building A Home/Building/RocketDo you have a big empty box in your house at the moment? If so, why not have some fun with your child and build a cardboard home. It may be large enough for them and their toys to fit in or if your box is smaller, they can create a home for their toys/dolls/dinosaurs. They may have to use some cellotape/masking tape etc to fix some pieces. Can you help them to open the tape, cut it with a scissors and place it on the box? If you child doesn’t want to make a house, ask them what they would like to make...maybe a castle, a rocket, a cave...it’s up to them. Can they decorate it using paints or even collage and glue parts on? I found these images on the internet, but I would love it if you could take some photos of your creations to send to me through Dojo. Also. Don't worry if you do not have boxes, you could just help your child to make some sort of house, den etc using chairs, blankets, bed sheets etc...just have some fun!Activity 2Painting Lockdown PebblesHow creative can you and your child be? If you do not have any pebbles, but you have a small old box or plastic carton, you can paint on those.PLEASE DON’T HESITATE TO MESSAGE ME ON DOJO IF YOU ARE UNSURE OF ANYTHING. HAVE FUN AND SEND ME A PHOTO/COMMENT WHENEVER POSSIBLE AND IF YOU CAN KEEP ALL OF YOUR CREATIONS EACH WEEK TO GIVE TO ME, AS I WOULD LOVE TO MAKE A WONDERFUL DISPLAY WHEN WE RETURN TO SCHOOL!MANY THANKS MISS C WILLIAMS ................

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