Course - Rogue Community College


Rogue Community College Riverside Campus

Instructor: Yan Wang


Telephone: 541-245-7527 (leave message)


C or better in Math 95 or a College Algebra placement score of 36 to 58.

Course Objectives:

This course is designed to help you begin to make sense out of data. We will study ways to collect, describe, organize, present, and interpret data, and the techniques for making inferences about large populations based on data collected from smaller samples. The numerical calculations that used to form the basis for beginning statistics courses can be done using computers and calculators.

Course Content:

We will study the topics including the nature and presentation of data, measures of central tendency, probability distributions, normal, binomial distributions and estimates, sample sizes, confidence intervals and hypothesis testing. (Chapters 1 – 10)


o Michael Sullivan: Statistic: Informed Decisions Using Data. ( Custom Edition for Rogue Community College) (Check with RCC bookstore for purchase)

o One of TI-83/83+/84 calculators is required.

o Free online calculator

Classroom Expectations and Policies


I expect you to be in class every day; you can expect me to be in class every day, too. I expect you to be prepared for class every day; again, you can expect the same from me. I expect you to come see me if you’re having difficulty; you can expect me to provide the help you need. When you miss a class—for any reason—I expect you to read the text, copy someone else’s notes or use mine, and attempt the homework before coming to ask me about the material. In return, you can expect me to clarify any parts of the missed class that are still confusing. Finally, I expect you to treat me and your fellow classmates with courtesy and respect; you can expect the same treatment from me.

“Expectations for classroom behavior are outlined in the Student Code of Conduct, available in the catalog, schedule, and online. Students may not engage in any activity which the instructor deems disruptive or counterproductive to the goals of the class.

Beepers, pagers, and cell phones, media devices, and/or other electronic devices (such as electronic smoking cessation devices) are disruptive to the learning environment and should not be used in class. Instructors have the right to remove students from class for not following the Code of Conduct or other specified classroom rules.”


Regularly coming to class late or leave early is not allowed for this class.

Check your schedule to make sure it works, otherwise you should switch to another class at a different time.

Although attendance is not mandatory, it is very important to your success in this math class.

If you are unable to attend class, it is your responsibility to obtain all material missed, and study all the missed lessons.

The instructor will not give you a makeup lesson in class.

Academic Honesty:

“Cheating, plagiarism, and other acts of academic dishonesty are regarded as serious offenses. Instructors have the right to take action on any suspected acts of academic dishonesty. Depending on the nature of the offense, serious penalties may be imposed, ranging from loss of points to expulsion from the class or college.”

Americans with Disabilities Act:

“Students with a documented disability that may require assistance should contact the Disability Services Office for coordination of your academic accommodations. The Disability Services Office can be reached by 245-7537”

Smoking restrictions (Board policy):

Smoking is not permitted on the premises of Rogue Community College except in designated areas. For more information go to


• Tests:

o Tests must be taken as scheduled unless prior arrangements are made. You must have to email or phone your instructor if you cannot come for in class test and want to have late test later. Otherwise you may not be given a late test later.

o Late tests should be completed within one week of the scheduled test day.

Late tests will be given in the Testing Center.

All late tests subject to 10% penalty grade deduction.

o Only students with special accommodations or students qualify for late test can take tests in testing center.

• Homework and Labs:

o MyLabPlus Online Homework will be done online.

No late work will be accepted by the computer after due date.

o The In Class Computer Lab Work will be done in class using Excel and instructions, and will be collected on the due dates.

o Written Homework will be given timely, and collected on the due dates.

o Each homework should be stapled to turn in.

o No late work is accepted for labs and written homework unless excused. If late homework is excused, it has to be turned in within one week after the regular due date. No further late homework will be accepted.

• Term Project:

o Total 10 points.

o Due on Monday of the final week.

o Topics and requirements are given on separate handout.

• Grade Components: Written Homework(WH) (4*10) 40

In Class Computer Lab Work (5*10) 50

MyLabPlus online Homework 100

Term project 50

Tests (3*200) 600

Total 840

• Letter Grades:

|94-100% |A |75-73% |C |

|90-93% |A- |72-70% |C- |

|89-86% |B+ |69-66% |D+ |

|85-83% |B |65-63% |D |

|82-80% |B- |62-60% |D- |

|79-76% |C+ |59% or less |F |


Incompletes are not generally given. You must have completed 75% of the course with a 70% average to qualify for an incomplete. Incompletes will not be considered in lieu of a poor grade.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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