These test questions were developed by the MBA Research Center. Items have been randomly selected from the MBA Research Center's Test-Item Bank and represent a variety of instructional areas. Performance indicators for these test questions are at the prerequisite, careersustaining, and specialist levels. A descriptive test key, including question sources and answer rationale, has been provided. Copyright ? 2019 by MBA Research and Curriculum Center?, Columbus, Ohio. Each individual test item contained herein is the exclusive property of MBA Research Center. Items are licensed only for use as configured within this exam, in its entirety. Use of individual items for any purpose other than as specifically authorized in writing by MBA Research Center is prohibited. Posted online March 2019 by DECA Inc.

Test 1187



1. Margo signed a lease to rent a small building for her business. In exchange for the use of the facility, Margo will pay monthly rent. What component of a legally binding contract does the rent represent? A. Competent parties B. Consideration C. Legality D. Agreement

2. An offer must be made by one party and accepted by the other party in order for a contract to be A. put in written form. B. notarized. C. legally binding. D. interpreted correctly.

3. Which of the following is an example of involuntary debt: A. Unsecured line of credit B. Automobile loan C. Fixed-rate mortgage D. Court judgment lien

4. A "spoof," or a fake email that appears real, is part of what investment scam? A. Pump and dump B. A pyramid scheme C. Affinity fraud D. Phishing

5. Which of the following is an example of a regulation that protects investors: A. Brokerage firms are required to abide by equal opportunity employment laws. B. Individuals are not allowed to purchase and sell more than five stocks per week. C. Companies must honestly and publicly disclose their business information. D. Newspapers and magazines are not allowed to report on stock market trends.

6. When providing services to clients, financial professionals have the responsibility to supply A. accurate information. B. payment options. C. credit counseling. D. bank statements.

7. What should you do if a financial client reports a problem with her/his portfolio? A. Call the client back later after s/he has calmed down. B. Apologize and resolve the problem immediately. C. Ask the manager to return the client's call. D. Waive the client's fees for his/her next five transactions.

8. Which of the following is typically an effective method to build trusting relationships with financial clients: A. Contacting clients only when problems arise with their accounts B. Using precise technical language when explaining financial products C. Asking others in the organization to follow up after sales transactions D. Explaining the benefits and drawbacks of different financial products

9. The inputs that allow businesses to operate are called economic A. incentives. B. services. C. models. D. resources.

Copyright ? 2019 by MBA Research and Curriculum Center?, Columbus, Ohio

Test 1187



10. One of the main reasons why individuals make investments based on their future financial needs is to A. develop a living will. B. avoid paying taxes. C. set up a trust fund. D. generate retirement income.

11. What economic activity examines how money payments are divided between resource owners and producers? A. Production B. Consumption C. Exchange D. Distribution

12. John gets up, dresses, brushes his teeth, eats breakfast, goes to school, buys gum at the school store, and reports to his first class. Which of these would be considered an economic activity? A. Brushing teeth B. Eating breakfast C. Buying gum D. Going to class

13. The main reason people are willing to face possible business risks is A. jobs. B. profit. C. power. D. security.

14. Some businesses are able to avoid potential risks by taking actions to __________ them. A. eliminate B. overlook C. examine D. disregard

15. When a nation's inflation rate is low, what do prices tend to do? A. Fluctuate daily B. Increase dramatically C. Remain stable D. Reduce currency values

16. Which of the following statements is true about inflation: A. It increases when the money supply decreases. B. It has little effect on consumers' ability to save. C. It is usually caused by a supply surplus. D. It decreases the value of money.

17. When two parties work together to negotiate a result that is mutually beneficial, it is called a __________ outcome. A. lose-lose B. win-lose C. win-win D. lose-win

18. Which of the following is a disadvantage of using cash as a form of financial exchange: A. The risk of theft decreases. B. Cash payments often incur fees. C. There is a higher risk of fraud. D. It is easy to steal or lose.

Test 1187



19. Which of the following is a name for a medium of exchange accepted and backed by the government as payment for goods and services: A. Currency B. Credit cards C. Money market accounts D. Certificates of deposit

20. Marshall's employer pays him for the work that he performs while on the job. This is an example of A. passive revenue. B. earned income. C. capital gains. D. transfer payments.

21. What is a primary consideration when evaluating the time value of money? A. Tariffs B. Premiums C. Credit limit D. Interest rate

22. The arrangement by which businesses or individuals can purchase now and pay later is known as A. credit. B. capacity. C. interest. D. collateral.

23. Which of the following is a type of credit card that can be used to make purchases from a variety of participating businesses: A. Hotel B. Retail store C. Bank D. Petroleum

24. If you purchase a car, which type of credit are you most likely to use? A. Regular B. Installment C. Budget D. Revolving

25. Jordan buys a sofa from a local furniture store that advertises "90 days same as cash." She's able to have the sofa delivered to her house immediately without paying anything. However, if she doesn't pay for the sofa within the 90-day period, she'll be subject to finance charges. Jordan bought the sofa using a __________ credit account. A. revolving B. budget C. regular D. installment

26. Which of the following statements about retirement is true: A. You will be in retirement only about 15 years. B. You have plenty of time to start saving for retirement. C. You can depend on Social Security for your basic living expenses. D. Saving even a little bit each month will help.

27. When there is not enough of a resource available for everyone to have as much of it as desired, the resource is A. natural. B. unlimited. C. limited. D. human.

Test 1187



28. One advantage to setting attainable goals is that you A. work harder to achieve a very high goal. B. can measure your progress. C. are less likely to become discouraged. D. can picture it in your mind.

29. Scarlet is setting her personal financial goals. What is the first step she should take to reaching her financial goals? A. Automate payments B. Prioritize her goals C. Evaluate her budget D. Make a list of her goals

30. Fayth is developing her personal budget. She intends to save 10% of her income, use 38% of her income for housing and utilities, spend 14% on food, devote 20% to transportation, and set aside the rest for clothing, recreation, and entertainment. She earns $958 per pay period. How much money does she plan to spend on clothing, recreation, and entertainment each pay period? A. $306.56 B. $134.12 C. $288.34 D. $172.44

31. Which of the following is a strategy to help with tracking expenses: A. Estimate fixed expenses. B. Only use cash payments. C. Spend as little as possible. D. Keep receipts.

32. Zach invested $300 in the stock market. With the stock market's average yearly gain of 10 percent, his original $300 grew to $330 after one year. In two years' time, his $300 became $363. The year after that, his original investment had become $399. Zach's investment grew as a result of A. globalization. B. opportunity cost. C. banking services. D. compounding.

33. To be able to pay for unexpected car repairs and/or to replace broken home appliances, it is important to A. eliminate entertainment expenses. B. make long-term investments. C. save money for emergency situations. D. use tax returns to purchase treasury bonds.

34. Which of the following is a reason to invest your money: A. Investing can help you reach your long-term financial goals. B. You will receive a lower rate of return than from a savings account. C. When you invest, you earn a lot of money in a very short period of time. D. There is no risk involved in investing in the stock market.

35. Viola wants to go on a vacation sometime in the next year. How should she generate the money she needs for the trip? A. Invest her money in the stock market B. Put her money in a savings account C. Take some money from her emergency fund D. Put the expenses for the trip on a credit card


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