

|Society of CAD/CAM Engineers |The representative community consisting of CAM/CAM related |RM 601 Science technology Bldg 635-4 |UGS Korea itself is a member of this|

|() |companies from S/W companies to H/W vendors. Publish/distribute|Yeoksam-dong, Kangnam-gu Seoul,Korea |community. |

| |regular academic journals and hold regular workshop, event, and| |Alain Iung |

| |exhibitions. | |82.2.3016.2012 |

|Korea Software Property Council (SPC) |As an only organization in Korea that provides services in |Chunsa Bldg 2 floor, Seocho-Dong |UGS Korea itself is a member of this|

|( |intellectual property protection to the leading companies that |1677-14,Seocho -ku, Seoul , Korea |council. |

| |are setting the pace for digital age, SPC grew to 102 members. | |Alain Iung |

| |SPC conducts comprehensive, industry-wide campaigns to fight | |82.2.3016.2012 |

| |software piracy | | |



|Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association, Inc |To promote the sound development of the Japanese automobile |Jidosha kaikan, 1-30, Shiba Daimon |Hironori Yamamoto – |

|(JAMA) |industry and contribute to economic and social welfare. Conduct|1-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0012 Japan |81-3-5354-6726 |

| |studies and surveys related to automobile production, | | |

| |distribution, trade and use. Helps to establish policy for | | |

| |development, improvement and promote technology, Establishes | | |

| |and promotes policies automobile trade and international | | |

| |exchange. | | |



|Hong Kong Productivity Council |To assist local industry to improve productivity through the |HKPC Building, 78 Tat Chee Avenue, |Industrial Partner Advisor |

| |provision of professional services to achieve more effective |Kowloon, Hong Kong |Andrew Hsuan |

| |certification of available resources and the increased | |852 22303300 |

| |value-added content of products and services | | |

|UGS Institute of YanCheng Institute of | The UGS Institute at YCIT was established to develop next | Huanghai Central Road, No. 20 |*UGS Regional Development Director |

|Technology (YCIT) |generation PLM Automotive Engineers in China. Initial plans |Yancheng, P. R. China |*Operations Manager |

| |include 400 undergraduates yearly with at least 100 passing the| |Chijen Hsu |

| |NX Design Certification. | |714-952-5548 |

| | | |Tracy Yang |

| | | |86-21-62898000 EXT 5829 |

|TONGJI / UGS PLM Automotive |Provide environment where students, faculty and industry |Shanghai, China |Advisory Board – |

|Virtual Development Center |partners can benefit from the latest digital design and | |Tracy Yang |

| |manufacturing technologies and research | |86-21-62898000 |

| | | |Chijen Hsu |

| | | |714-952-5548 |

| | | | |

|BIT-UGS PLM Digital Collaboration |Incorporate PLM software into Beijing area curriculum and |Beijing, China |* Industry Partner |

|& Innovation Technology Center |manufacturing process to sharpen student skills ad increase | |* Board of Advisors |

| |regional productivity | |Chijen Hsu |

| | | |714-952-5548 |

|The Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society (CMES) |To promote development of the art/science of mechanical |Beijing, China |Chijen Hsu |

| |engineering, organize technical activities including, training,| |714-952-5548 |

| |education, publish inter-media service. | | |



|ESTIEM (The organisation of European STudents of |To increase communication and cooperation between students and |Paviljoen A22 |Board of Directors |

|Industrial Engineering and Management) |institutions of technology in Europe within the field of |P.O. Box 513 |Martien Merks |

| |Industrial Engineering and Management (IEM). |5600 MB Eindhoven |31 73 6802520 |

| | |The Netherlands | |

|BECTA |Support the development of ICT in education throughout the UK |Millburn Hill Road |Industry Partner |

|(British Educational Communications and Technology | |Science Park |Anthony Bristow |

|Agency) | |Coventry |44-0-1276-705156 |

| | |CV4 7JJ | |

|African Regional Program for |Nurture and environment for career development and |Active programs in work in Ghana, Uganda |Industry Partner |

|Productivity and Transformation |manufacturing competitiveness in Africa using advanced PLM |and Egypt |Hulas King |

| |technology. | |314-264-8670 |

| | | |Colin Johnson, Account Executive |

| | | |1276 702026 |

| ASIM – Arbeitsgemeinschaft Simulation |It is an organization and actively supporting the VDI writing | | Member |

| |the German Industrial Norm (DIN 3633) for discrete event | |Matthias Heinicke |

| |simulation. | |+49 711 138 9299 |

|SEFI |Promotes challenges and global changes in Engineering Education|SEFI Headquarters |* Industry Partner |

|(European Society of | |119, rue de Stassart |Georg Wessels |

|Engineering Education) | |B-1050 Bruxelles |49-221-20802-310 |

| | | |* Principal Speaker |

| | | |Gunter Deisenroth 49-6103-2065-205 |



|SAE |The Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) is |SAE World Headquarters |*Chairman ABET Relations Committee |

|(Society of Automotive Engineers) |the international engineering society |400 Commonwealth Drive |*Engineering Executive Board |

| |established for "advancing mobility on land and|Warrendale, PA 15096-0001 |Hulas King |

| |in air, sea, and space." Included in the | |(314) 264-8670 |

| |members of SAE are leaders and workers from all| | |

| |areas of the transportation industry, as well | | |

| |as thousands of college students around the | | |

| |world. | | |

|Formula SAE |Allow students to design, fabricate and compete|755 W. Big Beaver, Suite 1600 |Industry sponsor |

|students/formula.htm |with small formula-style pace cars |Troy MI 48084 USA |Bill Dye |

| | | |(734) 452-5217 |

|SME |Promote excellence in manufacturing world-wide |1 SME Drive |*Sr. Member |

|(Society of Manufacturing Engineers) | |P.O. Box 930 |Tony Hemmelgarn |

| | |Dearborn, MI 48121 |(313) 317 6097 |

| | | |*Commissioner Representative |

| | | |Hulas King |

| | | |(314) 264 -8670 |

|WYSE |Foster excellence in mathematics and the |400 Engineering Hall, MC-268 |Board of Advisors |

|(World-Wide Youth in Science |sciences among youth in the world with emphasis|1308 W. Green Street |Corporate Sponsor |

|and Engineering) |on attracting the greatest number of diverse |Urbana, IL 61801 |Hulas King |

| |students to careers in engineering and the | |(314) 264 8670 |

| |sciences. | | |

|ABET |Develop and manage standards for Engineering |111 Market Pl., Suite 1050 |Industry Evaluator |

|(Accreditation Board for |curriculum at all U.S.-based |Baltimore, MD 21202 |ABET Commissioner |

|Engineering Technology) |Engineering/Technology academic institutions. | |Hulas King |

| | | |(314) 264 8670 |

| | | | |

|INCOSE (International Council on Systems Engineering) |INCOSE is an international authoritative body |INCOSE |Technical Board, Corporate Advisory Board |

| |promoting the application of an |2150 N. 107th St., Suite 205 |Mark Sampson |

| |interdisciplinary approach and means to enable |Seattle, WA 98133-9009 |(972) 987-3227 |

| |the realization of successful systems |USA |Joe Policani |

| | | |(513) 576-2908 |

| IFEES (International Federation of Engineering Education | The International Federation of Engineering | 1818 N Street, N.W., Suite 600 | Founding Member & Board Representative |

|Societies) |Education Societies (IFEES) was established to |Washington, DC 20036-2479 |Hulas King |

| |contribute toward collaboration among | |(314) 264-8670 |

| |engineering education organizations. | | |

| |Information technology and global | | |

| |communications have drastically altered the | | |

| |engineering field, making such collaborations | | |

| |of real value to the engineering education | | |

| |community. | | |

|ASEE |Further Education and Engineering in |1818 N Street, N.W., Suite 600 |*Senior Industry Member |

|(American Society of |Engineering Technology by promoting excellence |Washington, DC 20036-2479 |Hulas King |

|Engineering Educators) |in instruction and research, exercising | |(314) 264-8670 |

| |world-wide leadership, fostering technological | |*Keynote speaker 3rd international colloquium |

| |education of society and promoting quality | |Hans-Kurt Lubberstedt |

| |products and services to its members. | |(852) 2230-3388 |

| | | |* Member |

| | | |Vijay Dwarakanath |

| | | |(480) 205-5354 |

|PACE |Integrate Math-based CAD/CAM/CAE (Unigraphics) |PACE Office |Board of Directors |

|(Partners for the Advancement of |into the curriculum of strategically selected |6442 East 12 Mile Road |Ed Arlin, Executive PACE Chairman |

|Collaborative Engineering Education) |academic partners worldwide. |MC: 480-303-110 |(734) 953-3840 |

| | |Warren, MI 48090 |Hulas King, Core Team Member |

| | | |(314) 264.8670 |

|BSA |The Business Software Alliance promotes global |BSA United States |*Co-founder and Board of Directors of BSA |

|(Business Software Alliance) |policies that foster innovation, growth and a |1150 18th Street, NW |Tom Lemberg |

| |competitive marketplace for commercial software|Suite 700 |(972) 987-3356 |

| |and related technologies. Strong copyright |Washington, DC 20036 |*Executive VP, General Counsel and Secretary of |

| |protections, cyber security and barrier-free | |UGS Corp. |

| |trade are crucial to achieving these goals. | | |

|Define the Line |“Define the Line” is an awareness program |Washington, D.C. |*Co-founder and Board of Directors of BSA |

| |designed to educate students about using | |Tom Lemberg |

| |commercial software legally, respecting | |(972) 987-3356 |

| |copyrighted works online and understanding the | |*Executive VP, General Counsel and Secretary of |

| |impact of software theft on all of us. | |UGS Corp. |

|JT Open Program |At the request of many customers, UGS has |5800 Granite Parkway |*Co-Founder: |

| |established an International JT Open Program, |Plano, TX 75024 |Mark Matousek |

| |as part of PLM Open, to promote JT as an open | |(858) 720-3022 |

| |visualization format for 3D visualization and | |*Management Review Board (Executive Board) |

| |interoperability. | |Chairperson |

| |The JT Open Program is for companies (Corporate| |*JT Open Program Manager |

| |Members) that desire to use JT for | | |

| |visualization and interoperability in their | | |

| |business processes and software vendors (Vendor| | |

| |Members) that desire to provide JT-enabled | | |

| |applications to Corporate Members comprise the | | |

| |primary membership of the Program. | | |

| |

| |

|USA |


| Greater Dallas Chamber of Commerce | To unite and engage the Dallas region's | 700 N. Pearl Street Suite 1200, | Board of Directors & Chairman’s Circle |

| |business community, and provide dynamic |Dallas, Texas 75201 |Tony Affuso |

| |business and civic leadership to develop and | |(972) 987-3350 |

| |sustain a prosperous economy and a vibrant | | |

| |community. | | |

|SMU Engineering College |Through close partnerships with leading |The SMU School of Engineering |Board of Directors Engineering Advisory Board |

| |business, research projects, a world-class |P. O. Box 750335 |Tony Affuso, President &CEO UGS Corp. |

| |faculty and staff, we go "beyond engineering" |Dallas, TX 75275-0335 |(972) 987-3350 |

| |to produce well-rounded and highly talented | | |

| |leaders for tomorrow. | | |

|St. Vincent Home for Children |To provide love, security and professional |7401 Florissant Road |Board of Directors |

|(The German St. Vincent Orphan Association) |treatment for troubled children and their |St. Louis, MO 63121-4835 |Pat Kruse |

| |families through a fully integrated program of | |(314) 264-8661 |

| |services. | | |

| The Neeley School of Business at TCU |Committed to developing ethical leaders with a |2800 S. University Drive | Board Member |

| |global perspective who help shape the business |Fort Worth, TX  76129 |John Graham |

| |environment of a rapidly changing future and | |(972) 987-3365 |

| |developing and disseminating leading edge | | |

| |thought in order to improve the practice of | | |

| |business. | | |

| AIA Supplier Management Council |The AIA SMC is a unique aerospace forum where | 1000 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 1700 | Member |

| |customers, AIA regular member companies, and |Arlington, VA 22209-3901 |Ed Glueckler |

| |AIA associate member companies unite to find | |(480) 323-9966 |

| |solutions. Established in 1997, the Supplier | | |

| |Management Council is the primary industry | | |

| |forum for improving the relationship between | | |

| |suppliers and customers. | | |

|American Bar Association Forum on Air & Space Law |The Forum on Air and Space law serves as a |American Bar Association |Member |

| |vital link to timely information in the |Forum on Air & Space Law 321 |Ed Glueckler |

| |aviation arena. Membership includes |N. Clark Street |(480) 323-9966 |

| |professional who represent all areas of air and|Chicago, IL 60610 | |

| |space law including airlines, airports, labor, | | |

| |financial communities, the FAA, DOT, NASA as | | |

| |well as attorneys practicing in corporate, | | |

| |litigation and antitrust areas. | | |

|ATA e-Business Forum |To establish a global commercial aviation |Air Transport Association of America |UGS Representative |

| |industry information framework that facilitates|e-Business Program |Ed Glueckler |

| |improved business agility, reduces costs, |1301 Pennsylvania Ave, NW Suite |(480) 323-9966 |

| |increases speed of business and maintains the |1100 | |

| |highest level of safety. |Washington, DC 20004-1707 | |

|The Wings Club |The Wings Club was founded to maintain a |The Wings Club |Member |

| |non-profit aviation meeting place to promote |P.O. Box 4464 |Ed Glueckler |

| |the advancement and development of aeronautics |New York, NY 10163 |(480) 323-9966 |

|The Aviation Suppliers Association |The Mission of ASA is to be a global resource |Aviation Suppliers Association 734 |Founding President and present UGS Representative|

| |for the aerospace industry through the |15th Street, Suite 620 |Ed Glueckler |

| |promotion of safety, regulatory compliance and |Washington, DC 20005 |(480) 323-9966 |

| |ethical business practices. Membership | | |

| |includes airlines, manufacturers, MRO | | |

| |facilities and other companies that provide a | | |

| |service to the aviation industry. | | |

| University of North Texas President’s Council | The President's Council is the university’s | University Gateway Center | UNT President’s Council UGS Executive Rep. |

| |premiere giving club made up of over 1,000 |801 North Texas Blvd., 2nd floor |Craig Berry, Senior VP Information Technology and|

| |alumni, faculty and friends of the university. |Denton, TX 76201 |CIO |

| |Members make an annual contribution, which is | |(972) 987-3364 |

| |donated to scholarships in their names or in | | |

| |the names of favorite professors or friends. | | |

| |The contribution may also be made to an | | |

| |unrestricted fund for innovative educators and | | |

| |programs. | | |

| UNT College of Engineering | The Engineering Advising office provides | College of Engineering | UNT College of Engineering Advisory Board Member|

| |services for undergraduate and undergraduate |P.O. Box 310440 |Craig Berry, Senior VP Information Technology and|

| |prospective students at the University of North|Denton, Texas 76203-0330 |CIO |

| |Texas. | |(972) 987-3364 |

| UNT Department of Computer Science & Engineering | The Department of Computer Science and |Computer Science & Engineering |UNT Department of CSE Advisory Board Member |

| |Engineering at the University of North Texas |P.O. Box 311366 |Craig Berry, Senior VP Information Technology and|

| |provides very high quality educational programs|Denton, Texas 76203 |CIO |

| |by maintaining a balance between theoretical |Phone: (940) 565-2767 |(972) 987-3364 |

| |and experimental aspects of computer science, | | |

| |as well as a balance between software and | | |

| |hardware issues, and by providing curricula | | |

| |that serve the citizens and industrial | | |

| |organizations of Texas in general, and those in| | |

| |North Texas in particular. | | |

| Alliance for Higher Education |The Alliance for Higher Education is a | 2602 Rutford Ave. | Board of Trustees |

| |consortium of North Texas colleges and |Richardson, TX 75080 |Craig Berry, Sr. VP Information Technology and |

| |universities and acts as the formal, Regional | |CIO |

| |Center for Innovation and Commercialization | |(972) 987-3364 |

| |(RCIC) for the State of Texas. The Alliance | | |

| |was initially founded as the TAGER Television | | |

| |Network, which innovated the delivery of | | |

| |university education content directly into the | | |

| |workplace. | | |

| Plano Chamber of Commerce |The Plano Chamber of Commerce provides | 1200 E. 15th. Street | Board Member |

| |resources to maximize business performance | Plano, TX 75074 |Craig Berry, Sr. VP Information Technology and |

| |through advocacy, education and networking. | |CIO |

| | | |(972) 987-3364 |

| Corporate Executive Board | The Corporate Executive Board provides best | 2000 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite | General Counsel Roundtable |

| |practices research, decision support tools, and|6000 |Tom Lemberg |

| |executive education to a membership of the |Washington, DC 20006 |(972) 987-3356 |

| |world's leading corporations and not-for-profit| | |

| |institutions. | | |

|Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG) |A not-for-profit association, AIAG's primary |AIAG |Board of Directors |

| |goals are to reduce cost and complexity within |26200 Lasher Rd. Suite 200 |Eric Sterling |

| |the automotive supply chain and to improve |Southfield, MI 48034-7100 248 358 |248 352 0133 |

| |speed-to-market, product quality, employee |3570 | |

| |health-and-safety and the environment. | | |

| Aerospace Industries Association (AIA) | The Aerospace Industries Association | 1000 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 1700 | Associate Member |

|aia- |represents the nation's leading manufacturers |Arlington, VA 22209-3901 |Ed Glueckler |

| |and suppliers of civil, military, and business | |480-323-9966 |

| |aircraft, helicopters, UAVs, space systems, | | |

| |aircraft engines, missiles, materiel, and | | |

| |related components, equipment, services, and | | |

| |information technology. | | |

| Team Central Gymnastics Academy | TEAM CENTRAL GYMNASTIC ACADEMY is a 22,000 | 2675 METRO BLVD. | Board Member |

| |square foot, tax exempt, not-for-profit, |[pic]MARYLAND HEIGHTS, MO  63043 |Dennis Watson |

| |501-C-3 national level gymnastic training | |(314) 264-8225 |

| |center located in Maryland Heights, Missouri. | | |

| | We are dedicated to positively influencing the| | |

| |life of every child and creating a world-class | | |

| |gymnastics organization.   | | |

| Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA) | Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA) |421 Aviation Way | Member |

| |has a membership base of over 400,000 making it|Frederick, MD 21701 |Ed Glueckler |

| |the largest and most influential aviation | |480-323-9966 |

| |association in the world. Member services | | |

| |range from representation at the federal, | | |

| |state, and local levels to legal services, | | |

| |advice, and other aviation services. | | |

|PLM DC |Serve as an inter-disciplinary center for the |Ann Arbor, MI |Provider Member |

|(PLM Development Consortium) |development of inter-behavioral research of PLM| |Eric Sterling, VP Auto Marketing |

| |and the dissemination and education of the use | |248.352.0133 |

| |of PLM concepts, tools, process and practices | | |

| |in industry. | | |

|The Metroplex Technology Business Council |Dedicated to the development of the Telecom |411 Belle Grove Drive | *Board of Directors |

| |Corridor and the Metroplex using their |Richardson, Texas 75080-5297 |John Graham |

| |resources to: Establish a global center of |Phone: 972-238-8998 |972-987-3365 |

| |excellence, Foster development of human | |*Member |

| |resources, leverage collaborative actions, | |Craig Berry |

| |Provide for technology leadership development, | |972-987-3364 |

| |and Support the development of local | | |

| |world-class public and higher education | | |

| |systems. | | |

| NAM (National Association of Manufacturers) | The NAM’s mission is to enhance the | 1331 Pennsylvania Ave., NW | Board of Directors |

| |competitiveness of manufacturers by shaping a |Washington, DC 20004-1790 |Ed Arlin |

| |legislative and regulatory environment | |(734) 953-3840 |

| |conducive to U.S. economic growth and to | | |

| |increase understanding among policymakers, the | | |

| |media and the general public about the vital | | |

| |role of manufacturing to America’s economic | | |

| |future and living standards. | | |

| Florida A&M University –Florida State University College of |The mission of Florida Agricultural and | 2525 Pottsdamer Street | Engineering Executive Advisory Council |

|Engineering |Mechanical University (FAMU), as an 1890 |Tallahassee, FL 32310-6046 |Hulas King |

| |land-grant institution, is to provide an | |(314) 264-8670 |

| |enlightened and enriched academic, | | |

| |intellectual, moral, cultural, ethical, | | |

| |technological and student-centered environment,| | |

| |conducive to the development of highly | | |

| |qualified individuals who are prepared and | | |

| |capable of serving as leaders and contributors | | |

| |in our ever-evolving society. | | |

|Operation Good Cheer |Create career development opportunities in |2157 University |Industry Partner |

|OperationGoodCheer.htm |Detroit area in conjunction with the FORD |Park Drive |Tony Hemmelgarn |

| |outreach program |P.O. Box 348 |313-317-6097 |

| | |Okemos, MI 48805-0348 | |

|Teen Response, Inc. TM |A non-profit organization providing a variety |P.O. Box 9555 |Board of Directors |

|(A public, non-profit organization) |of services for adolescents who have an |Cincinnati, OH 45209 |Jerome Johnson |

| |interest in taking age appropriate | |(513) 576-5931 |

| |responsibility for their world. | | |

|RCGA (St. Louis Regional Chamber and Growth Association) |The Mission of the St. Louis RCGA is to unite |One Metropolitan Square |Executive Leadership Circle |

| |the region's business community, and to engage |Suite 1300 |Scott Bell |

| |dynamic business and civic leadership to |St. Louis, MO 63102 |(314) 264-8662 |

| |develop and sustain a world-class economy and | | |

| |community. | | |

| Michigan Chamber of Commerce | The Michigan Chamber of Commerce was | 600 S. Walnut St., Lansing, Michigan|Sr. Executive Representative Michigan Chamber of |

| |established in November 1959 to represent |48933 |Commerce |

| |employer interests by working to promote | |Tony Hemmelgarn |

| |conditions favorable to economic development in| |(313)-317-6097 |

| |Michigan. | | |

|SEM Haven Health & Residential Care Center |A multi-disciplinary team involving Activities,|225 Cleveland Avenue |Board of Directors: |

| |Social Service, Dietary, Rehab, and Nursing |Milford, OH 45150 |*Member |

| |personnel interact with family members and | |Donald Nicolaus |

| |residents to develop a plan of care most | |(513) 576-2697 |

| |appropriate to address the challenges each | |*Vice President |

| |resident is facing. | |Mary Anne Will |

| | | |(513) 576-2739 |

|SHRM |Serves the needs of the human resource |1800 Duke Street |Board of Directors |

|(Society for Human Resource Management) |management professional by providing the most |Alexandria, VA 22314 |Dan Malliet |

| |essential and comprehensive set of resources | |(972) 987-3354 |

| |available. | | |

| Trace International, Inc. (Transparent Agents and Contracting| TRACE is a non-profit membership association | 2121 K Street | Board Member |

|Entities) |that specializes in anti-bribery due diligence |Suite 700 |Aaron J. Baese |

| |reviews and compliance training for |Washington, D.C. 20037 |(314) 264-8410 |

| |international commercial intermediaries (sales | | |

| |agents and representatives, consultants, | | |

| |distributors, and suppliers). TRACE members are| | |

| |“pre-vetted” partners for multinational | | |

| |corporations seeking to do business with | | |

| |intermediaries who share their commitment to | | |

| |transparent and ethical business practices. | | |

|Challenge X – Crossover to Sustainable Mobility |Using GM's Global Vehicle Development Process, |2206 East 22nd St. |Board of Directors |

| |teams will gain valuable experience in |Austin, TX 78722 |John Heidorn |

| |real-world engineering practices. These highly | |(734) 953-3509 |

| |skilled engineers will also develop a strong | | |

| |understanding of advanced vehicle technologies | | |

| |that will prepare them to lead the automotive | | |

| |industry into the 21st Century and enable North| | |

| |America to remain competitive in the global | | |

| |marketplace. | | |

| IAAP (International Association of Administrative |The IAAP mission is to be the acknowledged, | 10502 NW Ambassador Drive | Member |

|Professionals) |recognized leader of administrative |P. O. Box 20404 |Dianne Seeks |

| |professionals and to enhance their individual |Kansas City, MO 64195-0404 |(256) 705-2501 |

| |and collective value, image, competence, and | | |

| |influence. | | |

| SWE (Society of Women Engineers) | Stimulate women to achieve full potential in | 1963 University Lane | Corporate Member |

| |careers as engineers and leaders, expand the |Lisle, IL 60532 |Tracey Lusby |

| |image of the engineering profession as a | |(513) 576-2987 |

| |positive force in improving the quality of | |Sue Wise |

| |life, and demonstrate the value of diversity. | |(714) 952-5492 |

| |     | | |

| NGMTI (Next Generation Manufacturing Technology Initiative) | The purpose of the Next Generation | Cincinnati, OH | Member |

| |Manufacturing Technology Initiative (NGMTI) is | |Jim Thompson |

| |to accelerate the development and | |(630) 437-6796 |

| |implementation of breakthrough manufacturing | | |

| |technologies in support of the transformation | | |

| |of the defense industrial base and the global | | |

| |economic competitiveness of U.S.-based | | |

| |manufacturing. | | |

| EOA (Ethics Officer Association) | The EOA is dedicated to promoting ethical | 411 Waverley Oaks Road, | Sponsoring Partner |

| |business practices and serving as a global |Suite 324, |Rose Marie Glazer |

| |forum for the exchange of information and |Waltham, MA, 02452, USA. |(972) 987-3220 |

| |strategies among organizations and individuals | | |

| |responsible for ethics, compliance and business| | |

| |conduct programs. | | |

| University of Kentucky, College of Engineering Alumni | To provide education, research, and service in| 257 Ralph G. Anderson Building | Board of Directors |

|Association |a scholarly environment in a way that: |Lexington, KY 40506-0503 |Nick Ritter |

| |prepares our students for successful | |(513) 576-2012 |

| |professional career; | | |

| |addresses the changing needs of our other | | |

| |constituents; and | | |

| |responds to the technological challenges facing| | |

| |the Commonwealth and the nation.” | | |

| Clermont Senior Services Inc. | To improve the quality of life for older | 2085-A Front Wheel Drive |*Board of Trustees |

| |adults by providing a broad range of home and |Batavia, OH  45103 |G. Thomas Rocklin |

| |community based services, enabling them to |513-724-1255 |(513) 576-2646 |

| |remain as active and independent as possible. | | |

|The Literacy Council of Clermont and Brown Counties |To enable adults to acquire basic listening, |756 Old Street, Rt. 74 |Board of Directors |

| |speaking, reading and writing skills needed |Cincinnati, OH 45245 |G. Thomas Rocklin |

| |to participate fully in society, and to | |(513) 576-2646 |

| |increase | | |

| |awareness of literacy needs in our community. | | |

| Ohio State University-Wright Center of Innovation | Organization of a powerful, extensive imaging | 2050 Kenny Road | Board Member |

| bioinformatics infrastructure that will |Columbus, OH 43210 |Steve Bashada |

| |integrate the state's scientific community into| |(513) 576-2453 |

| |a virtual think tank for research and | |Jeffrey M. Kyler |

| |development. | |(937) 477-2055 |

| Baker College |The mission of Baker College is to provide | 1500 University Dr. | Advisory Board Member |

| |quality higher education and training which |Auburn Hills, MI 48326-2642 |Neil R. Kauppila |

| |enable graduates to be successful throughout | |(248) 576-6447 |

| |challenging and rewarding careers. | | |

| Financial Executives International | Mission is to be the preeminent association | 200 Campus Drive | Chief Financial Officer |

| |for financial executives by: |Florham Park, NJ 07932-0674 |Doug Barnett |

| |        networking - providing forums for peer | | |

| |networking | | |

| |        knowledge - alerting members to | | |

| |emerging issues | | |

| |        advocacy - advocating the views of | | |

| |financial executives | | |

| |        ethics - promoting ethical conduct | | |

| NSF Center for e-Design | The Center's mission is to serve as a national| 1048 Benedum Hall | Industrial Advisory Board Member |

| |center of excellence in IT-enabled design and |Pittsburgh, PA 15261 |Hulas H. King |

| |realization of discrete manufactured products | |(314) 264-8670 |

| |by envisioning that information is the life | | |

| |blood of an enterprise and collaboration is the| | |

| |hallmark that seamlessly integrates design, | | |

| |development, testing, manufacturing, and | | |

| |servicing of products around the world. | | |

|Association of Governing Board of Universities & Colleges |To advance the practice of citizen trusteeship |One Dupont Circle, Suite 400 |Board of Director SLCC |

| |and help ensure the quality and success of our |Washington DC, 20036 |Hulas King |

| |nation’s colleges and universities. | |(314) 264-8670 |

| American Cancer Society Hamilton County | The American Cancer Society (ACS) is a | 2800 Reading Road |*Communications and Marketing Mission Chair |

| |nationwide, community- based voluntary health |Cincinnati, OH 45206 |*Executive Committee Member |

| |organization. Headquartered in Atlanta, | |Susan Cinadr |

| |Georgia, the ACS has state divisions and more | |513-576-3736 |

| |than 3,400 local offices. | | |

|Clermont 20/20, Inc. (Leadership Institute Council) |To serve as a catalyst to bring people together|119 W. Main Street |Member |

| |to improve the quality of life in Clermont |Amelia, OH 45102-1701 |G. Thomas Rocklin |

| |County. | |(513) 576-2646 |

|TechSolve |Enhance the Competitiveness of Manufacturing |111 Edison Drive |Board of Directors |

|Technology Solutions Center |and Technology Business |Cincinnati, OH 45216 |Jim Thompson |

| | | |VP, Central Region |

| | | |630-437-6796 |

|EMTEC | Strengthening industrial competitiveness and |3155 Research Blvd. |Board of Directors |

|(The Edison Material Technology Center) |meeting your needs. |Dayton, Ohio 45420 |Jeff Kyler |

| | |(937) 259-1365 |(937-477-2055) |

| | | | |

|Virginia Biosciences Development Center |To promote the advancement, nurture the |800 East Leigh Streets |Board of Directors |

| |environment and accommodate the functions of a |Richmond, VA 23219 |Steve McCummings |

| |thriving biosciences community in the greater |804-827-VBCD |703-561-2270 |

| |Richmond area in partnerships with Virginia | | |

| |Commonwealth University and other research | | |

| |institutions, business, government and | | |

| |non-for-profit-organizations. We will do this | | |

| |by developing programs, initiatives and | | |

| |facilities that lead to the creation of new | | |

| |jobs, companies and investments in the region | | |

| |in which will result in enhanced economic | | |

| |opportunity for those who are directly and | | |

| |indirectly involved in the Park and its | | |

| |activities. | | |

|GWEC |Committed to the development and expansion of |Arlington, VA |Board of Directors |

|(Global Wireless |current wireless technology curricular in | |Dr. Mohsen Rezayat, Chief Solutions Architect |

|Education Consortium) |academic institutions worldwide | |(513-576-5981) |

| | | | |

|AMIE |Promote Engineering Excellence for U.S.-based |Morgan State University |Corporate Sponsor |

|(Advancing Minorities |Historical Black Colleges and Universities |School of Engineering |Board of Directors |

|Interest in Engineering) |(HBCU’s). |5200 Perring Parkway |Member for UGS & EDS |

| | |Baltimore, MD 21251 |Hulas King |

| | | |314-264-8670 |

|Manufacturing Training Alliance |Provide PLM opportunities for youth, dislocated|Wellston, MO |Board of Directors |

| |workers, incumbent workers to obtain employment| |Hulas King |

| |and increase regional competitiveness | |314 264 8670 |

|CAP |Public-Private partnership structured as a |Juvenile Detention Center |Board of Advisors |

|(Crusade Against Crime |self-help program to break the cycle of |St. Louis, MO |Hulas King |

|Child Assistant Program) |homelessness. | |314 264 8670 |

|PHAME |Address the shortage of qualified manufacturing|2116 East Haines Street |*Corporate Sponsor |

|(Philadelphia Area |workers in the Philadelphia area by providing |Philadelphia, PA 19138 |* Industry Partner |

|Accelerated Manufacturing |low and moderate income individuals (the | |Mike Schwind |

|Education) Inc. |working poor) the skills to become precision | |(610) 225-8718 |

| |manufacturing specialists, able to earn family | | |

| |sustaining wages. | | |

|NSBE |Develop and promote emerging Engineering |1454 Duke Street |Member of Gateway Chapter |

|(National Society of Black Engineers) |opportunities for youth and professionals from |Alexandria, Virginia 22314 |Hulas King |

| |under-represented populations and at-risk | |314 264 8670 |

| |environments. | | |

|RISE |Develop plans for changing needs of Science and|HQ at the Univ. of MO-St. Louis |Board of Directors |

|(Regional Institute for |Education in the greater St. Louis Metropolitan|campus |Hulas King |

|Science &Education) |Area. | |314 264 8670 |

| F1 in Schools | to help change perceptions of engineering, | | Board of Director |

| |science and technology by creating a fun and | |Ruth Lung |

| |exciting learning environment for young people | |(513) 576-2088 |

| |to develop an informed view about careers in | | |

| |Engineering, Science and Technology’ | | |

|AIAA |The non-profit AIAA is the principal society |AIAA |Member of CAD/CAM Technical Committee |

|(American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics) |and voice serving the aerospace profession. |Suite 500 |Hulas King |

| |Its primary purpose is to advance the arts, |1801 Alexander Bell Drive |314-264-8670 |

| |sciences and technology of aeronautics and |Reston, VA 20191-4344 | |

| |astronautics and to foster and promote the | | |

| |professionalism of those engaged in these | | |

| |pursuits. Although founded and based in the | | |

| |United States, AIAA is a global organization | | |

| |with nearly 30,000 individual professional | | |

| |members, over 50 corporate members, thousands | | |

| |of customers world-wide and an active | | |

| |international outreach. | | |

|GEM |GEM is designed to offer opportunities for |P.O. Box 537 |GEM Industry Partnership |

|(National Consortium for Graduate Degrees For Minorities In |under-represented students to obtain M.S. |Notre Dame, IN 46556 |Charles Bass |

|Engineering and Science, Inc.) |degrees in engineering and Ph.D. degrees in | |734-779-8536 |

| |engineering and the natural and physical | | |

| |science through a program of paid summer | | |

| |internships and graduate financial assistance | | |

|Focus: HOPE |Civil rights organization geared towards |1400 Oakman Blvd. |Industry Partner, Mentor, and Corporate Sponsor |

| |developing opportunities in advanced |Detroit, MI |Kevin Blevins |

| |manufacturing for disadvantaged youth (at risk)| |734-953-3810 |

| |in the Detroit area. | | |

|Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (SIUE) |Southern Illinois University Edwardsville is a |Edwardsville, Illinois 62026 |Board of Advisors, IPAC |

| |public comprehensive university dedicated to | |Hulas King |

| |the communication, expansion and integration of| |314-264-8670 |

| |knowledge through excellent undergraduate | | |

| |education as its first priority and | | |

| |complementary excellent graduate and | | |

| |professional academic programs; through the | | |

| |scholarly, creative and research activity of | | |

| |its faculty, staff and students; and through | | |

| |public service and cultural and arts | | |

| |programming in its region. | | |

|University of Michigan | The University of Michigan is a global leader |3074 Fleming Administration Building |Board of Advisors |

|Mechanical Engineering Program |known for advancing all aspects of life: |Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1340 |Kevin Blevins |

| |health, law and public policy, the arts and | |734-953-3840 |

| |humanities, science and engineering. Students | | |

| |and faculty have the opportunity to achieve | | |

| |more at the University of Michigan than | | |

| |anywhere else. | | |

| Defense Logistics Agency | The Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) is a U.S. | | UGS Representative |

| |Department of Defense (DoD) defense agency. DLA| |Timothy Nichols |

| |provides worldwide logistics support for the | |513-576-3656 |

| |missions of the Military Departments and the | | |

| |Unified Combatant Commands under conditions of | | |

| |peace and war. It also provides logistics | | |

| |support to other DoD Components and certain | | |

| |Federal agencies, foreign governments, | | |

| |international organizations, and others as | | |

| |authorized. | | |

|Central State University |Central State University shall in its own |P.O. Box 1004 • Wilberforce, Ohio |Board of Advisors |

| |unique way, provide for equal to higher |45384 |Hulas King |

| |education for all applicants regardless of | |314-264-8670 |

| |race, creed, sex, or physical limitation. To | | |

| |that end, Central State University carries out | | |

| |the following mission | | |

|Texas Southern University |TSU-a special purpose institution of higher |3100 Cleburne Street, Houston, TX |Board of Advisors |

| |education for urban Engineering / Technology |77004    |Hulas King |

| |programs. | |314-264-8670 |

|Beta Gamma Sigma, Inc |The mission of Beta Gamma Sigma is to encourage|125 Weldon Parkway |Sr. Member |

| |and honor academic achievement in the study of |Maryland Heights, MO 64043-3101 |Hulas King |

| |business and to foster personal and | |314-264-8670 |

| |professional excellence among its members. | | |

|Tuskegee University |Our mission has been, since 1881, to provide |Tuskegee, AL 36088 USA. Phone: (334) |Board of Advisors |

| |teaching, research and service to the members |727 - 8356 |Hulas King |

| |of our community and to the world. | |314-264-8670 |

|The Cornerstone Partnership |Develop opportunities in advanced manufacturing|Wellston, MO |Board of Directors |

| |for at-risk youth and displaced workers in the | |Hulas King |

| |St. Louis Metropolitan Area. | |314-264-8670 |

|SAE Mini Baja |Students build off road vehicles to survive |Mini Baja East |Industry Sponsor |

|students/minibaja.htm |severe weather and topology punishment |Mini Baja West |Bill Dye |

| | | |734-452-5217 |

|VIEWNET |Provide the environment in which unemployed |Ohio Space Institute |Board of Directors Chairman |

|(Virtual Interactive East-West |citizens of the world can work together to |Cleveland, OH |Hulas King |

|Network for Engineering and |improve their economic conditions and promote | |314-264-8670 |

|Technology) |an atmosphere of cooperation and peace. | | |

|ASME |To promote and enhance the technical competency|Three Park Avenue |Industry Partners |

|(American Society of Mechanical Engineers) |and professional well-being of our members and |New York, NY 10016-5990 |Hulas King |

| |through quality programs and activities in | |314-264-8670 |

| |mechanical engineering, better enable its | | |

| |practitioners to contribute to the well-being | | |

| |of humankind. | | |

|BMES |The Biomedical Engineering Society serves to |8401 Corporate Dr. |Industry Partners, Advisory Board Member |

|(Biomedical Engineering Society) |promote the increase of biomedical knowledge |Suite 225 |Steve McCummings |

| |and its utilization.  Additionally, this |Landover, MD |703-561-2270, |

| |society shall introduce students to the |20785-2224 | |

| |profession of biomedical engineering and the | | |

| |roles and obligations of the professional | | |

| |biomedical engineer and provide an environment | | |

| |for social interaction and exchange of ideas | | |

| |between all levels of undergraduate students, | | |

| |graduate students, and faculty. | | |

|The University of Memphis Fedex Institute of Technology |Provide advance digital design and engineering |365 Innovation Drive |Board of Advisors |

| |experience for students to enter today’s |Memphis, TN 38152-3115 |Industry Partners |

| |manufacturing technology job market | |David Cook |

| | | |678-795-2207 |

|NCIIA – National Center for Inventors and Innovation |Provides students with cutting-edge design and |Washington, DC |Industry Partner |

|Alliances |PLM tools to create productive and real | |Mo Baz |

| |learning experience that result in new products| |703-561-2241 |

|DAPCEP |Prepare youth to enter the fields of |City Detroit, MI |Industry Partner |

|(Detroit Area |engineering by developing training programs, |(15,000 students in Detroit |Charles Bass |

|Pre-College Engineering Program) |mentoring, and corporate sponsorship. |Metropolitan area) |734-779-8536 |

| | | | |

|TSA |Devoted to the needs of elementary, middle and |Reston, VA |Industry Partner |

|(Technology Student Association) |high school students with a dedicated interest | |Hulas King |

| |in technology | |314-264-8670 |

| ITEA |Prepare the next generation of technological |Reston, VA |Industry Partner |

|(International Technology |literacy | |Kim Corbridge |

|Education Association) | | |513-755-6579 |

| | | | |

|Sophomores Exploring |Inform, expose and encourage high school |Atlanta, GA |Industry Partners |

|Engineering |students to consider the field of engineering | |David Cook |

| | | |678-795-2207 |

|Future Cities Design Competition |Allow youth to build future cities for national|US National |Sponsored Industry Partner |

| |corporations using PLM software and advanced | |Tavia Carson |

| |manufacturing technologies | |314-264-8655 |

|ETCOTA |Provide state-of-the-art PLM curriculum and |Miami, FL |Advisory Board Member |

|(Engineering Technologies |training for academic and small/medium sized | |Joe Bosco |

|Center of the Americas) |manufacturers throughout Florida, Latin America| |407-569-2155 |

| |and South America. | | |

|Stone Soup Leadership Institute |Create nurturing environment that foster career|Berkeley, CA |Board of Directors |

| |development opportunities for youth and global | |Hulas King |

| |citizens via positive motivation and leadership| |314-264-8670 |

| |by example | | |

|St. Louis County Economic Council |Develop economic, social and industrial |121 South Meramec |On-site Loaned Executive |

| |resources for the St. Louis region and its |Clayton, MO 63105 |Hulas King |

| |national/international partners | |314-264-8670 |

|Project Lead the Way |Seeks to create dynamic partnerships with our |Clifton Park, NY | *Industry Partners |

| |nation’s schools to prepare an increasing and |National Chapters |* MO PLTW State Leadership Team Member |

| |more diverse group of students to be successful| | |

| |in engineering and engineering technology | |Hulas King |

| |programs | |314-264-8670 |

|A World in Motion |Makes the challenge of math and science |Warrendale, PA |Industry Partner |

|students/awim.htm |exciting by bringing authentic engineering | |Chairman of Education Committee |

| |design experiences into the classroom | |Hulas King |

| | | |(314) 264-8670 |

|WS – 1 |A group that is charted to ensure consistent |401 Edgewater Place |Corporate Member |

|(Web Services Interoperability organization) |implementation of the web services technology |Suite 600, |Aaron Baese |

| |so that all companies and vendors that use this|Waterfield, MA 01880 |(314) 264-8410 |

| |technology are interoperable | | |

|PBLC |Develop professional business opportunities for|SIU Headquarters |Board of Directors |

|(Professional Business |outstanding academic performers and |Edwardsville, IL |Hulas King |

|Leadership Council) |under-represented populations in the greater | |(314) 264-8670 |

| |St. Louis metropolitan area. | | |

|Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges |AGB is the only national organization providing|One Dupont Circle |Board of Directors, SLLC |

| |university and college presidents, board chairs|Suite 400 Washington, DC 20036 |Hulas King |

| |and individual trustees of both | |314-264-8670 |

| |Public and private institutions with the | | |

| |resources they need to enhance their | | |

| |effectiveness | | |

|Milford / Miami Township Chamber of Commerce |The Milford Miami Township Chamber of Commerce |100 Cemetery Road |*Active Chamber Member |

| |is the the recognized business voice of the |Milford, OH 45150 |Bill Carrelli |

| |community, representing all segments of the |513 831 3547 |513 576 2149 |

| |community in a unified voice and action. | |* Active Member |

| | | |Mary Anne Will |

| | | |513-576-2739 |

|SEM Haven Fund of the Greater Cincinnati Foundation | To develop and grow a permanent endowment for |200 West Fourth Street |*Chairman |

| |the purpose of funding projects that will |Cincinnati, Ohio 45202-2602 |G. Thomas Rocklin |

| |enhance the quality of life of SEM Haven’s | |513-576-2646 |

| |residents | |*Member |

| | | |Mary Anne Will |

| | | |513-576-2739 |

|Clermont County Chamber of Commerce |With over 1300 members, the Clermont Chamber |553 Chamber Drive |Active Chamber Member |

| |represents member interests in Clermont with a |Milford, Ohio 45150 |Bill Carrelli |

| |strong and credible voice. | |513 576 2149 |

|National Business Travel Association |NBTA connects the business travel world and |110 North Royal Street, 4th Floor |Active Corporate Membership |

| |promotes the value of business travel |Alexandria, VA 22314 |John Coyle |

| |management. |Phone: 703-684-0836 |513 576 2885 |

| | |Fax: 703-684-0263 |Jeff Kroeger |

| | | |513 576 7020 |

|Southern University College of Engineering –Council of | To enhance the liaison between the Southern | Southern University College of | Sr. Council Member |

|Visitors |University College of Engineering and the |Engineering |Hulas King |

| |industrial, business, educational and |P. O. Box 9969 |(314) 264-8670 |

| |government communities. |Baton Rouge, LA 70813 | |

|Great Oaks Education Foundation | The purpose of the Great Oaks Education |3254 East Kemper Road, Cincinnati, OH|President |

| |Foundation is to expand access to quality |45241-1581. |Mary Anne Will |

| |career-technical educational programs and | |513-576-2739 |

| |services for youth and adults and to enhance | | |

| |community awareness and support for career | | |

| |development opportunities available throughout | | |

| |the Great Oak district | | |

| Great Oaks Institute of Technology | To be the leader in career and technical | 5956 Buckwheat Road | Board of Advisors |

|Development (An Alliance of Business |education, we will ensure the career and |Milford, OH 45150 |Tom Rocklin |

|and Education) |academic success of all learners and be | |(513) 576-2646 |

| |recognized as vital to the educational and | | |

| |economic growth of our communities. We will | | |

| |provide quality workforce development programs | | |

| |and services to meet the needs of our | | |

| |customers. | | |

|St. Louis Community College Foundation |The St. Louis Community College Foundation |300 South Broadway | Board of Directors & Executive Committee |

| |partners with individuals and organizations in |St. Louis, MO 63102 |Hulas H. King |

| |the community to help students achieve their | |(314) 264-8670 |

| |dreams of better lives through education. The | | |

| |Foundation actively shares the College goals of| | |

| |innovation and excellence. | | |

|Iowa State University Department of |The Industrial Advisory Board is made up of |Iowa State University Department of |Board of Advisors |

|Electrical and Computer Engineering, |representatives from leading technology |Electrical and Computer Engineering |Bill Boswell |

|Industrial Advisory Board |companies, and advises the department and |2215 Coover Hall |(515) 296-0856 |

| |College of Engineering on trends in industry |Ames, Iowa 50011 | |

| |and curriculum needs. | | |


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