Counseling Psychology and Special Education 503

Counseling Psychology and Special Education 490

Course Description and Expectations

Course & Title: Educating Individuals with Disabilities

Credit: 1.0 credit hour

Room and Time: 238 MCKB

4:00-4:50pm Monday

Texts: Student Teacher/Intern Handbook, Brigham Young University

Department of Counseling, Psychology and Special Education

Instructor: Carol Solomon, M.S. Email:

Office: 350-D McKay Office Hours: Monday & Thursday 2-4pm; 5-6:30

Phone: 224-3857 Wednesdays 2:00-5:00pm

Open Door Policy

Course/Description: A seminar class that coincides with student teaching and internship experiences.

Prerequisites: Completion of special education program.

Course Objectives:

CPSE 490 is a companion course to your student teaching and intern experience. The Student Teaching/Intern Handbook outlines the goals and objectives for the student teaching/intern courses (CPSE 487R or 496R).

Additional objectives for this course:

1. Participation in class discussion

2. Email weekly reflection journals

3. Consider legal issues, share concerns and ideas, and ask a question

4. Arrange and attend a 3-way orientation meeting for student teaching

5. Read articles from professional publications relevant to the needs of special educators and students with disabilities

6. Complete PIBS

7. Complete Praxis Nov. 19, 2005

Course Expectations:

• Adhere to the BYU Honor Code on and off campus.

• Attend all class sessions

• Actively participate in all learning activities and discussions

• Be prepared for each class by completing the assigned readings from texts an handouts

• Be professional in typed written assignments: proof-read prior to submission. Reports should be free of spelling, grammatical, and typographical errors.

• Hand in all assignments on time.

Course Content

• Individual Education Plans

• Special Education Law

• Collaboration

• Assessment to Instruction

• Curriculum Suggestions

• Adapting Curriculum Strategies

• Learning Strategies

• Career Development

Methods/Teaching Strategies: The instructor will use a variety of teaching approaches including discussion, recitation, small group problem solving, and out of class application and activities in practicum settings.

Syllabus Elements: Mapping Core Course Outcomes to the Conceptual Framework Aims & INTASC Evaluation Standards

| |Council for Exceptional|Conceptual Framework Aims |INTASC Evaluation Standards |Assessment |

| |Children | | | |

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|Core Course Outcomes | | | | |

| | |CF 1: Embrace and Apply the Moral |S1: Subject Matter | |

| | |Dimensions of Teaching |S2: Student Learning | |

| | |Practicing nurturing pedagogy |S3: Diverse Learners | |

| | |Providing access to knowledge |S4:Instructional Strategies | |

| | |Enculturating for democracy |S5: Learning Environments | |

| | |Ensuring responsible stewardship |S6: Communication | |

| | |of the schools |S7: Planning Instruction | |

| |CEC |CF2: Demonstrate Academic |S8: Assessment | |

| |Standard |Excellence |S9: Reflection and | |

| | |CF3: Model Collaboration |Professional Development | |

| | |CF4: Act with Social Competence |S10: Collaboration, Ethics, &| |

| | | |Relationships | |

|Models, theories, and |CC1K1, CC1K3, IC1K2, |CF1, CF2 |S1, S2, S4, S7 |Class Participation, Reflection |

|philosophies that form the |CC4S1, CC4S4, CC4S5, | | |Journals, Questions |

|basis for special education|IC4K3, IC4S1, IC4S4, | | | |

|practice. |IC4S5, | | | |

| |IC4S6, CC5K3, CC7K1, | | | |

| |CC7K2, CC7S5 | | | |

|Rights and responsibilities|CC1K4, CC1K7, CC7K5, |CF1, CF2, CF3, CF4 |S2, S3, S6, S10 |Class Participation, Reflection |

|of students, parents, |IC8K2, IC8K3 | | |Journals |

|teachers, and other | | | | |

|professionals, and schools | | | | |

|related to exceptional | | | | |

|learning needs. | | | | |

|Articulate personal |CC1S1, CC9S5 |CF2 |S9 |Class Participation, Reflection |

|philosophy of special | | | |Journals |

|education. | | | | |

|Specialized materials for |IC4K1, CC5K1, IC5K2, |CF1 |S5, S6 |Class Participation, Reflection |

|individuals with |IC5K3 | | |Journals |

|disabilities. | | | | |

|Use a variety of |IC4S3, CC5K2 |CF1, CF4 |S5 |Class Participation, Reflection |

|nonaversive techniques to | | | |Journals |

|control targeted behavior | | | | |

|and maintain attention of | | | | |

|individuals with | | | | |

|disabilities. | | | | |

|Teacher attitudes and |CC5K5, IC5K4, CC7S7 |CF1, CF3 | |Class Participation, Reflection |

|behaviors that influence | | | |Journals, Professionalism Evaluation |

|behavior of individuals | | | | |

|with exceptional learning | | | | |

|needs. Social skills needed| | | | |

|for educational and other | | | | |

|environments. | | | | |

|National, state or |CC7K3, CC7S1 |CF1, CF4 |S9, S10 |Class Participation, Reflection |

|provincial, and local | | | |Journals |

|curricula standards. | | | | |

| Prepare and organize |CC7S10, CC7S11, CC7S13 |CF1, CF2 |S2, S4, S7, S9 |Class Participation, Reflection |

|materials to implement | | | |Journals |

|daily lesson plans. | | | | |

|Develop or modify |CC8K1, CC8K2 |CF1, CF2, CF4 |S8 |Class Participation, Reflection |

|individualized assessment |CC8S4, CC8S5, CC8S9, | | |Journals, Article Reflections |

|strategies. |IC8K1 | | | |

| | | | | |

|Create a safe, equitable, |CC9K1, CC9K2, CC5S1, |CF1, CF4 |S3 |Class Participation, Reflection |

|positive, and supportive |CC10S10 | | |Journals, Personal IEP |

|learning environment in | | | | |

|which diversities are | | | | |

|valued. | | | | |

|Continuum of lifelong |CC9K3, CC9S1, CC9S10, |CF1, CF3, CF4 |S9 |Class Participation, Reflection |

|professional development. |IC9K1, IC9K2, CC10K1, | | |Journals, Professionalism |

| |IC10K3 | | |Involvement, Personal IEP |


1. Class Participation: The material and discussions that we have in class will impact your ability to succeed in your student teaching/intern placement. Therefore, participation during CPSE 490 is critical. During each class you will participate in a large or small group discussion. In each weekly class you will rate yourself on your preparation (readings), participation and attendance (including staying for the full duration of class and coming on time) using a scale of one to 6. If you are absent you will lose the participation points for that class period. Standards: 1-10 (Total 78 points).

2. Weekly Reflection Journal: At the conclusion of each teaching week I want to know how you are doing. This will be accomplished through a weekly email you will send to me ( that will be conducted as a reflection journal on what you have learned, questions you may have, comments on the readings, methods you want to implement and so forth. This is not a journal about your personal life. You are required to submit your journals to me via email by each Thursday at midnight. Each reflection is worth 10 points, and they should be between a paragraph to one page. Your reflection should include: 1) A reflection on the class topics 2) A reflection on your teaching experience and 3) One other personal insight. Standards: 1-10 (Total: 130 pts)

3. Questions from Student Teaching Handbook (3), Collaboration, and Inclusion Sessions: You will submit a question or concern to assist in our classroom discussions on these days. The question/concern needs to be typed and your name needs to be included. Each question is worth 5 points. These need to be handed in at the beginning of class and NOT emailed. Standards: 1-10 (total 30 points).

4. Reflection of Article Reading: You will write a reflection of 2 journal articles to be given to you at later dates. These are to be reflections versus summaries. In your write-up consider how you will apply the content of the article to your teaching situation. Each reflection is worth 10 points. Standards: 1-10 (Total 20 points).

5. Arrange & Attend 3-way Orientation Meeting. (Total 14 points)

6. Personal IEP: You will write an IEP on yourself in the areas of academic, physical, and spiritual. The goals must be met within the semester for you to receive full credit. 6 points will be allotted for each successful week. (Total 78 points)

7. Professionalism Involvement: You will need to join a professional organization (CEC, DDD, UEA, SCEC, etc.) of your choosing and write a one page paper on your experience with this organization. This paper will be due October 24th at the beginning of class. (20 points)

8. Professionalism: You will be evaluated for in-class professionalism using the CPSE professionalism checklist. (Total 10 points)

Absence and Assignment Policy:

Absence and Tardies affect your class participation points---One point is possible if you are actively participating during class, one point for arriving on time, one point for completing all of the assigned readings BEFORE class and one point for staying until the end of class (no partial points will be awarded). Assignments are to be handed in at the beginning of class on the due date designated by the instructor. (this applies in case of absences as well). Absences will be lowered 10% for each day late. No assignments will be accepted after the last day of class.


Participation (6 pts. each week) 78 pts.

Completion of PIBS (required) 2 pt.

Reflection Journals (10 pts. each week) 130 pts.

Questions (5 pts each) 30 pts.

Reflection of Articles (10 pts. each) 20 pts.

3 way Orientation Meeting 12 pts.

Personal IEP (6 pts. Each week) 78 pts.

Professionalism Involvement 20 pts.

Professionalism Evaluation 10 pts.

TOTAL 375 pts.

Grading Criteria

95-100% A 78-79 C+ 60-64 D-

90-94 A- 75-77 C Below 60% E

88-89 B+ 70-74 C-

85-87 B 68-69 D+

80-84 B- 65-67 D

Grading: Grading your performance is a complex process. As your teacher, I consider myself a mentor, but as your evaluator I must be as impartial and objective as possible. Your grades will reflect both effort and achievement. There will be no extra credit offered in this class.

Please turn off all cell phones and beepers during class time. Make sure I have your email address. Special announcements regarding this class will be sent via email to you and you will be responsible for their content!

Disability Accommodation Statement: If you have any disability that may impair your ability to successfully complete this course, please inform the instructor during the first week of class. Accommodations are coordinated through the instructor in consultation with Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) office, and may require medical and/or psychological documentation. The SSD office is located in 150 ELWC.

Statement on Diversity: The McKay School of Education and Brigham Young University are committed to preparing students to serve effectively in a diverse society. In this course students will learn methods and material that may be adapted to various settings and contexts. Students are expected to demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to effectively apply the course content when working with individuals and groups with varying abilities and backgrounds.


|Week1 |Overview of class |Solomon |

|8/29 |Professional Organization |Personal IEP, PIBS, reading Student teaching Handbook pg 1-27, 1 question. |

| |Setting up a classroom |Two Reflection Journal entries should have been submitted (due online by |

| |Draft Personal IEP |11:00 pm on Thursday). . |

| |PIBS | |


|9/5 | | |

|Week 3 |IEP’s-the process and the people |Sangster |

|9/12 |Standards: 2, 6-10 |Read Student teaching Handbook pp. 27-47 and submit 1 question on |

| |Be prepared to stay for ½ after class to get information and |collaboration. Read, highlight and annotate reading article. Submit 1 |

| |sign up for Praxis on Nov. 19th. |question on reading via blackboard by Thurs. Complete Reflection Journal and |

| | |submit before Thurs @ 11pm. |

|Week 4 |Reading |Karolyn Peery |

|9/19 |Precision teaching and district reading programs |Complete Reflection Journal focusing on reading and submit before Thurs @ |

| | |11pm. |

|Week 5 |Collaboration with Administrator and Gen Ed |Shelly Reier |

|9/26 |Standards: 5, 7, 9, 10 |Read Student Teaching Handbook pp. 49-61 and submit 1 question. Review State|

| | |Core/Access Skills (core) |

| | |. Let students know to go to Praxis website and practice test Complete |

| | |Reflection Journal and submit before Thurs @ 11pm. Plan to stay later to |

| | |sign up for Praxis on November 19th |

|Week 6 |Understanding the State Core Curriculum |Solomon |

|10/3 | |Read and reflect on article about Career development. Submit written |

| | |reflection on Career dev. and 1 question for learning strategies. Complete |

| | |Reflection Journal and submit before Thurs @ 11pm. |

|Week 7 |Career Development |Hostetter |

|10/10 |Standards: 9 |Prepare one written question of the parent panel. Bring data collection |

| | |forms, websites, books, etc that will be helpful for the discussion next |

| | |week. Complete Reflection Journal and submit before Thurs @ 11pm. |

|Week 8 |Learning strategies, model for CBA, Data Collection |Solomon |

|10/17 |Standards: 1-8 |Be prepared to ask questions of the parent panel next week. Submit one |

| | |question about para-educators. Complete Reflection Journal and submit before|

| | |Thurs @ 11pm. |

|Week 9 |Parental Perspectives Panel Discussion |Laura Maw, Don & Karen Fairchild, Lisa Hehl |

|10/24 |Student questions |Read, highlight and notate reflection articles on para-educators. Write short|

| | |reflection and hand in together. |

| | |Reflection Journal |

|Week 10 |Collaboration with Para-educators |Carol Solomon |

|10/31 | |Student curriculum adaptation presentations. Complete Reflection Journal and|

| | |submit before Thurs @ 11pm. |

|Week 11 |Adapting Curriculum: Student Presentations |Solomon |

|11/7 |Standards: 1-7 |Read, highlight and annotate reflection article on inclusion. Write a short |

| | |reflection and hand in with annotated article. Complete Reflection Journal |

| | |and submit before Thurs @ 11pm. |

|Week 12 |Inclusion (How to make it happen) Standards: 2-7, 10 |Patty Ratliff |

|11/14 | |Read, highlight and notate reflection articles. Write short reflection and |

| | |hand in together. |

| | |Reflection Journal |

|Week 13 |CLASS optional, Questions and Answers—HAPPY THANKSGIVING |Solomon |

|11/21 | |Bring questions and be prepared to participate in an open discussion. |

| | |Complete Reflection Journal and submit before Thurs @ 11pm. |

|Week 14 |Finish Student presentations, |Solomon |

|11/28 |Perspectives/Paradigms |Finish Student curriculum adaptation presentations. Complete Reflection |

| |Standards: 3, 5-10 |Journal and submit before Thurs @ 11pm. |

|Week 15 |Celebration |Solomon |

|12/5 | | |

Grading rubrics

Rubric for CPSE 490 Reflection Journals

|Task |Points Earned |Points Possible |

|A reflection on the class topic for that week | |2 |

|A reflection on your teaching | |2 |

|At least one other personal insight dealing with the course and/or student teaching | |4 |

|Reflection is well written with no errors/strong insight is evident | |2 |

|TOTAL | |10 |

Rubric for CPSE 490 Questions

|Task |Points Earned |Points Possible |

|Question is typed | |2 |

|Question is well written with obvious reflection and is free of grammatical errors | |2 ½ |

|Name is included | |½ |

|TOTAL | |5 |

Rubric for CPSE 490 Article Reflections

|Task |Points Earned |Points Possible |

|Article is found from a well-supported text or journal | |2 |

|Reflection is typed, at least one page in length, and is free of grammatical errors | |3 |

|Reflection is well written with obvious reflection and application to your setting | |5 |

|TOTAL | |10 |

Rubric for CPSE 490 Professionalism Involvement

| |Points Earned |Points Possible |

|Evidence of membership with a professional organization is provided (i.e.: id #, copy of | |5 |

|membership card, etc) | | |

|Reflection of participation is typed, at least one page in length, and is free of grammatical | |5 |

|errors | | |

|Examples if participation with this organization are shared with strong application to personal | |10 |

|professional development | | |

|TOTAL | |20 |

Words of advice from Dr. Burrell:

You must understand that . . .

1) Nothing in your life has prepared you for this!

2) You’re going to have quick failures!

3) Failure is only feedback!

4) You will have to re-define success!

5) See these phases as adjustment periods that are temporary!

Phases to teaching:

1: Honeymoon 3: Humor

2: Hostility 4: Home


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