Testing and Assessment Toolkit Matrix

Workforce Solutions

Testing and Assessment Toolkit Matrix

Descriptions of Career Assessment Instruments

|Name of Instrument |Description |Technical Quality |Cost |Comments |

|Personality |

|Keirsey Temperament |Based on Karl Jung’s personality types; identifies |Reliability coefficients |$.50/self-scoring paper and pencil |Widely used in business because of its simplicity and ease of |

|Sorter |four major personality styles (Artisans, Guardians, |correlate with the MBTI, normally|test; also available for purchase |use. Not appropriate for clinical purposes or diagnosis of |

| |Idealists, Rationals). Most widely used personality |about 0.70. Validity scores |online; free online demo version |personality disorders. Requires training by qualified personnel |

| |assessment in the world, translated into 18 |correlate at an acceptable level |available online at |for proper administration and interpretation. |

| |languages. Consists of 70 questions, takes 10-15 |with the MBTI (a range of 0.20 to| | |

| |minutes to complete and score (self-assessment). |0.60). | | |

| |Purpose is to find natural talents and preferences, | | | |

| |what you enjoy learning and doing. | | | |

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| |Find more information about the Keirsey online at: | | | |

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|Ability/Achievement |

|Tests of Adult Basic |The TABE is designed to assess reading, mathematics,|TABE has been statistically |Costs range from $83.50 - $147.50 for |TABE Survey provides reliable estimate of an individual’s overall|

|Education (TABE) |language, and spelling skills. It includes a |correlated to the GED tests and |25 tests. Price depends on which |achievement. TABE Battery should be used when accurate scores for|

| |version in Spanish and independent tests that assess|content has been mapped to SCANS |versions of TABE are used and quantity|individual subtests are required or when necessary to demonstrate|

| |basic skills in work-related contexts. TABE is |competencies. Reliability and |of order placed. Technical Report is |an individual has mastered specific objectives. To administer |

| |available in paper-and-pencil and computer-based |validity coefficients are |$26.00. |the TABE, you must be able to read and follow the directions in |

| |formats. There are six different groups of TABE |available in the Technical | |the Examiner’s Manuals, calculate scores in accordance with Norms|

| |tests: TABE Complete Battery, TABE Survey, TABE |Report. Designed for a range of | |Book instructions, and function as a professional assessment |

| |Espanol, TABE Work-Related Foundation Skills, TABE |audiences (high school | |administrator. Survey and Complete Battery editions may be used |

| |Work-Related Problem Solving, and TABE-PC. TABE |equivalency or GED programs, | |to qualify students for “ability-to-benefit” status under U.S. |

| |Survey is a short form of the Complete Battery. |vocational programs, community | |Department of Education guidelines (paper-pencil version only). |

| |Survey requires approximately 35 minutes; Battery |college programs, welfare-to-work| |Good tool for assisting with decisions concerning academic |

| |requires 3 hours. Published by McGraw-Hill. |programs, occupational or | |programs and employment, but should not be used as sole measure |

| | |military advancement programs, | |for making decisions. TABE also suggests use of other information|

| |Find more information about TABE online at: |alternative educational programs,| |gained through interviews, transcripts, references, etc. Often |

| | |and ESL programs). | |used by workforce organizations, especially when customers |

| | | | |request training assistance and do not have a Bachelor’s degree, |

| | | | |when customers are receiving TANF, or when employers require TABE|

| | | | |testing. |

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|Interest/Aptitude |

|O*NET Computerized |The O*NET Computerized Interest Profiler is part of |DOL/ETA adhered to high standards|Individuals may use O*NET tools freely|Tools must be administered by staff who provide instructions to |

|Interest Profiler (CIP) |a suite of assessment tools designed for career |of the APA, AERA, and National |for their own personal use. Two of |individuals taking the assessment. Training materials are |

| |counseling, career planning and exploration (Work |Council on Measurement in |the tools are computerized |available online. Online assessments can be installed on |

| |Importance Locator, Interest Profile, Work |Education in developing the O*NET|instruments: the Computerized Interest|individual computers by a local system administrator. Software is|

| |Importance Profiler, Computerized Interest Profiler,|career exploration tools. |Profiler and the Work Importance |simple and easy to follow (targeted for individuals with |

| |and Ability Profiler). All results are linked to |Analyses prove score results to |Profiler. A copy of the source code |little/no computer experience). Usually administered and |

| |O*NET occupations. The CIP was developed by the U.S.|be valid from both a statistical |for these instruments is available by |analyzed individually, but group administration is possible and |

| |Department of Labor and is based on Holland’s |and usability perspective. |written request. The CIP |customers can work together as a group to discuss results. When |

| |personality theory. Requires 30-60 minutes to |Reliability coefficients are high|paper-and-pencil instruments are |the CIP Network Version is used, customer data files are stored |

| |complete. |(0.95 to 0.97). |$52/package of 25 copies; score |for administrator use. O*NET Career Exploration Tools would |

| | | |reports are $22/package of 5 copies. |appear to be a good “fit” for workforce organizations. |

| |Find more information about O*Net assessment tools | |User’s guide is $19.40. Materials are | |

| |at the O*Net Resource Center online at: | |available from the U.S. Government | |

| | | |Printing Office. | |

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|Interest/Aptitude (cont.) |

|O*NET Ability Profiler |An O*NET product designed to identify strengths and |DOL/ETA adhered to high standards|Materials include test instruments, |Designed for workforce development professionals; results linked |

| |areas that need development; identifies occupations |of the APA, AERA, and National |administration manual, scoring keys, |to O*NET occupations. Very similar to Valpar instruments. |

| |related to strengths. Measures 9 job-related |Council on Measurement in |and administrator training materials. |Instrument must be administered by trained workforce |

| |abilities: verbal ability, arithmetic reasoning, |Education in developing the O*NET|Materials are available for free |professional. Intended for group administration but can be |

| |computation, spatial ability, form perception, |career exploration tools. |downloading and printing or can be |administered to a single individual. |

| |clerical perception, motor coordination, finger |Analyses prove score results to |purchased from the U.S. Government | |

| |dexterity, manual dexterity. Paper and pencil format|be valid from both a statistical |Printing Office. Test instruments @ | |

| |with optional apparatus parts (finger and manual |and usability perspective. |$50/10; answer sheets $43/100; | |

| |dexterity) and computerized scoring. Designed for |Reliability coefficients are high|administrator manual $8.80; scoring | |

| |career development purposes and should not be used |(0.95 to 0.97). |software $22; administrator training | |

| |for personnel selection. | |manual $4.40; optional manual | |

| | | |dexterity pegboards and finger | |

| |Find more information about O*Net assessment tools | |dexterity boards available at extra | |

| |at the O*Net Resource Center online at: | |cost. | |

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|Interest/Aptitude (cont.) |

|O*NET Work Importance |The Work Importance Locator is paper and pencil |DOL/ETA adhered to high |Materials are available for free |Designed for workforce development professionals; results linked |

|Locator and O*NET Work |format and the Work Importance Profiler is |standards of the APA, AERA, and |downloading and printing or may be |to O*NET occupations. Very similar to Valpar instruments. |

|Importance Profiler |computerized. Both instruments measure six types of |National Council on Measurement |purchased from the U.S. Government |Instrument must be administered by trained workforce professional|

| |work values (achievement, independence, recognition,|in Education in developing the |Printing Office. Work Importance Locator| |

| |relationships, support, working conditions). The |O*NET career exploration tools. |Instrument - $19.80 for 25; Work | |

| |instruments are designed to allow customers to see |Analyses prove score results to |Importance Locator Score Report - $22/5;| |

| |what is important to them in a job and identify |be valid from both a statistical|user’s guide $15.20; Work Importance | |

| |occupations most “in line” with their values. |and usability perspective. |Locator Occupations Master List $7.60/5;| |

| | |Reliability coefficients are |O*NET Occupations combined List: | |

| |Find more information about O*Net assessment tools |high (0.95 to 0.97). |Interests and Work Values $18/5. | |

| |at the O*Net Resource Center online at: | | | |

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