Video Outline FREE


Bringing Blessings Across America through FREE Guest Speaking & FREE Materials

PASTOR BRIAN KLUTH leads the movement and serves the 45-member denominations of the National Association of Evangelicals. He is also a bestselling generosity and legacy author and speaker. During the 100-city grant-funded #BlessingsTour trips, he will be available to serve churches at NO-COST (as his schedule allows). Visit for more details or to contact Brian.

This gathering can be done in someone's home or at church in the evening or on a Saturday for those 55+ and older (for a group of 10 or more people). Brian & Mary Ellen were both widowed in their 50s. They will share their story of loss, love and lessons learned about legacy living and giving. People will be encouraged to live and give more generously through Brian & Mary Ellen's personal stories, practical suggestions and free materials.

This Seminar can be done in the EVENING (Sun through Thurs). It can be open to everyone OR you can use it as a special Appreciation Event for your adult leaders and volunteers. Everyone will receive Brian's Moody published "Experience God As Your Provider" book (kindle version), bookmark and other free materials. This event will IGNITE people's faith, INSTRUCT people in God's Word, INSPIRE joyful living and giving, and INCREASE hope in their hearts.

Depending on their RV travel schedule, Brian may be available to preach for your church worship service(s). After Brian's guest speaking at hundreds of churches and conferences, many people have reported that God used Brian's message to help transform their heart, head, hands and habits when it came to generous living and giving. Everyone will be given the free 40-Day GiveWithJoy App and other free materials.

These online materials will be available for FREE


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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