Donnington Wood Church of England Junior School

How ICT can support Mental Maths

To help support our focus on Mental Maths we have created a list of resources you can use at home to support your child with times tables and mental Maths. In addition to playing these online many of the games are available on your phone.

The more your child practices the more confident they will become!

Strategies for Mental Maths

The key to this is to use daily opportunities to regularly ask questions, at home or when you are out and about, to reinforce mental recall. For instance, you could ask your child to add the bus numbers as they go past. At home you could ask questions about preparing dinner, how much food we need, and if you are shopping encouraging them to add together the costs of the items, and work out the change.

Strategies for Teaching Tables

At Donnington we teach our tables as 1 x 5 = 5, 2 x 5 = 10, this allows pupils to understand the relevant number facts and inverse i.e. 10 divide 2 = 5 … Once they can recall 1-12, try and ask them out of sequence.

A sound knowledge of time tables aid nearly all areas of maths, and is essential to aid your child’s progression.

One of my favourite games is to roll dice together and use them to add, subtract, multiply or divide.

Apart from the interactive links there are thousands of resources available online to support your child and numerous books. Simply Google Mental maths or Times Tables.

I have included a QR link for easy access from Smart phones and webcams, but not all games will work on iPhones due to its lack of Flash. To download a QR reader please use your revelant App store to download, or search for it, the free ones work just as well as the paid for ones (but contain adverts)

There are also a number of help videos, and times table songs on Youtube.

|Search for: |Warning: accessing games on you phone could incur data charges. |

|Arcademic skill |[pic] | |

|builders | |Notes: Our Favourite Maths Game. It is also designed to be played on the Wii or |

| | |you can now download apps- or simple play for free online. |

|KS2 Bitesize |[pic] | |

| | |Notes: One of the best free resources available. |

|Woodlands Junior |[pic] | |

|School/maths zone | |Notes: Thousands of games for all four operations |

|Resource Room Maths |[pic] | |

|Games | |Notes: Quick and simple times tables check lists. |

| |[pic] | |

|(interactive Games) | |Notes: Lots of different multiplication games to check learning. |

|Purple mash |PC Only |Access Via Fronter |

|Sketch add |PC Only | |

| | |Notes: Combination of addition and a platform game. |

|Apps |

|There are many free lite versions which offer limited usability. Search for mental maths and Time tables |

|Mental Maths- Trillarden (59p) |

|Animal Math Lite (Free) |

|Sing your times tables with percy parker! (59p) |

|Bingo Maths (£1.69) |

|Brain Training- DSi |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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