Hunyor Guesthouse and Student Hostel, University of Pécs

|Hunyor Guesthouse and Student Hostel, University of Pécs |

|7624. Pécs. Jurisics M. u. 16 |

|House Rules and Regulations |

|Residents and visitors of the Guesthouse are under obligation to keep the following rules and regulations |


In accordance with the operative laws and regulations, the University of Pécs Chancellery, Management of Technical Services, Main Directorate of Property Development and Management, Directorate of Property Management , and the Hunyor Guesthouse and Student Hostel has laid down the following house rules and regulations (hereafter: Rules and Regulations):

1. General Instructions

1.1. The House Rules are valid for the building of PTE Hunyor Guesthouse and Student Hostel (hereafter: Guesthouse), and the territory belonging to it.

The House Rules are valid for all people living in the Guesthouse (hereafter: resident), and for every person who enters the Guesthouse’s territory, or who’s actions are affecting it in any way (hereafter: visitor).

1.2. The House Rules are obligatory for every resident and visitor, in order to maintain the rules of normal lifestyle. Violation of the House Rules may lead to disciplinary procedure.

1.3. Employees of the University are authorized to control and instruct the residents and visitors of the Guesthouse; they are authorized to command violators of the fire, health and safety policies to follow the instructions.

1.4. Employees of the University –especially the receptionists- , and members of the security service are authorized, in order to maintain the order and security of the Hostel, to control the identity of any person who enters the Hostel, by asking them to present their resident contract, and/or photo-equipped ID card.

2. Moving into and vacating the Hostel

2.1. The date of moving in is the date mentioned in the notification. After 10 working days from this date, moving in is only possible upon prior arrangement; otherwise, the reservation is cancelled and the capacity is considered vacant.

2.2. Moving in of the residents is organized by the reception service. A legal relationship with the Guesthouse is established by filling and signing the registration form and the contract, and is valid until the date mentioned in the contract.

2.3. Upon moving in, residents are obliged to:

a) verify their identity

b) fill in the registration form, perform the actions necessary for the production of the resident ID card

c) receive all necessary information regarding the rules of residency, especially those about payment, disciplinary topics, and the fire, health and safety policies.

2.4. Every resident is obliged to inform the Immigration Office promptly about the moving in to the Hostel. After vacating, the Office must be informed about it within 3 working days.

2.5. After moving in, residents receive their photo-equipped ID card, which verifies their status as a resident. If the ID card gets lost, cost of the replacement is 2000 HUF.

2.6. Upon entering the Hostel, the resident ID card must be presented at the Reception without request.

2.7. Residents must leave the room key at the Reception, every time they leave the Hostel.

2.8. Upon vacation, residents are obliged to give a declaration about having payed any debt towards the University; filling in the necessary documents; leaving the room in its original condition; paying the total costs for any damages caused during their residency. The resident is obliged to sign a fully conclusive statement about any unpaied debts towards the University.

3. Rights and obligations of the residents

3.1. a) Residents are obliged to adequate usage of their rooms and all of the room’s accessories (furniture, doors, windows, lights, bathroom equipment etc). The University takes up no responsibility for any damages and injuries caused by inadequate usage. Electric connectors may be used only according to the relevant rules; the University takes up no responsibility caused by violation of these rules.

b) It is forbidden to use any high-power household electric device (especially any electric cooking and heating devices, microwave, etc) in the rooms. In case of doubt, any electric device may only be used in the rooms after expertise and permission of the janitor.

3.2. Residents are obliged to report any malfunction to the Reception service promptly.

3.3. Only activities, which are not disturbing the learning and normal lifestyle, are allowed in the Hostel. During exam sessions, residents are obliged to turn increased attention to avoid any form of activity which may disturb others and violate the rules of cohabitation. For example, in these periods any form of noise (loud music etc.), which may disturb the residents of the neighboring rooms, is forbidden during daytime too.

3.4. After 23:00, any activity causing unnecessary noise, and/or disturbing the silence and learning of other residents, is forbidden. The disturbing activity must be reported to the Reception Service, the case must be reported in a protocol, mentioning the names of the perpetrators too. Any resident or visitor must identify him/herself upon request by the Reception Service, and verify their authorization to stay in the Hostel. Based on the protocol, disciplinary procedures may take place against violators of the House Rules.

3.5. During exam sessions, silence regulation is valid between 0-24 hours continuously. It is forbidden to cause any unnecessary noise, and/or disturb the silence and learning of other residents.

3.6. No events (parties etc.) are allowed in the Hostel.

3.7. Residents are allowed to put pictures, posters on the walls of their rooms, but only without causing any damage. Before vacating the room, pictures and posters must be removed. Advertisements are only allowed in the areas designated for it.

3.8. If a resident is leaving a hostel for a time exceeding 7 days, the Reception Service must be informed about it. Absences of this kind do not effect the resident’s obligation to pay the rent.

3.9. Notes and remarks about the Hostel and its functioning can be reported to the Reception Service in a written form.

3.10. It is strictly forbidden to trade any products charged with excise tax in the Hostel or its territory. Violation is considered as serious disciplinary demerit, and leads to disciplinary procedure. Any other commercial activity needs the approval of the PTE Chancellery.

3.11. It is forbidden to remove, replace, change etc. the accessories and objects (f.e. furniture, plants) in the communal areas.

3.12. Residents are obliged to restore the original condition of communal areas after usage – with particular reference to the collection and removal of garbage.

3.13. Upon leaving the rooms, all electrical devices must be turned off, windows and doors must be closed. The University is not responsible for any damage caused by failure to do so.

3.14. Every room gets one (1) key upon moving in. If the key gets lost, the costs of its replacement are 2000 HUF/resident. Residents are not allowed to change the locks of the room doors.

3.15. Employees of the University are authorized – after notification of the resident, and in the resident’s presence - to control the proper usage of the rooms. When no resident is present, the control is only possible if the residents have been informed earlier about its possibility (e.g. by information sheet placed on the message board at the beginning of the semester, mentioning the date and description of the control). In latter case, a protocol is to be made during control, signed by those present in person.

3.16. Room swaps within the Guesthouse are only possible with the notification and cooperation of the Reception Service, and with the mutual (written) agreement of each resident of the rooms in question. Otherwise, the residents are obliged to move back to their original rooms. Failing to do so may lead to disciplinary procedures.

3.17. The kitchen on the 1st floor is available every day from 6 a.m. to 23 p.m. The kitchen must NOT be left while cooking. Please wash the used utensils, and leave the kitchen cleaned up after you finished cooking.

3.18. Jumping from the room balcony or going out on the roof is strictly forbidden, dangerous, and may entail disciplinary action.

3.19. It is forbidden to use any device producing noise (laptops, music players, Bluetooth speakers etc.) in the lobby, the balcony and outside the building. Staying in the lobby and the balcony between 23 p.m. – 6 a.m. is not allowed.

4. Hygienic rules of the Hostel

4.1. Obligations of the University:

- Cleaning the corridors and communal areas daily (on working days). In the kitchen, only the floor is cleaned by the Hostel staff.

- Vacuum cleaning of the rooms two times per week.

- Changing of bedclothes and cleaning of the bathrooms every in every third week.

- Once a year, deep cleaning of the communal areas, cleaning of the windows, renovating the painting of the walls (in the summer period).

- Periodically pest control and disinfection.

4.2. Obligations of the Residents:

- Use the bedclothes. They will be replaced by the cleaning staff every third week. If the resident wants to use her/his own bedclothes, it is obligatory to clean/wash them every third week.

- During cleanings, leave the floor and beds free (pack your stuff away).

- Maintain the hygiene and cleanliness of your rooms properly.

- In the kitchen and laundry, leave the devices and accessories (washing machines, microwave owens, stoves etc.) clean after use. Dishes and cooking tools left in the kitchen are collected daily by the cleaning staff. If the owner does not requires them back, they will be removed from the Hostel after 24 hours.

- Maintain the hygiene and cleanliness of the kitchen, laundry, toilets and other communal areas.

- Report any infectious disease and accident to the Reception Service promptly.

- Based on the relevant rules and the Hungarian Public Health Law, it is forbidden to keep pet animals in the rooms and communal areas of the Hostel.

- When you check out, leave the room and all of its furniture and accessories cleaned up.

4.3. Perishable food may only be stored in the fridge. All residents are responsible for their food stored in the fridge.

4.4. It is not allowed to smoke or use hookahs in the Hostel and its territory.

4.5. According to the law, there is a designated smoking area before the entrance of the building. If residents and visitors are smoking anywhere else, disciplinary procedures may be started against them.

4.6. If the employees of the University detect the signs of smoking or hookah using in the rooms, they are obliged to record the case in a protocol. Disciplinary procedures may be started against the residents of these rooms.

5. Rules of payment

5.1. The prices for accommodation are published by June 30 by the University, prior to the current school year.

5.2. Residents are obliged to pay the rent for the current month until the 10th day of the month. Delayed payment is charged with a fee of 2000 HUF/week.

5.3. If a resident owes multiple rents, her/his access to the PTE internet-based educational systems may become limited.

6. Obligations of damage compensation

6.1. It is forbidden to take the accessories of one room, and/or communal area, to another.

6.2. All residents are obliged to protect and maintain the condition of the building. Roommates are responsible together for accessories of their room meant for a shared use. If the fittings and fixtures of the building suffer damage, the causer of the damage must pay compensation, and disciplinary procedure may be initiated against her/him, depending on the extent of the damage.

6.3. If the damage is not deliberately caused, the resident must compensate 20 % of the value; if the resident admits the damaging and pays the compensation, a disciplinary procedure will not be initiated.

6.4. If the damage is caused deliberately, the resident must pay full compensation, and disciplinary procedure will be initiated. If the resident admits the damage and pays the compensation, the disciplinary procedure may be waived.

6.5. Extra costs caused by improper use of the rooms must be stood by the resident.

6.6. In other questions of damage compensation, rules of the Hungarian Civil Law must be used.

7. Rules of receiving visitors and guests

7.1. The following persons are considered as temporarily residing in the Hostel:

- Visitors, visiting a resident in the designated period (7 a.m. – 23 p.m.);

- Guests of the residents, who stay in the Hostel after 23 p.m. and pay the fee for it, defined by the relevant order of the Chancellery;

- Customers, who make use of only the services provided by the departments and organizations of the Hostel.

7.2. Rules concerning the visitors and guests:

- All rules concerning the residents are obligatory for guests and visitors, too.

- Visitors have to keep themselves to the designated visiting time of the Hostel, which takes place between 7 a.m. and 23 p.m.

- One resident is allowed to receive up to 3 visitors per day.

- Upon entering the Hostel, the visitor must leave some document of identification (e.g. student ID card) at the Reception; the time of the visitor’s arrival and departure must be recorded by the Reception Service. The visitor is obliged to leave the building (without warning) until 23 p.m. Failing to do this leads to obligation to pay the daily fee for guests, defined by the Chancellor’s order.

- Visitors may not use the communal areas designated to use by residents (f.e. laundry, kitchen).

Violation of these rules may lead to disciplinary procedures against the resident, who received the visitor.

- Visitors may only enter the building, if the receiving resident is there, too. If the resident is leaving the building, the visitor must leave, too.

- Guests are obliged to pay the discount accommodation fee (1000 HUF per night) upon arrival. If the guest fails to register at the Reception, and/or fails to pay the mentioned fee upon arrival, the whole price (3600 HUF per night) will be charged.

7.3. Rules concerning guests:

- One guest may only stay in the Hostel up to 3 nights per month, by the discount price. If the guest stays longer, the whole price will be charged.

- One resident is only allowed to receive one guest per night, by the discount price.

- Guest may enter the building only, if the resident is there, too. If the resident is leaving the building, the guest must leave, too (e.g., the resident is leaving for the weekend, but the guest would like to stay).

7.4. Temporarily residing people are obliged to maintain the condition of the Hostel, too. Receiving residents are fully responsible guarantors for damages caused by their visitors and guests.

7.5. Disciplinary procedures must be initiated against all residents of rooms receiving visitors and/or guests, who violate the rules relevant for them.

The Resident is under obligation to acknowledge and behave according to these Rules and Regulations.

The House Rules and Regulations come into effect on the 1st of September, 2015.


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