Anna B - Princeton University

Anna B. Stilz

Department of Politics, Princeton University

106 Fisher Hall; Princeton NJ 08544-1012


Last update: 1/13/20



Laurance S. Rockefeller Professor of Politics and the University Center for Human Values, Princeton University, July 2016—present.

Associate Professor of Politics, Princeton University, September 2013—March 2016.

Assistant Professor of Politics, Princeton University, July 2008—August 2013.

Assistant Professor of Political Science, Columbia University, July 2006—July 2008.

Postdoctoral Fellow, Berlin Program for Advanced German and European Studies at the Freie Universität Berlin, October 2005-July 2006.


Philosophy and Public Affairs, Editor-in-Chief, May 2020-present; Acting Co-Editor,

September 2019-May 2020; Associate Editor, 2014-2019.

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Co-Editor, Social and Political Philosophy, 2016-


Ethics and International Affairs, Editorial Advisory Board, 2018-present.

Law, Ethics, and Philosophy, Editorial Board, 2013-present.

Oxford Studies in Political Philosophy, Advisory Board, 2017-present.

Journal of Political Philosophy, Editorial Board, 2018-present.

Visiting Fellow, Center for Moral, Social, and Political Theory, Australian National University, July-August 2013.


Harvard University, Ph.D., Department of Government, November 2005.

University of Virginia, B.A. Political and Social Thought Honors Program/ B.A. French

Literature, June 1999.


Liberal Loyalty: Freedom, Obligation, and the State, Princeton University Press, 2009.

Reviewed in: American Review of Politics, Ethics, Ethics and International Affairs, Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, Perspectives on Politics, Political Studies Review.

Territorial Sovereignty: A Philosophical Exploration, Oxford University Press, 2019.

Reviewed in: Grotiana, Res Publica, Political Theory.


“Hume, Patriotism, and Commercial Society” History of European Ideas, vol. 29, no. 1, (2003).

“Why Do States Have Territorial Rights?” International Theory, vol. 1, no. 2, (2009).

“Civic Nationalism and Language Policy” Philosophy and Public Affairs, vol. 37, no. 3, (2009).

“Guestworkers and Second-Class Citizenship” Policy and Society, vol 29, no. 4, (2010).

“Nations, States, and Territory” Ethics, vol. 121, no. 3, (2011).

“On the Relation Between Democracy and Rights” part of a symposium on Corey Brettschneider, Democratic Rights, Representation, vol. 46, no. 1, (2011).

“Collective Responsibility and the State” Journal of Political Philosophy, vol. 19, no. 2, (2011).

“Occupancy Rights and the Wrong of Removal,” Philosophy and Public Affairs, vol. 41, no. 4, (2013).

“Authority, Self-Determination, and Community in Cécile Fabre’s Cosmopolitan War” Law and Philosophy, vol. 33, no. 3, (2014).

“Language, Dignity, and Territory,” Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, vol. 28, no. 2, (2015).

“Decolonization and Self-Determination,” Social Philosophy and Policy, vol. 32, no. 1, (2015).

“On the Value of Self-Determination,” Oxford Studies in Political Philosophy, vol. 2 (2016).

“Settlement, Expulsion, and Return,” Politics, Philosophy, and Economics, vol. 16, no. 4, (2017).

“Territorial Boundaries and History,” Politics, Philosophy, and Economics, vol. 18, no. 5, (2019).

“On the Zionist Claim to Territory: Discussion of A Political Theory for the Jewish People,” vol. 20, no. 1 (2019).

“Reply to My Critics,” Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, published online first, July 2020, part of a symposium on Anna Stilz, Territorial Sovereignty.


“Is the Free Market Fair?,” Critical Review, vol 26, no. 3-4, (2014).

“On Common Ownership,” Ethics and International Affairs, vol. 28, no. 4 (2014).

“Against Democratic Interventionism,” Ethics and International Affairs, 29:3 (2015).

“On Democratic Persuasion,” Jurisprudence, 8:2 (2017).

“The Morally Excruciating Dilemma of Refugees,” symposium on David Miller, Strangers in our Midst, European Political Science, 17:4 (2018).


“Why Does the State Matter Morally? Political Obligation and Particularity,” in Varieties of Sovereignty and Citizenship, ed. Rogers Smith and Sigal Ben-Porath, (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2012).

“Territorial Rights and National Defense,” in The Morality of Defensive War, ed. Cécile Fabre and Seth Lazar, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014).

“Provisional Right and Non-State Peoples,” in Kant and Colonialism, ed. Katrin Flikschuh and Lea Ypi, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015).

“Is There an Unqualified Right to Leave?,” in Migration in Political Theory: the Ethics of Movement and Membership, ed. Sarah Fine and Lea Ypi, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015).

“Robert Paul Wolff, In Defense of Anarchism,” in Jacob Levy, ed. The Oxford Handbook of Classics in Contemporary Political Theory, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015).

“Territorial Rights and National Defense” in The Oxford Handbook of Ethics and War, ed. Helen Frowe and Seth Lazar, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016).

“Property Rights: Natural, Conventional, or Hybrid?” in Routledge Handbook of Libertarianism, ed. Jason Brennan, David Schmitz, Bas van der Vossen, (New York: Routledge, 2018).

“Does a Country Belong to its People?” in Beyond Blood Oil, by Leif Wenar, Michael Blake, Christopher Kutz, Nazrin Mehdiyeva, Aaron James and Anna Stilz (Rowman and Littlefield, 2018).

“Legitimacy and Self-Determination,” in Nomos LXI: Political Legitimacy, eds. Jack Knight and Melissa Schwartzberg (New York: NYU Press, 2019).

“Settlement and the Right to Exclude,” in Oxford Handbook of Global Justice, ed. Thom Brooks, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020).


Mark E. Button, Contract, Culture, and Citizenship: Transformative Liberalism from Hobbes to Rawls, December 2008. Published online at .

Bronwyn Leebaw, Judging State-Sponsored Violence, Imagining Political Change, in Perspectives on Politics, vol. 10, no. 2, June 2012.

Pauline Kleingeld, Kant and Cosmopolitanism, in Social Theory and Practice, 2013.

David Archard, Monique Deveaux, Neil Manson, and Daniel Weinstock (eds.), Reading Onora O’Neill. February 2014. Published online at .

A. John Simmons, Boundaries of Authority. December 2016. Published online at .

Catherine Lu, Justice and Reconciliation in World Politics, Criminal Law and Philosophy, 13:2 (2019).

Michael Blake, Justice, Migration, and Mercy. September 2020. Published online at .


“Are Citizens Culpable for State Action?,” working paper under submission.

“Self-Determination and the All-Affected Principle,” working paper draft for edited volume on the All-Affected principle, Harvard University Safra Center.

“Communication through Law?,” response to Seana Shiffrin, in Speaking Amongst Ourselves: Democracy and Law (Oxford: Oxford University Press, forthcoming).

“Economic Migration: On What Terms?” Working paper under submission.

“Lenin’s Theory of Self-Determination”

“The Moral Basis of State Independence,” response to Arthur Ripstein, Kant and the Law of War

“Climate Migration and Territorial Justice”



o Queen’s University, Philosophy Department, February 2020

o University of Stirling, Philosophy Department, March 2020

o University of California, San Diego, Political Theory Workshop, March 2020

“Climate Migration and Territorial Justice”

o University of Waterloo conference on Territorial Rights, Climate Change, and the Case of Environmentally Displaced People, January 2020.

“Occupancy Rights and Gentrification”

o APA-Eastern, January 2020.

“Redistributing Territory”

o Syracuse University, October 2020.

“Economic Migration: On What Terms?”

o Nuffield Political Theory Workshop, November 2020.

“Is There a Right to Exclude Economic Migrants?”

o Harvard Inequality and Social Policy Seminar, October 2019.

o Princeton-Kentucky Faculty Preconference, December 2019.

o George Washington University, January 2020.

o Wharton School of Business, January 2020.

“Lenin’s Theory of Self-Determination”

o Colonialism, Decolonization, and Global Justice Conference, Princeton University, September 2019.

“Reply to Commentators”

o APSA Author-meets-Critics Session, Territorial Sovereignty: A Philosophical Exploration, September 2019.

“Mitigating Conflicts of Interest in Migration”

o After the Backlash: Reconsidering the Ethics, Politics, and Law of Borders and Migration Conference, Princeton University, May 2019.

“Are Citizens Culpable for State Action?”

o Hebrew University, December 2020.

o NYU Philosophy Department Colloquium, October 2020.

o University of Chicago Political Theory Seminar, January 2020.

o Keynote lecture, University of Warwick Graduate Conference in Political Theory, February 2019.

o Fellows’ Seminar, University Center for Human Values, Princeton University, February 2019.

o The State as a Collective Agent and Citizen Complicity in States’ Actions Workshop, Princeton University, September 2016.

“The Right to Exclude Immigrants: A Conditional Approach”

o Allen and Overy Keynote Lecture, University of Surrey, November 2018.

o Workshop in Law and Philosophy, Stanford University, December 2018.

o Political Philosophy Workshop, University College London, January 2019.

o Binghamton University, Visiting PPL Scholar Keynote Lecture, March 2019.

“Resource Sovereignty and International Responsibilities”

o University of Surrey Law School, January 2018.

o Steven Ratner Seminar, University of Michigan Law School, October 2018.

o Joint Princeton-Pompeu Fabra Political Theory Conference, October 2018.

“Does a Country Belong to its People?”

o Justitia Amplificata “Demarcating the Demos” workshop, Goethe Universität Frankfurt, June 2018.

“Theorizing Self-Determination”

o Keynote lecture, Harvard Graduate Political Theory Conference, October 2017.

o UCLA Law and Philosophy Seminar, January 2018.

o Northwestern Global Justice Seminar, January 2018.

“The Duty to Allow Harmless Migration”

o UC-Berkeley, Kadish Workshop, September 2017.

o University of Chicago Political Theory Workshop, January 2018.

Territorial Sovereignty: A Philosophical Exploration

o Book Workshop, Georgia State University, May 2017.

o Book Workshop, Princeton University, May 2017.

o Book Workshop, University of Warwick, February 2019.

“The Political Autonomy Theory of Self-Determination”

o “Territorial Rights: New Directions and Challenges” Conference, UQAM, Montreal, April 2017.

o King’s College London, Law and Justice Forum, June 2017.

o September Group, New York, September 2017.

o Joseph Raz Seminar, Columbia University Law School, October 2017.

“Communication Through Law?”

o Comment on Seana Shiffrin’s Tanner Lectures, UC-Berkeley, April 2017.

“Legitimacy and Self-Determination”

o American Society for Legal, Social, and Political Philosophy, APA-Central, March 2017.

“Self-Determination and the All-Affected Principle”

o Conference on “Democratic Inclusion in a Globalized World: Debating the All-Affected Principle,” Harvard University, November 2016.

“The Just Distribution of Territory”

o Sovereignty in Contested Spaces Workshop, Princeton University, September 2016.

Comments, David Miller, Strangers in Our Midst

o APSA annual conference, September 2016.

“Unilateral Appropriation and Territory”

o Dartmouth University, July 2016.

o Queen’s University Law School, Legal Theory Workshop, October 2016.

o University of Toronto Law School, Legal Theory Workshop, October 2016.

o New York University Law School, Law and Philosophy Colloquium, November 2016.

o USC Philosophy Workshop, January 2017.

o Harvard University Law and Philosophy Workshop, March 2017.

“On Self-Determination”

o Conference in honor of David Miller, Oxford University, May 2015.

“The Value of Self-Determination”

o Princeton-LSE Conference, May 2015.

o Stanford Political Theory Workshop, April 2015.

o Princeton University Faculty Group, February 2015.

o University of Virginia Law School, Law and Humanities Colloquium, January 2015.

o UQAM-GRIPP Political Theory Workshop, Montreal, November 2014.

o Oxford Studies in Political Philosophy Conference, September 2014.

o American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, August 2014.

Commentator, Christopher Kutz book workshop, On War and Democracy, UC-Berkeley, October 2014.

“On Collective Ownership,” comments on Mathias Risse, On Global Justice, APA-Pacific, April 2014.

“Settlement, Expulsion, and Return”

o UBC Political Theory Workshop, February 2017.

o Yale Global Justice Workshop, April 2016.

o Stanford University Political Science Department, May 2015.

o Nuffield Political Theory Workshop, May 2015.

o Philosophy, Politics, and Economics Conference, New Orleans, March 2015.

o APA-Eastern Conference, December 2014.

o Rutgers University-Camden, Philosophy Department, Annual Lecture in Law and Ethics, March 2014.

o University of Maryland, “Just Societies, Just Worlds” Lecture, March 2014.

o Universität Hamburg, Natural Rights Workshop, January 2014.

o Harvard University, Safra Center for Ethics Public Lecture, November 2013.

o “Benefiting from Injustice” Conference, Carnegie Endowment, New York City, October 2013.

o Clemson University, Department of Philosophy, Lemon Lecture, September 2013.

o MSPT Workshop, Department of Philosophy, Australian National University, August 2013.


John H Pace Jr. Community Engagement Award, November 2019.

Arthur H. Scribner Bicentennial Preceptorship, three-year honorific fellowship for assistant professors, Princeton University, 2011-2014.

Selected Participant, SIAS Summer Institute on Citizenship and Migration, organized

by Eamonn Callan (Stanford) and David Miller (Oxford), Summer 2007/2008.

Edwin M. Chase Prize, for the best dissertation relating to the promotion of world peace, Harvard University, June 2006.

Edmond J. Safra Fellowship in Ethics, Harvard University, 2004-2005.

Jacob Javits Graduate Fellowship, U.S. Department of Education, 2000-2004.

DAAD Fellowship for German Language Study, Summer 2001.

Graduate Society Fellowship, Summer 2001.

Program on Constitutional Government Enlarging Competency Grant, (for study of

German), Summer 2000; (for study of Latin), Summer 2003.

Ted Sorenson Prize, for Best Fourth Year Honors Thesis, Political and Social Thought, University of Virginia, 1999.

Phi Beta Kappa, University of Virginia, 1999.

Jefferson Scholarship, financial merit scholarship, University of Virginia, 1995-1999.

Echols Scholar, academic recognition, University of Virginia, 1995-1999.


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