2015-2016 Degree Type Degree Title - UTRGV

THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS - RIO GRANDE VALLEY Degree Type ? Bachelor of Arts (BA) Degree Title ? Philosophy


The Department of History and Philosophy offers a major in Philosophy within the Bachelor of Arts degree, as well as a minor in Philosophy. The study of philosophy can serve many useful purposes, but perhaps the most important are:

Training in philosophy helps one think more clearly, more perceptively, and more effectively. Regardless of one's personal and occupational goals, and regardless of the projects in which one is interested, being able to think clearly and effectively about them is important. Americans today switch careers (not just jobs) two to three times on average over their lives. More than ever it is important to have the learning, critical thinking, and analytical skills that philosophy provides to be able to transition between different professions.

The study of philosophy uniquely helps one to better understand and appreciate oneself, the world outside, and how the two are related. In order to live a happy and fulfilled life, it is important to make sense of life and one's place in it. The satisfaction of that need is at the core of philosophy.

A major in Philosophy will provide strong preparation for a variety of careers, particularly careers in K-12 teaching, business, law, medicine, public policy, the ministry, and college teaching. A minor in Philosophy will provide excellent support for majors in numerous fields, including history, government, English, psychology, sociology, math and certain areas of science and business administration.

STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES: 1. Critical Thinking and Reading: Will demonstrate well-developed critical thinking and reading skills orally and in

writing. 2. History: Will describe the history of Philosophy, by identifying and distinguishing between the major historical

and conceptual divisions of philosophy, the positions within those divisions, and major thinkers who contributed to those periods and specializations. 3. Communication: Will exhibit well-developed oral and written communication skills; will respond effectively to questions and criticisms of presented material. 4. Alternative Points of View: Will demonstrate the capacity to accurately present, analyze and evaluate historically underrepresented philosophical concerns, positions and traditions. 5. Personal, Civic, and/or Professional Development: Will articulate and evaluate their various activities, identities, values, and goals in order to develop a flexible strategy for ongoing personal growth, community engagement, and/or professional achievement.

A ? GENERAL EDUCATION CORE ? 42 HOURS Students must fulfill the General Education Core requirements.

B ? MAJOR REQUIREMENTS ? 78 HOURS (51 advanced)

1 ? Philosophy Core ? 21 hours (12 advanced minimum) Within the Philosophy Core and Philosophy Electives section, Sole Philosophy Majors must complete a total of 30 hours in advanced Philosophy; Double-Majors/Minors must complete a total of 24 hours in advanced Philosophy. a ? Philosophy Foundation ? 15 hours (12 advanced) PHIL 1340 Introduction to Logic (or PHIL 1388 Honors) PHIL 3301 Ancient Philosophy PHIL 3303 Modern Philosophy (1600-1800) Choose one: PHIL 4310 Epistemology


PHIL 4312 Metaphysics PHIL 4380 Senior Seminar

b ? Value Theory ? 3 hours Choose from:

PHIL 1310 Ethics, Happiness, and the Good Life PHIL 1312 Introduction to Social and Political Philosophy PHIL 1330 Philosophy, Art, and Film PHIL 1360 Understanding Society and Politics PHIL 2320 Professional Ethics PHIL 2322 Professional Ethics: Biomedical PHIL 2324 Professional Ethics: Business PHIL 2326 Professional Ethics: Engineering PHIL 2328 Environmental Ethics PHIL 3330 Aesthetics/Philosophy of Art PHIL 4302 Special Topics in Applied Ethics PHIL 4320 Moral Theory PHIL 4322 Social and Political Philosophy

c ? Diversity and Pluralism in Philosophy ? 3 hours Choose from:

RELS 1304 Introduction to World Religions PHIL 1305 Introduction to Latin American Philosophy PHIL 1306 Introduction to Asian Philosophy PHIL 1362 Race, Sexuality, and Class RELS 2350 Introduction to Religious Literature PHIL 3360 Feminist Theories PHIL 3365 Chicana and Latin American Feminisms PHIL 4305 Special Topics in Latin American Philosophy


2 ? Tracks ? 57 hours (33 advanced minimum) Choose one track:

a ?Philosophy Major ? 57 hours (33 advanced) i ? Philosophy Electives ? 21 hours (12 advanced minimum) Choose 21 hours of Philosophy, of which at least 12 hours must be advanced.

ii ? Free Electives ? 36 hours (12 advanced minimum) b ? Double-Major or Minor ? 57 hours (33 advanced)

i ? Philosophy Electives ? 15 hours (6 advanced minimum) Choose 15 hours of Philosophy, of which at least 6 hours must be advanced.

ii ? Double-Major or Minor ? 42 hours (18 advanced minimum) Credit hours should be used to attain minor and/or second major in a different discipline. After earning enough credit hours for a minor and/or second major in a different discipline, students may choose advanced Philosophy courses, a second minor, or use as advanced electives in other disciplines.




ADMISSION, PROGRESSION, AND GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS, if applicable: Graduation requirements Students must complete a Senior Seminar prior to graduation.



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