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Build a Website with Weebly

Getting Started

1. Sign out a laptop that has access to the Internet.

2. Open up Safari.

3. In the search bar type in: education.

4. Sign-up for a Weebly account by creating a username and password that you will remember. If Weebly approves your username and password it will say in green writing “available!” above the username and password fields.

NOTE: You may need to try a few different usernames and password before you find one that is available.

5. type in your email address, click “I accept the terms of service” and click “sign up”.

6. Type out the security words Weebly gives you in the space provided.

7. Click “sign up” again.

Setting up your Website

1. A “Welcome to Weebly” window will pop up. Type in the title you want for your website in the space provided.

2. Choose the type of website you are making (i.e. education, portfolio etc.)

3. Select the website category (i.e. teacher, class project etc.)

4. Click “continue”

5. A new window called “choose your website domain” will pop up. For a free website, choose “use a subdomain of weebly”.

6. Type in what you would like your web address to be (i.e. carlysclass.). If this web address is available a green checkmark will appear.

7. Click “continue” and your website template should appear in a few moments.

Choosing the Design of your Site:

1. Weebly will choose the default design for your site. If you don’t like this design, you can easily choose another one.

NOTE: You can change the pictures in the templates and the font style, size and colour. You cannot change the background colours of the template.

2. To view and select other template designs, click on the “design” tab at the top of the page.

3. Select “All Themes” to view all of the themes available, preview the themes you like and then select the one you want.

4. To change the colour, size and font of your template select “design options” and set your preferences for: Design elements, site title, paragraph title, paragraph text and links.

Adding Pages to your Website:

The only page your website has at the moment is the “home” page. This is the main page of the website, and the first page viewed by visitors.

1. To add pages click on the “pages” tab at the top of the site.

2. Here, you can add, delete and organize the pages of your website.

3. Click “Add Page” then type in the page name.

4. Select the layout you want for this page.

5. If you need to reorder pages, just click+hold+drag them up or down into their new place.

6. If you need to create subpages or a hierarchy, just click+hold+ drag them left or right into their new place.

7. When you are done adding your pages click “save settings”. You will automatically be sent back to your website builder.

Adding Elements to your Website:

1. To add content to your site click on the “elements” tab at the top.

2. Choose which element you would like to add from the selection bar at the top of the page. Then click+hold+drag it into place on your page.

3. To add elements to other pages, click the page links on the menu bar at the top of your website. For example: clicking on the “About the Teacher” tab, you will be directed to the “about the Teacher” page of your website.

Deleting Elements from your Website:

1. To delete an element from your website, simply scroll over the element with your mouse. A blue border will appear around the element with a small red “X” in the top right corner. Click on the “X” and select “delete element”.

Editing Pictures and Adding Text to Pictures:

Some page layouts will allow for a large “cover” photo. A default photo will already be provided by Weebly, but you can change this photo to anything you like.

NOTE: You will need photo’s that you wish to upload already on your computer’s filing system.

1. Scroll your mouse over the photo, you will see an orange “edit image” button appear. Click this button, you will be directed to the edit image page.

2. Click the image, and the same red “X” will appear, click the “X” to delete the image. A window will appear, asking if you want to remove the image, select “OK”.

3. Click the “Add Image” button in the top left corner of the screen, and select the image you wish to add from your computer’s files. The image will upload and then appear in the correct place on the page.

4. You can adjust the size and placement of the image by clicking on the dots and or the center of the image and dragging.

5. Sometimes, you can upload more than one photo into the selected place.

6. You can further enhance and edit your photo with any of the editing options located at the top of the screen. Then click “OK”.

7. To add test to your photo, click on the “add text” button in the top left corner of the screen.

8. Select the desired font, and size and click on the picture, a text box will appear…add your text and click OK.

9. To move the location of your text box, click+hold+drag the box.

10. You can further edit and enhance your text with any of the editing options located at the top of the screen.


11. When you are pleased with your image, click “save” and select the desired saving option from the drop down bar.

Creating a link:

You can create links to other pages on your own website and to other websites in general.

1. Select the “button” element from the elements toolbar and drag it to the desired position on your page.

2. Scroll over the button with your mouse, a tool bar will appear with editing options for your button. Select “link”.


3. If you are creating a link to a separate website, copy and paste the other website’s address into the “Website URL” field. You may wish to select “Open link in new Window” as well.

4. If you are creating a link to a different page on your own website, select the link to another page option and the desired page from the drop down menu.

NOTE: You can also create links on pictures that you upload to your website.

Publishing your Website:

Your website can not be access over the internet until it is published. You will always have a working copy of your website, before and after it has been published. Nothing is ever permanent.

1. To publish your website, click the orange “publish” button in the top right corner of the screen.

Maintaining your Website:

After you have published the good copy of your website, you are able to update and maintain it by going to: education. and signing into your account.

Happy Website Building!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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