Herod’s Temple Pictures

A model of biblical proportions: man spends 30 years

creating a model of Herod's Temple

Alec Garrard, 78, has dedicated a massive 33,000 hours to constructing the ancient temple, which measures a whopping 20ft by 12ft


Pastor Lewis’s Teachings on Herod’s Temple

At the bottom of the picture are the 3 Chulda (mole) Gates that go under the southern wall of the temple complex and the Royal Stoa, with red roof, and come up in the temple area. Over one million people a day on the 3 great feasts of Israel, came through these gates and entered the temple daily.


The two Pictures below show the ruins of the Chulda Gates (Mole Gates) as they are today.

Ruins of Chulda Gates at Southern Wall of Herod’s Temple

Pictures by Pastor Lewis



These People are coming up out of the two Chulda (mole) Gates into the Court of Gentiles, Crossing the Soreg, which is the boundary for the Gentiles.

And passing through the Chail, and entering the Temple through the four southern gates of the Temple itself.


The Holy Ascension in the Temple

You can see the Eastern gate in the foreground at the bottom of the picture below. There were 12 steps that led into the Women’s Court from the Eastern Gate. There were fifteen steps that led up to the Nikanor Gate from the Women’s Court. The Nickanor Gate was level with Court of Israel to the East. The Court of Priests bordered the Court of Israel to the East. There were 12 steps that led up to the Temple itself where only the priests (Kohanim) themselves could enter. In the Temple was the Holy Place (Kodesh) and the Holy of Hollies. (Kodesh Hakodashim )

The Jewish teachers believed the farther you went from the east to the west in the Temple it became more holy. The Women’s Court was more holy than the Court of Gentiles, the Court of Israel was more holy than the Women’s Court, the Court of the Priests was more holy than the Court of Israel, the Holy Place of Kodesh was more holy than the Court of the Priests, and the Kodesh HaKodeshim, was the Most holy place in the Temple.


Temple Mount as it appears today in picture behind Pastor Lewis



These two pictures show the,” Women’s Court”, which is the largest portion of the Temple and the farthest toward the east. Notice the fifteen steps that lead to the Nikanor Gate that leads into the Court of Israel. To the left of these two pictures below or to the south, is the Royal Stoa, where Jesus turned over the table of the money exchangers.



The Wailing Wall the Only Remaining Wall of Herod’s Temple



Mr. Garrard’s Right hand in the picture below is on the southeastern watchtower. It was one of the four watchtowers on Herod’s Temple Complex. It was called “The Pinnicle of the Temple”, because it was the highest point of the temple.This is where a Levi was stationed just before the coming of the first rays of the sun. When he saw them he would cry out “Barkai” Which meant:”Morning has arrived” and they would offer the “Tamid” which was the first offering in the temple daily.

Some say that the Levi was on a watchtower on the temple itself.

This is also the place that Jesus came with Satan and stood by the watchtower and Satan quoted Psalm 91: 11,12

 For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.  They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone.

It was about 450 feet from this watchtower to the bottom of the Kedron Valley below.


Important Temple Picture

Notice the different area of the Temple and Solomon’s Porch where the Holy Ghost fell on the Day of Pentecost


The picture below shows some of the Jewish leaders desire to build the Jewish Temple beside of the Dome of the Rock.

Notice in the picture below that the future Jewish Temple is just to the north of the Dome of the Rock.

Recent discoveries have shown that Herod’s Temple lined up with the Eastern Gate

The last time I was in Israel I saw pictures of excavations under the Eastern Gate that is there now. These excavations showed that the Eastern Gate of Herod’s Temple is under the Eastern Gate that is there now.

Because of their belief that the Jewish Temple can be built beside the Dome of the Rock and the Dome of the Rock would not have to be disturbed, they call this (the peaceful solution) to rebuilding Herod’s Temple. You can find them on the internet.


Many bible scholars and myself included believe this theory that the Holy Of Holies was located not under the Dome of the Rock but under the Dome of the Tablets (aka Dome of the Spirits) seen below in the picture. This is just north of the Dome of the Rock. The Jewish scholars believe this place where the Holy of Holies is, is the Foundation Stone of All the earth. They say it is where God started his creation of all the earth


This picture of the peaceful solution below shows how the Eastern Gate lines us perfectly with the Dome of the Tablets above.


Other Jews leader believes that the future Jewish Temple will be built where the Dome of the Rock now sets.

Notice in the picture on the next page that the future Jewish Temple is just south of the Eastern Gate and is setting where the Dome of the Rock now is.

We know according to 2 Thes. 2:3, 4 there has to be a Temple built in Jerusalem that the Anti-Christ will come and set in a claim to be God

2 Thes. 2:3, 4

3Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

 4Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

Notice the Eastern Gate in this picture of the proposed Jewish Temple does not line up with the Temple, but is to the north of it.


This is a view of the Royal Stoa that was at the south of the Temple Complex

Solomon’s Porch looked something like this Royal Stoa, but not as magnificent, and it was to the east of the Temple Complex by the Beautiful Gate. Solomon’s Porch is where the Holy Ghost was poured out on the Day of Pentecost.


Solomon’s Porch, where the Holy Ghost was poured out on the Day of Pentecost, looked a lot like the Royal Stoa.

The Royal Stoa in the picture above is where Jesus cast out the money exchangers. Some say it happened in the Court of Gentiles

Picture of Jesus casting out money exchangers


(John 2:13-17)

13 And the Passover of the Jews was at hand, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem.

14 And He found in the temple those who were selling oxen and sheep and doves, and the moneychangers seated.

15 And He made a scourge of cords, and drove them all out of the temple, with the sheep and the oxen; and He poured out the coins of the moneychangers, and overturned their tables; 16 and to those who were selling the doves He said, “Take these things away; stop making My Father's house a house of merchandise.”

17 His disciples remembered that it was written, “Zeal for Thy house will consume me

The money exchangers, exchanged the standard Greek and Roman money for Jewish and Tyrian money, which were the only coinage that could be used in Temple ceremonies.

This is important because it was the gentiles that were being cheated. Jesus stood up for us here and also on the cross where he died for jew and gentile.

Solomon’s Porch

Solomon's Porch was to the East of Herod's temple in Jerusalem. The 162 Corinthian columns were about 100 feet tall. The porch was about 800 feet in length

The Levites resided here and the doctors of the law would meet here and hear and answer questions.

Jesus spent time here, in John 10 at the Festival of Lights he was here.

The Holy Ghost was poured out here in Solomon’s Temple, on the Feast of Pentecost with about 2,750,000 people in the city of Jerusalem.


Location of the Dome of the Rock today on the Temple Mount

Picture by bible


I was privileged to visit a Christian friend of mine in his house on the Mount of Olives just across from the temple mount. This picture is taken from his porch looking at the Eastern Gate of the temple mount. This is the most wonderful place I have ever visited in my life. What a privilege it is for him to live by this holy site.


This picture is from my friend’s porch looking over the Eastern Gate and looking beside the Dome of the Rock. The blue shaped dome in the background is the Dome of the Tablets, where many scholars believe the holy of holies was. Notice the 4 gates in the wall behind the dome and then look at the 1st picture and you can see it lines up with the Eastern Gate. The Dome of the Tablets is just behind the trees in the 1st picture and they line up with the Eastern Gate.


Notice in the two pictures above that my friend’s house is almost in line with the Eastern Gate. The Red Heifer Causeway in the time of Christ came across the Kidron Valley and ended right by where my friend’s house is now. He pointed out to me the ancient road that Jesus took down to the red heifer causeway as he entered into the temple on his triumphant entry on the donkey to present himself as their king in Mt. 21:7-9. The two pictures below are of the ancient road.



Herod’s Temple and Red Heifer Causeway


Pictures of the Destruction of Herod’s Temple by Romans



The Temple and the courts

Temple Area-Court of Gentiles: Josephus states that the area of Herod's temple was double that of its predecessor.

It was about 800 feet square, though it was not a perfect square.

Going From the East to the West

The Court of the Women

Entrance into the Court of Women was made through the eastern gate, by coming from the outside by 12 steps. The court of the women, so called because it was accessible to women as well as to men. Above its single colonnades were galleries reserved for the use of women. Its dimensions were about 68 yards square

The temple treasury with the13 trumpet shaped boxes for receiving the money offerings of the people was located in the Women’s Court

The Sanhedrin would come into the Women’s Court and dance before the Lord as the women would watch

The Inner Court

Entrance into the Inner Court from the Women’s Court was made by climbing up 15 semicircular steps. These are the steps that the Levites stood on and chanted. At the top of the steps was the beautiful gate or the Nicanor Gate that led into the Inner Court. The court of Israel and the court of the priests were located in the Inner Court. The men of Israel were allowed in the court of Israel and the priests were allowed in the court of the priests.

The Inner Court was about 68 yards wide by 93 yards long.

The great altar of burnt offering and the Laver were in this court.

The Temple Building

The Temple was beautiful and was made of white marble and overlaid with sheets of gold.

The Temple itself was entered by climbing 12 steps from the Priest’s Court in the Inner Court onto a porch. There was a large door that opened into the Temple, that took about 20 priest’s to open. The Temple was divided into 2 sections, The Holy Place and the Most Holy Place. The large door opened into the Holy Place.

The Holy Place

The Holy Place was about 60 feet long and about 30 feet wide

Inside the

Inside the Holy Place were the 7 Golden Lampstand, the Incense Altar and the Table of Shewbread

The Most Holy Place

The Most Holy Place was about 3o feet by 3o feet

Inside the Most Holy Place were the Ark of the Covenant, Aaron’s Staff, Anointing Oil and the Manna.

Pastor Lewis Does Not Endorse This Organization

I only show this picture and the article concerning their proposal of God’s Holy Mountain as a place of worship for all people. More religions are becoming involved in this type of proposal for the coming together of all the worlds’ religions. This is damnable in the word of God. We need to know these things and realize that this will a project that will help bring in the Mark of the Beast. Read the article below the picture below. You would be surprised at the Christian Organizations that are pushing for a One World Religion. You need to find out if the Christian organization that you belong to is a part of any organization. If you will email me I will let you know.

This picture shows the Dome of the Rock and the future Jewish Temple on Mount Moriah in Jerusalem along with a Temple for all the worlds’ religions

God’s Holy Mountain


This is the article that goes with the picture above and it is not mine. I do not endorse this article.

Pastor Lewis

This is a vision about transforming the Temple Mount from a place of contention to a place that is truly God's Holy Mountain, a house of prayer for all people (Isaiah 56:7). It is a vision of fulfilling the ultimate mission of Judaism, Christianity and Islam and the original purpose of the Temple, for the entire world to worship the One God together in peace. This vision is proposed by observant Jews, supported by background papers researched over five years and presented here. Of particular importance is one, published in Tehumin, the leading periodical of halachah (Jewish law) in Israel, about the Role of the Prophet in specifying a precise location on Mount Moriah for a rebuilt Temple.

In Torah, prophets, Talmud, and Jewish history, the first and second temples were not just for the Jewish people, but for the entire world (see The Universal Temple). References in sacred Jewish texts to the role of non-Jews in the Temple are explicit, repeated, and striking. The Temple was to be constructed by Jews to fulfill their God-given mission, as commanded through Abraham and later prophets, to bring knowledge of the One God to the whole world, so that the world would worship the One God together in peace.

When the Romans conquered Israel and destroyed the Temple, they changed the Temple Mount from what was a place of common worship of the One God by Jews and non-Jews of the time to a place of violence and conflict. Using the scheme of divide and conquer, Caesar and his descendents throughout history set one people against another, fomenting conflict as a diversion from their extortionate schemes. They did so despite the central teaching of all to serve the same One God, as stated by the Jewish prophets, Jesus, and Mohammed. Regrettably, the world continues this destructive legacy for the Temple Mount today through dark assumptions about inevitable conflict between people of different faiths. By viewing the Temple Mount as a place to contest every square inch of space, we are perpetuating the ways of Caesar, not of God.

The image shown depicts a rebuilt Temple in peaceful proximity to the Islamic and Christian shrines in Jerusalem, in fulfillment of the purpose of the Temple to manifest the One God to the entire world. This vision is absolutely not about compromise for Jews, Muslims, or Christians. Rather it is about radical fulfillment of a basic tenet of Judaism, Islam, and Christianity, and other religions of the world, to manifest the One God on earth by worshipping the One God together in peace. It is about a transformation of the Temple Mount to reflect the ultimate prophetic character of God’s Holy Mountain.

After initial consultation with rabbis of stature in Israel, this vision is being presented for thoughtful contemplation to Jews, Muslims, Christians, and those of other religions, including scholars, rabbis, imams, ministers, and the general public. We are observant Jews (see about us), and therefore bound by the principle of Jewish law (halachah), which means basically that an idea, even if it seems right in our hearts and minds, may not be God's will, and thus should follow these guidelines. Within Judaism, it is the purview of rabbis to weigh such issues based upon the vast body of Jewish scripture, teachings, and law. We believe, however, that this vision is possible according to halachah based upon the Role of the Prophet in determining the location of a rebuilt, Third Temple on Mount Moriah. It is thus possible that a prophet could rule according to the vision proposed and therefore acceptable according to Jewish law to contemplate and discuss this vision.

We propose this vision with the fervent hope that it can remind Jews, Muslims, Christians and others of the core teachings of our common prophets and of the mission that God calls us now to fulfill. The world is at a crossroads today between following the way of Caesar toward destruction or following the way of God toward redemption. Let us be very clear that it is not the place of any group of Jews to know the will of God or to present a plan for rebuilding the Temple. We present this vision in humility for contemplation and discussion. Should it be the will of God, we hope that one day it will be realized (See The Jewish Temple and God's Holy Mountain).


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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