Thinking in Physics book and website, by Vince Coletta at ...

Thinking in Physics book and website, by Vince Coletta at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, California.

[I have the book, and I recommend it. THINKING IN PHYSICS is intended for post-secondary and high school teachers. High school teachers must call School Customer Service at 800-848-9500, and then they can receive free examination copies.-- Jane Jackson, summer 2015]

Jeff Steinert, high school physics teacher and Modeling Workshop leader, wrote about Thinking in Physics: “This is an extremely valuable resource for any physics instructor. … It is a book every physics teacher should own and read.”

Here is a post to physlrnr listserv, a listserv for physics faculty interested in student learning.

Subject: Thinking in Physics book and website

From: "Coletta, Vincent"

Date: Thu, 2 Oct 2014

Some of you may be interested in receiving a complimentary copy of Thinking in Physics, a book recently published by Pearson as part of their Educational Innovation Series. It is intended for physics instructors, not students. Contact your local Pearson representative to receive your free copy.

The book describes in detail the Thinking in Physics (TIP) curriculum, parts of which have been previously reported in various papers and at national meetings. TIP is designed to reach more of those students who have the greatest difficulty learning physics. The program is designed to develop scientific reasoning skills along with an understanding of physics, and addresses the gender gap and stereotype threat. The book describes the curriculum in great detail and presents evidence for its effectiveness. The book also provides materials for use in the classroom. These materials, and many others as well, will be available on the website

, which is currently under construction.

The website is intended for both instructors and students. One activity for students, now available on the website, is the Kickbox Game, which is designed to help students develop problem-solving skills. To be successful, players must plan steps in advance. A player progresses through a series of 60 games, divided into 10 levels. The games gradually increase in complexity and skill required. The highest levels are very challenging. Most students enjoy these games.

To access them on the website, click on Student Resources, and log in as student1 .

Vince Coletta

Professor of Physics

Loyola Marymount U.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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