Book # 1 - Read a book on a

Reading Project- Genre- Deepening Reading1mammal2sea animals3Dinosaurs or Reptiles4Insect or bird5famous person 6mystery7joke book8poetry9fiction10non fiction11cookbook12space13celebration14fairy tale15Free ChoiceOR Bingo grid format: kids can create own BINGO BOARD using numbers 1 to 15 (2 broads below)Reading ProjectName:Name:Book # 1 - Read a book on a mammal.Make a bookmark.Include:Book titleMammal namePicture of mammalAny other pictures or words to describe your animalColour the bookmarkBook # 2 - Read a book about a sea animal(s)Make a vocabulary fan.Write your name on the first strip, the title of the book on the second strip, the author on the third strip, and seven new vocabulary words you learned from your story, one on each paper stripBook # 3 - Read a book about Dinosaurs or Reptiles- Record the Title:Author:Publisher:Year Published:Number of pages:Select a dinosaur or reptile and Draw your selection with all parts of the animal labeledAdd 5 interesting facts about your animal- 1 being its habitat and another its eating habits.Book # 4 - Read a book about Insects or Birds- Record the Title:Author:Publisher:Year Published:Number of pages:- Find 15 new or interesting words in your book.- Write these words and their dictionary meanings.- Please use your neatest writing Book # 5 - Read a book about a famous person- Write a letter to that person- Include:Famous person’s nameYour name Questions to the personWhy you read about themAny other important informationThe book title your read about them in Book # 6 - Read a Mystery book- Make a banner- Include:Pictures from the bookYour favourite part or character in the bookA paragraph about the book glued to the back including the book title- Decorate the banner and be creative!Book # 7 - Read a Joke book or riddle book- Make a Joke bag- Copy 7 of your favourite jokes or riddles onto one side of each tongue depressor- Write the answers to the riddles or jokes on the other side- Use permanent marker- Place tongue depressors in an envelope- Label the envelope with book title, author and your nameBook # 8 - Read a Poetry book- Print your favourite poem on a piece of paper- Include title and author’s name- Add a picture- Decorate your poem page- Glue poem on a piece of coloured paperBook # 9- Read any fiction book (not true)Write three sentences about the beginning of the story, the middle of the story, and the end of the storyBe sure to include the author, title, number of pages and your nameBook # 10 - Read any non-fiction book (true)Make a story map with the title being the book titleChoose 4-6 main events from the story and draw them in the order they happenedNeatly colour your story mapBook # 11 - Read a CookbookRecord the Title:Author:Publisher:Year Published:Number of pages:Write your favourite recipe Why is this your favourite recipe?Book # 12 - Read a Space/ Solar SystemRecord the Title:Author:Publisher:Year Published:Number of pages:Colour or paint a scene from your story on a paper plate Write 8 facts you readBook # 13 - Read a story about a CelebrationIt can not be connected to your own cultureWrite the celebrations name and the book title if they are differentWhen it is celebratedWhy it happensWhat people do for itDecorate the page with the elements of the celebrations (decorations, food, colours)Book # 14 - Read a Fairy TaleMake a story puzzleDraw your favourite part of the story on a piece of white drawing paperUse crayons, markers or coloured pencilsCut picture into large pieces (at least 5)Put finished puzzle into an envelope or small bagDon’t forget to put the title and author on the envelope or bag ................

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