The story of Moses - Primary Resources - Free teaching ...

The story of Moses.

Fill in the missing words into the sentences.

Baby Moses was found in a _____________ by the side of the River __________.

He was found by the King’s ____________________.

When he had grown up God spoke to Moses from a ____________ ___________. He was unhappy about the way the Egyptians treated his people.

Moses went to speak to the King. He didn’t __________ to Moses.

God sent _________ plagues to Egypt because he was angry.

After the first _______________ meal the people left Egypt with Moses.

When they reached the_____________ Moses parted the sea to let them escape.

God helped to look after the people by giving them ______ and _______ in the desert.

On top of Mount Sinai God gave Moses the ten __________________. These are rules that are very important to Jewish people.

They are the most important part of the Jewish holy book. This is called the _________________.

|Nile |Torah |commandments |food |

|water |Red Sea |ten |Passover |

|daughter |basket |burning |bush |listen |

The Story of Moses

Sort these sentences into the correct order to retell the story.

|God said he was angry about how the Egyptians treated the people of Israel. |

|The King’s daughter found basket in the river. Inside the basket was a baby. |

|The baby went to live with the royal family and was taken care of until he grew up. |

|God asked Moses and his brother to go and talk to the King about how unhappy God was. The King didn’t listen to them and he made the slaves work even |

|harder. This made God very angry. |

|Moses was looking after his sheep near Mount Sinai. God spoke to him from a burning bush. |

|God sent ten plagues to Egypt to show how angry he was. |

|After the first Passover meal the people of Israel gathered together to leave Egypt with Moses. God punished the Egyptians by killing all the first |

|born males. |

|When they reached the Red Sea they were still being chased by the angry Egyptians. God told Moses to hold up his staff and the sea parted to let them |

|escape. Once they got across, the sea came back together killing the Egyptians. |

|The people got very hungry and thirsty. Moses asked for God’s help. He provided food and water. |

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|God gave Moses two stone tablets containing the ten commandments. These were the rules that the people had to live by. |

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|When they reached Mount Sinai Moses climbed up to talk to God again. Moses spent 40 days up the mountain listening to God. |

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|The Ten Commandments are the rules that Jewish people follow each day. They are the most important part of the Torah, the Jewish holy book. |

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