My First Paint Class

Scribbler Arts and Literary Magazine?Issue Six - Fall 2020?EDITOR-IN-CHIEFLysette CohenAll rights revert to the author/artist upon publication.For digital republication, please limit excerpts to no more than 200 words and link back to the issue. To submit to Scribbler Arts and Literary Magazine, please visit our website at Submission Guidelines. Submissions can be sent to bookwormpublishinghouse@Scribbler Arts and Literary Magazine is published three times a year: April, August, and December. Cover art is by Ananya Lakkaraju. Koi Fish – 2020Materials – Acrylic on canvasTo stay current on submission calls, new issues, and news at Scribbler Art and Literary Magazine, please visit our website. Website: ?Scribbler Literary Magazine 2020Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u My First Paint Class PAGEREF _Toc57212263 \h 10Strawberry PAGEREF _Toc57212264 \h 12Apple PAGEREF _Toc57212265 \h 13Caterpillar Dream PAGEREF _Toc57212266 \h 14Abstract Heart PAGEREF _Toc57212267 \h 16Ms. Bird and Everyone Else PAGEREF _Toc57212268 \h 18Starry Night Upside Down PAGEREF _Toc57212269 \h 22Swiped Rainbow PAGEREF _Toc57212270 \h 23I love summer PAGEREF _Toc57212271 \h 24Calm PAGEREF _Toc57212272 \h 26My Small Steps Toward A Plastic-Free Environment PAGEREF _Toc57212273 \h 28Koi Fish PAGEREF _Toc57212274 \h 30Mountains and Castle PAGEREF _Toc57212275 \h 31Krishna and Painter PAGEREF _Toc57212276 \h 32Florav Generally Has a Very Rough Day PAGEREF _Toc57212277 \h 34Contributor Bios PAGEREF _Toc57212278 \h 42Editor Bios PAGEREF _Toc57212279 \h 43My First Paint ClassbyAdrish GandeIt was Wednesday at 4:00 in the afternoon. Usually my art class is later, but on that day it was early. My brother was eating, so I couldn’t use my iPad to login, and instead had to use my parent’s computer. My mom set up her computer in the living room and I set up all my art supplies. I put out my paints, pencil, eraser, paintbrushes, the water, and my canvas on a small table. It took my mom and I SO long to login to Google Classrooms and I really wanted to get started with my art class. When I finally got logged on, I had to hurry and catch up to my classmates. My teacher, Miss Aobdulia, is also a Spanish teacher. Sometimes she even speaks Spanish in art class. I really like her because she is really nice. Miss Aobdulia told me to draw a rocky mountain. I first drew a plain mountain, that looked like a triangle. It didn’t look right, so I had to erase it. I was worried that I would fall behind the class, but Miss Aobdulia waited for me to fix my mountain. My mom had to help me out to draw it, but I finally finished it. I painted the mountains black. When I was painting the mountain, I added a fat blob of black paint so it would like a real mountain. As I painted the paint brush make a sound like leaves falling from a tree as it scraped against the canvas.Next, Miss Aobdulia told us we were going to paint a sunset. She told us to draw a yellow semi-circle over the mountain. I almost made the circle too big, but my mom helped me again. Drawing was a little challenging, but it was good that my mom was there to help me. I had a really hard time not mixing the paint colors. I didn’t realize how hard it was to paint inside the lines. There were some blobs on the sunset I didn’t want, so I smoothed it out with my finger. I didn’t use a paint brush because I thought that it would just make it worse.After I finished the yellow semi-circle, I had to paint an orange semi-circle over. Then a red semi-circle. Next, it was time to paint the sky. All the students mixed red and blue paint to get a purple color. Once we got the perfect purple color, Miss Aobdulia taught us how to paint side to side. It was really hard not to get purple into the other colors. I learned that I had to pay attention to what I was doing and be really careful.Then I painted the borders of the canvas with my mom’s help. After the borders and the sunset painting dried, we next drew cactus trees on the top of the mountains and colored them black and green. I learned that moms can be great helpers and that you should always practice painting. I can’t wait to do my next painting!StrawberrybyNikhisha ArjunDate: 2020Medium: Colored pencil on paper.ApplebyNikhisha ArjunDate: 2020Medium: Pencil on paper.Caterpillar DreambyMichael Dashiell Jr.I woke up. But, my eyes saw differently than they usually do…hmmm, I thought. I then realized I was in an egg but not any egg…a caterpillar egg! Then I headbutted the egg. I got out, I looked down I was on a leaf! And then I looked at my feet. It looked like I had 100 of them! My stomach started to roar. I started eating the egg I came out of. But, I was still hungry, so I started eating the leaf. It tasted like I was in a candy world! It was taking so long to eat it, though. “Oh ya, I am a caterpillar,” I said like I forgot what I am.Suddenly I heard buzzing. I looked next to me. It WAS A WASP!!!! (If you did not know, wasps hunt caterpillars). It knocked me off the leaf and flew away! But luckily my caterpillar silk kept me hanging. I climbed back up. I started to eat again but my skin was pinching me. I wiggled out of it and out came a more suitable skin on me. This happens a few more times for days. Then I think it is time to transform.But, before I could do anything a bird swooped down and picked me up! Suddenly another bird swooped in and fought the other bird and they both looked hungry! They started a fight! But, I escaped. “Phew” I said relieved. I climbed the tree and went in a J form. A couple months later I spread out of the cocoon and jumped out of it. My wings were a beautiful blue but they were all wet. A couple hours later I began to fly, I went to flower to flower and no predator dared to bite me because I am a poisonous butterfly. Suddenly in my vision, light was in my eye, it looked all blurry…then I woke up! I looked down at myself for I had toes and human skin. “Was it all a dream?” I whispered to myself.Abstract HeartbyPunya SureshDate: June 2020Materials: Acrylic on CanvasArtist Statement: The heart is a symbol of love so, I decided to transform my take on love into a heart and put it into my canvas. The painting represents the world of love and that it has many layers covering it and the white outside of the heart which is on the layers represents beauty and divinity.Ms. Bird and Everyone ElsebyYui MiyakeOne . . . two . . . three . . . I was counting how many blue cars we passed. Mom and I had just dropped my sister off in her new Kindergarten class. We were going to my new school next. Four . . . five . . . That morning was really cold. I wore a black jacket, but I wasn’t sure if it was enough to keep me from shivering. I didn’t have much time to think about whether to wear this or my down jacket. I reached into my left pocket and felt some grains of sand—they probably got stuck in the seams of my coat sometime when I went to the beach—rub against my hand. Six? No, that’s a grey car. “You’re nervous, aren’t you?” Mom called out to me from the front. “I’m okay,” I said absentmindedly. “Then why is your leg twitching like that?” She glanced down in the rearview mirror. And when I looked down, the tip of my sneakers was doing little bunny hops while my heel did the big monster bounces. Up and down, up and down, quickly quickly tap tap tap. “I don’t know why,” I lied. “Must be an early-morning spasm.” A stray bird flew dangerously close to the window on my right. I wanted to send an indirect message that all I wanted to do was count the blue cars and watch the night turn into day in silence until we reached our—my—dreaded destination. If I had wings, boy, I would’ve flown out the window minutes ago. Mom got the idea. She didn’t press the matter further and did me a favor by taking some pressure off the accelerator. ________________________During lunch on my first day of school, I read a book and occasionally watched a brown-haired boy walk around as if he was searching for somebody. I also watched a girl with a blonde ponytail who was sitting close to the walking boy dissect her sandwich.On the second day of school’s lunch, I did the same thing I did on my first day; read and watch. A boy playing basketball tripped over the ball and got himself hurt. The main character in my book slayed a dragon with a sword. A girl playing four-square narrowly missed from hitting a teacher in the face. My book’s main character’s sister fell into a deep pit but was rescued. A teacher accidentally walked into a glass wall. It was on the third day of school’s lunch when I read all of my book, so I watched people for the entire time. I noticed that the same members play basketball at the backcourt, how the same girl always gets eliminated at four-square, and how the same teacher always does clumsy things. Just when the specific girl got eliminated at four-square for the eight time that day, and when I was about to reach for my dessert, I saw a daring bird sitting on my strawberries, gobbling up their sweet insides using its little pecking beak. “Hello Ms. Bird,” I said. I peered into its black eyes. I didn’t bat it away; instead, I let it munch up my dessert and watched it glance around curiously. And the little bird stayed—with no immediate threat around, or so it seemed to the bird, it stayed there until lunch was over and I had to scare it off. Starry Night Upside DownbyVrinda BansalDate: July 2020Medium: Acrylic on canvasSwiped RainbowbyVrinda BansalDate: July 2020Medium: Acrylic on canvas.I love summerbyAnisha VantipalliI love summerIt’s so funIt is such a bummerWhen there is no sunI love summerIt’s so funNo one is a glummerWhen they have someoneI love summerIt’s so funI’m a great hummerWhen I don’t runCalmbyAnisha VantipalliDate: 2020Medium: Pencil on paperArtist Statement: I practiced pencil sketching?by following youtube videos. Soon, I got interested?in this art and decided to create my own. I wanted to try curly hair, which I have never?done before. When I look at my picture, I remember a calm girl. My Small Steps Toward A Plastic-Free EnvironmentbyAnanya LakkarajuAround 359 million metric tonnes of plastic was produced in 2018, and only 9% was recycled! An ubiquitous amount of plastic is found in oceans, beaches, and sewage drains. Littered plastic (such as plastic bags) can be picked up by the wind and blown into the ocean. Plastic isn’t biodegradable and when in the environment takes about 400 years to break down into microplastics! Microplastics are plastics, broken into tiny pieces over time. During this time 100,000 sea turtles would have famished to death and 1 million seabirds would have died by plastic pollution annually. As plastic affects animals from the top of the food chain to the bottom, humans end up eating plastic as well. For example, when fish eat microplastic/plastic, fishermen catch the fish, and we eat the fish. This misdemeanor creates an imbalance in our food chains and ecosystems. This also explains why it is imperative that plastic pollution is stopped immediately.Even though we are in lockdown right now, there are still ways that we can help reduce plastic pollution. One way is by reducing the use of plastic inside the house. For example, instead of using plastic straws, you could drink from the cup, or use a reusable straw. When at a restaurant ask for silverware instead of plastic. With the burst of online shopping, many plastic bags are being produced and aren’t being thrown away after use. Instead, abundant amounts of plastic bags are being littered, so remember to throw them away. Whenever you see a plastic bottle on the floor, pick it up, recycle it, and wash your hands. Instead of buying lots of water bottles use your tap or fridge water in a metal or reusable water bottle. Spread the word about plastic pollution, make it knowledgeable that plastic pollution is bad for you, support campaigns banning plastic. Coronavirus will stay on plastic surfaces for 2-3 days. Therefore, when going to the shop, bring cotton bags from home. It will curtail your chances of getting the virus and help reduce plastic pollution. Bulk shopping will also help as you can minimize outside contact and use a scant amount of plastic bags. Right now, wearing masks and gloves are suggested. After use, remember that they should be thrown in the waste bin. Another idea is to learn how to cook! Instead of getting plastic boxes from a restaurant, you could concoct food. Using these ideas, your families can reduce the cause of plastic pollution and save lives.With these techniques, 700,000 microplastics won’t enter our bodies every year. By creating a plastic-free environment, we are making it easier for 700 different marine species to live and eat. The enterprise ‘solubag’ could replace plastic bags, ‘solubag’ is a biodegradable alternative for plastic, and when touched by ocean water dissolves in less than 5 minutes. Recycling plastic bottles, utensils, straws, etc. would shrivel plastic pollution as well. My small steps can help anyone and everyone create a plastic-free environment.?Koi FishbyAnanya LakkarajuDate: 2020Medium: Acrylic on canvasArtist Statement: The painting was created during a class and represents the serenity and calmness of life.Mountains and CastlebyAnanya LakkarajuDate: 2020Medium: Acrylic on canvasArtist Statement: This painting was created during a class and is a combination of three different pictures. The painting represents the exotic and pulchritudinous views of the world.Krishna and PainterbyAnanya LakkarajuDate: 2020Medium: Acrylic on canvasArtist Statement: The painting recognizes Lord Krishna and his painter wearing traditional Indian clothes. The painting conveys the beauty of Indian culture.Florav Generally Has a Very Rough DayChapter OneByMingyu KimFlorav’s day was going great before he almost swallowed the Grass Ring. He had watered his many plants, walked to the greenhouse, and had had an overall normal day, until now. How a ring got into the very center of a tomato made absolutely no sense to him. Florav choked out the remains of his dinner and looked at the slimy thing in his hand. It was a very simple ring, with only a gold band and a strange green swirl. Florav tried it on, and decided it didn’t look too bad when he was thrown to the floor by some unknown force. His head started pounding and he couldn’t see straight. The dizziness went away as abruptly as it came. Florav stood up, trying to clear his head. He rubbed his eyes and jumped in shock. His hands were made of leaves!Florav studied his body, stunned at what he saw. Thick green leaves climbed up his legs, intertwining with vines and stems. He looked around the room and realized that he fit right in with his various plants growing out of the closets and dressers. The only thing not turned into leaves was the ring. Florav tried to pull the ring off, but it had seemingly grown into his leafy skin. He leaned on his oak tree and felt the rough branches wrap around him as if they were hugging him. He leaped back in surprise, knocking into a nearby cactus. Not stopping to wonder why the cactus spines hadn’t hurt him, Florav marveled as the cactus started to grow. He jumped off of the cactus, and the cactus stopped growing.?Interesting, Florav thought. He gently pulled a daisy out of its pot, roots and all, and was astonished to find that it started growing in his palm without any water or sunlight! Florav ran around his house, touching all of his plants: the flowers growing on the table, the Arctic moss growing in his refrigerator, and even the bioluminescent fungi growing in his old shoes.All of the plants seemed to lean towards Florav as if he were the sun or water.?But that's ridiculous! thought Florav, How can these plants grow when I touch them??He was pondering this when the window flew open and a plant came flying in. It landed on Florav’s face and he melted into the strange flower. Everything shimmered and Florav was falling through darkness.?He landed with a small poof. Something squished underneath him and poofy white stuff went flying into the air like dandelion fluff.Florav opened his eyes and squinted at the bright light coming from all around him. He stood up and his eyes widened at the clouds and light surrounding him. Florav could hear nothing but his own breath. As his eyes got used to the intense light, he noticed three figures walking towards him. An old man led the trio, with a teenage girl and middle aged man following. The old man squatted down and turned towards Florav while the other two studied him apprehensively from a distance.“Hello, Florav. I’ve been waiting a long time to meet you,” said the old man. “Please call me The Wizard, though Mr. Wizard is alright, too.”“H-how do you know me?” Florav stammered.“Where am I? Who are you?? Are we in heaven? Is this a dream? Are you real? Am I hallucinating? Did I die, and come back as some sort of mutated plant? Is this a prank? And especially: why am I a plant?!” Florav realized he was screaming, but he had had enough-he had been turned into a plant, had a pot with a plant smash into his face, had melted into the plant, and now was in this horrifyingly strange place!“I will explain soon enough about your elemental powers,” The Wizard said with a mysterious smile. He turned and called, “Ignisia! Laquam!”Elemental? Like on the periodic table? Florav wondered. Am I going to turn into something else now? Aluminum? Sulfur? Salt? Is that even on the periodic table?The girl and man ran to The Wizard and stared at Florav. The girl had bright orange eyes and even brighter red hair. She was wearing a red hoodie and faded jeans. The girl was about two thirds of Florav’s size and stared skeptically at Florav. The middle aged man was wearing a blue shirt with parrots on it and short, banana yellow pants. Behind his dark sunglasses, eyes the color of the sky scanned Florav piercingly.“This is Ignisia,” The Wizard said, pointing at the girl, “And this is Laquam.” He pointed at the man.“We are all here,” The Wizard started. “Because—”“Yeah, yeah, ele-lentils and all that,” Florav interjected. “But I think I’ve already said this: why am I made of leaves?!” Florav pointed down at his body.The Wizard chuckled and waved his hand in the air. “All in good time, Florav. Now, where was I? Oh yes, why we are here. We are here because the Tenebris is rising.” The Wizard stopped for a dramatic pause.“The Tene-who? Is that some sort of sport you people do? And, I say this again, but why am I a plant?” Florav asked.Walk with me, and I’ll explain,” The Wizard said. He rose to his feet and started off towards what distinctly looked like a forest.“The Tenebris is the source of all evils: death, destruction, and homework!” The Wizard resumed speaking as the quartet walked along. “It sends people to do bad things and ruin other peoples’ lives.”“So why does it want to destroy our country? There are lots of countries in the world. Why our home?” Ignisia asked.“Luxia is one of the few places in the world without evil or destruction. The Tenebris wants very much to inflict darkness on Luxia and make its citizens slaves of evil.” The Wizard explained. “The Tenebris is gathering power as we speak! It is making weapons of death and disgust: swords, spears, and brussel sprouts.”“But I like brussel sprouts,” Florav said.“Of course you do.” Ignisia said, rolling her eyes.Laquam raised his hand and asked, “How do we, two regular people and a plant that likes brussel sprouts, stop this Tenebris thing when it has enough power to destroy our country?”“That, and the reason Florav here, who is supposed to be a human, was turned into a plant are closely related. It was prophesied on a day before the world was born that three people-you three-would join together to stop the greatest evil of all time using elemental power,” The Wizard said, stepping over leaves and twigs, “And that is why Florav is a plant. He had a run-in with elemental power a bit too early. See, three powerful pieces of jewelry were bestowed with great power long ago, and anyone who wore the jewelry would have immense power in an element of nature: fire, water, or plants. The Grass Ring has chosen Florav (probably because he likes brussel sprouts) and the Fire Necklace and Water Bracelet should choose Ignisia and Laquam any minute now.”“Um, but if the world didn’t exist, then who made the prophecy?” Laquam asked.“Well, I know a guy, who has this barber, who is distant cousins with a horse, who knows this other guy, who’s girlfriend knows this other person that has a teacher, who-”“Can we get on with it?” Ignisia demanded impatiently.“Hmph! Anyways, I heard the prophecy from , and it said that you three will beat the Tenebris and whatever.” the Wizard said. “Honestly, don’t you people learn anything about Luxian history?”“Of course we do! Wait, so you're telling us that you mindlessly believe everything on the internet?” Ignisia said.“No, no, no! is super reliable! It was given five stars!”“By who?” Florav asked.“Er, well, it said “Unknown Sources”. That’s super reliable, isn’t it?”“Yes, very reliable, as reliable as a source called “unreliable”. Ignisia said.“Well, um, er-”A necklace burst out of the forest floor as the Wizard was talking (read: stuttering) and flew to Ignisia. She put it on and a blast of light and heat blossomed from the necklace. Ignisia looked woozy, and fell to the ground, clutching her stomach. Everyone looked away as the light from the necklace got more and more intense. When Florav looked back, he couldn’t believe his eyes. Ignisia’s body was made of fire!Contributor BiosNikhisha Arjun is an 8-year-old artist. She won “Best in Show” at the elementary level in youth art month for the Pennsylvania Art education exhibit in 2019. She was also one of the top ten artist in 2018 fall contest in Celebrating Art contest. Vrinda Bansal is a seventh grader. She loves reading, swimming, and riding her bicycle. When she grows up, Vrinda wants to be a physician. Her short fiction has also been published in Blue Guitar Jr. Michael Dashiell, Jr. is in fourth grade. His hobbies include swimming, soccer, drawing, writing, and playing videogames.?He really likes to play with his friends, too. He would like to be an inventor when he grows up. He likes to write because it fills his mind with imagination in his own ways.??He hopes you like his story.?Adrish Gande is a third grader. His favorite sport is Taekwondo. He likes bicycle riding and going to the park. When he grows up, Adrish wants to become a doctor. His fantasy wish is to be the king of the whole world.Mingyu Kim is a sixth grader. He’s been a Boy Scout for about six months. He likes reading, video games, swimming, and writing. He has also been published in Bear Essential News. Ananya Lakkaraju is in sixth grade. She loves to learn about art, astrophysics, math, and robotics. Ananya has played the piano for 8 years. She has also won a national award for her paintings.Yui Miyake is a seventh grader. She loves to read books and play the piano and violin. Writing is one of her biggest hobbies!Punya Suresh is in seventh grade. She likes drawing, painting, dancing, and drama— specifically stage designing. Punya’s hobbies are swimming and doing crafts.Anisha Vantipalli is in sixth grade. When she grows up, she wants to be a veterinarian. In her free time, she writes stories and poems. She also loves to draw and paint. She enjoys playing many instruments, and has been playing one for the past five years. She loves swimming and is learning dance.Editor BiosLysette Cohen,?Founder/Editor-in-ChiefLysette Cohen holds a M.Ed. in Education from Northern Arizona University and a M.A. in English and Creative Writing from Southern New Hampshire University. She is an Educational Specialist and is working toward a PhD in Curriculum, Assessment, and Evaluation where her research focuses the sociocognitive and sociocultural aspects of writing. ?She has been an educator for over 20 years teaching ABE/GED, American History, Creative Writing, English/Composition, and Reading Comprehension. ?Lysette has traveled extensively, but currently makes her home in Phoenix, Arizona. ?Her nonfiction essays, short stories, and poetry can be found in Page & Spine, The Penman Review, The Scarlet Leaf, Unstrung, The Blue Guitar Arts and Literary Magazine, and Blue Guitar Jr. She is the author of the I?Can Illustrate My Books??series. Lynette Mahon, Contributing EditorLynette Mahon holds an M.A in Elementary Education from Arizona State University, with certificates in reading and elementary evaluation and supervision.? She is retired after working in the Mesa School District for the past 34 years.? She taught 1st grade, served as an assistant principal, and most recently as a Title 1 Specialist.? Her hobbies are reading, cooking, and growing herbs and flowers.? She recently adopted the newest member of her family, a 4-month-old rough collie, named Sophie Grace.Scribbler Arts and Literary Magazine Open Call to Artists and Writers Scribbler Arts and Literary Magazine is seeking art and literary submissions by children ages 7-14. Submissions are open to all genres— art, fiction, nonfiction, novel excerpts, plays, and poetry. Details:· Deadline for submissions is 3/31/21. · Simultaneous submissions are accepted, but please let us know if your work is accepted at another literary magazine.· There is no charge to submit.· Writers may submit in more than one genre. · Please review the Submission Guidelines page at · To submit, please fill out the submission form at ................

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