Your purpose is to teach the poem to the class and demonstrate your knowledge of poetry by analyzing both structure and meaning. The assignment has three parts.


1. You will be assigned a poem by your teacher. Your poem may be rhymed, blank, or free verse.

If it is not in the textbook, you will be given a copy of the poem. Make extra copies!

2. Analyze the poem for the following:

* Summarize main techniques used (build thesis from this)

• Verse form ( sonnet, ballad, lyric, etc.)

• Stanza form (4 quatrains, 3 quatrains and a couplet, etc.)

• Rhyme scheme (IF YOUR POEM RHYMES)

• Metrical foot (IF YOUR POEM RHYMES)

• Figurative language (simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole)

• Sound devices (onomatopoeia, alliteration, consonance, assonance, types of rhyme, etc.)

• Types of imagery ( tactile, thermal, auditory, visual, olfactory, gustatory, kinetic, and kinesthetic) Although the poem may not have all of these, look for as many as possible

• Theme/message (You will discuss meaning of each stanza as it relates to the theme and how the poetic devices help the reader understand the poem)

3. Neatly print or type out this information as well as a copy of the poem as an outline to use when you make your PPT in the LAB. We will be working on the analysis in class the week of 5-18.


Create a PowerPoint. We will be going to the LAB three days (5/26-28) to do this. If you do work at home, it is your responsibility to make sure it works on our computer in the classroom. Please check it in advance of the presentation dates! The PowerPoint slides will help you teach the poem to the class and demonstrate your knowledge of poetry. Use clip art and color that is easy to see and that enhances the meaning of the poem. Keep special effects, such as sound and movement, to a minimum so they do not detract from meaning.

Power Point slides should include:

• A title slide that includes the poet’s name

• A thesis slide that indicates the speaker and the main techniques used to get the message/mood across.

• A separate slide for each stanza of the poem. These slides will contain the points of analysis listed above. It is best to break up information by doing structure first, then addressing techniques with examples of sound devices, imagery, and figurative language. The message of the stanza should go last.

• A thesis restatement slide: different wording, any new ideas

• Finish with a concluding slide that contains your name and hour.

****All PowerPoint presentations must be sent to my student share drive. You may also copy it to a flash drive as a back-up. Students will NOT be able to access their own email for presentations, so do not have it in your personal email account. If you complete it at home, you may send it to MY email and I will put it in the student drop-off for you. All projects are due on May 29th. Late submissions will be reduced 1/3 of a grade. We begin presentations on June 1ST. You must supply the teacher with a printed copy of the presentation. Please use the hand-out format with 4-6 slides per page. You will use notecards for your presentation.


Present your poem to the class. All students will be ready to begin on Monday, June 1st. If you do are not ready to present on that day, then it will be LATE, and marked down a full grade.

1. You will first need to recite the poem to the class in its entirety. Please read with feeling, and

loudly enough for everyone to hear. This is graded under DYNAMICS and CLARITY on the

rubric. Practice pronunciations!

2. As in all papers and speeches, a thesis statement and restatement are necessary. In this

assignment, the thesis will introduce the analysis of the elements of poetry as they are used to

present the theme of the poem. At the end, a restatement is given as you make some final

statements about the overall meaning of your poem.

3. You should look at your audience as you explain each slide. DO NOT read off the slides!

You should have your own outline or note cards, and look at the audience as you explain. This is

graded as EYE CONTACT on the rubric.

4. The presentation needs to be three to six minutes in length. Please practice and make sure you

meet this time frame. Speeches that are too long or too short will lose points in the TIME

section of the rubric. Please refer to the rubric for more information.


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