Timboon P-12 Newsletter

Newsletter P.O Box 82 Timboon 3268Telephone: (03)5598 3381 Fax: (03)5598 3507Email: timboon.p12@edumail..auWebsite: Council President: Chris HibburtSchool Captains: Alex Kerr, Ashley Bentley, Rhys Kensit, Toni Mae Sutherland, Chris Vogels & Hannah McDonaldTSPA President: Kylie Martin6731025400 Date: Thursday, 20th September, 2012 Edition: 12:29_____________________________________________________________________________________PRINCIPAL’S REPORTYesterday the Year 3 and 5 students took their NAPLAN results home. These National tests provide one piece of data on your child’s academic performance on one day. If you have any concerns, please talk to your child’s teacher about the results. Secondary staff are available tonight and tomorrow to discuss 7-12 Interim Reports. At these interviews the parents of students in year 7 and 9 will be given their child’s NAPLAN results. It is a great opportunity to discuss these results with your child’s teacher. Each year Vision Portraits pay us a visit to enable local community members to have a family portrait taken. This year they will be here on Sunday 11th November. If you wish to have a family portrait taken please return the form attached to this week’s newsletter.I will be taking a week of Long Service Leave at the start of Term 4. This is the leave I had to cancel at the start of term 3. Sean and Andrea will be able to assist you with any areas of concern in my absence.If you have any concerns or issues that you wish to discuss with me please feel free to give me a call at school (55983381) or on my mobile (0407345324)Email: timboon.p12@edumail..auROSALIE MOORFIELDPRINCIPALCongratulations to: The school equestrian team and table tennis team who performed very well at last week’s interschool competition. Calendar:September20-21st7-12 Parent Teacher Interviews.21st Last Day for P-6 2:30 FinishOctober8th1st Day of Term 411thRegional Aths P-612thBSW Aths 7-1212thMotor-Cross Exc.16thCultural Performance P-10November 11thVision Family Portraits. ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL REPORTSInterim Reports/Parent Teacher Interviews: All 7-12 interim reports should have been received this week via mail. Can I encourage all families to make the time to sit with your child and read through their report together. Each individual subject report will specify your child’s: Subject achievements Areas that require improvementCurrent subject ProgressTo assist with feedback, Year 7-12 Parent Teacher Interviews will be conducted tonight and tomorrow. All parents and students are encouraged to attend:When: Thursday 20th September 5:30pm-8:30pm, Friday 21st September 10:00am-1:00pmWhere: 5-8 BuildingNaplan results: These results can be picked up from the school during parent teacher interviews. Can I encourage parents and students to discuss these results with your relevant teachers.Year 12 Important Information: Attached to this newsletter is a copy of the end of year exam timetable (held in the Timboon Uniting Church Hall), important dates and a copy of the holiday class timetable. Thank you to all of the staff who provide extra tuition to students outside of classtime. Have an enjoyable holiday!And remember: ‘Present fears are less than horrible imaginings’.William ShakespeareSEAN FITZPATRICKASSISTANT PRINCIPAL Timboon school cafeteria and A and B building are PEANUT AND NUT free zones9-12 SUB SCHOOL REPORTThe end to another very busy term is here and I think everybody deserves a well-earned break, well most of us anyway. Our Year 12 students have approximately 4 weeks to prepare for exams. Most of our VCE teachers are making themselves available at some time over the holidays; the times have been distributed to the students.At the end of each year, all Year 12 students are presented with a Leavers Manual. The information in the manual is a combination of information gathered by the school and students and references from teachers. Some students have not handed in their information and they can still get this to Raelene at the General Office ASAP. This is a very useful document for all school leavers.Year 9 students were presented this week with the options available to them in 2013 as Year 10 students. VCE jump-up subjects, Vocational Education and Training (VET) and School Based Apprenticeships (SBA) are the accelerated choices that we offer and they received information and factsheets about subjects and courses available to them. Student must return the interest form by Friday October 12th or earlier to enable planning and course enrolments.Key Dates for Term 412th October – VET and VCE jump-up interest form due.16th October- (2.30-3.30, 5-8 Building)Year 8 into year 9 Information Session18th October- Year 9 into Year 10 Subject Counselling – Parents are encouraged to attend.23rd October- Year 8 into Year 9 Subject Counselling- Parents are encouraged to attend.1st -22nd November- Year 12 Exams12th-16th November- Year 11 Exams19th-30th November- (2 weeks) Year 11 into Year 12 UNIT 3 BEGINS- ALL 2013 YEAR 12 STUDENTS MUST ATTEND.Please ensure that you have a safe and relaxing two weeks, and come back to school rested and ready for learning.VCAL Students and Barney Hurrell on the recent visit to The Warrnambool Community Garden.GABBY THEOLOGOUS9-12 SUBSCHOOL LEADER5-8 SUB SCHOOL REPORTOur year 7 & 8 Junior Park Rangers have enjoyed a successful term. The weather finally was kind to them last Thursday morning, so our Junior Rangers headed into the Bay of Islands Coastal Park to conduct a little track maintenance near The Well. Students went through a safety introduction for the use of various tools with Ranger Trev, and signed on as volunteers.? The work was followed up with a quick walk to the ocean and an investigation of the aboriginal midden at the site.? A fun day was had by all.? The year 5 & 6 students are currently beautifying their area by decorating the exterior bricks around the entrance to their building. All students have researched and designed their brick and with much excitement have started the painting process. (photos below). KYLIE ORR5-8 SUB-SCHOOL LEADERP-4 SUB-SChool REPORTWith tomorrow being our last day of school for Term 3, I would like to thank all of our wonderful P-4 staff and students for all of their work during what has been a busy and exciting term at our school. A big thanks also needs to go to all of our parents who have supported us by attending special days, assisting with various school programs and supporting your child/ren’s learning, both at school and at home. Some of the highlights from Term 3 at Timboon P-12 have includedHooptime Basketball competitions for our Year 3 and 4 students.Our very successful P-6 Mini-Olympics.National Literacy and Numeracy Week celebrations, including our Open morning.The Prep Water Familiarisation sessions, at Aquazone.Our Olympics, Day and night, Space and Australia curriculum themes.Our Grade 1 and 2 students are looking forward to finishing the Term with a celebration of their Space theme, by having an ‘Aliens and Astronauts’ day tomorrow. The students will be dressing up as Aliens or Astronauts, as well as participating in some special games and activities throughout the day.Students are encouraged to continue with their home reading over the holidays and to take up the opportunity to practise their numeracy skills, by using the Mathletics program. I hope that all of our students and their families have a wonderful break over the next two weeks, we look forward catching up again at the start of next term.Matt HaughP-4 SUB-SChool LEADErRecently Grade 2C received a large plasma monitor for our classroom that was kindly donated from the local Origin Energy gas plant. Whilst some of our class and visitors have thought that our monitor is just a big TV screen we have been able to make it so much more. We sat down and thought about what is great about having a monitor in our room and put all the reasons into many of the thank you cards we wrote to Origin. Here are some of the things we said."Origin energy, thank you for the screen... We can connect the iPad to it and watch videos" Johanna McKenzie."Origin Energy, thank you for the television, you can write things on it, you can watch space movies and you can play an app called Sparklefish, you can go on the computer and look at things... You can look at photos and videos" Emily Delaney."It is good having a big screen in our room because we can play apps... and read a big book" Lola McDonald."So now that we have our big screen we can watch awesome apps and read big books from NASA and we can Sparklefish and Mr C can connect his iPad to it so a big round of applause for Origin Energy" Lucy Jones."What is good about us having a monitor in our room is... We can play Sparklefish, we can watch space stuff like the aurora australis, we can go on apps from the iPad" Poppy Haugh."Dear Origin Energy, with our big screen we can play Sparklefish. We can look at the sun on the NASA website. We can read big books in the morning on the big screen" Olivia Stupple."Thank you for the big screen because we can play Maths Bingo, Sparkelfish and NASA kids" Rachel."Thank you for the big screen. Now we can play apps like Sparklefish. We can play Maths bingo and watch planets and NASA on the big screen" Melinda Croft."Thanks for the big screen. We can learn lots of things like Maths Bingo, story books, NASA, films and photos. We love the screen" Iagan McKenzie."Thank you for the big screen. Now we can play Sparkelfish and watch space videos. We can look at big books" Henry Stansfield."With the TV we can now see what's on Mr Clarke's computer and the iPad. We can all play Sparklefish and lots of other apps like: the NASA app, Maths bingo and all the other apps on the iPad" Pera Da Ros____________________________________________________Legal Studies ExcursionJWard and AradaleOn Friday the 31st of August year 11 and 12 Legal Studies and Psychology students travelled to Ararat. Despite constant drizzle and bitter cold they found the old Aradale mental hospital a memorable one. “Aradale was creepy because after they closed it didn’t clean it out completely and everything was the same”.“Aradale seemed to be a very harsh place. The morgue in particular was Scary”.Afterwards students visited J Ward which has been both a general prison and a prison for the criminally insane. “J Ward was good because we got to try on a straight jacket”.“J Ward was really interesting; you could really see and imagine how the prison functioned”. “J Ward was great, I liked it that there was a lot of evidence in the yard through the prisoner’s drawings”.On Monday September the 10th Year 11 Legal Studies students attended the P.A.R.T.Y. Program in Warrnambool. This is a day run by the Alfred Hospital to make students aware of the different outcomes that can result from risk taking. Students were able to see what an ICU bed looks like, hear what happens to trauma victims when treated by ambulance and in hospital, and experience what some of the neck and back braces felt like. They also talked to many of the medical professionals involved and were able to meet a victim who is paralysed from the neck down. All students gained a lot from this day. Carolyne WakefieldCongratulations to the students who have completed their 40 hr famine and handed in their books. We have raised over $1,000.Thank you Melissa McKenzieYear 5 Co-ordinatorTimboon P-12 School/ SRC CoordinatorPhone: 55983381Mr Horwill’s Tech spot Edition #47: You can find digital copies of our newsletters on our school website HYPERLINK "" timboonp12.vic.edu.au13671551219201206554610190754080010123126570485-3556068580Tips for parents to ensure their family has a safe online experience over the holidaysOnly allow an electronic device (iPod touch, iPad, Nintendo DS, phone, netbook, laptop, desktop) to be used in a public place. For example in the kitchen while you are cooking a meal with the screen facing you.When you go to bed, turn off electronic devices (this includes their phone) your children own and take them into your bedroom. They can get them back off you in the morning. You have the power to say, ‘No’.Make time to have conversations with your children about their favourite online places. Become their friend on Facebook.Set time limits for electronic devices. For example, 20 minutes a day. Then turn them off and put them in a safe place.Blogs. What is a Blog? A Blog is a weblog. A weblog is a log of information that can be viewed, added to and shared. Mrs McMeel’s grade 3s Blogged with Madi who recently was holidaying in Thailand. Blogging was a great way for Madi to stay connected with her teacher and class mates. Well done to 3M! Below are some of 3M’s opinon’s on Blogging.I think Blogs are great because they help you to keep in touch with people that are on holidays for a long time and a long way away. It is fun because you don’t just get to read, you can also write back to them. By JuliaI think this blog is a great idea because we get to keep in touch with Madi. I have been learning about Thailand. I read that Madi has been on an elephant ride. The best part is that they have two seasons each year. A rainy season and a sunny season. It is the rainy season now. By KendylIf Madi sends us letters they would be very late but with a blog we can find out what she’s doing when she posts it. It’s a spectacular way to keep in contact. By Caprice.I think a blog is a good idea. We can talk to Madi and learn about Thailand, and all the fruits and animals and drinks. By Hamish I think the Blog is a good way to hear what Madi is doing. When we ask Madi something about Thailand, she can answer us. She has told us about the caves we asked her about. Someone asked if she had seen any monkeys and Madi said she had seen lots of monkeys. Madi told us about the elephant ride and the food and the mango milkshakes. Madi can hear what we have been doing. By Tahnee.Morning Mrs Mc, the blog is a really good way to keep in touch. I can show other people what I've been doing, I can talk to people that send me messages, and it is a good way to keep a record of what I've been doing. Heading to Cambodia today, 4 hours on a bus then a border crossing and another 4 hours to Siem reap. Will blog again soon. Miss you all. Madi.Blogging can be done through the Ultranet, Edublogs, Wordpress, Glogster and many more. When Blogging, please consider your digital footprint. What is said online, stays online, forever!Thank you for reading. Kane Horwill eLearning horwill.kane.r@edumail..auDEB BALL MEETINGWednesday 10th October @ 7:30pm in the Admin Centre. All Welcome. Enquiries: Heather 0429 302 648Cultural Performance16th OctoberIf you haven’t paid the cultural levy please forward $5 to the office by the 12th October.WISEWarrnambool Inter-school Equestrianhosted by Warrnambool Pony ClubHORSE TRIALSFleur Barling grade 1, Lily Everett grade 4, Jennifer Huffadine grade BINED TRAININGAbbey Ralph grade 5, Abbey Gass grade 5, Isabelle Everett grade 5, Rory Coverdale grade5. Fleur Barling came 2nd on ‘Alpha’. Lily Everett rode well on ‘Berridale Special Event’. Abby Ralph came 2nd by 1.1 of a second difference on ‘Mr Wilson’. Rory Coverdale came 5th on ‘Levans Magic Touch’. Lily Everett came equal 8th on ‘Whinnie’. Abbey Gass rode well on ‘Rose’. Jennifer Huffadine came 10th on ‘Duke’.Well done to all the Timboon P-12 Equestrian team for the great team effort in Dressage, Show Jumping and Cross Country.By Isabelle EverettThank you to Kristy Coverdale – Team Manager and all parents involved. CANTEEN ROSTERTERM 4 WEEK 1 (8th – 12th October)Mon 8th Cherie Mungean Volunteer RequiredTues 9th Sharon Shanahan Sandra LangenhuizenWed 10th Jacquie LynchVolunteer RequiredThurs 11th Janice Lindsay Sue TrotterFri 12th Tania DelaneyLee Hibberd(12:00 – 2:00pm - Volunteer Required)WEEK 2 (15th - 19th October)Mon 15th Kristy CoverdaleVolunteer RequiredTues 16th Glenda GardnerDonna BedggoodWed 17th Sharon CoveyMelinda DrysdaleThurs 18th Karen Delaney Jenny InglisFir 19th Andrea Weel Jenny DeJong(12:00 – 2:00pm - Volunteer Required)PARENT CLUB NEWSTSPA PARENTS SAYLove to hear from you!Name: ______________________________________Phone: ______________________________________TSPA MINI MINUTESNEW EVENT: CALLED BUSH DANCE. (NON ALCOHOLIC COMMUNITY FAMILY NIGHTDATE: Saturday, 20TH OCTOBER, 2012 TIME: 8PM TILL 10.30PM WITH SUPPER PLACE: TIMBOON P12 SCHOOL HALL BYO: PLATE SUPPER TO SHARE MUSIC AND INSTRUCTIONS BY: KEN HOOK AND PARTNER. ENTRY PRICE: $20 PER FAMILY (TICKETS ARE AVAILABLE TO PURCHASE FROM SCHOOL OFFICE PRIOR TO NIGHT) HOT AND COLD DRINKS ARE AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE ON THE NIGHT. RAFFLE TICKETS ARE AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE ON THE NIGHT AND IT WILL ALSO BE DRAWN AT THIS EVENT. THE RAFFLE WILL BE THREE FRAMED ART WORKS DONATED TO SCHOOL FOR FUNDRAISING.The raffle tickets will be distributed for this with this week’s newsletter to the students, to sell over the holidays, and we ask that the tickets and money be returned in the first week of term three, so that these tickets will be taken to the dance ready for the big draw. There will be more tickets available if your child does not receive them, from the office.We are also looking at having a stall at the farmers market, as a fundraiser where the community can come to us to support our efforts. The next one we should be able to attend is on October 14th, so if anyone has any ideas of what we can offer for sale, then please let us know.If you would like to have a copy of the minutes of the meetings, either by newsletter or email, then please let me know, thanks.Our Next Meeting is on Monday, 8th October, at 7.30 p.m. at the admin building at school, All welcome.Anne Rosolin (secretary) mob 0409029464 or rosolin@.auEMA is Available for collection at the School OfficeSECond-hand uniform SaleThe next second-hand uniform sale will be held on 12th October, 2012 (1:00pm-1:50pm in the SEU building) For enquiries please call Katrina, 5598 3443.Maths tutoringQualified secondary teacher who has taught Year 12 Maths Methods.$35 per hour for Years 7 - 10$40 per hour for VCEContact Ellen - 0438542483FOR SALETwo white Deb Dresses for sale, size 6/8 and size 8/10. Have been professionally cleaned.$400 eachPHONE: Teresa Matthews 5591 0332 or 0409 550 081 (Dixie)_______________________________Nissan Vanette Van, good paddock car $350Fridge Leonard 380 litres (good dairy shed fridge)PHOHNE: 5595 9264 ______________________________Large black piglets, 8 weeks old PHONE: 0407 872 291 or 0407 683 031______________________________FOR RENTOne bedroom unit , fully furnished in Timboon – excellent condition PHONE: 5598 3864 or 0407 044 889 A dairy farm at Cooriemungle is looking for a trainee for milking and general farm duties. The farm currently milks 270 . Please contact Tim RantallTimboon & District Junior TennisTennis seedings to be held at Timboon Recreation Reserve on Saturday 13th October at 9:30amAll players wanting to play to petition starting Saturday 20th October.Any interested players unable to attend seedings to ring Katrina Currell on 5598 3443CAREERS NEWS WEEK 19 TERM 3 2012RemindersRMIT NUCLEAR MEDICINE TOUR – 27 & 28 Sept; rmit.edu.au/medical-radiations/nucmedvisitsRMIT SCIENCE IN THE CITY – LAB TOUR – 26 Sept; Register: rmit.edu.au/appliedsciences/discoverMINING ENGINEERING - UNSW Minerals Tour; 7-10 Jan, 2013; mining.unsw.edu.au/UMSS2013. WOMEN IN ENGINEERING CAMP – 14-18 Jan, 2013; See eng.unsw.edu.au/WIEC. SWINBURNE SEMINARS – on a wide range of courses; Ph 1300 275 794 or swinburne.edu.au/2013UNSURE WHAT TO STUDY? La Trobe Uni Future Students Advisory Day; 25 Sept (Bundoora); 27 Sept (Bendigo); Register: latrobe.edu.au/school/events.DISCOVERY DAY AT VICTORIA UNIVERSITY – Interested in law, business, engineering or science? Find out what life at VU is like. Enjoy a day of activities with current students, with a free lunch and entertainment. When: 10am-2pm, Mon 24 Sept; Where: Footscray Park; Register: vu.edu.au/events/discovery-day-footscray-park. DISCOVER DEAKIN- holiday sessions; When: 25 Sept; Register online at deakin.edu.au. MONASH NURSING INFORMATION EVENING – The School of Nursing and Midwifery is hosting an evening for people thinking about studying nursing at Monash University in 2013. Find out about career opportunities, study information, and options available at Berwick, Gippsland and Peninsula campuses. When: 6-7pm (Information Session), 7-7.30pm (nursing expo/Q&A); Where: Bld 903, ground floor, lecture theatre 903/G121, Monash, Berwick, 100 Clyde Rd, Berwick; Registration: rsvpberwick@monash.edu; Info: HYPERLINK "" berwick.monash.edu/nursing-info-evening.html. VTAC APPLICATIONS – remember to apply for courses through VTAC (vtac.edu.au) by 28 September. Place courses you wish to apply for in the order in which you most want them. You will receive an offer of a place in the first course in your list for which you meet the requirements. Remember to pay the application fee of $26, otherwise you will not receive an offer of a place in Jan 2013. If you plan a GAP year in 2013 you are advised to apply, as in most cases university offers can be deferred for a year, and sometimes two years. Always check Extra Requirements when applying for courses. Some just use the ATAR; others, such as design, music and drama require an interview, folio presentation or audition. These are often a compulsory part of the application process.LAW SCHOLARSHIPS AT AUSTRALIAN CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY - ACU has two Law scholarships each worth up to $40,000 for prospective law students in 2013 (ACU has new law degrees commencing in 2013). Applications are currently open and close on Fri 30 November. See: acu.edu.au/about_acu/faculties_schools_institutes_centres/faculties/law/law_scholarships/.UNIVERSITY SCHOLARSHIPS – many scholarships are available. Good research starting points are university websites (eg unimelb.edu.au/scholarships) and the VTAC website. Some scholarships have their own VTAC course Code (eg Swinburne Dean’s Scholarships – p. 361 of VTAC Guide; Monash Accounting, p. 272, Code 28011, Monash Science Scholars, p. 292, (28191); Deakin Business Scholars Program, p 186, (16311); Deakin Science and Technology Dean’s Scholars Program – covers a range of study areas, p 197 (14381); University of Melbourne Chancellor’s Scholars Program, p 391-394 – see chancellorscholars.unimelb.edu.au. Many universities print booklets on their scholarships. Some are in the Careers Room. You need to look out for opportunities. They can save you a lot of money…WERRIBEE OPEN RANGE ZOO AND HEALESVILLE SANCTUARY – The Zoo and Sanctuary are offering the Keeper for a Day program in the September holidays. It is a hands-on program for students interested in a career working with animals. Participants will help out the animal keepers and learn about jobs. When: Werribee – 9.30am-3.30pm, 27 Sept and 1, 2 and 4 Oct; Healesville – 25, 26, 27 Sept and 2, 3 and 4 Oct; Info: .au/learning/holiday/WORZ-Zoo-Keepers and .au/learning/holiday/HS-Zoo-Keepers. THE FUTURE OF NEWS – a LECTURE by Kim Williams, Chief Executive Officer, News Ltd. The past year has seen restructuring of Australia’s news media industry. What is the future? When: 6.30pm, 4 Oct; Where: Basement Theatre, The Spot, Business and Economics Bld, 198 Berkeley St, Carlton; Book: events.unimelb.edu.au; Ph 8344 6004FEES AT RMIT TAFE – In light of changes to government funding, RMIT has reviewed the pricing of TAFE courses. Information about fees for 2013 is at rmit.edu.au/programs/fees. Victorian Government information about changes is ateducation..au/about/directions/refocusingvet.htm. If you have any questions about fees contact: Ph 9925 2555.FOLIO PREPARATION SHORT COURSES – RMIT is running folio preparation and career discovery days for VCE students during the holidays. Experience the study environment in which you are interested with the guidance of expert design teachers. Info: Short Courses, ph 9925 8111, HYPERLINK "" shortcourses.rmit.edu.au. SUSTAINABLE SYSTEMS ENGINEERING AT RMIT – You are invited to take part in a workshop in Sustainable Systems Engineering where you will examine real world challenges that engineers face. When: 10am-2pm, Thurs 4 Oct; Where: 13.02.029 building 13 (Emily MacPherson), cnr Russel and Victoria St; Cost: Free (lunch provided); Register: rmit.edu.au/aeromecheng/sseworkshop. WHAT IS ENGINEERING? What’s it like studying engineering at RMIT? The set for the video was constructed using 100’s of Meccano pieces and highlights the range of engineering fields available. See it at: . MECHATRONICS DAY – RMIT invites you to visit Bundoora campus to experience cutting edge mechatronics and automation technology. Participate in vision workshops, robotino competition and programmable logic controllers. When: 10am-3pm, Thurs 27 Sept; Where: Cnr Mckimmies Lane/Plenty Rd, Bundoora; Cost: Free (lunch included); Register: rmit.edu.au/aeromecheng.PROPERTY AND VALUATION AT RMIT – RMIT has redeveloped the Bachelor of Applied Science (Property) and the Bachelor of Applied Science (Valuation) to create the Bachelor of Applied Science (Property and Valuation). As part of that redevelopment, courses have changed to better meet the current and future needs of the industry. The two programs will merge from 2013. The program is fully accredited by the Australian Property Institute and the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors to provide students with a marketable and industry focused qualification (VTAC Code: 32721). CAREERS IN PSYCHOLOGY – Are you interested in studying psychology? Wondering about careers? Then this free information evening is for you. When: 6.30-9.00pm, Wed 19 Sept; Where: Prince Phillip Theatre, Architecture, Building and Planning (Building 133), Melbourne University; By: Australian Psychological Society (Students); Contact: melbapsstudents@. ART AND DESIGN AT BOX HILL – Meet specialist staff from fashion, graphic design, interior design decoration, jewellery and textile arts at Information Sessions. When: 2.30-4pm, Tues 25 Sept; Where: Room W1.224.FOLIO PREPARATION SESSIONS AT BOXHILL – Staff will run information sessions on: Graphic design - When: 5-6.30pm, Mon 17 Sept; Where: Room W1.150. Interior Decoration and Design – When: 5-6.30pm, Mon 17 Sept; Where: Room W1.266Jewellery – When: 5-6.30pm, Mon 17 Sept; Where: Room W1.G38 Fashion – When: 5-6.30pm, Tues 18 Sept; Where: W1.345Info/register: ph 9286 9632RADIO/TV AT HOLMESGLEN – Follow your dreams with a career in RADIOTV at Holmesglen. Holmesglen is offering the Diploma of Screen and Media (Radio and TV). Information session; When: 7pm, 19 Sept and 2-4pm, 17 Oct; Details: Kathleen O’Brien, Ph 9562 1922. FIND YOUR CAREER WITH CAREER ARCHITECT – La Trobe University’s Career Architect considers your personality style together with your strengths/talents to recommend jobs/courses. See it at: ALL AREAS – The University of Melbourne offers this program to Year 10-12 students/families. Explore opportunities. See: futurestudents.unimelb.edu.au/accessallareas. COMMERCE AT MELBOURNE – The university has introduced a CSP guaranteed place in 2013 in the B. Commerce for those achieving an ATAR of 95.00. The minimum ATAR will be 93.00, while for Access Melbourne students it will be guaranteed at 88.00. See: bcom.unimelb.edu.au/apply/entry-requirements.html; access.unimelb.edu.au. ENGINEERING AT MELBOURNE – Check it out at a workshop on 24th Sept. Deppeler 55983381OPENING TIMESSchool Holidays CLOSED: 24th Sep till 3rd Oct (Wed)Due to work being done on the main court the Centre will be closed until the second Wednesday of the school holidays.OPEN FROM:Wed 3rd October onwards the centre will open at 4.00 pm and close at 8.00 pm each night during the holidays.Camperdown Little Athletics Centre “Ever wanted your kids to Run and Jump? Bring them to Little Aths and they can learn to Throw and Hurdle too!”On Your Marks, Set, GO!Little Athletics is back again for 2012-13For all Girls and Boys, 5 to 16 years of age.Starts on Friday 12th OctoberVenue: Aths Track, Fuller/Frederick St (behind Community Stadium)Registrations from 4pm. “Come & Try” starts at 4.30pm.(Cost. $100 per athlete, payable at registration)To save time, Register online at .au and click on Join Up/Register logoFor additional information, contact Ross McIlveen 0419 341 122, Rachael Mason (Registrar) 0427 567 416 Phil Cunningham (Pres) 0448 094 367 Nirranda Cricket ClubU/15 and U/13All new and old players training on Sundays 11 am at Nirranda Rec Reserve.Now with 7 Cricket Australia Qualified CoachesCompetition startingU/15 Wed Oct 17th U/13 Fri Oct 19thMILO Cricket starts Sunday Ocoter 21st @ 11amU/11 starts midway through Nov emberCONTACT: Jason Mungean 0407097 910 or Stewart Rundle on 0438 665 273 Library- School Holiday Opening Hours Apply from 24th September until Friday 5th October Monday: 1.00 – 4.00pmWednesday: 1.00 – 4.00pmFriday: 1.00 – 4.00pmSaturday: 10.00 – 12.004960620591883500Looking for junior cricketers - boys and girlsAll welcome. No equipment or experience required. Under 13 and under 16 teams.Under 13 to train straight after school to 5pm on Tuesdays starting Sept 18th at the Timboon school oval. For info contact Travis Brown 0428 124 312.Under 16 to train from 4:00pm to 6pm Thursdays starting September 20th at the Timboon Recreation Reserve. For info contact Wayne Drayton on 55 987 323.We are also seeking new Senior cricketers with training on a Thursday night from 5:30 owards starting September 20th. For info contact Trav Brown 0428 124 e along and give cricket in Timboon a go! ................

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