Jeremiah Obeys Lesson 51 - Clover Sites

Jeremiah Obeys

Lesson 51

Bible Story

Jeremiah 36

Teacher Challenge

God had given Jeremiah strong words of warning for His people. Danger was coming. Some people listened seriously to the reading of Jeremiah's scroll. But most of God's warnings fell on deaf-- or rebellious--ears. Then came the ultimate insult: As King Jehoiakim listened to God's words,

"I(wSeiGlel oPobsdeayl'msG1Wo1do9's:r1wd7o.r)d." thGIecmaonldelao'srvneWaobtohoreudrtsGbaoyndh'sdelWpMionrged.

he cut the scroll off bit by bit with a knife, throw-

ing the pieces into the fire. Even after Jehoiakim's fall from

power, his subjects followed his example of rebellion. They ignored the seriousness

of Jeremiah's further warning and angrily threw the prophet into a cistern.

What resistance have you encountered because of your obedience to God?

How have you seen others benefit from following God's Word?

Those around you watch and notice your actions and attitudes, especially young children. When you repeat the same truths time after time as Jeremiah did and then live what you speak, others will see how to follow God, too. Ask God to keep you faithful.

Teacher's Planning

1. Choose which centers you will provide and the order in which children will participate in them. For tips on schedule planning, see page 9.

2. Plan who will lead each center, making sure to have one adult for approximately every six children. For staffing tips and ideas, see page 12.

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Play to Learn

Lesson 51

Active Game Center:

Hidden Bible



"I(wSeiGlel oPobsdeayl'msG1Wo1do9's:r1wd7o.r)d."


1. Select a volunteer to close his or her eyes as you hide the Bible in the classroom. Be sure Bible can be seen but is not in too obvious a place.


Let's help Olivia find the Bible. Don't make any noise when

she is far from the Bible. Start clapping when she moves close to it.

2. Volunteer begins to move around classroom. Lead children in clapping faster and louder as the volunteer moves closer and closer to the Bible. Repeat with new volunteers as time allows. (Note: If you have a large class, call on two volunteers at a time.)

Talk About In our Bible story Jeremiah said God's words out loud, so Baruch (buh-ROOK) could write

them down. We can know God's words by reading the Bible. Let's play a game to find a Bible.

Ethan, who reads to you from the Bible? I'm

glad your mom reads Bible stories to you.

What do we do at church to learn about God's

Word, the Bible? Diego, when you listen to Bible stories and say Bible verses, you are learning God's Word!

The Bible says, "I will obey God's word." To obey

God's Word means that we do the good things the Bible tells us to do. Pray briefly, Thank You, God, for Your Word, the Bible.

For Younger Children

Give verbal instructions to help children find the Bible: The Bible is near a chair.

For Older Children

Instead of finding a hidden Bible, children search for an index card on which you have printed the words of the Bible verse. Each time a child finds the card, he or she reads the verse, or read the verse for the child. Other children echo the words of the verse.

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Play to Learn

Lesson 51

Art Center:

Binding Books


Bible, yarn, scissors, measuring stick, tape,

"I(wSeiGlel oPobsdeayl'msG1Wo1do9's:r1wd7o.r)d."

white paper, markers, construction paper, hole punch; optional--Lesson 51 Phrase Pattern from Discovering God's Love CD-ROM.



Cut yarn into 18-inch (45.5-cm) lengths. Wrap tape around one end to make

a needle. Three or four times on a sheet of white paper, print "obeys God's Word." (Optional: Make

copies of Phrase Pattern from CD-ROM.) Make copies and cut phrases apart so that each child has a

phrase. Fold sheets of construction paper in half and punch eight holes along the folded edges.


1. Help children tie the untaped yarn end to the top hole of folded construction paper. Children sew yarn through holes to bind books. Make sure books lie flat when opened. Tie yarn around bottom hole and trim off excess yarn.

2. Children print their names inside books. Under his or her name, each child tapes a copy of the phrase "obeys God's Word." Children use markers to decorate books.

Talk About The Bible says, "I will obey God's word."

God's Word is the Bible. Let's make books about obeying God's Word!

Thank you, Abigail, for handing Trey his

yarn. God's Word says to help others. You obeyed God by helping Trey.

Michael, who could you show your book to?

Showing others your book is a way to help them learn about God's Word. Pray briefly, Dear God, help us obey Your Word, the Bible. We want to help others learn about the Bible, too.

For Younger Children

Instead of sewing a binding, children simply decorate folded and stapled sheets of construction paper. Print children's names on insides of books.

For Older Children

On the book covers, make dots to spell the word "obey." Children trace over dots to write the word.

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Play to Learn

Lesson 51

Block Center: Neighborhood Blocks


Bible, blocks, toy people.


1. Children build roads and houses to represent their neighborhood.

"I(wSeiGlel oPobsdeayl'msG1Wo1do9's:r1wd7o.r)d." thGIecmaonldelao'srvneWaobtohoreudrtsGbaoyndh'sdelWpMionrged.

2. Children move toy people around neighborhood and show ways of loving and helping their family and friends.

Talk About Let's build our neighborhood and talk about

ways to obey God's Word, the Bible. When we obey, it helps others learn God's Word, too.

The Bible tells us to love each other. Sophia,

who is someone who showed love to you today? Your mom obeyed the Bible when she showed you love!

The Bible says, "I will obey God's word." Andrew,

who is someone you love? You can show love to your brother by telling him about God's Word.

Pray briefly, Dear God, help us to obey Your Word.

Help us tell it to others, so they can learn about Your Word, too.

For Younger Children

Allow children to play with blocks. Look for natural opportunities to use the conversation suggestions.

For Older Children

In addition to building blocks, provide a variety of cardboard boxes and other containers (grocery boxes, empty cereal boxes, potato chip cans, etc.) with which children build.

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Play to Learn

Lesson 51

Science Center:

Water Pictures


Bible; water; plastic or disposable bowls; a selection

"I(wSeiGlel oPobsdeayl'msG1Wo1do9's:r1wd7o.r)d."

of paintbrushes, cotton swabs, rollers, sponges, etc; optional--construction paper in dark colors.


Arrange to complete this activity outdoors on a paved area


in a safe location. (Optional: If you cannot go outdoors, children paint with

water on dark construction paper.) Place a small amount of water in each bowl.


1. Children choose a painting implement from the supply you provide. Place a bowl of water on the ground for groups of three or four children to share.

2. Using your own painting implement and water, paint a shape (circle, triangle, square, wiggly line, numeral, letter, etc.) on the pavement and ask the children to identify it.

3. Children duplicate your shape. Continue with other shapes. Allow older children to suggest shapes for the group to paint.

Talk About The Bible says, "I will obey God's word." To obey

means to do what we are told to do. You can follow my directions and paint different shapes!

One way to learn what the Bible says is to listen to

Bible stories. Justin, when are some times you listen to Bible stories?

We can show love to others by helping them learn

about God's Word, the Bible. Andrea, who is someone you can tell God's words to? What could you tell your friend about the Bible?

Pray briefly, Dear God, help us love others and help

them learn about Your Word, the Bible.

For Younger Children

Allow children to paint shapes and designs of their own choosing.

For Older Children

Children paint the word "obey."

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