Vocabulary Vocabulary WordsVocabulary WordsVocabulary …


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Vocabulary Worksheet

Vocabulary Words

Read the story below. Fill in the blanks with a word from the word bank. You will have some words left over.

forest evening direction stream








branch signal

weekend deep

Over the

, my scout group went for a

hike on a nature

. Before we left, we were told

that the trail went

into the


We had to watch our scout

carefully in case he

wanted to give us a

or a


We saw some amazing things on our hike. We saw two deer galloping

across an open

. We found a small

and learned to skip rocks across the water. We

even got to climb all over a huge tree

that had

fallen down across the trail. Before we knew it, the sun was high in the

sky and I knew it was time to head back for lunch.

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