DCC-94E Child Care Daily Attendance Record

Child Care Daily Attendance Record *only use this form for one week, Sunday-Saturday

|Provider’s Name |Provider’s Registered/Certified/License # | Week of: |

|Enter the Provider name as it appears on the PBF |Enter the CLR from your PBF |3/31/2018 - 4/6/2018 |

| | |_______________ - _______________ |

| | |(mm/dd/yyyy) through (mm/dd/yyyy) |

Daily Attendance Record: Enter the child’s full name as listed on the DCC-97, Provider Billing Form. The physical arrival/departure time, including a.m. and p.m., of each child must be recorded daily. A parent or the parent’s designated person (i.e., someone other than a child care employee) must sign at the end of each week for each child to verify accuracy. If a child arrives/departs by bus, the child care employee must record the time and initial daily. DO NOT RECORD THIS INFORMATION IN ADVANCE or make alterations to this form. No other version of this form will be accepted. This form must be fully completed.


Child’s Name

(as it appears on PBF)






Tuesday |

Wednesday |

Thursday |

Friday |

Saturday |Signature of Parent

or Designated Person to

Verify Accuracy of Attendance for the week | | |Time

In |Time

Out |Time

In |Time

Out |Time

In |Time

Out |Time

In |Time

Out |Time

In |Time Out |Time

In |Time Out |Time

In |Time Out | | | |

Initials |

Initials |

Initials |

Initials |

Initials |

Initials |

Initials |

Initials |

Initials |

Initials |

Initials |

Initials |

Initials |

Initials | | |Adams, Paul | | |Arrival Time |Departure Time |Arrival Time |Departure Time |Arrival Time |Departure Time |Arrival Time |Departure Time |Arrival Time |Departure Time | | |*The CCAP applicant must sign at the end of the week | | | | |initials |initials |initials |initials |initials |initials |initials |initials |initials |initials | | | | |Carter, Betty | | |8:05 am / 3:10 pm |8:45 am / 5:15 pm |8:10 am / 3:15 pm |8:45 am / 4:45 pm |8:05 am / 3:15 p m |8:45 am / 6:00 pm |8:05 am / 3:15 pm |8:45 am / 6:05 pm |8:05 am / 3:10 pm |8:45 am / 5:05 pm | | | | | | | |initials |initials |initials |initials |initials |initials |initials |initials |initials |initials | | | | |Franklin, Amanda

| | |6:45 pm |4:30 pm |6:30 pm |4:45 pm |10:00 pm |6:00 pm |absent | |6:35 pm |4:45 pm | | | | | | | |initials |initials |initials |initials |initials |initials |initials |initials |initials |initials | | | | |Jackson, Tyler | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Martin, Steven | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Stanford, Mary Ann | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |I certify that I have not altered this form in accordance with KRS 13A.130, and this information was used when completing the DCC-97, Provider Billing Form. I understand that if I or staff acting on the child care provider’s behalf does not bill accurately in accordance with 922 KAR 2:160 for a child, the child care provider will not be paid for days that are not verified and will be required to pay back any overpayment. An overpayment may be pursued as an intentional program violation in accordance with 922 KAR 2:020.

Licensee/On-Site Director or Certified/Registered Provider’s Signature: ______________________________________________ Date: ______________________

“Licensee”, as defined by 922 KAR 2:090, is an owner or operator of a child care center to include sole proprietor, corporation, Limited Liability Company, partnership, association or organization.


TIP SHEET DCC-94E Child Care Daily Attendance Record

← The DCC-94E, Child Care Daily Attendance Record form is required for the Child Care Assistance Program. The Child Care Daily Attendance Record is also accepted the Division of Regulated Child Care as appropriate verification for the daily attendance records documenting the arrival and departure time of each child. To protect confidentiality of CCAP families, it is recommended the form be used for all children in care; and children participating in the CCAP not be categorized differently.

← This form is cited in law and no variance or altered forms can be accepted

← The weekly parent signature is required. The signature must be the signature of the Child Care Assistance Program recipient, responsible adult, or authorized representative named in the case. A child can be initialed in daily by a designated representative but the form must be signed by the individuals named above on a weekly basis.

← ‘Parent signature’ must be legible or have name printed above/below the signature.

← If there is more than one child with the same name at the center, please list the date of birth under each ‘same’ name in order to assist with correct identification.

← The provider name and each child name should be legibly printed and entered as it appears on PBF/Certificate.

← If a child has more than one sign in/out in a day, for example, a school aged child that attends before and after school, then a slash can be made in the ‘in’ and ‘out’ box for the day to enable the entry of two separate arrival and departure times. Another acceptable alternative is to include the child on another line or class roster.

← Remember:

o Do not use pencils to complete any part of the DCC-94E.

o Read and review the DCC-94E before implementing usage.

o Monitor the DCC-94E daily to ensure correct and accurate completion.

o Sign and date as the provider at the bottom of the form(s), and to have CCAP eligible parent/guardian sign in the parent signature area every week.

o Children are not to write or scribble on the sign in forms.

o These forms must be kept on-site for five years; unless otherwise requested.

o The form can be printed on a double-sided sheet.





922 KAR 2:160

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