RESUME WORKSHEET - Saint Mary's College



10-12 font, single page, one inch borders (all four sides).


Largest font size on the page, bold. Should be centered or on the right-hand side. 14-18 font.

Campus Address and Permanent Address (indicate both if applicable). Must include phone numbers with area codes, and Email addresses. (Recommendation: do not list cell phone number unless necessary)

Objective Statement ? Not needed for On-Campus recruiting or for use at Career and Internship fair. Otherwise ? every resume should have an objective ? brief and to the point. (See "objective" handout for more details)

Education: Saint Mary's College of California, Moraga Degree (example) B.A. or BA or Bachelor of Arts Minor and/or Area of Emphasis Date (month and year bestowed) GPA if 3.0 or higher, or use major GPA if it is over 3.0. List awards, scholarships and Dean's List. Relevant Courses (generally upper division). Relevant to the job you want. Projects & Thesis ? describe using action verbs ? use 2 or 3 sentences. Study Abroad and/or Jan Term ? describe area of concentration. Underwriting your education, e.g. 100% of college financed through scholarships, employment and loans.

Experience Paid and unpaid jobs, campus projects, volunteer work, community service. Include job title, employer/organization, city & state, dates (years only). Describe your accomplishments using action verbs.

Skills List computer programs. Languages ? bilingual, fluent, conversational.

Activities List all SMC activities first, then list interests. Show teamwork, leadership, community involvement, hobbies, travel.

Interests May be combined with Activities.

NOTE TO FRESHMEN, SOPHOMORES & JUNIORS: You may include your high school information: GPA, Activities, Awards, etc.

Resume Worksheet



Do d esig n yo u r d escr ip t io n s t o f o cu s o n yo u r accom p lish m e n t s, u sin g act ion v e r b s t o clear ly in d icat e skills yo u 've u sed . Do t r y q uan t if y in g r e sult s in yo u r d escr ip t io n s, su ch as "Cr eat ed m ar ket in g cam p aig n t h at in cr eased clu b m em b er sh ip b y 25% ." Do keep yo u r r esu m e b r ief en o u g h t o f it o n on e p ag e (o r t w o p ag es if yo u r exp er ien ce is ext en sive). Acad em ic CVs ar e o f t en t w o p ag es o r lo n g er . Do p r in t yo u r r esu m e o n g o o d q u alit y b o n d p ap er , eit h er w h it e o r co n se r vat ive t o n es. If p r in t ed o n p lain co m p u t er p ap er , co p y o n t o g o o d q u alit y b o n d p ap er (2 4 -lb or h ig h e r b on d w e ig h t ). Do acco m p an y yo u r r esu m e w it h a co ver let t er . Do h ave o t h er s lo o k o ver yo u r r esu m e f o r con t e n t an d g r am m ar .

Don 't s Do n 't m ake yo u r m ar g in s an d f o n t size t o o sm all: m ar g in s n o sm aller t h an o n e in ch an d f o n t size n o sm aller t h an 10 p o in t . Don 't in clud e p e r son al p r on oun s (e.g . I, m e, w e). Don 't in clud e p e r son al in f or m at ion , p h ysical ch ar act er ist ics, o r p h o t o g r ap h s o n yo u r r esu m e. Do n 't in clu d e t h e last lin e: "Ref er en ces availab le u p o n r eq u est "

Ot h e r Tip s It is m o r e ap p r o p r iat e f o r f r esh m en an d so p h o m o r es t o in clu d e h ig h sch ool e x p e r ie n ce s. Ho w ever , im p o r t an t h ig h sch o o l exp er ien ces t h at h ave so m e r elevan ce t o yo u r jo b o b ject ive m ay b e ap p r o p r iat e f o r u p p er classm en . Fo r In t e r n at ion al St ud e n t s it is so m et im es a d isad van t ag e t o in clu d e yo u r n o n im m ig r an t visa st at u s o r p er m an en t ad d r ess (if o u t sid e t h e U.S.) o n yo u r r esu m e. Usu ally yo u r visa st at u s sh o u ld b e d iscu ssed lat er d u r in g t h e in t er view . If yo u h ave o b t ain ed p er m an en t r esid en cy o r U.S. cit izen sh ip , it m ig h t b e t o yo u r ad van t ag e t o list t h e in f o r m at io n o n yo u r r esu m e. Ever y o ccu p at io n an d car eer f ield h as it s o w n jar g o n , acr o n ym s an d b u zzw o r d s ? t h ese ar e h elp f u l key w o r d s t o u se. If y ou ar e r e sp on d in g t o a job list in g , use w or d s f r om t h e job list in g in y our r e sum e an d cov e r le t t e r .

RESUME FORMATS Th er e is n o sin g le w ay t o f o r m at yo u r r esu m e. Th e f o r m at yo u ch o o se sh o u ld p r esen t yo u r st r en g t h s clear ly.

Ch r on olog ical For m at Th is f o r m at is m o st f am iliar t o em p lo yer s. Th is st yle o f r esu m e p r esen t s yo u r exp er ien ce an d ed u cat io n in r e v e r se ch r on olog ical se q ue n ce , st ar t in g w it h t h e m o st r ecen t . Dat e, jo b t it le, o r g an izat io n 's n am e, lo cat io n an d a d escr ip t io n o f yo u r act ivit ies ar e list ed as p ar t o f t h e exp er ien ce sect io n . Th is f o r m at is sim p le, st r aig h t f o r w ar d , an d esp ecially u sef u l f o r an yo n e w it h a h ist o r y o f d ir ect ly r elevan t exp er ien ce.

Fun ct ion al/ Skills For m at Th is f o r m at f o cu ses o n ar e as of skill an d can b e ef f ect ive in co n veyin g yo u r st r en g t h s t o an em p lo yer , alt h o u g h m an y em p lo yer s ar e n o t as f am iliar w it h t h is f o r m at as w it h

Resume Worksheet

t h e ch r o n o lo g ical o r co m b in at io n f o r m at . Th is st yle o f r esu m e d r aw s at t en t io n t o acco m p lish m en t s an d h ig h lig h t s yo u r skills b y f u n ct io n r at h er t h an yo u r w o r k exp er ien ce an d is m o r e co m m o n ly u sed b y p eo p le w it h ver y lit t le f o r m al w o r k exp er ien ce o r w h o ar e r et u r n in g t o t h e w o r kp lace af t er b ein g aw ay o r o t h er w ise in vo lved .

Com b in at ion For m at Th is f o r m at is ap p r o p r iat e w h en yo u h ave r elevan t w o r k exp er ien ce f o r each o f sever al skill ar eas an d co m b in es t h e ch r o n o lo g ical an d f u n ct io n al f o r m at s. Th is st yle allo w s yo u t o g r o u p yo u r exp er ien ces o r key sellin g p o in t s t o g et h er b y f u n ct io n al ar eas (su ch as Resear ch Exp er ien ce an d Teach in g Exp er ien ce), an d t h en list t h o se exp er ien ces in r ever se ch r o n o lo g ical o r d er w it h in each sect io n . It is also a f am iliar f o r m at t o em p lo yer s.

SUBMITTING RESUMES ELECTRONICALLY Em ail Se n d y our r e sum e as an at t ach e d f ile an d p ast e t h e t e x t in t o t h e b od y of t h e e m ail. Havin g yo u r r esu m e in t h e b o d y o f t h e em ail as w ell as an at t ach m en t g ives em p lo yer s t h e o p p o r t u n it y t o see yo u r r esu m e in t h e even t t h ey can n o t o p en yo u r at t ach m en t o r d o n o t t ake t h e t im e. Use a sim p le f o r m at f o r t h e r esu m e yo u p u t in t h e b o d y o f t h e em ail: lef t ju st if ied , n o b o ld , n o it alics, n o u n d er lin es, n o t ab s. Do n 't f o r g et t o in clu d e a co ver let t er in t h e b o d y o f t h e em ail t o o . If yo u h ave yo u r r esu m e in a PDF f ile, yo u can also at t ach t h at w it h yo u r em ail. Th e PDF ver sio n w ill allo w t h e em p lo yer t h e o p p o r t u n it y t o see yo u r r esu m e in an at t r act ive f o r m at , u t ilizin g b o ld an d u n d er lin es. Wh en em ailin g r esu m e f iles, n am e t h em so t h e em p lo yer can easily id en t if y t h em . Last n am e, f o llo w ed b y f ir st n am e an d t h e w o r d "r esu m e" is m o st h elp f u l. Wh en p o ssib le, ask t h e em p lo yer s in w h ich f o r m at t h ey p r ef er t o r eceive r esu m es.

Re sum e Scan n in g Co m p an ies r eceivin g lar g e q u an t it ies o f r esu m es m ay scan each r esu m e as an im ag e, an d t h en so r t t h e im ag e in t o r eco g n izab le let t er s, w o r d s, an d sym b o ls. Th ese scan n ed im ag es ar e en t er ed in t o a d at ab ase an d t h en se ar ch e d f or ke y w or d s, w h ich in d icat e skills, ed u cat io n an d kn o w led g e ar eas t h e em p lo yer is seekin g . Lef t -ju st if y all t ext an d av oid usin g un d e r lin in g , it alics, b ulle t s, b old , an d colum n s.

Resume Worksheet


Your career objective should indicate what it is you want to do and your field of interest. It is a critical part of your resume, since everything that follows should support your objective.

NOTE: For recruiting purposes at SMC, you will not need an objective on your resume. This includes resumes handed out at the Career Fair and for all on-campus recruiting.

If you are seeking a specific job or function, use the title or function in the objective. Example: "Analyst position in banking". Whenever possible, use the exact job title as listed in the posting and include the name of the company. Example: "Account Manager, Hewlett Packard".


1. To obtain a position in a sports-oriented business utilizing promotional and organizational skills

2. A sales/customer service position in the consumer products industry 3. An entry-level editing position in publishing or the media industry 4. A position in customer service/sales in the retail industry 5. A position in public relations or the advertising industry 6. To acquire an administrative position in community health 7. To obtain a position in marketing/sales in the radio or TV industry 8. A customer relations position in banking/finance 9. An entry-level human resources/training position in the retail field 10. To work in the area of finance using skills in lending or management 11. A sales or management trainee position in the construction industry 12. An entry-level position in the non-profit or social service field 13. A management trainee position in property management or real estate 14. A position in accounting (could use public or private, auditing or tax) 15. Research assistant in a consulting firm 16. Internship 17. Internship in _______________ or at _________________

AVOID any objective trait that is not specific, e.g.: "challenging position", "opportunity for advancement", "fast-growing company", "in a field where I can grow and learn" , "using my education and skills"

Resume Worksheet

Resume Font Size and Style Guidelines

Font Use a font that is clean, conservative, and easy to read. Stay away from anything that is too fancy, or unconventional.

Your choice of font should be dictated by the content, format and length of your resume. Some fonts look better than others in smaller or larger sizes; some have "bolder" boldface type; some require more white space to make them readable.

Recommended samples: (in 12 points)

Arial Bookman Old Style

Garamond Gill Sans MT

Book Antiqua

Lucida Sans

Century Gothic


Century Schoolbook

Times New Roman

Franklin Gothic Book


Type Size Readability is everything! If the type is too small, your resume will be difficult to read and difficult to skim for essential information. Interestingly, a too-large type can also give a negative impression by conveying a juvenile or unprofessional image.

As a general rule, select type from 10 to 12 points in size. Take a look at the following examples:

Very readable in 12-point Book Antiqua:

Case Study: Observed one child on six different occasions for Infancy & Childhood and wrote five different papers reporting on the child's physical, emotional, personality, cognitive and social development.

Readable in 10-point Verdana:

Case Study: Observed one child on six different occasions for Infancy & Childhood and wrote five different papers reporting on the child's physical, emotional, personality, cognitive and social development.

Difficult to read in too-small 10-point Gill Sans: Case Study: Observed one child on six different occasions for Infancy & Childhood and wrote five different papers reporting on the child's physical, emotional, personality, cognitive and social development.

Concise and readable in 12-point Times New Roman:

Case Study: Observed one child on six different occasions for Infancy & Childhood and wrote five different papers reporting on the child's physical, emotional, personality, cognitive and social development.

Resume Worksheet


More and more companies are looking at competencies. What are competencies? Competencies are key characteristics that successful people have in any organization, anywhere, any size. Competencies are based on abilities to be successful.

Common competencies or most widely used; the most used measures of ability: Achievement or results-oriented Initiative (plan, idea, inventiveness, enterprising) Impact and influence Customer service orientation Personal understanding Organizational awareness Conceptual thinking (theoretical, abstract) Information-seeking or research-based decision-making and thinking Integrity (honesty, truth, honor, reliability, accountability) Analytical thinking

How do hiring employers use competencies? To screen resumes as they look for demonstrated expertise in key competencies and strengths as shown in bullet points To select people to interview To carry out competency-based interviews using behaviorally based questions. These questions target competencies of candidate.

Resume Worksheet


Marketing Case Studies (2): Worked on a team to analyze a company's financial status. Redefined target markets. Formulated a new technique of marketing to these target markets in order to maximize profits. Presented the central issues to the company. Organized a more effective way to deal with these issues and presented the new marketing strategy to the class.

Issue Brief: Worked with a team to incorporate ethical and equitable standards into the debated business and political issue of the V-chip and rating system for network television. Researched all aspects of the issue. Conducted a stakeholder analysis through interviews. Constructed our own proposal and revised rating system to satisfy the wide variety of stakeholders, and presented the issue and proposal to the class.

Marketing Group Sales Studies (2): Analyzed company's financial status, researched competition, defined target markets, examined current market trends, made group presentation of final marketing strategies to class.

Financial Management Project: researched company and its industry, compared company's financial status with the industry through ratio analysis.

Organization Theory Research Project: Researched a company from the S&P 500, related company's organizational structure to popular organization theories and analyzed the company's organizational effectiveness.

Human Development Project: Centered around the development of preschool-age children. Completed a naturalistic observation and analyzed children's behavior in relation to development processes learned within the course.

Infancy and Childhood Project: Focused on the physical, emotional, and cognitive development of a 20- month old child. Conducted as case study. Used both naturalistic and structured observation methods to gather information.

Case Study: Researched and analyzed organization of Werneke & Mulhern Ink Co. Discovered operational problems and developed plan of action for solving these problems; presented findings.

Case Study: Analyzed marketing strategies of tobacco industry and the ethics of attracting youths. Concluded that practice was unethical and laws should be enacted to prohibit these practices; presented these findings to class.

Special Project: Advanced Marketing (Spring '03)

Participated in an internship program with the Arts & Culture Commission of Contra Costa County. Led a team through the research and development of a full-scale marketing strategy. Developed target market information, conducted focus group sessions, analyzed results, and presented strategy to the client.

Recent Class Project: Investments: Money, Credit and Banking: Participated in the stock market with a $100,000 investment (not actual). International Economics: Analyzed an economic issue of Korea and presented it to the class. Public Finance: Chose one topic in finances and analyzed one issue with an example in Korea.


100% of personal expenses and 40% or college tuition financed through employment. 100% of college expenses financed through employment, loans, scholarships and grants. 50% of college expenses paid through employment.

Resume Worksheet

Action Verbs / Skills for Your Resume

Communication Skills Addressed Arbitrated Arranged Authored Clarified Communicated Corresponded Created Defined Drafted Edited Enlisted Influenced Informed Inspired Interpreted Mediated Motivated Negotiated Obtained Persuaded Presented Read Reasoned Reconciled Sold Summarized Translated Wrote

Detail Skills

Approved Arranged Audited Classified Collated Collected Compared Compiled Counted Dispatched Documented Edit Estimated Evaluated Formatted Generated Implemented Inspected Monitored Operated Organized Prepared Prioritized Processed Proofread Recorded Retrieved Specified Tabulated

Financial Skills


Sales Skills

Administered Allocated Analyzed Appraised Assessed Audited Balanced Bookkeeping Budgeted Calculated Computed Decreased Developed Eliminated Established Forecasted Formulated Identified (problem) Improved Managed ($) Planned Prepared Presented Reconciled Researched Reviewed Solved Streamlined Structured

Analyzed Assessed Compared Consolidated Coordinated Corrected Delegated Delivered Determined Developed Displayed Eliminated Examined Expedited Identified (problem) Implemented Inspected Investigated Lead Modified Organized Participated Planned Prioritized Reduced Reviewed Revised Updated Upgraded

Achieved Analyzed Closed Coordinated Decreased Developed Doubled Earned Exceeded Expanded Explained Forecasted Generated Increased Listened Maintained Marketed Merchandised Monitored Negotiated Persuaded Presented Promoted Projected Publicized Represented Sold Strategized Targeted

Proven track record in... Experience involved/included... More than _____ years experience... Expertise and demonstrated skills... Successful in/at... Experienced in all facets/phases... Knowledge of/experienced as... Extensive training/involvement... Initially employed...

Specialize in... Proficient/competent at... Temporarily assigned to... Sales quota accountability... Reported directly to... Acted/Functioned as... In charge of... Direct/Indirect control... Familiar with...

Resume Worksheet


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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