United Reformed Church

News Update? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Dec?2020-Jan 2021Five-year-old who led a church service gains awardA five-year-old boy who watched his dad lead a service and then asked if he could do the same has been named the recipient of November's Lundie Memorial Award. Noah Boyce, from the United Reformed Church (URC's) Southern Synod, was nominated by his minister, the Revd David Yule of Christ Church, Westgate. Calling Noah a "faithful worshipper from the beginning of his life," David said: "Even before he can consciously remember, Noah has heard the words of our worship and scriptures and taken them into his deep into his heart; a heart uncorrupted by adult confusions and doubts, a heart connected to God in a way that most of us cannot now remember?–?just pure trust and belief." The service that Noah led was recorded and can be watched here. "His approach to worship is simple," David continued, "but deep, and it carries us who are ready to be led by him into the heart of God." As part of his award, Noah will receive a medal and a certificate along with ?100 to be spent for the benefit of children and/or young people in his church, synod or local community. More information about the Lundie Memorial Award and how to make a nomination can be found here.News in briefAssistant General Secretary appointedThe Revd Adrian Bulley, Synod Clerk for the URC National Synod of Wales, has been appointed to serve as interim?Assistant General Secretary of the URC, on a part-time basis for seven months. Read more.Beirut appeal raises thousandsGenerous members of the URC have helped to raise ?15,000 to help those affected by the massive explosion in the port of Beirut. Read more.Youths issue call for climate justiceYoung people representing the World Student Christian Federation Europe Region, together with youth?partners from the World Council of Churches and the Council of European Churches, have issued a call for leaders to act in support of?climate justice. Read more. Enter WCC essay competitionThe World Council of Churches (WCC) has launched an essay competition, for anyone under the age of 30, to marks the 50th anniversary of the WCC’s Office of Interreligious Dialogue and Cooperation. Entries for 'The Future of Interreligious Dialogue' competition? must be submitted by 15 January 2021. The five best essays will be published in the WCC’s journal for interreligious encounter. Read ernment faith engagement reviewThe government is asking for views on how best to engage with faith groups in England. It is particularly seeking input from faith and religious leaders, whether professional or voluntary, through an online questionnaire. This asks for people’s experiences of the government’s faith literacy and of faith engagement in education, military and prison chaplaincy. The questionnaire needs to be completed by 11 December. Provide your views here. Join URC website feedback groupThe URC Worship Reference Group would like to learn about your experience of worship since much of it moved online. Please help by submitting a short video or email about your digital worship experience, especially if you have been involved in crafting, here. Synod launches worship project?The URC South Western Synod has developed ‘Talking Absolute Worship’, an innovative project offering resources for preaching and worship leading; it is available to the end of Epiphany 2021. Each week, the Synod’s worship leaders will discuss ideas about preaching and worship springing from lectionary texts for the following Sunday. Read more. Mission CouncilA report on last month's meeting of the Mission Council can be found here. 2021 Community Project AwardsIf your church is doing something amazing for the community, enter the 2021 Community Project Awards and win up to ?2,000. Read more. PM urged to cut emissions by 75%?Church leaders representing the main strands of the Protestant Church in Britain have written to Boris Johnson calling on him to pledge to cut UK emissions by at least 75%, from 1990 levels, by 2030, when he submits the country’s first climate plan under the Paris Agreement. The letter's signatories include the Revd Clare Downing and Mr Peter Pay, Moderators of the URC General Assembly, the Revd Lindsey Sanderson of the URC National Synod of Scotland, and the Revd Simon Walkling, Moderator of the URC National Synod of Wales. Read more.Single-use plasticsA resolution encouraging all local United Reformed churches and members of the denomination to avoid the use of single-use plastics as much as possible was passed at Mission Council in November. While there may be occasions during this pandemic when it is impossible to avoid the use of single-use plastic items, their use should be kept to an absolute minimum. Single-use plastics should also be carefully disposed of in a way that minimises their impact on the environment. Read more.United in Christ through God's callThe URC has issued a statement in support of the Revd Alex Clare-Young, a trans minister whose appearance in 'Living in Love and Faith' – a Church of England resource that explores identify, sex and marriage?–?provoked considerable media coverage. Read more.Team up with Kids MatterKids Matter has distributed more than 1000 resources to vulnerable families through local churches. The charity helps churches?offer support to economically disadvantaged parents, helping them build?confidence, competence and community. Request resources by email?here, or find information about how to become a Kids Matter partner here.Colours of Christmas?A film version of The Colours of Christmas, a book written by Ruth White for the URC's 'Advent Hope & Joy' kit has been produced by the URC's Children's and Youth Work Team. Readers include the Revd John Bradbury, URC General Secretary, Karen Campbell, URC Secretary for Global and Intercultural Ministries, Reuben Watt, URC Youth Assembly Moderator, and Simon Peters, Walking the Way Project Manager, plus many more. Watch the video here.Taking great?photos in churchVisual storytelling is incredibly important, especially on social media, as people process images 60,000 times faster than words. Therefore, it’s crucial that you take the best photos you can and make the most out of what you have. 'Taking photos in church', is a new how-to guide from the URC, to help you do just that. The guide is available to download for free here. Free Advent Hope & Joy materialsAlthough the URC's 'Advent Hope & Joy' kit has sold out, there's still fun to be had with a range of free materials for you to download, print off and use, or to make your own boxes. Visit the page here.Discipleship development for everyoneThe Stepwise Team has asked some of those who have already 'walked the way' with Stepwise to reflect on their journey so far. Find out what they had to say in this short film. News Update printable versionA downloadable version of News Update, formatted for print, and for churches to cut and paste into church newsletters will be available here, within a week of this issue being published.Seeking stories full of hope and joyThis year, Advent and Christmas look very different to what we’re used to. However, that doesn’t mean that the hope and joy of God has stopped shining through us. As we go about our daily lives, looking after our friends and families, giving gifts (from a distance) and enjoying the celebrations, God calls us, always, to live the life of Jesus today. In doing so, we share the love of God for all people through the everyday ordinariness of our lives. Where have you seen God in your life recently? In the supermarket? On the street? At work? In your home? Let us know! Email the Walking the Way team or call 020 7520 2718. Let’s inspire each other with the little things in our lives which give us big hope and joy!Coronavirus: information and resourcesA prayer for putting on a face mask?The Revd Richard Bolt, Moderator of the Presbyterian Church of Canada, an international partner of the URC, has written this prayer for putting on a face mask. Creator God, As I prepare to go into the world, help me to see the sacramental nature of wearing this cloth. Let it be a tangible and visible way of living love for my neighbours, as I love myself. Christ Jesus, since my lips will be covered, uncover my heart, that people would see my smile in the crinkles around my eyes. Since my voice may be muffled, help me to speak clearly, not only with my words, but with my actions.?Holy Spirit, as the elastic touches my ears, remind me to listen carefully and caringly to all those I meet. May my simple piece of cloth be a shield and a banner, and may each breath that it holds be filled with your love. In your love and in that love I pray.AmenImage: FreepikStay safe this Christmas?The URC's Synod Moderators have produced updated guidance relating to singing in worship and churches providing Covid-safe worship this Christmas. Find the updated guidance here. URC coronavirus advice?Get the latest advice, updates and resources on the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic from the URC here. A range of practical resources including signs, banners, badges and floor tape to remind people to stay apart and to wash their hands, can be found on the coronavirus resources page here.BRF grateful for encouraging feedbackThroughout the lockdowns, the Bible Reading Fellowship has focused on providing for the needs of those it seeks to serve in new and inventive ways: the Holy Habits online home group, which has paved the way for the Holy Habits Lent group in 2021, the Parenting for Faith course, support for care home residents and staff through the Anna Chaplains booklets, and new Messy Church resources for use at home. The resources have all been used successfully. A spokeswoman said: "The enthusiastic and encouraging feedback we’re receiving on a daily basis suggests that something is going right amidst the challenges, and for that we thank God."This month in Reform magazine"Christmas is a time, for those of us who can afford it, to put our hands in our pockets," says Stephen Tomkins, Editor of Reform magazine. So, Reform’s reverse Advent and Christmas calendar is back – online here – encouraging all who can to support a charity this festive season. It works like this: Every day, from 29 November until 5 January, put aside some money – let’s say ?1. On each day, we’ll promote a charity through our website and social media channels. On 6 January, we ask you to give the money you’ve saved to charity. Happy giving! The Christmas double edition of Reform is out now, and it highlights eight charities you can support. It also contains responses to the end of Trump’s presidency, an interview with Songs of Praise’s Aled Jones, Covid-safe worship ideas and Christmas carol recommendations. Oh, and if you want give your loved one a gift that lasts all year, click here to buy a Christmas gift subscription to Reform. Please order online. You can contact the shop by email or by calling 020 7916 8629. Thanks for your understanding.Journey to the Manger is a beautiful handmade, hand-painted resource to help you reflect and pray in the lead up to Christmas. Includes three?peg dolls of the holy family, a wooden base, carry tin and prayer prompt card. The URC 2021 Yearbook – pre-order for January delivery. Containing the definitive list of United Reformed churches and ministers, alongside a wealth of other information about the denomination, the yearbook now includes 'Celebrated Lives', remembering ministers and others in the life of the URC who have died in the past 12 months.Give your child’s or grandchild's imagination a workout with this set of hand painted Christmas story stones. Ask your child to retell a festive story in their own words or to make up whole new exciting tales – the possibilities are endless.A great present for those having to go into work – a handy cutlery set made from 50% bamboo fibre. The set includes a knife, fork and spoon in a matching coloured case, ideal for people in hospitals, offices, churches and other workplaces whose communal facilities have been withdrawn due to coronavirus.New for the 2021 URC Diary?– daily lectionary readings. Also?includes the following: calendars to 2023, notable dates for the URC and the wider Church, metric measures, information about Assembly officers and URC staff, useful addresses, Assembly committee details, Synod information, August 2020-December 2020 diary one week to a page, 2021 diary one week over two pages, January 2022-June 2022 diary one week to a page, notes for the rest of 2022, a world map and UK map.The 2021 URC Prayer Handbook?–Conversations, edited by Karen Campbell and the Revd Ian Fosten, comes in two sections. The first follows the pattern of linking a prayer to one or more of the set lectionary readings for particular days throughout the year,?and the second includes contributions from writers and their personal experiences. Synod newsYorkshireDespite the November lockdown, members of Meersbrook Park URC in Sheffield came together for charity last month. The Revd Zaidie Orr, a member of the Sheffield Team Ministry liaised with the Christian charity, Link to Hope, and arranged for the church's meeting room to be used as a warehouse facility for the storage of Christmas shoe boxes. Then, on 14 November, Zaidie, her husband Trevor, student minister Nicola Robinson, Church Secretary Val Bridgens and husband Peter, along with Chris Reed, one of the Elders, spent four hours loading a large lorry with the boxes which were distributed to families in need in Albania, Moldova, Romania, Bulgaria and the Ukraine.Thames NorthThames North Synod welcomed their new Synod Discipleship Enabler, the Revd Eddie Boon, at an induction service that took place via Zoom on 29 November. Eddie previously served in Hythe, Hampshire, and will move to Leyton in London in the next few weeks.Wessex?The Spire Church in Farnham has come up with a creative idea for the Christmas season – a community Advent-ure trail called 'Follow the Star'. The fun is to boost spirits after the coronavirus pandemic dampened much of this year, and involves a festive star being displayed in the window of a house each day of Advent. Read more.East Midlands?Just in time for Christmas, the Central URC in Derby – which was forced to leave its home of 56 years to make way for ?200m?regeneration scheme – has had work completed on its new home.?Read more.EasternChrist Church Rayleigh URC, Essex, is bringing a Latin American tradition to its community this Christmas. The church is emulating Las posadas a Latin American tradition, where people dressed up as Mary and Joseph visit local houses. The minister's dog, pictured, has taken on the role of the donkey. Read more.What's OnURC Youth (dis)Assembled 2021: Heroes and VillainsThe URC's Children's and Youth Work team?has organised two, free, live online events for all young people aged 14 to 25 that have a connection to the Church. Fun with 'Folk On' takes place on 30 January 2021 from 8-9.30pm, and a worship service takes place on 31 January 2021 from 8-8.45pm. Bookings close on 27 January 2021. Read more. Explore faith and scienceThe Faraday Institute for Science and Religion has organised an interactive online two-day workshop designed for lay and ordained Christian leaders to explore?contemporary topics of science and Christianity,?including artificial intelligence, bioethics, creation Care and disaster response. For prices and booking details, read more. Wellbeing webinarsIn the light of the long-term psychological impact of Covid-19 on everyday life, the URC's central Safeguarding Team will host a series of webinars focussing on mental health, wellbeing and self-care. The webinars take place on 19 and 26 March from 1-4.30pm. Please email the team to book your place and include your name, synod and role. Joint Advent service with German partner churchesThe URC's Ecumenical and Interfaith Team has arranged a joint Advent service with German Partner Churches, on 20 December at 6.30pm via Zoom. This communion service for Advent will be led by Revd Philip Brooks (URC Secretary for Ecumenical & Interfaith Relations) and Pfarrer Martin Henninger from the Lutherkirche and Friedenskirche in Frankenthal. Music for the service is being specially recorded and will include ‘Stille Nacht’. The prayers, bible readings and reflections will be provided in both English and German. This will be the second partnership service of the year with our German friends. In May, a joint Pentecost Communion attracted an online congregation of nearly 200 people. Please email Carole Sired to register for the link to the service.Social Justice?Make a Christmas bauble for your MPMore than six million families are being weighed down by debt they were forced to take on by Covid-19. This Christmas, it’s time to give families burdened by debt a fresh start and a more hopeful future. The Joint Public Issues Team is calling on members of the URC to get crafty and send their MP a Christmas bauble with a letter asking them to remember those who are weighed down by debt this Christmas and take action for change. Read more. Church and social cohesionA major research project exploring how churches work with communities has been published by the Free Churches Group. More than 360 people in England, including Vicky Longbottom, a United Reformed Church Related Community Worker, contributed to 'The Church and Social Cohesion' report which?aims to highlight the important role churches play in the nation’s social fabric. Read more. Foreign aid cutsThe URC's General Assembly Moderators wrote to the UK Chancellor on 21 November in response to reports that the government was preparing to cut the international aid budget. On 25 November, the government went onto announce that it was ditching its policy of spending 0.7% of national income on overseas aid to help deal with the coronavirus crisis at home. Read more.RecruitmentURC vacancies and beyondGeneral Assembly wishes to appoint a URC minister to serve as Mersey Synod Moderator from June 2021, or shortly after. This is an opportunity for a new Moderator to join with the Synod to help them discern vision, mission and priorities over this new phase in their spiritual journey together; they seek a Moderator who is able to support current church life while also looking to develop new ways of being church, serving communities and sharing faith. Applications closing date: 12pm on 8 January 2021.UnsubscribeThe United Reformed ChurchChurch House, 86 Tavistock PlaceLondon, WC1H 9RTTel: 020 7916 2020Email: urc@.ukThe United Reformed Church was created by church unions in 1972, 1981 and 2000, facilitated by Acts of Parliament passed in each of those years. It has a number of associated bodies: The United Reformed Church Trust (URC Trust) is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England & Wales (Registered Number: 135934); it is also a registered charity (Registration Number: 1133373). The United Reformed Church Ministers’ Pensions Trust Ltd is a limited company registered in England & Wales (Registered Number: 2821011). The United Reformed Church Retired Ministers’ Housing Society Ltd. is a registered Community Benefit Society under the Co-operative & Community Benefit Societies Act 2014, regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (Number 15986R). The Registered Office for all the aforementioned bodies is Church House, 86 Tavistock Place, London, WC1H 9RT.? ................

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