Language Arts Pacing Guide Pre-School, Age 3 & 4

Language Arts Pacing Guide

Pre-School, Age 3 & 4

To successfully complete preschool the learner will

Core Standard F.1: Word Recognition, Fluency, and Vocabulary Development

• Recognize pictures tell a story; print has meaning.

• Show books are “read” right side up, front to back, top to bottom, and left to right.

• Recognize letters make sounds; letters have names; words are made of letters.

Essential Question:

• How does knowing about letters, words, and pictures help me to get ready to read?

|Concepts about Print Learning Targets: |

|F.1.1 Pretend to read a book. 3-BD, 4-DS |

|F.1.2 Turn one page at a time. 3-D, 4-S |

|F.1.4 Hold book right side up, looking at pages and pictures [3.9]. 3-BD, 4-S |

|F.1.5 Turn pages from front to back. [3.10] 3-BD, 4-S |

|F.1.7 Tell something that a favorite character does in a story. [1.30] 3-B, 4-BD |

|F.1.9 Distinguish print from pictures. 3-B, 4-S |

|F.1.10 Tell a story while holding a book. [3.12] 3-B, 4-BD |

|F.1.11 Read own writing (e.g., gives meaning to own writing by “reading what it says”). 4-B |

|F.1.12 Name 13 uppercase letters. 4-DS |

|F.1.14 Watch and listen to a story to completion or for ten or more minutes. [3.3, 7.2] 3-B, 4-S |

|Phonological Awareness Learning Targets: |

|F.1.15 Match the sound that begins own name with the sound that begins another word or name. [1.25] 4-BD |

|F.1.16 Identify first letter of own name. 3-BD, 4-S |

|F.1.17 Generate sounds from letters. 4-BD |

|F.1.18 Recognize that words that look alike may sound alike. [1.29] 4-BD |

|F.1.19 Imitate simple rhymes. [7.19] 3-B, 4-D |

|F.1.20 Sing the alphabet song. [7.38] 3-BD, 4-S |

|F.1.21 Recite/sing one rhyme or song. 3-S, 4-S |

|Decoding and Word Recognition Learning Targets: |

|F.1.24 Recognize own name in isolated print. 3-BD, 4-S |

|F.1.25 Match the sound that begins own name with the sound that begins another word or name.* [1.15] 4-BD |

|F.1.29 Recognize that words that look alike may sound alike.* [1.18] 4-BD |

|Vocabulary and Concept Development Learning Targets. |

|F.1.37 Ask and answer simple questions about a story being read. 3-B, 4-D |

|F.1.40 Tell one thing that happens in a familiar story. [2.5] 3-B, 4-DS |

|F.1.43 Use new vocabulary learned from experiences. [7.10] 3-B, 4-D |

|Key Vocabulary |

|Page |

|Character |

|Alphabet, capital, uppercase, lowercase |

|Letters, words, |

|Rhymes |

Core Standard F.2: Reading Comprehension

• Explain how stories follow a sequence.

• Recognize pictures give clues to what happens in a story.

Essential Questions:

• How does identifying beginning, middle, and end help me understand the story?

|Structural Features of Informational and Technical Materials Learning Targets: |

|F.2.4 Express what might happen after the action in a picture. 3-B, 4-BD |

|F.2.8 Identify the beginning, middle, and end of the story. 4-BD |

|F.2.5 Tell one thing that happens in a familiar story. * [1.40] 3-B, 4-DS |

|Key Vocabulary |

|Story |

|Beginning, middle, end |

Core Standard F.3: Literary Response and Analysis

• Retell a story using characters and their actions.

• Ask questions about detail of story.

Essential Question:

• How does identifying characters and their actions help me understand the story?

|Emergent Literacy with Appropriate Books and Stories Learning Targets: |

|F.3.5 Ask questions and make comments about a story being read. [7.6] 3-B, 4-BD |

|F.3.20 Identify two characters that interact in a story. 4-BD |

|F.3.7 Tell something that a favorite character does in a story. *[1.7, 7.34] 3-B, 4-BD |

|F.3.9 Hold a book right side up, looking at pages and pictures. *[1.4] 3-BD, 4-S |

|F.3.10 Turn pages from front to back. * [1.5] 3-BD, 4-S |

|F.3.12 Tell a story while holding a book. * [1.10] 3-B, 4-BD |

|Key Vocabulary |

|Author, title, cover, illustrations |

Core Standard F.4: Writing Process

Core Standard F 5: Writing Application

Core Standard F 6: Writing Conventions

• Draw pictures to communicate that thoughts and ideas can be “read.”

• Recognize that oral language can be written.

• “Write” to express thoughts.

• Recognize writing is left to right and top to bottom.

Essential Question:

• How does drawings and writing express my ideas?

|Organization and Focus Learning Targets: |

|F.4.1 Draw pictures and scribble to generate and express ideas. 3-B, 4-D |

|F.4.3 Associate writing with words. [5.1] 3-B, 4-BD |

|F.4.7 Write from left to right. [6.1] 4-BD |

|F.4.12 Dictate something for an adult to write down. 4-BD |

|Different Types of Writing and Their Characteristics Learning Targets: |

|F.5.4 Draw name or a message on a card or picture. 4-D |

|F.5.6 Scribble a message on a card or picture. 3-B, 4-D |

|F.5.8 Write more than word correctly. [6.9] 4-BD |

|F.5.1 Associate writing with words. * [4.3] 3-B, 4-BD |

|Handwriting and Spelling Learning Targets: |

|F.6.6 Write letters in strings. 4-BD |

|F.6.7 Write using phonetically spelled words. 4-B |

|F.6.1 Write from left to right. * [4.7] 4-BD |

Core Standard F.7: Listening and Speaking Skills, Strategies, and Applications

• Share thoughts in complete sentences.

• Respond orally to questions using clear sentences.

• Actively listen to stories being read.

• Imitate simple rhymes.

• Follow simple directions.

Essential Question:

• How does listening and speaking clearly help me communicate with others?

|Comprehension Learning Targets: |

|F.7.5. Ask and answer simple questions. 3-B, 4-BD |

|F.7.6 Ask questions and make comments about a story being read. * [3.5] 3-B, 4-BD |

|F.7.10 Use new vocabulary learned from experiences. * [1.43] 3-B, 4-D |

|Oral Communication Learning Targets: |

|F.7.20 Repeat simple sentences as presented. 3-B, 4-BD |

|F.7.21 Engage in reciprocal conversations for two or three exchanges. 3-B, 4-BD |

|F.7.23 Imitate four to five word sentences. 3-B, 4-S |

|F.7.28 Use six word vocalization, signs, symbols, or gestures to communicate. 3-B, 4-DS |

|F.7.19 Imitate simple rhymes. * [1.19] 3-B, 4-D |

|Speaking Application Learning Targets: |

|F.7.39 Give name, age, and gender upon request. 3-DS, 4-S |

|F.7.34 Tell something that a favorite character does in a story. * [1.7, 3.7] 3-B, 4-BD |

|F.7.38 Sing the alphabet song. * [1.20] 3-BD, 4-S |

|B= Beginning Skill |

|D= Developing Skill |

|S= Secure Skill |

| |

|*Italics* = Supports core learning target (may be Core in another area). |

English Language Arts Teaching Models and Tools

• Fundations resources (alphabet cards and poster)

• Foundations for Young Children to the Indiana Academic Standards

• PreSchool Binder


• The quarter in which a standard is listed is when the standard is EMPHASIZED. It is assumed these standards will be taught throughout the school year.




First Quarter

-Responds orally with simple sentences [7.20, 7.21, 7.23]


-Dictating stories or labeling/

making comments about

pictures/drawings [4.1, 4.12, 5.6]

-Notice last name in print [1.24, 7.39]

-Notice rhyming patterns [1.19]

-Focus on characters and recalling

details [1.37,1.40, 2.4, 3.7, 7.6]

Book handling [1.1, 1.2, 1.4, 1.5, 3.9]

-Sing/recite the alphabet [1.20, 7.38]

-Deliberate focus on all letters in first

Name [1.13]

Third Quarter


-Emergent writing includes multiple

sentence dictations connected to picture

plan [4.12, 1.11]

-Deliberate focus on alphabet & on letter

sounds [1.12, 1.15, 1.17, 1.25]

-Recognize last name in print [1.24]

-Writes first name [5.8]

-Focus on beginning, middle & end of

stories [2.8]

- Plays with rhyming sounds [1.19]

-Deliberate focus on prediction, retelling,

recalling details [1.7, 1.40, 2.4, 3.7,

3.20, 7.10, 7.15]

Fourth Quarter


-Emergent writing includes focus on

letter strings, and initial letters for

words in picture plan/story [6.6, 6.7]

-Deliberate focus on alphabet and

on letter sounds [1.12, 1.15 1.17, 1.25]

-Writes first and copies last name

[5.8, 5.4]

-Plays with rhyme patterns [1.18, 1.19]

-Focus on prediction, retelling, and

recalling details [1.7, 1.40, 3.7, 7.15]

-Compare stories [1.7, 1.37, 1.40, 3.7,

3.20, 7.5, 7.6, 7.10]

Second Quarter

-Recognize first name in print [1.24]


Rhyming & sounds [1.19]

Recognize 1st/last name in print [1.24]

Recognize letters in name [1.13]

Emergent writing w/dictation [4.12]

Focus on characters in story

[1.37,1.7,3.7, 7.6]


Letter awareness [1.13]

Book handling [1.1, 1.2, 1.4, 1.5, 3.9]

Concepts of print [1.9, 1.10]

Pre-writing [1.11, 4.1, 5.6]

Sing/recite alphabet [1.20, 7.38]

-Uses sentences when speaking [7.20, 7.23,


Language Arts Curriculum Map---4 Year Olds


Five Stories a Day [F.2, F.3, F.7] Concepts about print [F.1]

Prewriting/Model Writing [F.4, F.5, F.6] Letter recognition [F.1]

Language Play/Rhyming/Vocabulary [F.1, F.7] Phonemic awareness [F.1]

Third Quarter

-Respond orally using phrases/simple sentences [7.20, 7.23]

-Recognition of first name in print [1.24]

-Deliberate focus on first letter of name


-Deliberate focus on characters in a story and on recalling details [1.37, 1.7, 1.40. 7.6,



- Rhymes/Fingerplays/Songs [1.21, 7.19]

- Pre-write [4.1, 5.6]

Fourth Quarter

-Responds orally using simple sentences



-Dictate stories, label, make comments

about pictures/drawings [4.1, 4.12, 5.1]

-Notice last name in print [7.39, 1.24]

-Rhymes/Fingerplays/Songs [1.21, 7.19]

-Focus on characters and recalling

Details [1.7, 1.37, 1.40, 7.5, 7.6, 7.10]

-Sings or recites the alphabet [1.20,


-Deliberate focus on all letters in first

Name [1.13]

Second Quarter


Nursery Rhymes/Fingerplays/Songs

[1.21, 7.19]

Letter awareness [1.9, 1.12, 1.13]

Book handling [1.1, 1.2, 1.4, 1.5, 3.9]

Concepts of print [1.9, 1.10]

First name in print [1.24]

Pre-Writing [4.1, 5.6]

-Respond orally using phrases [7.23]

-Verbalizes first and last name [7.39]

Language Arts Curriculum Map---3 Year Olds


Prewriting/Model Writing [F.4, F.5, F.6] Five Stories a Day [F.2, F.3, F.7]

Language Play/Rhyming/Vocabulary [F.1, F.7] Concepts about print [F.1]

First Quarter



[1.21, 7.19]

Letter awareness [1.9]

Book handling [1.1, 1.2, 1.4, 1.5, 3.9]

Concepts of print [1.9, 1.10]

First name in print [1.24]

Pre-Writing [4.1]

-Respond orally using phrases [7.23]

-Verbalizes first name [7.39]


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