Introduction - Mechanical Aptitude Tests

[Pages:235]Mechanical Aptitude Tests


Author: Paul Newton Version 2.4

Copyright mechanical-aptitude- 2007


Mechanical Aptitude Tests

An Introduction to Psychometric Tests

You are most likely to encounter psychometric testing as part of the recruitment or selection process. Tests of this sort are devised by occupational psychologists and their aim is to provide employers with a reliable method of selecting the most suitable job applicants or candidates for promotion.

Psychometric tests aim to measure aspects of your personality or your mental ability, as illustrated in the diagram above. Personality questionnaires seek to measure aspects of your personality, whereas aptitude and ability tests aim to measure your intellectual and reasoning abilities.

Source: "Psychometric, Personality and Aptitude Testing" Ramada Consulting (2005)

The graph above shows the use of psychometric testing is slightly higher in America than in the UK and that these types of test are used extensively.

Copyright mechanical-aptitude- 2007


Mechanical Aptitude Tests

Psychometric tests can help prospective employers in number of ways. As an indicator of your personality, preferences and abilities they can find the best match of individual to occupation and working environment. As a recruitment and selection tool, these tests can be applied in a straightforward way at the early stages of selection to screen-out candidates who are likely to be unsuitable for the job.

You are very likely to be asked to take a psychometric test if you work in any of the following:

? IT Companies ? Large Corporations ? Armed Forces ? Local Authorities ? Civil Service ? Emergency Services

If you are applying for a job or seeking in promotion in one of these type of organisations then familiarity with these tests will give you a major advantage over candidates who are not familiar with them.

Human Resources departments may also use psychometric tests to help individuals develop their careers and understanding how these tests are used can help you achieve your career goals.

Because the results of psychometric tests are used to influence such important personnel decisions it is vital that the tests themselves produce accurate results based on standardized methods and statistical principles.

Copyright mechanical-aptitude- 2007


Mechanical Aptitude Tests

A psychometric test should be:

Objective Standardised Reliable Predictive Non-Discriminatory

The score must not affected by the testers' beliefs or values.

It must be administered under controlled conditions.

It must minimize and quantify any intrinsic errors.

It must make an accurate prediction of performance.

It must not disadvantage any group on the basis of gender, culture, ethnicity, etc.

Why Test Use is Increasing

The single most frequently given reason for the increases in testing is:

The need to have a selection process that can withstand legal challenges.

The increased use of psychometric tests by organisations can be seen in part as a defensive strategy, which has been introduced and standardized in response to regulation and legislation. Organisations may need to demonstrate the fair treatment of all candidates during the selection process. Another factor, which must not be ignored, is the ease with which these tests can now be delivered online. This offers organizations a substantially decreased time-scale and cost for the whole selection exercise.

Copyright mechanical-aptitude- 2007


Mechanical Aptitude Tests

Aptitude and Ability Tests

Aptitude and ability tests are designed to assess your logical reasoning or thinking performance. They consist of multiple choice questions and are administered under exam conditions. They are strictly timed and a typical test might allow 30 minutes for 30 or so questions.

You may be asked to answer the questions either on paper or online. The advantages of online testing include immediate availability of results and the fact that the test can be taken at employment agency premises or even at home. This makes online testing particularly suitable for initial screening as it is obviously very cost-effective.

Aptitude and ability tests can be classified as speed tests or power tests. In a speed test the scope of the questions is limited and the methods you need to use to answer them is clear from the form of the question. Taken individually, the questions appear relatively straightforward. These tests are concerned with how many questions you can answer correctly in the allotted time. A power test on the other hand will present a smaller number of more complex questions. The methods you need to use to answer these questions are not obvious, and working out how to answer the question is the difficult part. Once you have determined this, arriving at the correct answer is usually relatively straightforward.

Copyright mechanical-aptitude- 2007



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