Approved External Websites for downloading and printing ...

Canberra Hospital and Health Services Consumer HandoutApproved External Sites containing handouts staff can print and provide to consumersNameWebsitePurposeScopeRequested By1Advance Care Planning Australia Advance Care Planning nationally.ACT documents and referral processedCSQU1Alzheimer’s Australia.auProvides research, advice and action nationally and internationallyTo download newsletters, publications and information for consumersRACC2Andrology AustraliaTo provide information to consumers and staff regarding male reproductive healthInformation found on site: Male reproductive health disorders; prostate health; infertility; erectile dysfunction; associated physical, emotional and social issuesMedicine - CSHC3Arthritis ACT.auArthritis ACT is a not-for-profit community organisation that encourages self-management of musculoskeletal conditions.To provide information online for Arthritis information sheets, Medicines and Osteoporosis information sheets as well as Rheumatology informationMedicine4Arthritis Australia Australia is the peak body and works on behalf of the nearly four million Australians living with arthritis.?Information for people with arthritis as well as their families and friends. Promotes awareness of the challenges facing people with arthritis across the community.Nutrition Department5Asthma Australia Australia and its State/Territory Asthma Foundations - the nations’ leading lung health charity.Consumer resources relating to AsthmaMedicine6Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy(ASCIA) the science and practice of allergy and clinical immunology, by promoting the highest standard of?medical practice, training, education and research, to?improve the health and quality of life of people with?allergic diseases, immunodeficiencies?and other immune diseasesPatient Information relating to Immunology and AllergiesWYC-CHP7Australian and New Zealand Neonatal Network (ANZNN)To provide information to Parents on Neonatal Lung Function AssessmentInformation found on site: Lung function assessment at 35 weeks 0 days to 36 weeks 6 days GA, Babies breathing room air, Babies in low-flow air/oxygen via nasal prongs, Babies on ventilation/CPAPWY&C - Neonatology8Australian Breastfeeding Associationbreastfeeding.asn.auLink to website provides information to: Women who access CHHS services and provide a link to Midwives to pass on the information to women who are breastfeeding or about to rmation found on site: Education, Counselling, Helpline, Support Groups and ResearchWY&C9Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Healthcare StandardsInformation about the National StandardsCSQU10Australian Injecting & Illicit Drug Users League The Australian Injecting & Illicit Drug Users League (AIVL) is the national organisation representing people who use/have used illicit drugs and is the peak body for the state and territory peer-based drug user organisations.Guide to Safer Injecting was developed by the Australian Injecting & Illicit Drug Users League (AIVL) with input from drug users and other specialists around Australia, to provide the most effective way currently available to help reduce blood borne viruses such as hepatitis C, and HIV while injecting.MHJHADS - Alcohol and Drug Services11Australian Institute of Sport Nutrition are committed to providing athletes and other active people with nutritious, tasty recipes that can be prepared by anyone with a busy lifestyleHandouts regarding supplements and general dietary advice are also availableNutrition12Australian Society for HIV Medicine.auTo provide information pertaining to courses, training and other resourcesInformation found on site is primarily aimed at staffMedicine13Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute Institute's work extends from the laboratory to wide-scale community studies with a focus on diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diabetes and cardiovascular disease.Fact Sheets developed by Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute experts, for use by clients and health professionals for patient education. The Institute is committed to providing credible, evidence-based health information regarding optimum approaches to the prevention and management of disease.Nutrition14Better Health Channelbetterhealth..auProvision of information to consumers and staff regarding a wide range of health rmation found on site: Better Health Channel content reflects the wide range of health interests in the community.CSS and Medicine15Beyond Blue blue?provides information and support to help everyone in Australia achieve their best possible mental health, whatever their age and wherever they live.Fact Sheets are Available to download and relate to Mental health conditions and include:DepressionAnxietySelf-harmSuicide preventionPerinatal depression and anxietyOCD- Obsessive Compulsive DisorderPTSD Post Traumatic Stress DisorderWY&C16Black Dog Institute .auTo provide information on Mental Health, Depression and AnxietyInformation found on site Depression Bipolar Getting help Getting involved Education and Research MHJHADS17Cancer Australia.auLink to web site provides information to patients and staff regarding cancer topicsInformation found on site: What is cancer; Cancer types; Cancer statistics; Living with cancer; Australian clinical trials; Support OrganisationsCACHS18Cancer Council Australia to website provides information to consumers and staff regarding Cancer information and supportInformation found on site: Cancer support services; information; treatment; prevention; detection; researchSOHWYCCACHS19Carers ACT.auCarers ACT is a one-stop-shop with targeted and practical programs and services designed to support carers in their role, access their services and get involved in other rmation found on site: Advice for Carers Facts about caring Getting involved CSQU20CareSearch.auCareSearch is an online resource designed to help those needing relevant andtrustworthy information and resources about palliative care. Information found on site for Consumers: What palliative care isLiving with illness and changes over timeGroups with special needs such as older peopleWhat to expect at the endBereavement, grief and lossFinding services and resources in your stateCACHS21Centre for Clinical is a specialist public mental health service that: Treats adults suffering from complex anxiety, affective and eating disorders. Conducts clinically applied research. Provides training and supervision for mental health practitioners in psychotherapy. Information found on site: Resources Training Research Referrals MHJHADSChildren’s Health Queensland Hospital and Health Service information for families about a range of issues relating to childrenProvides downloadable a printable resourcesWYC22Choosing Wisely Australia Wisely Australia? is helping the healthcare community?and consumers?start an important conversation about eliminating the use of unnecessary and sometimes harmful tests, treatments, and procedures.Offers resources for consumers to initiate conversations including:5 questions to ask your doctor or healthcare providerCommunicating with your health provider - tips for your appointmentClinical Safety and Quality Unit23Department of Veterans Affairs.auThe Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) is an Australian Government agency. We provide support and provide information for: veterans and their dependants Australian Defence Force personnel war widows/widowers Australian participants in British Nuclear Tests in Australia members of the Australian Federal Police, and Resources for Consumers: pensions and compensation health care rehabilitation counselling services help for servicemen and women returning to civilian life commemorative and community grants home care assistance MHJHADSRACC CSS – Social Work24Diabetes Australia Australia was established in 1984 and is the national body for people affected by all types of diabetes and those at risk.Diabetes Australia produces a number of resources available to the public including translated materials. The resources have been developed through the National Diabetes Services Scheme (NDSS) – an initiative of the Australian Government administered with the assistance of Diabetes Australia.Nutrition25Diabetes NSW.auInformation to support those living with DiabetesInformation found on site: Diabetes NSW information sheets covering a range of topics – to inform you and keep you mentally and physically healthy. Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes Recipes/ Diet/FoodMedicine26DonateLife.auThe Organ and Tissue Authority (OTA) works with states and territories, clinicians and the community sector to improve organ and tissue donation and transplantation outcomes in Australia.Fact Sheets providing information on a range of issues relating to organ and tissue donation for transplantation. You can view or download these fact sheets. CSS – Tissue Viability27Eating Disorders Victoria ?Eating Disorders Victoria (EDV) provides a comprehensive support and information service on all aspects of eating disorders.?Eating Disorders Victoria has a wide range of printed fact sheets available, each on a different aspect of eating disorders.?WYC-CHP28Ellyn Satter Institute is dedicated to improving quality of life. People are healthier in all ways when they eat and feed with practicality and enjoyment, based on the evidence-based, clinically tested, and highly effective?Resources relating to healthy eating at all agesWYC-CHP29Exercise and Sports Science Australia.auESSA provides education, healthcare and access to Sports Scientists and Exercise PhysiologistsInformation found on site: Education Sports Scientists Exercise Physiologists RACC - Physiotherapy30Family Planning NSW.auFamily Planning NSW is the state’s leading provider of reproductive and sexual health services. Information found on site: Contraception, pregnancy options, STIs, sexuality and sexual function, menstruation, menopause, common gynaecological and vaginal problems, cervical screening, breast awareness and men’s health. Medicine - CSHC31Food Authority Food Authority plays a vital role in protecting the health and wellbeing of the people in NSW Downloadable resources relating to food safety and allergiesDiabetes Services32Food Standards Authority-Australia Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) is an independent statutory agency established by the Food Standards Australia New Zealand Act 1991 (FSANZ Act).FSANZ has developed information on a range of topics of interest to consumers, which appear in the left hand menu. If you can’t find what you’re looking for or if you’re after something specific, try using the search box.Diabetes ServicesNutrition Department33Get up and Grow and Torres Strait Islander specific publications covering essential healthy eating and physical activity topicsBrochures for child care staff, parents and familiesWYC Community Health Programs34Hand Hygiene Australia Australian Commission on Quality and Safety in Health Care (ACSQHC)?has engaged Hand Hygiene Australia (HHA)?to?implement the National Hand Hygiene Initiative (NHHI). HHA reports directly to the ACSQHC.Resources for health professionals, patients and community members on maintaining good hand hygiene practicesCSS35Headspace the National Youth Mental Health Foundation providing early intervention mental health services to 12-25 year olds, along with assistance in promoting young peoples’ wellbeing. This covers four core areas: mental health, physical health, work and study support and alcohol and other drug servicesHeadspace has produced fact sheets and other resources designed for young people, family and friends of and professionals who work with young people. Click through the categories to download the resources.?WYC36Health Change enable and assist health professionals to deliver positive long term person-centred care including health self-management and behaviour change support within their client populationsHealthChange Australia allows individual practitioners use the HealthChange? tools and worksheets provided on this site for health service delivery oDiabetes Services37Heart Foundation.auThe Heart Foundation saves lives and improves health through funding world class cardiovascular research, guidelines for health professionals, informing the public and assisting people with cardiovascular rmation found on site: A – Z of practical heart health information for patients, their families and the general public.Medicine38Hepatitis Australia provide educational resources in working towards a world without viral hepatitisInformation found on site: Educational ResourcesMedicine – Infection Control 39Karitane-Leaders in Parenting Services works with children and their parents from birth to 5 years of age. Services cover parenting support and advice, antenatal support and education, services to alleviate parental depression and anxiety, managing toddler behaviour and other issues related to this challenging but rewarding period in families lives. Parenting BrochuresA range of brochures that parents, carers and health professionals can downloaded and used.WYC40Kidney Health Australia.auKidney Health Australia develops initiatives to save and improve the lives of Australians affected by kidney disease. They provide information on a wide range of kidney related rmation found on site: Precise up to date information on a wide range of kidney related conditions, care and treatments found under following headings: Kidney Health Education Living with kidney Failure Kidney Disease Treatments Organ Donation Urinary System Home Dialysis Resources Medicine - Renal41Kids Health Health Info (For Parents)Safety and health fact sheetsDownloadable resources availableWYC42Kidsafe ACT ACT is a charity dedicated to preventing unintentional injuries to children.Kidsafe ACT:Provide frontline services to parents, carers and families. These services include?child restraint installation and child restraint hiresresearch, produce and distribute safety materials?Have available safety brochures and checklists for download and printWYC43King Edward Memorial Hospital Bloom Resources Lifestyle and Obstetric Outcomes for Mothers (BLOOM) is a resource to help overweight and obese women limit their weight gain to around 5kg throughout pregnancy.Downloadable resourcesWYC-CHP44Lifeline.auLifeline Australia aims to support Australians in times of crisis and equip individuals and communities to be resilient and suicide-safeInformation found on site Resources for Consumers: Lifeline is a national charity providing all Australians experiencing a personal crisis with access to 24 hour crisis support and suicide prevention services. Suicidal thoughts or attempts Personal crisis Anxiety Depression Loneliness Abuse and trauma Stresses from work, family or society Self-help information for friends and family MHJHADS and CSS – Social Work45Live Lighter LiveLighter is a program developed in Western Australia which aims to encourage Australian adults to lead healthier lifestyles - to make changes to what they eat and drink, and to be more active.Downloadable factsheets related to living and eating healthyWYC-CHP46Lung Foundation Australia.auTo provide information on Lung HealthInformation found on site: Importance of lung health, early diagnosis, support, funding and promotionMedicine – Chronic DiseaseManaging Adult Malnutrition in the Community A practical guide for community healthcare professionals in identifying and managing disease-related malnutrition.Downloadable resources for consumers and cliniciansMedicine47Meat and Livestock Australia website provides information and resources generated from these activities, including healthy eating resources and information about the nutritional value of meat and its role in a healthy diet.Downloadable resource related to meat and nutritional informationWYC-CHPMetro North Hospital and Health Service information on a range of health issues for consumers and familiesDownloadable and printed resourcesWYCMND New South Wales provide patients with an individualised exercise program to follow; to provide advice and informationDownloadable resources and informationPhysio Rehab, RACCMultiple Sclerosis Australia provide patients with an individualised exercise program to follow; to provide advice and informationDownloadable resources and informationPhysio Rehab, RACC48My Transfusion Australia.auLink to national website provides information to consumers and staff regarding specific blood rmation found on site: Blood; Transfusions; Platelets; Plasma; FFP.Pathology49National Blood Authority.auNational Blood Authority provides a source of information to patients/health providers on the management of haemophilia in AustraliaTo download information to patientsMedicine50National Disability and Insurance Scheme.auThe NDIS supports people with a permanent and significant disability that affects their ability to take part in everyday rmation found on site: Brochure: What is the National Disability Insurance Scheme? Booklet: One big difference to lot of lives — An introduction to the National Disability Insurance Agency Booklet: My pathway, my choices, my goals — Information for participants Change of Circumstances form Fact sheets on How the NDIS works with other mainstream systemsCSS – Social Work Medicine – Allied Health RACC51National Health and Medical Research Council.auTo support health and medical research and develop health adviceInformation found on site: Resources Training Research Referrals Medicine52National Stroke Foundation provide information and educational resourcesInformation found on the web site: Prevention Programs Support Programs Research Treatment Programs Medicine – Stroke Unit53NHS-Conditions –UK based National Health Service Providing health advice on a variety of conditions to consumersWalk in CentreRadiation and Ambulatory Care Division54NIH-National Institute on Ageing, leads a broad scientific effort to understand the nature of aging and to extend the healthy, active years of life. NIA supports Alzheimer's disease research. (Based in USA) Offers a wide variety of research-based information and resources related to health and aging.RACCNSW Healthhealth..auNew South Wales state wide government health serviceProvides links into all other NSW health sites and access to downloadable resources on a wide range of topics.Medicine - Renal 55Nutrition Australia Nutrition Australia is a non-government, non-profit, community based-organisation. Nutrition Australia is an independent, member organisation that aims to promote the health and wellbeing of all AustraliansDownloadable resources about food, nutrition and healthy eating with fact sheets, recipes and educational resources.Diabetes Services56Nutrition Education Materials Online (NEMO) numerous fact sheets compiled by working groups of dietitians within Qld Health.Educational Resources – Community SettingMedicine – Acute Support57Osteoporosis Australia.auOsteoporosis is a not for profit organisation and is responsible for providing information services to the community and health professionals.Download Information sheets to give to individual patientsPlease note: Documents can be printed individually but not in bulkRACC58Palliative Care.auPalliative Care Australia is the peak national body for palliative care. We represent all those who work towards high quality palliative care for all Australians. Working closely with consumers, our Member Organisations, the palliative care workforce we aim to improve access to, and promote the need for, palliative care.Resources for Consumers: What is palliative care? Talking about palliative care Learn more about pain and pain management Facts about morphine and other opioid medicines in palliative care The dying process Advance care planning Guide to a social media afterlife Asking questions can help Your choices and decisions Understanding grief Diabetes and palliative care CACHS - Outpatients59Parentlink ACT is a primary prevention community education program that provides parenting information to parents within the ACT and region.Resources available free to order onlineWYC60Parkinson’s Australia.auParkinson’s Australia is the national body working for all people affected by Parkinson’s, they ensure best practice models of service delivery are equally available for all people with Parkinson’s nation-wide, increase awareness of Parkinson’s, support for and investment in rmation found on site: What causes Parkinson’s Symptoms and symptom management Incidence Diagnosis Medical Options Drug induced Parkinson’s Living with Parkinson’s Support and links to state branches. Medicine61Pelvic Floor First.auPelvic Floor First is an initiative of the Continence Foundation of Australia. They aim to reduce the number of men and women who experience pelvic floor dysfunction as a result of inappropriate exercise rmation found on site: The Pelvic Floor; Risk of developing pelvic floor problems; Safe exercises. Women and men at increased risk of pelvic floor problems. SOHWY&CMedicine – Acute Support62Phoenix Australia (Centre for Post traumatic Mental Health)Phoenix Australia (Centre for Post traumatic Mental Health)Information found on site: What are traumatic events Effects of trauma Treatment Options Veterans trauma recovery programs Helping yourself, children or others Where to find help SOHMedicine63Practice Evidence Based Nutrition The PEN System is a powerful database delivering evidence-based answers to your practice-based questions.A collection of evidence based information for medical nutritional therapy.WYC-CHP64Pregnancy and Newborn Services Network NSW information about maternity and neonatal care, particularly for those who experience adverse outcomesDownloadable resources, Birth before 32 weeks bookletWYC65QEC’s Early Parenting Services offer programs for families with children from birth to the age of fourParenting Plus is a nine-week program aimed at families whose youngest child is less than 4 years old. It aims to strengthen the family and prevent entry into the Child Protection system.?Downloadable resources availableWYCRaising Children the Raising Children Network website, we believe that all children and families are individual and different. Our scientifically validated content is translated into everyday language to help parents and carers make decisions that work for them in their individual family circumstances.Downloadable resources for parents about various parenting/child issuesWYC66Renal Resource CentreThe Centre provides renal patients with information and educational material to assist them in managing the effects of renal disease on their lifestyleInformation found on site for Consumers: Fact sheets Publications and Books Translations Medicine - Renal67Royal Children’s Hospital Health Info (For Parents)This site is dedicated to providing quality, up-to-date health information. The fact sheets have been developed for parents and adolescents, and cover pertinent topics about medical conditions.Downloadable resources availableWYC69Sexual Health and Family Planning ACT delivers sexual and reproductive health services to the Canberra community.Fact Sheets are Available to download and relate to:Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI)Contraception Women's Health Men's Health WYC70Sids and KidsTo provide information to Parents on: Safe sleeping Bereavement Support Research Donations Products Applies to: MACH Nurses and to refer clients to the websiteWY&CSpeech Pathology Australia.auSpeech Pathology Australia (the Association) is the national peak body for the speech pathology profession in Australia. Provides downloadable and printable resources covering issues such as communication milestones. Handouts also available in Easy EnglishWYC71Sydney Children’s Health Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network is the largest network of hospital and services for children in rmation found on site Resources for Consumers: A large number of factsheets on health and safety topics have been developed by Sydney Children's Hospital, The Children's Hospital at Westmead and Kaleidoscope Hunter Children’s Health Network.WY&C72The ACT Nutrition Support Service (ACTNSS) supports targeted community settings to increase access to healthy food and drink choices by creating healthy eating environments that will make the healthy choice the easy choice.Downloadable nutrition related resources such as healthy recipes, food and nutrition tips and ideas, and menu planning suggestions.Diabetes Services73Translated handouts – mental health of information about mental health and suicide prevention to health professionals and consumers in languages other than EnglishDownloadable fact sheets in a wide range of languages about a range of mental health topics and suicide preventionCSQU74Translated handouts – NSW Government of information about health issues and health services to people who speak languages other than EnglishDownloadable fact sheets in a wide range of languages about a wide range of health topicsCSQU75Translated handouts – Queensland Government of information about health issues and health services to people who speak languages other than EnglishDownloadable fact sheets in a wide range of languages about a wide range of health topicsCSQU76Translated handouts – Victorian Government of reliable, accurate and up to date health information in many different languagesDownloadable fact sheets in a wide range of languages about a wide range of health topicsCSQU77Victorian Government-Early Childhood the learning, development, health and wellbeing of babies and young children through services, legislation, education and care.Downloadable resources available to support parentsWY&C78Woman and Children’s Health Network and publications on this site have been produced by the Women's and Children's Health Network (WCHN).Nutrition resources are copyright to SA HealthElectronic copies are made available for personal use, patient education, and study or training purposes. Resources are not for commercial useDiabetes Services79Women’s Health Victoria.auLink to website provides information to: patients/consumersInformation found on site: A wide range of services for Women from pregnancy and Birth, Breastfeeding, Menopause, Periods, Fertility, Unplanned pregnancy, Contraception, Breast Health and Breast reconstruction, Continence, Staying well, Women’s Cancers and Violence against Women.WY&C80Youth Beyond Blue Website specifically aimed at young people experiencing anxiety and depression and their friendsFact Sheets are Available to download and relate to Mental health conditionsWYC-CHPDisclaimer: This document has been developed by ACT Health, Canberra Hospital and Health Services specifically for its own use. Use of this document and any reliance on the information contained therein by any third party is at his or her own risk and Health Directorate assumes no responsibility whatsoever.Date AmendedSection AmendedApproved By7 June 2017Health Change, Food Authority and Woman and Children’s Health Network sites added to listConsumer Handouts Committee20 June 2017Nutrition Australia and Nutrition Support sites added to listConsumer Handouts Committee6 February 2018WYC – Raising Children; CSQU – Advance Care Planning addedConsumer Handouts Committee14 February 2018MND NSW; MS Australia addedConsumer Handouts Committee20 February 2018NSW Health addedConsumer Handouts Committee27 February 2018Children’s Health Qld, Metro North Hospital and Speech Pathology Australia addedConsumer Handouts Committee5 MarchEdited and removed duplicates ................

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