Annotated list of Materials and Resources:

School Integration-Just a Southern Problem?

Christine Adrian

Summer Fellowship, 2007

Annotated list of Materials and Resources:

Local Champaign Co. Resources

▪ Housing Report Here Worst In Illinois, October 20, 1961 Champaign County Archives, Urbana Free Library, Urbana, Illinois.

-This article points out the housing segregation issue in Champaign, and can be used as a starting point for discussion.

▪ Bakalis Says November 23, 1971 Champaign County Archives, Urbana Free Library, Urbana, Illinois.

-In this article, State Superintendent of Public Instruction declares the need for integration and recognizes that Illinois is far behind the Mississippi in regards to school integration progress. However, he does not say the state is in charge of this progress, but lays burden on individual schools. The plan that includes controversially low percentages of blacks in all white schools is discussed.

▪ This Bus Stops, from African American Life in Central Illinois, WILL-TV, 1969. Republished by University of Illinois in conjunction with WILL-TV, 2005.

-This 1969 public television documentary series examines African American Life in Central Illinois. In this episode, school integration is examined. A Decatur school walkout, desegregation in two Champaign schools and a student forum are highlighted.

▪ “Racial Tension Explodes at CHS: 3 Fights Break Out”

Page 2 News Gazette, February 2, 1967. Champaign County

Archives, Urbana Free Library, Urbana, IL.

-This newspaper clipping describes early tensions in the

system over racial division.

▪ ”Racial Violence Closes Centennial”, Champaign Urbana Courier, Thursday, April 29, 1971. Champaign County Archives, Urbana Free Library, Urbana, IL.

-This front page article chronicles a riot that breaks out at Centennial high school involving a large number of white students and community members who waited with weapons for African American students to arrive by bus to school. Many injuries are reported, including a fractured skull.

▪ “Cease Fire Sought at Centennial”, Champaign Urbana Courier, Friday April 30, 1971. Champaign County Archives, Urbana Free Library, Urbana, IL.

-An overview of the violence that ensued and efforts to return students back to school are highlighted.

▪ “Centennial Staff Blames ‘Community’ for Violence” Champaign Urbana Courier, May 1, 1971. Champaign County Archives, Urbana Free Library, Urbana, IL.

-This article gives voice to certain Centennial staff who say that the community climate was the cause of the violence on the 29th of April 1971.

▪ “Timetable Says Group of Whites Started Melee” Champaign Urbana Courier May 1, 1971. Champaign County Archives, Urbana Free Library, Urbana, IL.

-A minute by minute account of the riot at Centennial.

▪ “Police Patrol Halls After Fights at Centennial”, Champaign Urbana Courier November 11, 1971. Champaign County Archives, Urbana Free Library, Urbana, IL.

-Later in the year, further fights cause police to patrol halls.

▪ “Centennial High Quiets as Police Watch Halls”, Champaign Urbana Courier, November 12, 1971. Champaign County Archives, Urbana Free Library, Urbana, IL.

-This article serves to calm community nerves over any further violence taking place at Centennial.

▪ “No Comment at Centennial”, Champaign News Gazette, November 16, 1971. Champaign County Archives, Urbana, Il.

-Questions arise on how the November violence has been handled, and calls come from the community to remove the principal. Centennial refuses to comment.

▪ “Oust Longenecker and Fight Averted at Franklin” Champaign Urbana Courier, November 16, 1971. Champaign County Archives, Urbana Free Library, Urbana, IL.

-Calls for removal of the principal at Centennial get louder as controversy surrounding the suspended students rise.

▪ “Five Youths Arrested At Franklin” Champaign Urbana Courier, November 16, 1971. Champaign County Archives, Urbana Free Library, Urbana, IL.

-Student anger bleeds to the middle school population.

▪ “Davis Details Changes He’s Planned at Centennial” Champaign News Gazette, November 17, 1971. Champaign County Archives, Urbana Free Library, Urbana, IL.

-Former Centennial principal is removed and replaced on an interim basis by Davis. Davis lays out changes he will make to relieve racial tension at his school.

▪ “Suspended Students Return”, Champaign Urbana Courier, November 22, 1971. Champaign County Archives, Urbana Free Library, Urbana, IL.

-The students involved in the November incident return to school under much controversy over whether a “just sentence” was delivered.

▪ “Centennial Teachers Protest as Students Escape Expulsion”, Champaign Urbana Courier, December 3, 1971. Champaign County Archives, Urbana Free Library, Urbana, IL.

-Teachers rise up in anger after teens who reportedly assaulted staff return to school. The issue is racially charged after a history of violence in April. Many in the community cry that the African American students in the November incident receive different treatment than the white students involved in the attack in April. Tensions rise.

▪ “Negroes Boycott Four Decatur High Schools”, Champaign Urbana Courier, November 25, 1968. Champaign County Archives, Urbana Free Library, Urbana, IL.

-A brief article describing the walkout in Decatur schools is described, though the numbers in this report are much smaller than those reported in the WILL documentary.

▪ Housing Report Here Worst In Illinois, October 20, 1961 Champaign County Archives, Urbana Free Library, Urbana, Illinois.

-This report by the Woman’s League of Voters cites Champaign Urbana as the most segregated community in the state in terms of housing.

▪ More than a Bus Ride Audio and More than a Bus Ride Collected Documents, Franklin Middle Schools Desegregation Radio Documentary from The Youth Media Workshop, WILL and University of Illinois.

-This documentary documents the school integration of Champaign unit 4 in the late 60’s and early 70’s. Oral histories are provided through interviews with residents who lived through the initial integration efforts. The whole program is available through audio streaming and in transcript form. In addition, related documents are posted on this website.

▪ Equity Audit: U.S. District Court For the Central District of Illinois Monitoring Report #1 from Franklin Middle School Girls’ Radio Documentary, Youth Media Group, WILL Radio. Last viewed June 20, 2007.

-This Power Point gives an overview of the Current consent decree that was delivered to Unit 4 regarding racial inequities in the classroom.

▪ Committee Report - Desegregation Plan, 1968 from Franklin Middle School Girls’ Radio Documentary, Youth Media Group, WILL Radio. Last viewed June 20, 2007.

-This PDF is the original document of an oversight committee for the Champaign Unit 4 desegregation plan for 1968. Problems and inequities are detailed.

▪ 1967-1968 Enrollments by Race from Franklin Middle School Girls’ Radio Documentary, Youth Media Group, WILL Radio. Last viewed June 20, 2007.

-In chart fashion, student enrollment information by school is provided.

▪ Champaign Unit 4 Consent Decree Information, from Champaign Unit 4 schools. Last viewed June 20, 2007.

-A comprehensive guide to the consent decree is given by Champaign Unit 4, including the history and current progress of meeting the terms of the consent decree.

Web Pages

▪ The Rise and Fall of Jim Crow Interactive Map from PBS’ The Rise and Fall of Jim Crow. Last viewed June 19, 2007.

-A fantastic interactive map to start out any unit on Jim Crow Laws/Civil Rights. There are interactive maps that demonstrate where and what type of Jim Crow Laws were in effect, locations of Black Colleges and Universities, Population Maps by decade, and an interactive map showing where lynching and riots took place.

▪ Powerful Days in Black and White, from Kodak. This slideshow is a set of photographs taken by Charles Moore, Civil Rights Photographer. Last viewed June 20, 2007.

-This resource would provide important visual information regarding the Civil Rights Movement.

▪ Brown V. Board of Education (1954) from Our Documents () Last viewed June 19, 2007.

-This page gives a high resolution copy of the case, also downloadable in high resolution PDF.

▪ University of Michigan Library Brown V. Board Digital Archive ( ) Last viewed June 19, 2007.

-This is an excellent site for a comprehensive look at Brown V. Board. It includes oral arguments, histories, images and links.

▪ Brown V. Board Summary from . Last viewed June 19, 2007.

-This site gives a complete look at Brown V. Board, including a summary of the case, research links, oral histories and images.

▪ “With an Even Hand: Brown v. Board at Fifty” from the Library of Congress. Last viewed June 19, 2007.

- This Library of Congress Anniversary exhibition details the 100 year history of segregation in America. This site provides a wealth of images of the aftermath of school segregation that would resonate deeply with students, including a picture of a handbook organized by a desegregation opposition group that suggests a 49th state where all African Americans are sent to live.


▪ BROWN V. BOARD: Timeline of School Integration in the U.S., from , Last viewed June 20, 2007.

-A printable timeline of School Integrated is presented for use in Part 2.

▪ Chicago School Boycott, from Google News Archive. Last viewed June 20, 2007.

-This site includes a list of digitized news articles on the Chicago School Boycott that can be purchased online for a nominal fee.

▪ Chicago School Boycott, from The National Archives Online (). Last viewed June 20, 2007.

-This gives a brief summary of the incident and includes documents and pictures surrounding the event.

▪ Executive Order 10730: Desegregation of Central High School, from The National Archives Online (). Last viewed June 20, 2007.

-This site gives a primary source copy of the executive article surrounding the Little Rock 9 story. Links to background information are also provided.

▪ Cooling it in the Schools, from the Time Digital Archive (). Originally published Friday, September 11, 1964.

-This gives an optimistic look at school segregation, while pointing out protests and violence throughout the country.

▪ Little Rock School Integration Crisis from the Eisenhower Archives Online. Last Viewed June 20, 2007.

-Provides a comprehensive look at the Little Rock Crisis, including primary source documents as well as secondary sources.

▪ Online Newshour: A Conversation with Ruby Bridges Hall A Class of One from Jim Lehrer Newshour Online, PBS. Last Viewed June 20, 2007.

-An interview with Ruby Bridges Hall, first student to desegregate an elementary school. Transcript and audio provided.

▪ Ruby Bridges a website of the Ruby Bridges Foundation. Last viewed June 20, 2007.

-Provides story of Ruby Bridges, and information on how to have Ms. Hall speak at your school, as well as information on her book, Through my Eyes.

▪ The Spreading Boycott, from Time Magazine Archives () . Originally published February 14, 1964. Last viewed June 20, 2007.

-This article discusses a large New York City Schools Boycott, whose effects are spreading across the country.

▪ Champaign Unit 4 Consent Decree Information, from Champaign Unit 4 schools. Last viewed June 20, 2007.

-A comprehensive guide to the consent decree is given by Champaign Unit 4, including the history and current progress of meeting the terms of the consent decree.

▪ Interactive Illinois Report Card for Champaign Unit 4, IIRC. Last viewed June 20, 2007.

-This gives current statistics regarding Unit 4, including student makeup, test scores and teacher ethnicity proportions.

▪ Unfinished Business from Voices of Civil . Last viewed June 21, 2007.

-This article discusses in a brief history the progress made, and the work yet to go in terms of school desegregation.

National Documents from the Web:

▪ Integrated classroom in Nashville, 1957. Gelatin silver print. New York World-Telegram & Sun Collection, Prints and Photographs Division (125A) from Brown V. Board at Fifty, Library of Congress exhibition. Jpeg Version. Last viewed June 19, 2007.

-Shows a picture of elementary school children with teacher. This picture is interesting, because there is not much emotion demonstrated. Students might try to jump into the heads of the students to postulate on what they might be feeling during this uncertain time.

▪ An integrated classroom at Anacostia High School, Washington, DC, 1957. Gelatin silver print. U.S. News & World Report Magazine Collection, Prints and Photographs Division (201) from Brown V. Board at Fifty, Library of Congress exhibition. Jpeg Version. Last viewed June 19, 2007.

-This picture shows another integrated classroom, this time high school. The same type of emotionless faces is demonstrated. Are these pictures staged?

▪ School integration, Barnard School, Washington, D.C., 1955.

Gelatin silver print. U.S. News & World Report Magazine Collection, Prints and Photographs Division (202)from Brown V. Board at Fifty, Library of Congress exhibition. Jpeg Version. Last viewed June 19, 2007.

-In this picture, an integrated elementary classroom is shown. Unlike the other two, this depicts a classroom where white students were integrated into a traditionally African American school.

▪ University of Alabama Students burn desegregation literature, 1956. Gelatin silver print. Prints and Photographs Division (121A) from Brown V. Board at Fifty, Library of Congress exhibition. Jpeg Version. Last viewed June 20, 2007.

-A picture of University of Alabama students with confederate flags burning desegregation literature.

▪ Clinton, Tennessee, school integration conflict, 1956. Gelatin silver print. U.S. News & World Report Magazine Collection, Prints and Photographs Division (125C)Digital ID # ppmsca 03093 from Brown V. Board at Fifty, Library of Congress exhibition. Jpeg Version. Last viewed June 20, 2007.

-White students surround black students entering school in Tennessee.

▪ School Dilemma--Youths taunt Dorothy Geraldine Counts in Charlotte, North Carolina, 1957. Gelatin silver print.

Visual Materials from the NAACP Records, Prints and Photographs Division (125B) Courtesy of the NAACP, from Brown V. Board at Fifty, Library of Congress exhibition. Jpeg Version. Last viewed June 20, 2007.

-White boys surround girl on way to school, yelling, pointing and laughing at her.

▪ U.S. Troops escort African American students from Central High School, Little Rock, Arkansas, October 3, 1957. Gelatin silver print. New York World-Telegram & Sun Collection, Prints and Photographs Division (130B), from Brown V. Board at Fifty, Library of Congress exhibition. Jpeg Version. Last viewed June 20, 2007.

-A number of troops are visible escorting African Americans from school.

▪ The Birmingham News (Birmingham, Alabama), Monday, October 1, 1962. Enlarged version Newspaper. Historic Events Newspaper Collection, Serial and Government Publications Division (158)from Brown V. Board at Fifty, Library of Congress exhibition. Jpeg Version. Last viewed June 20, 2007.

-Riot ensues after African American student enrolls at Old Miss. Newspaper coverage and photo.


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