Mental Health Workbook - Giving it Back to Kids

[Pages:8]122 Luong Nhu Hoc 0511.3622.337

Mental Health Workbook


Session 1: General Overview

1. Although mental health and physical health our two different things, we need to care for ourselves emotionally.

2. It is widely agreed that _________________ will only make the situation worse. The solution that is concluded from it is one should ____________________

3. It is medically proven that people who try to suppress his or her emotions are more susceptible to developing physical ailments. These include:

a. b. c. d.

4. If you do not ________________ expressing emotions, identifying emotions, anytime that you're aware of them it just feels very exhausting.

5. When you emotionally have problems, you have to help yourself step by step by: a. b. c.

6. Emotions will be ____________ to tell us something very important. So we need to learn to __________our feelings.

7. We should treat emotions like a ______________: the more you exercise them; identify and express your emotions, the more you build; or strengthen yourself mentally.

8. The first way to recognize someone's emotions is through __________________________ in their body.

9. There are 5 kinds of emotions that Tery introduced in this video. They are

a. b. c. d. e.

10. If one is more aware and expressive of his or her feelings, life can be improved in:

a. b. c.


Session 2: Fear

1. The purpose of fear is to __________ us about something that is of danger or


2. Natural responses to fear involve:












3. When you're afraid, you should:




4. A fearful person usually meets ____________ while they sleep.

5. One way to distract oneself from fear is ____________, as it helps the body release anxiety through energy release

6. Learning to _____________ will be also a good way to help fearful people.

7. After watching this session, how do you apply this knowledge to teach and help kids? __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________


Session 3: Guilt and shame:

1. Guilt tells you if you've done something ________ and you've really __________ someone ___________ or ___________ or you did something you know you ___________________ or should have done ____________

2. Guilt let us know that we go _____________

3. _____________ is feeling guilty for no good reason or feeling unworthy and/or defensive

4. They also feel _____________ for things that a clearly not their _________such as causing an earthquake or a building to catch on fire

5. You should use ________________ because they can hurt people and make them feel guilty and shame. They can leave ________that you can not see by your eyes.

6. When people have guilt inside them, they never __________________ in any circumstances because they do not know the purposes why they have to do well and the more important thing is that they have never been ________________

7. After watching this session, how do you apply this knowledge to teach and help kids? __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________


Session 4: Sadness

1. Sadness lets you know about someone or something you ________about like if someone passes away or something else _______ happens.

2. Sadness can cause you to be ______________.

3. When someone has experienced extreme sadness for long periods, it is a _______________. People who have this kind of sickness usually think about suicide and cry a lot. They need __________ and ________________. If their disease get serious, they need to _______________.

4. The reasons why we are sad:

a. b. c. d. e.

5. Symptoms can include: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h.

6. After watching this session, how do you apply this knowledge to teach and help kids? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________


Session 5: Anger

1. Anger is a feeling that happens when something has happened that was ______or ________and they feel like it __________ or ________

2. Why can anger be a good thing? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

3. ____________ is one of the results of anger.

4. If you ___________ your anger, this energy will go in to your body and cause _____________.

5. Passive Aggression is another form of anger. How is it expressed? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

6. What is a solution when dealing with someone who is angry? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ 7. Anger is one of the way to ____________________________________

8. After watching this session, how do you apply this knowledge to teach and help kids? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________


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