Share Economy 2017 The New Business Model

Share Economy 2017 The New Business Model

This report analyzes the size and the acceptance of the Share Economy in the six European countries Austria, Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland and Turkey. It explores current status, growth, success factors for further breakthrough and mass acceptance.

Share Economy 2017 The New Business Model

This report analyzes the size and the acceptance of the Share Economy in the six European countries Austria, Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland and Turkey. It explores current status, growth, success factors for further breakthrough and mass acceptance.

Share Economy 2017 Published by PricewaterhouseCoopers GmbH Wirtschaftspr?fungsgesellschaft By Prof Dr Nikolas Beutin February 2018, 58 Pages, 7 Figures, Soft cover All rights reserved. This material may not be reproduced in any form, copied onto microfilm or saved and edited in any digital medium without the explicit permission of the editor. This publication is intended to be a resource for our clients, and the information therein was correct to the best of the authors' knowledge at the time of publication. Before making any decision or taking any action, you should consult the sources or contacts listed here. The opinions reflected are those of the authors. The graphics may contain rounding differences.

? February 2018 PricewaterhouseCoopers GmbH Wirtschaftspr?fungsgesellschaft. All rights reserved. In this document, "PwC" refers to PricewaterhouseCoopers GmbH Wirtschaftspr?fungsgesellschaft, which is a member firm of PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited (PwCIL). Each member firm of PwCIL is a separate and independent legal entity.



Sharing of files, music, cars, accommodation, machines and other things has become an indispensable and virtually irreplaceable part of many people's increasingly digital lifestyles. In fact, most of us cannot imagine living and especially traveling without shared products and services.

Just as smartphones disrupted photography and displaced private film and photo cameras, the Share Economy has a disruptive potential of displacing people's ownership with temporary use of products and services.

In theory the Share Economy is supposed to: ? Save resources, ? Strengthen regional and local

communities, ? Save costs, ? Enable consumption for lower income

groups, ? Increase investments, ? Provide new jobs, ? Ensure access and ? Ultimately generate more freedom.

But how does the reality look like? The reality assumes different forms in different countries: Share Economy is mainly attributable to selected population segments and cannot live up to its ecological original philosophy. Also, it is moving more and more from its peer-to-peer (P2P) beginning and original idea to professional providers (B2C) ? a similar development has been seen at auction platforms.

Also, the different industry segments within the Share Economy are at very different maturity levels. Moreover, regulations and technological possibilities as well as the so often looked at start-ups and platforms for the Share Economy differ greatly per country.

All in all, we believe that the future looks extremely promising for future Share Economy growth and acceptance in the six countries.

Please reach out to us for a discussion on the results of this report.

In the final analysis, there is to our knowledge no currently valid and reliable market study to really estimate current and future market size of the Share Economy in the different industry segments.

Prof Dr Nikolas Beutin Customer Practice Leader PwC Europe

The present report aims to analyze what really matters to customers and providers with regard to the Share Economy. It seeks to explore factors that are highly relevant for its further growth.

In this report, we look at the Share Economy in the following industry segments: ? Media and Entertainment, ? Hotels and Accommodation, ? Automotive and Transport, ? Retail and Consumer Goods, ? Services, ? Finance, and ? Machinery.

The report is based on a representative survey of over 4,500 consumers in the six countries Austria, Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland and Turkey carried out by the market research institute Faktenkontor GmbH between June and August 2017.

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