Free printable punctuation worksheets for 6th grade


Free printable punctuation worksheets for 6th grade

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Students must fill in the correct punctuation marks. 1 39,677 Elem Sonali S Vinnakota ?Business Grammar, Young Learners, Humour, Punctuation This worksheet contains four illustrations that explain the importance of using hyphens. Research has shown that visuals boost engagement levels among students and help with better assimilation an ... 2 11,935 Elem ?Correcting Mistakes, Animals, Spelling, Punctuation Editing and proofreading are essential aspects of effective writing. Students read the passages carefully and thoroughly and rewrite the passages correctly on the lines provided. This is great pra ... 9 45,858 Elem Belinda ?Crosswords/Boardgames, Punctuation I use this crossword puzzle with my elementary to pre-intermediate classes to test how much they know about simple punctuation marks. I use this at the beginning of a lesson before revising or te ... 7 28,513 ElemPre-Int ?USA, Opinions, Mass-media, Punctuation This is a worksheet I use with Channel One News. Before watching the news, students try to predict what the news will be about on that day in a classroom discussion. During the video, students fil ... 4 18,750 ElemPre-IntInt Adam The following worksheet contains two exercises on the use of commas in English. The first one is a set of 20 sentences, and the second is a short text. The learner is supposed to put commas in the ... 13 70,466 Int This is a presentation for beginner-intermediate level students. As the title says, this is a guide for basic punctuation including example sentences. How to use a comma, colon, semi-colon and per ... 9 55,994 ElemPre-IntInt ?Business Grammar, Email English, Punctuation This is a detailed presentation about business writing. Including formal letters and emails; correct usage of punctuation, spelling, number usage, layout guidelines, salutations and valedictions. ... 15 39,294 IntAdv This is a comic made into an easy-to-use PowerPoint presentation. Be careful about your audience as some people may find it inappropriate. However, I teach English to young adult learner ... 7 18,086 Pre-IntIntAdv ?Correcting Mistakes, Spelling, Punctuation This sheet can be used for peer-editing or self-editing an essay. It's designed for beginners so it covers indenting at the beginning of a paragraph, capital letters and periods for sentences, spe ... 8 42,071 Elem This is a very simple worksheet for teaching the use of apostrophe at elementary level. There's a brief explanation at the top of the page followed by an activity in which students are asked ... 9 23,424 ElemPre-Int This is a colourful classroom poster which can also be used as a picture dictionary or a study sheet for teaching or revising punctuation related vocabulary at elementary level. 25 42,475 ElemPre-Int ?Prepositions and Conjunctions, Punctuation This is a 3-page worksheet for teaching clauses of reason and clauses of result. There's a complete grammar guide followed by 3 different activities in which students are asked to choose a su ... 10 22,099 Pre-IntInt This is a punctuation worksheet I found that I would like to share. It is for a senior phase level. Learners have to identify the types of sentences given. A sentence is given which the lear ... 12 33,293 Adv This worksheet is all about missing punctuation and was created for children of 8 - 9 years old. There are 13 sentences for children to read. Some of the sentences are questions, others are statem ... 10 81,936 Elem Add punctuation marks to the following poem named "The Pig" by Roald Dhal. Visit to learn about sentences and for follow up activities and educational videos. Watch this video f ... 10 20,328 All Two dice for revising punctuation marks. Recommended for elementary students who are asked to to roll both dice and then name the punctuation mark by using the picture clue provided. 6 12,622 BegElem Students can make cartoon characters (people, superheros, animals...) out of the punctuation marks on the cards. Playing games with the cards will reinforce both the name and shape of the mark. I ... 8 14,239 ElemPre-IntInt ?Writing, Punctuation, Creative Writing Prompts It was designed for intermediate students who have already learnt how to write several types of paragraph and are about to start to write essay types. It makes your ss understand how to write an e ... 35 138,120 IntAdv This is a two page worksheet teaching May I vs. Can I. The first has ten sentences in which they must unscramble correctly. The second page has five sentences in which they must correct. We were e ... 15 16,729 Pre-IntInt ?Business Grammar, Punctuation This worksheet/poster will be a great way to challenge your learners to test their knowledge of apostrophes. Learners, students and adults alike, will love to take the challenge of identifying the ... 19 27,743 All This is the punctuation worksheets section. Punctuation marks are symbols that indicate the structure and organization of written language. There are many punctuation marks in the English langauge. Punctuation marks help guide your writing and sentences. They can show pauses, strong feeling of expression, statement, command, questioning and much more. Some common punctuation marks include; periods, question marks, quotation marks, exclamation marks, colons, semi-colons, apostrophes, dashes, and much more. Our punctuation worksheets give good practice with adding different types of punctuation at the end of sentences. Our punctuation worksheets give good practice with the different types of punctuation in the English language. Here is a graphic preview for all of the punctuation worksheets. Our punctuation worksheets are free to download and easy to access in PDF format. Use these punctuation worksheets in school or at home. Grades K-5 Punctuation Practice Worksheets Here is a graphic preview for all the kindergarten, 1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, and 5th grade Punctuation Worksheets. Click on the image to display our punctuation worksheets. Grades 6-8 Punctuation Practice Worksheets Here is a graphic preview for all the 6th grade, 7th grade and 8th grade Punctuation Worksheets. Click on the image to display our punctuation worksheets. Grades 9-12 Punctuation Practice Worksheets Here is a graphic preview for all the 9th grade, 10th grade, 11th grade, and 12th grade Punctuation Worksheets. Click on the image to display our punctuation worksheets. Improve your students' math skills and help them learn how to calculate fractions, percentages, and more with these word problems. The exercises are designed for students in the seventh grade, but anyone who wants to get better at math will find them useful. The sections below contain two-word problem worksheets for students, in section Nos. 1 and 3. For ease of grading, identical worksheets, including the answers, are printed in section Nos. 2 and 4. More detailed explanations of some of the problems are also provided within the sections. Find out what birthday cakes, grocery stores, and snowballs have in common with these fun word problems. Practice calculating fractions and percentages with problems such as: When the birthday cake was about to be served, you were told you could have 0.6, 60%, 3/5, or 6%. Which three of the choices will give you the same size portion? Explain to students that the correct answer is .6, 60%, and 3/5 because all of these equal 60 percent, or six out of 10, or 60 parts out of 100. By contrast, 6 percent means just that: only six pennies out of 100, six parts out of a 100, or six tiny slivers of cake out of 100. Find the solutions to the word problems that students tackled in the first math worksheet. The second problem, and answer, state: Problem: 4/7 of the birthday cake was eaten on your birthday. The next day your dad ate 1/2 of what was left. You get to finish the cake, how much is left? Answer: 3/14 If students are struggling, explain that they can easily find the answer by multiplying fractions as follows, where "C" stands for the portion of cake that is left. They first need to determine how much cake was left after the birthday Then they need to see what fraction was left the next day after dad gobbled up some more of the cake: C = 3/7 x 1/2C = 3 x 1 / 7 x 2C = 3 / 14 So 3/14 of the cake was left over after dad had a snack the next day. Have students learn how to calculate a rate of return and how to divide a large area into smaller lots with these math problems. To help students, go over the first problem as a class: Sam loves basketball and can sink the ball in the net 65% of the time. If he takes 30 shots, how many will he sink? Explain to students that they simply need to convert 65% to a decimal (0.65), and then multiply that number by 30. Find the solutions to the word problems students have tackled in the second math worksheet. For the first problem, demonstrate how to work out the solution if students are still having difficulty, where "S" equals shots made: So Sam made 19.5 shots. But since you can't make half a shot, Sam made 19 shots if you don't round up. Normally, you'd round up decimals five and greater to the next whole number, which would be 20 in this case. But in this rare case, you'd round down because, as noted, you can't make half a shot.

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