Mr. Mrs.

Name:____________________________________________________________ Ms.

Address: __________________________________________________________

City: _____________________________State: ___________________Zip Code: ________

Phone: ______________Email: __________________ Kennel Name:__________________

List the Breed (s) you own now/and those you have owned in the past.

Number of Papillons owned or Co-Owned ___________ Males ________Females________

Have you or do you intend to Breed Your Females? ________________________________

Will you have Papillons For Sale? ______ Have you ever sold any animal to franchised Dealers or Pet Shops?____ If yes, Please describe the circumstances of the sale(s) and what investigation was made to determine the suitability of the animals future home.



(Use additional paper, if necessary)

Are you a member of Papillon Club of America? _____ If so, for how long _________________

What other dog clubs do you belong to? _____________________________________________

Have you served on any committees or held a Board position? ______ If so, Please List:


(Use additional paper, if necessary)

What talents can you bring to the Patriot Papillon Club:

Please Indicate Your Specific Interests From the List Below

___Conformation Showing ___Obedience Competition ___ Tracking

___Agility ___Therapy Dog ___Education

___Papillon Publicity ___Papillon Rescue ___Programs

___Newsletter ___Education ___Hospitality

___Matches - Judging/stewarding ___Matches Judging/stewarding ___Fund Raising

(Confirmation) (Obedience) ___Other

Please describe how you feel this Club can best benefit you ___________________________



If elected to membership, I agree to abide by the guidelines/code as printed on the reserve side of this form.

Signed_____________________________________________Date _______________________

Sponsor _________________________________Sponsor ______________________________

(Sponsors must be current members for a period of not less than six (6) months. Their signatures must appear on this form. The first year’s dues must accompany this application. Sponsors are required to see that their new applicants are active members. A home visit by a sponsor is required)

Please Indicate Type of Membership; Single/$15.00______Couples/$20.00_________________

Junior/$5.00___________ Date of Birth ________________Associate/$10.00 ____________

Make Check Payable to PATRIOT PAPILLON CLUB and Mail with this Application to Club Secretary:

Mrs. Kathy Augaitis

PO Box 5128

Greene, RI 02827 Date Received______________

401-392-3414 Amount Received ___________


Note: Final approval to the Patriot Papillon Club is up to the membership.




A) Each member of the Patriot Papillon Club (PPC) will consider the welfare of the breed when engaged in any activities involving breeding, exhibiting, training and selling of Papillons and will refrain from any such activities which would be prejudicial to the best interest of the breed and the PPC.

B) Every member shall, at all times, whether at home, traveling to shows or at motels, conduct himself/herself in such a manner as to reflect credit on the sport of dog showing (AKC Code of Good Sportsmanship) and on Papillon’s in particular.

C) All member will abide by the Constitution and By-Laws of the PPC and the American Kennel Club (i.e. record keeping, registrations, identification sale and transfer of dogs).

D) It is the responsibility of knowledgeable and experienced owners to assist novices. Novices should be encouraged to seek their assistance and to attend meetings of the PPC.

E) The Patriot Papillon club, Inc. Will not allow the use of its name in connection with any type of advertising by a PPC member.

F) Membership Requirements:

Potential applicants will be required to attend three (3) functions/meetings (as defined by PPC) before a membership application may be processed. Members are required to participate in functions/meetings or work for the club (i.e. work @ at functions, chair a committee or volunteer to fund raise). (Above requirements do not apply for Associate Membership. Associate Membership is open to those who live outside the immediate area; these members may not vote or hold office).


A) For the purpose of the Membership Guidelines, a person is considered a breeder if he/she produces one or more litters of Papillons, or uses his/her male to produce one or more litters of Papillons.

B) The owner of a stud dog must use discretion in contracting the services of his/her dog. Stud dog service will be offered only by and to AKC Full Registered bitches. (No designer breeding) A stud owner’s moral obligations extend to the puppies sired by his/her males: therefore, he/she should discourage the person who wants to breed an inferior quality bitch and explain why he/she does so. He/she should also ascertain that the owner of the bitch has the proper facilities to care for the puppies.

C) Animals used for breeding should be in good health and physically and temperamentally sound; they should be free from known hereditary defects. (Ideal certification of tests would be CHIC)

D) No Papillon or litter shall be offered for consignment or resale to pet stores, animal brokers/agents or sold for commercial use. (We recommend no papillon puppy be placed before 3 months of age)

E) Papillon sold as pets (not to be used for breeding) must be sold with a spay/castration contract or with the A.K.C. non-breeding registration. Sellers should note in contract that if owner is unable to keep the dog, it will be the obligation of the seller to assist in the placement of the dog in question. (i.e rescue your own)

NAME _____________________________________DATE ________________________



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