Quiet book patterns pdf

Quiet book patterns pdf

The Free Quiet Book Theme Ideas and Templates List will help you chose the perfect theme and templates when deciding to make a quiet book.And...did I mention, all the templates in this post are free. There are lovely designs on Etsy, I know. Why have I not added those?The freebies are all you're needing for the moment. Let's say, working with felt is not that easy. And, your first attempt may not look like the one's on Etsy, Pinterest and Instagram.So, rather start with something that won't disappoint you too much, and get the hang of it.Nobody is perfect, but I don't want you to be discouraged and not to attempt any quiet books in future.In the Table of Contents below, the bold Words represents the categories or themes of the most popular quiet books and the sub-categories listed below. Let's say you have a one year old grandson, and you want to make him an educational quiet book.One option is to chose one sub-category, like color and make all the pages in his book different colors.Or,You could opt to add all the main colors to one/two pages, another with the alphabet, following numbers etc.You be the creator.Quiet books are defintely one of the most thoughtful gifts for:a baby showerthe birth of a babyChristmasbirthdaysto teach a new skillto introduce a baby/toddler to a special interestor just for any other occassion. In my "How to make Quiet Books" post, I share lots of detail regarding the size of quiet book pages, finishing options, different ways to bind and variations on quiet books.Read the post here - How to make Quiet Books.In todays post, I am sharing 101+ free quiet book templates/pages and patterns in the categories as listed below. Let's hope that you find exactly what you have in mind to make, and that it may be the beginning of more wonderful creations by you. The highlighted areas will take you to the blog with the specific quiet book page.Most of the links are to free templates. Though, there are a few in between that don't have templates but the ideas are do-able without. The links above are affiliate links and the blog owner will receive a small commission should you make a purchase, at no extra cost to you.Small puzzle by Thread Riding HoodSimple puzzles by Serving Pink LemonadeIce Cream by Camille's CasaHamburger by Oopsey Daisy BlogClock by Today I Felt CraftyGumball Machine by Oopsey Daisy BlogBeehive and Bee by Sew much to CreateVarious animals by MirellFelt Safari Animals by A Handmade TaleZippered Monkey by Klein LiebchenBarn by Jocelyn and JasonDoll House by Imagine our LifeMermaids by Sweet Red PoppyQuiet book for boys by All the Quiet Things, spotlight, dump truck, tools, soccer shoe, bugs, treasure box, clockCar page by Jocelyn and JasonBack in the day when my little brother was still a baby, he had a cloth book, with zig-zag edges. The pictures were printed on the fabric. He loved that book and took it everwhere.Today, you get the very same cloth books, plastic one's and then off-course the very special quiet book (activity book, sensory book or busy book, as it is also called).Then you get variations on all of the above:No-sew quiet books;Printed quiet books;Activity Cubes;Wooden activity boards;Activity matsStory telling mittensand lots moreThe ideas are endless.Make yours priceless.Happy crafting! As much as we love our kids to be all chirpy and happy, there are times when we all want some calm and quiet around the house. Well, at least for a while. Now that we have entered a digital world and smartphones and tabs have taken over. Still, nothing can replace the importance of a book. If you are a book reading person, then inducing a book-loving gene in your kids must be your point of concern. We have gathered up the 20 sweetest and fun DIY quiet book patterns for your little ones. The idea is to keep the little hands happy productively while enhancing their imaginations!These DIY quiet book patterns can bring calm and quiet to your house too. In the meanwhile, when your kid is busy exploring through these quiet stories. You can have a nice and quiet. Me time! Our collection of these DIY quiet book patterns is versatile enough with both sew and no-sew ideas as well. You can craft some fascinating and catchy quiet book patterns for amusing your kids.Gather around your creativity, your craft supplies, a sewing kit, and let's get started. You are going to love the versatility of these free quiet book patterns.1. DIY Under the Sea Quiet BookThis exciting under the sea themed DIY quiet book can get your little fellow a real-time ride under the sea! All you need for the magic is some basic sewing skills and a lot of imagination. Get full details in the tutorial. petitboutdech2. Felt Mermaid Quiet BookMermaids are everyone's favorite! The greatest mystical and beautiful creatures that have taken over the human imagination for a long time. With this tutorial, you can craft this cutest wool felt mermaids. Hit the tutorial now for full details. sweetredpoppy3. Cricut Maker Quiet BookHow to make a quiet book? Make this uber adorable and exceptionally easy to make no-sew DIY Cricut maker quiet book! You can add some basic learning techniques and colors or numbers for your little to learn while in the pre-school phase. See the full details in the tutorial. sweetredpoppy4. Make Your Own Quiet BookKeep the little minds busy by ensuring the little voices down! This fun and craft My quiet book tutorial is going to be your kid's all-time favorite read! Some million pieces of felt joined together can do just the magic. Get details in the tutorial. shescraftyyy5. No-Sew Jesus Quiet Book for ChurchOne best way to introduce your kids to your faith by keeping the interest factor in check is to make a beautiful quiet book for their first church visit. Or you can keep introducing them to gospel stories using this DIY no-sew church quiet book pattern! thediylighthouse6. Simple DIY Quiet Book for ChildrenIf you are not a person who loves sewing, this will be your favorite DIY quiet book pattern. Because it involves absolutely no sewing and a lot of easy and fun ideas to keep your kid productively occupied. Check details in the tutorial. heatherhand7. Quiet Book for a ToddlerFor your happy go, lucky toddler, in the most exploring phase of his life. This DIY quiet book pattern for a toddler is going to seem like a gift from his fairy Godmother! Use felt paper, buttons, googly eyes, pom poms, zipper, etc.. Get full details in the tutorial. lakatwalk8. Gabbaland Quiet BookMake this funky, Gabbaland quiet book for your little ones! The tutorial is not just equipped with the step by step guide for this DIY quiet book pattern, but it also comes with a FREE character's guide. Check now in the tutorial. whistleandivy9. No Sew Quiet BookWho says a quit book has to be sewed for a more fun experience?! This tutorial is going to prove that wrong big time! Learning with fun is a major step up game with quiet books. Make this full of learning and thrilling quiet book for your little one! allfortheboys10. How to Sew a Quiet BookIf you are an idealist or a perfectionist who loves giving the full-fledged experience. With this tutorial, you can become a pro at sewing a DIY quiet book pattern. You can enhance the feel of a quiet book way more with a sewing kit. Details in the tutorial. threadriding11. Free Quiet Book PatternThese exciting and full of some basic learning quiet book patterns are going to keep your kids positively inquisitive, active, and knowledgeable. With these exciting activities, you can enhance their sensory and motor skills. See details in the tutorial. sewmuchado12. DIY Dry Erase BookDon't let your kids get all sad and lazy during sick days when they are bound to rest on a bed or a couch. This DIY dry erase book will keep your little fellow happily occupied and connected with the family at the same time. Get details in the tutorial. allfortheboys13. Pirate Island Tic-Tac-Toe Quiet Book PageTic tac toe has been everyone's favorite game regardless of age from the beginning of time, perhaps. This cool and fun challenging game can be your next DIY quiet book pattern to keep your kids amused. Check details in the tutorial. imagineourlife14. Honey Bee Felt Busy BookThis honey bee quiet book pattern will keep your little monster happily occupied at all times. It is one great learning and activity-filled book that will be one exciting play companion for your kids. Head over to the tutorial now for details. marcstreasure15. Barn and Farm Animals Finger Puppets Quiet BookTeach your kids with fun! This DIY quiet book pattern about barn and yarn animals with the added fun of finger puppets is going to be an exciting learning game for your little fellows. Teach them about different animals and their lifestyles with fun! jocelynandjason16. How to Make Alphabet Quiet BookWith the growing age and in the pre-school phase, every kid needs to be familiarized with the basics of learning. Like alphabets, counting, colors, animals, etc., This DIY quiet book pattern can aid you in making learning fun and easy for your kids! thecraftpatch17. Paw Patrol Finger Puppets Quiet BookThis funky paw petrol finger puppet quiet book will keep your kids positively occupied and induce loving nature and care towards pets and animals, in general. See more in the tutorial that how can you craft this dun book at home! colorthemoon18. Cinderella Lacing Quiet BookEach girl's teenytiny dream in her childhood is to be this beautiful and enchanting princess like Cinderella. You can make this popular dream transform into reality with very minimal sewing by playing around with this cute Cinderella stuff! girllovesglam19. Make a No Sew Quiet BookWith this, no-sew quiet book, teach your kid about some basic items like shapes, colors, different fruits. Fun puzzles, introductions to pictures, and what they are called! The best part is this book is going to be a major hit around the house! And you don't even have to sew a thing! owlipop20. Easy to Make a Quiet BookFor family dinners, traveling, or weddings, keeps your kids happy and productively occupied with this learningperfect quiet book pattern! Teach them about each season with its different significance, like snowflakes, fallen leaves, flowers, sun, etc., marthastewartMake your kids fond of learning new things by keeping their inquisitive nature in check! These 20 simple DIY quiet book patterns can be a major parenting guide around the house for you. While you can have some #MeTime easily too!

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