Daily Reading Practice Grade 3 - Teacher Created



Nonfiction: Animals

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Warm-Up 1


Squirrels are exciting. In the summer, they run around right after the sun comes up. In the afternoon, the squirrels go back to their nests. They take naps. Two hours before the sun goes down, they get up and run around again. When it is dark outside at night, they stay inside their nests.

Squirrels are busiest of all in the wintertime. They run fast. They make turns in the air. Squirrels jump from tree branch to tree branch. They run all morning until lunch. After lunch, they go back to their nests to rest again. When the weather is bad, they do not leave their nests. However, they do not hibernate, or sleep all winter.

Squirrels have eyes on the top of their heads. These eyes help them to see objects without having to turn their heads. These eyes are difficult, too. They make it hard for the squirrel when it is eating. The squirrel's eyes are busy watching for enemies or danger. They do not pay attention to what they are eating because they are so busy watching for danger.

Male squirrels keep themselves very clean. The male squirrel cleans himself more times than the female squirrel. He keeps cleaning himself all day long.

Be careful when you play in the park. Squirrels are beautiful to watch, but they are not safe to touch. If you try and feed one from your hand, you could get bitten. Enjoy them from a distance.


1. In which season is the squirrel most active?

a. summer

c. fall

b. winter

d. spring

2. Using the context clues in the passage, the word enemies most likely means . . .

a. friends.

c. threats.

b. boys.

d. girls

3. The author's purpose for this passage is . . .

a. to entertain. b. to inform. c. to tell you what a squirrel feels like. d. to persuade.

4. According to this passage, what would be the danger of hand feeding a squirrel?

a. You could attract other squirrels. b. You could contract a disease. c. You will have to take him home. d. You might get bitten.

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#3489 Daily Warm-Ups: Reading

Nonfiction: Animals

Name________________________ Date___________

Warm-Up 2


House sparrows are often seen in a neighborhood in the city. They like to live where there are a lot of people. They do not like to live in the country.

The female looks like she is wearing a brown cap on her head. Black streaks run down her brown back.

Male house sparrows look like they are wearing gray caps on their heads. They have a black bib under their chin, just like a baby. They have a rusty brown body. Black streaks run down the back of the male house sparrow.

Vacant lots which have dried plants or tree limbs are the perfect place for house sparrows. They love to build their nests in old trees or in empty corners. House sparrows nibble seeds that they find in the weeds or grass.

They may make nests with string or paper. These little birds pull and tear the paper. They weave it in with sticks. They love to stop and eat food out of bird feeders that hang on balconies. House sparrows will also take baths in birdbaths that people put out in front of their apartments or buildings.

Keep your eyes peeled if you live in the city. Chances are, you might see a house sparrow parading past!


1. What is the main idea of this passage?

a. to teach you how house sparrows eat b. to teach you the life span of a house sparrow c. to teach you to identify a sparrow in the city d. to teach you how to keep house like a sparrow

2. Where do house sparrows NOT live?

a. in vacant lots b. in the city

c. in nests made in dried plants d. in the country

3. The author's purpose for this passage is . . .

a. to inform.

c. to entertain.

b. to persuade.

d. to make you sad.

4. In the text above, "keep your eyes peeled" means . . .

a. watch carefully. b. make sure you wear make-up on your eyes. c. use a potato peeler. d. pay attention on rainy days.

#3489 Daily Warm-Ups: Reading


?Teacher Created Resources, Inc.

Nonfiction: Biography

Name________________________ Date___________

Warm-Up 1

Daniel Boone

Daniel Boone was an explorer. Many people say that he found the state of Kentucky. Daniel was born November 2, 1734. He learned farming, hunting, and other skills on the family farm. He liked to explore the woods. As a youngster, Daniel spent many days exploring plants and wild animals. The woods were his home.

When he turned nineteen, Daniel went into the army. He drove a supply wagon in the French and Indian War. On one military expedition, he met a man named John Finley. John was a great storyteller. He told Daniel many stories about travel and exploring. Daniel loved these stories. He wanted to explore, just like John.

Not long after he met John Finley, he went back to his parents' home. At this time, he married Rebecca Bryan, who was a neighbor of his parents. For a little while he stayed with Rebecca on a little farm.

But his need for adventure sent him on many trips. He traveled throughout the wilderness. He eventually helped pioneers travel and set up homes.

Throughout his life, Daniel traveled thousands of miles on foot or by horse. His dream to discover new places and new things became real. Many thrilling stories have been written about Daniel and his adventures.


1. What is the meaning of the word youngster from the passage above?

a. someone who is a child b. a young cow c. doctor d. someone who doesn't like being young

2. From the passage above, we can infer that Daniel Boone was . . .

a. a nice man.

c. an explorer.

b. a dogsled racer.

d. an excellent shot with a rifle.

3. Another phrase for "military expedition" would be . . .

a. pleasure vacation.

c. presidential trip.

b. journey with the armed forces.

d. a trip back home.

4. How did John Finley influence Daniel Boone's life?

a. He taught him to shoot a rifle.

b. He filled his head with information about trees and plants.

c. He got him to camp in the woods.

d. He always told him stories of wild, interesting adventures and travels.

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#3489 Daily Warm-Ups: Reading

Nonfiction: Biography

Name________________________ Date___________

Warm-Up 9


In 1990, the U.S. Surgeon General was Dr. Antonia Novello. She was the first woman to have this job. She was the first Latina, too. The Surgeon General is the nation's main doctor. She does research. She tells the public what she finds. Novello taught about the dangers of smoking and drinking alcohol. She told the companies that make beer, wine, and cigarettes to stop trying to get teens to buy their products. She taught people how to keep from getting AIDS, too.

Novello was born in Puerto Rico. She earned a medical degree there in 1970. She always wanted to become a doctor. But she didn't know that she'd one day be the most important doctor in America.

As a child, she had a health problem. It hurt a lot. But she did not get the operation she needed until she was 18. While growing up, Novello didn't want other kids to feel sorry for her. Although she was in pain, she made jokes. She laughed a lot. She made friends with everyone. But she worked hard to earn good grades. Later she had a set of operations during medical school. Yet her grades did not fall. She always did her best.

Novello was shocked when she was asked to be Surgeon General. She wasn't looking for a new job. President George Bush spoke to her himself. So Dr. Novello took the job. She left after three years. Today she still works to improve health care for women, children, and the poor.


1. Where was Dr. Novello born and raised?

a. in Latin America

c. in Puerto Rico

b. in South America

d. in Mexico

2. How did Dr. Novello become interested in being a doctor?

a. She was sick as a child and knew she wanted to help others get better. b. The president told her that she would be a good doctor. c. Her mother told her that she should become a doctor. d. She wanted to be the U.S. Surgeon General.

3. During medical school, Dr. Novello . . .

a. did not do her best because of her operations. b. was asked to be the U.S. Surgeon General. c. had operations yet kept her grades high. d. had to stop and start classes due to her illness.

4. How did Dr, Novello react when asked to be Surgeon General?

a. She expected it.

c. She was afraid.

b. She was shocked.

d. She was sad.

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#3489 Daily Warm-Ups: Reading

Nonfiction: American History

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Warm-Up 1

Ghost Town

An old town hides in the mountains of Montana. The name of it is Garnet. Most people today simply call it a ghost town. Many buildings still stand, but the town is silent. The last person who lived in the town of Garnet was a storeowner who died in 1947.

Garnet was started by families who came looking for gold in 1898. Over 1,000 people made their homes in the town. The men and women built the town by hand. Men worked hard inside the mines. They used simple hand tools and steam engines. Sixty thousand ounces of gold were mined near Garnet. Fifty thousand ounces of silver were found. Sixty thousand ounces of copper were put into mining cars.

The town was not built to last very long. After five years, the gold was almost gone. The copper was gone. Only a little silver remained. One hundred fifty people lived in the town at that point.

World War I took the men away from the town. People packed their bags. They took their families and moved away. A fire ruined most of the buildings in Garnet in 1912.

Garnet became a ghost town overnight. Today, the town of Garnet is full of history. It is a quiet place to walk around and hear whispers about life in the past.


1. A mine is a word for . . .

a. something that belongs to me. b. ghost town. c. an underground area that is created to get minerals. d. silver and gold.

2. Garnet is now . . .

a. a river town. b. a seaport town.

c. a mining town. d. a ghost town.

3. Why did the city of Garnet die so suddenly?

a. The gold ran out.

c. The men went to fight in World War I.

b. The silver ran out.

d. All of the above

4. A ghost town is a place . . .

a. where there are ghost festivals each year.

b. where you go for Halloween.

c. that is haunted.

d. that has been deserted--the people have all moved away.

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#3489 Daily Warm-Ups: Reading

Nonfiction: American History

Name________________________ Date___________

Warm-Up 2

Pony Express

When people moved west in covered wagons, things came slowly. Letters and news took a long time to get from one side of the country to the other. People had to wait for months to hear news from other places. Sometimes the mail took as long as one year, and other times it didn't arrive at all.

The Pony Express was established in 1860 to help mail and news move quickly from one place to another. Riders brought mail and messages to people who were willing to pay for it. The Pony Express gave the riders $100 dollars each month.

Each rider had to weigh less than 125 pounds. They rode in rain or snow, day or night. They often rode in very dangerous conditions. Mail carriers had to ride very fast. They would change horses every 10?15 miles at a relay station. After 100 miles, a new rider would take over.

The Pony Express did not last long because it had many problems. The people who gave money to get it started did not get much money back. The letters cost too much to send. In 1862, the Pony Express ended.


1. The Pony Express was . . .

a. a place to keep ponies. b. a group of horses and riders that carried mail and news across the U.S. c. a line of horses that had many names. d. a train named after a pony.

2. Which of the following could be dangers that a Pony Express rider probably faced?

a. friendly pioneers b. calm streams and beautiful scenery c. wolves and Native American attacks d. wagon trains and campfires

3. If you wanted to be a rider for the Pony Express, how much could you weigh?

a. less than 125 pounds

c. 155 pounds

b. more than 125 pounds

d. weight didn't matter

4. According to the passage, why was the Pony Express started?

a. so riders could get practice riding across the country b. to teach pioneers how to ride faster c. so riders could exercise their ponies d. to move messages and information quickly from place to place

#3489 Daily Warm-Ups: Reading


?Teacher Created Resources, Inc.

Nonfiction: Science

Name________________________ Date___________

Warm-Up 1

Classifying Animals

Did you know that there are over 1,000,000 different species, or types, of animals? With so many species, scientists have to find a way to sort them into groups. Two of the main groups are vertebrates and invertebrates.

Vertebrates are animals that have a backbone. Humans are in this group. Also in this group are whales, monkeys, birds, and frogs. Just about any pet you have in your home is a vertebrate. Dogs, cats, goldfish, hamsters, and snakes are vertebrates.

Invertebrates have no backbone. Many of them live in the ocean. Clams, jellyfish, squids, and octopuses are invertebrates. Those that live on land are spiders, worms, and insects.

Scientists are finding new species of animals every day. Every one of them can be put into one of these two groups.


1. What are two ways, according to this passage, animals are classified or sorted?

a. land and water animals b. mammals and jellyfish c. invertebrates and vertebrates d. color and shape

2. Based on the passage, which is the best definition of invertebrates?

a. animals that have several backbones b. animals that have one backbone c. animals that have no backbones d. animals that prefer to swim in the ocean

3. Human beings are in the category of . . .

a. invertebrates. b. vertebrates. c. neither of these. d. both of these.

4. Which of the animals below would fit into the category of invertebrates?

a. giraffe

b. bird

c. squid

d. pig

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#3489 Daily Warm-Ups: Reading


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