BirchStreet Recipe Costing and Menu Usage[1]

[Pages:4]BirchStreet Recipe Costing and Menu Usage Quick Guide

Recipe Key Concepts

BirchStreet Recipe Management Application is made up of several key concepts and activities:

LIBRARY INGREDIENT BASE There is a base of Library Ingredients, otherwise known as the Recipe Library, of over 11,000 BirchStreet ingredients with over 28,000 preparations already in the system

NUTRITION: LINK RECIPES TO LIBRARY Free-Form Recipe Ingredients (those manually typed in to a recipe or imported into the system) will be linked to the Library Ingredients to pull nutritional information into the recipe.

COSTING: LINK INGREDIENTS TO SUPPLIERS Library Ingredients will be linked to suppliers at each hotel to derive real-time local recipe costing

MENU MANAGEMENT Recipes will be combined with other Recipes or Ingredients to create Dishes

Dishes will be assigned a Sell Price and associated with Menus

Menus & Dishes will be categorized for tracking menu usage statistics

Basic Tasks

Next Steps for Handling

Imported Recipes

Refer to this section if your recipes were imported and are now available in the system for review and editing.

If your recipes were imported, ingredients you typed into your recipes were attempted to be matched to Library Ingredients to derive the nutritional values. It will be your job to confirm that the ingredients were linked correctly and make any final modifications to your recipes.

PHASE I: RECIPE CREATION AND NUTRITION (Topics Covered In the Recipe Creation and Nutrition Quick Guide)

CONFIRM IMPORTED RECIPE BASIC INFORMATION 1. Confirm the basic information was

imported correctly (i.e. portions, serving unit of measure, prep time, etc) 1. Confirm your recipe is classified correctly for searching (i.e. appetizer, vegetables, etc) 2. Confirm your Method is correct 3. Confirm your Prep Instructions are correct 4. Confirm your Critical Details are correct

Next Steps for Handling Imported Recipes (Cont')

ADD RECIPE ENRICHMENT 1. Add new Free-Form Ingredients to your

recipe 2. Edit existing Free-Form Ingredients if you

wish to have the Recipe Card display something different for each ingredient 3. Resort Free-Form Ingredients if you wish the Recipe Card to display a different order 4. Add images to your recipe 5. Resort Prep Instructions if you wish these to be displayed on the RecipePad in a different order 6. Add images to your prep instructions

CREATE NEW RECIPES 1. If necessary, create additional recipes if you

have started using new ones since the recipes were originally imported

CREATE NEW LIBRARY INGREDIENTS 1. If necessary, create new Library Ingredients

if you use custom ingredients not already in the Ingredient Library


Searching for Recipes or Dishes Costing Recipes Linking Library Ingredients to Suppliers Create Menus

Create Menu Categories

Categorize Dishes to a Menu Tracking Menu Usage Using RecipePad Scaling Recipes

Copying Recipes

Where to Go

Recipes Tab

Recipe Tab Select Recipe Cost Button

Un-hide Menu Checkbox Recipe Menu Link

Ingredient to Supplier Un-check Hide Menu Checkbox Recipe Menu

Menus Un-check Hide Menu Checkbox Recipe Menu

Menu Categories Un-check Hide Menu Recipe Menu Dish/Recipe Categorization Menus Tab Menu Usage Recipes Tab Recipe Pad button Recipe Cost Tab Scale Recipe Button Or Recipes Tab Recipe Pad button Scale Button Recipe Tab Select Recipe Copy Recipe Button


Ingredients are correctly linked to Library Ingredients 2. Confirm your sub-recipes are correctly linked to your main recipe 3. Confirm Nutritional Information is correct



Supplier SKU's. This is not done as part of the recipe import process 2. Indicate your Preferred Supplier if you are using more than one per ingredient

CREATE MENUS AND MENU CATEGORIES 1. Create Menus 2. Create Menu Categories 3. Associate Menus to an Outlet

CREATE DISHES 1. Add Recipes and other Ingredients to Dishes 2. Determine a Selling Price for your Dish based

on your Recipe Costs 3. Categorize your Dishes to a Menu 4. Submit and Activate your Dish

TRACK MENU USAGE 1. Track Menu Usage

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BirchStreet Recipe Costing and Menu Usage Quick Guide

Determine Costing: Link

Library Ingredients to Hotel


You can link Library Ingredients to your Hotel Supplier just once, and it will be linked in all your recipes. Once linked, costs for your recipe will automatically be kept updated based on the last price update available in the system.

You can link Library Ingredients to Hotel Suppliers based on immediate need to cost a recipe, or link all Library Ingredients regardless of whether they are used in a recipe or not. For the latter, skip to the "LINK LIBRARY INGREDIENT TO SUPPLIERS SECTIONS"

LOAD RECIPE ON RECIPE COST SCREEN 1. Start on the Recipes Tab 2. Select the All Recipes filter option 3. Type your recipe name in the Search Text

box and click Go 4. Click the Radio button next to your recipe 5. Click the Cost button 6. Once your recipe is on the Recipe Cost tab,

you will see your cost just below the Recipe name. This is the "per serving" cost. 7. When no supplier items are linked, you will see nothing in the Unit Cost and Supplier SKU/Supplier field 8. For each ingredient in your recipe missing a cost, click the Ingredient/Subrecipe ID link and it will take you to the link to supplier screen pre-loaded with the selected ingredient. 9. As you link each Library Ingredient, you can click the Refresh link on the Recipe Cost Tab to see an immediate change in cost in the Cost/serving field


1. Click the Hide Menu checkbox to unhide the main menu

2. Click the Recipe menu 3. Click the Link Ingredient to Supplier menu 4. Select the Ingredient Name from the Search

Column drop down on the left 5. Enter the Ingredient Name in the Search

Text box and click Go 6. You can also select Used? from the Search

Column drop down on the left and Yes in the Search Text box and click Go to show only the Ingredients used in Recipes. 7. When the ingredient appears in the list, click it to bring up the details on the right. 8. Click the Supplier Tab 9. Click Add Row 10. Click the Search History (or Search Catalog) button to search for your supplier item

Determine Costing: Link

Library Ingredients to Hotel

Suppliers (Con't)

11. Once the supplier has been selected, all the critical details for the product will populate.

12. Confirm this supplier is the Preferred Supplier which the recipe will use for primary costing (the checkbox will default to checked)

13. Confirm the packaging yield is 100% - this is different than the yield of an ingredient (onion for example) and will affect the cost of your recipe

14. From the Measure case weight drop down, select Weight, Volume or Each. (If your recipes typically call for measurements of cups, teaspoons, etc, use Volume. If your recipes typically call for measurements of pounds, use Weight.

15. Select the Case weight UOM from the drop down list which will populate with options based on the previous selection

16. Enter the Case weight qty. In the example of Onions sold in a 5 LBS bag, you would have an Order UOM of BAG and a Case weight UOM of LBS. Your Measure case weight would be Weight, and your Case weight qty would be 5.

17. When you are done, click OK 18. Repeat Steps 8-18 for each supplier you

purchase this Library Ingredient from. 19. You can always change which supplier the

system uses for costing calculations by clicking the Edit link and checking the Preferred Supplier checkbox 20. Click Save when finished


1. Click the Hide Menu checkbox to unhide the main menu

2. Click the Recipe menu 3. Click the Link Ingredient to Supplier menu 4. Select the Ingredient Code from the Search

Column drop down 5. Enter the Ingredient Code in the Search

Text box and click Go 6. When the ingredient appears in the list,

click it to bring up the details on the right. 7. Click the Supplier Tab 8. Click Add Row 9. Use the Supplier company ID zoom to

search for your Adopted supplier (if you can't find your supplier, you can always type 99999 in the Supplier company ID text box and then use the SOTF Supplier ID zoom instead. This method of searching searches for any Punchout or Suppliers on the Fly in the system)

Determine Costing: Link

Library Ingredients to Hotel

Suppliers (Con't)

10. Enter a Supplier Sku 11. Enter a Supplier item description 12. Enter the Order UOM (UOM which you

purchase the product in) 13. Enter the Order unit price (price you pay

for the UOM provided in the previous step 14. From the Measure case weight drop down,

select Weight, Volume or Each. (If your recipes typically call for measurements of cups, teaspoons, etc, use Volume. If your recipes typically call for measurements of pounds, use Weight. If your recipes typically call for measurements of each, use Each). 15. Select the Case weight UOM from the drop down list which will populate with options based on the previous selection 16. Enter the Case weight qty. In the example of Onions sold in a 5 LBS bag, you would have an Order UOM of BAG and a Case weight UOM of LBS. Your Measure case weight would be Weight, and your Case weight qty would be 5. 17. Confirm this supplier is the Preferred Supplier which the recipe will use for primary costing 18. Confirm the packaging yield is 100% - this is different than the yield of an ingredient (onion for example) and will affect the cost of your recipe 19. When you are done, click OK 20. Repeat Steps 8-18 for each supplier you purchase this Library Ingredient from. 21. You can always change which supplier the system uses for costing calculations by clicking the Edit link and checking the Preferred Supplier checkbox 22. Click Save when finished


1. Click the Hide Menu checkbox to unhide the main menu

2. Click the Recipe menu 3. Click the Link Ingredient to Supplier menu 4. Select the Ingredient Code from the Search

Column drop down 5. Enter the Ingredient Code in the Search

Text box and click Go 6. When the ingredient appears in the list,

click it to bring up the details on the right. 7. Click the Supplier Tab 8. Click Add Row

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BirchStreet Recipe Costing and Menu Usage Quick Guide

Determine Costing: Link

Library Ingredients to Hotel

Suppliers (Con't)

1. Enter the Order Unit price 2. From the Measure case weight drop down,

select Weight, Volume or Each. (If your recipes typically call for measurements of cups, teaspoons, etc, use Volume. If your recipes typically call for measurements of pounds, use Weight. If your recipes typically call for measurements of each, use Each). 3. Select the Case weight UOM from the drop down list which will populate with options based on the previous selection 4. Enter the Case weight qty. In the example of Onions sold in a 5 LBS bag, you would only have a Case weight UOM of LBS. Your Measure case weight would be Weight, and your Case weight qty would be 5. 5. When you are done, click OK 6. Click Save when finished

REVIEW FINAL COST OF RECIPE ON RECIPE TAB 1. Start on the Recipes Tab 2. Select the All Recipes filter option 3. Type your recipe name in the Search Text

box and click Go 4. Click the Radio button next to your recipe 5. Click the Cost button 6. You will be able to view the cost of your

recipe, fully costed in the Cost/Serving field

If you want to see the total recipe cost, click the Print/View button. The total cost and per serving cost is located in the lower right corner of the printout.

DETERMINE A TEMPORARY SELLING PRICE BASED ON RECIPE COST 1. Start on the Recipes Tab 2. Select the All Recipes filter option 3. Type your recipe name in the Search Text

box and click Go 4. Click the Radio button next to your recipe 5. Click the Cost button 6. Enter a percentage cost in the Projected

cost % field (i.e. 20% cost) and click Go 7. The Selling price field will reflect the

correct price (i.e. 20% recipe cost of a $4 recipe would result in a selling price of $20)

To establish a permanent selling price, you must make your Recipe sellable. See the Create Dishes section.

Create Menus and Menu


CREATE MENUS 1. Check the Hide Menu checkbox to unhide

the menu 2. Click the Recipe link on the left 3. Click the Menu link 4. Enter a Menu Name and Description (EX:

your outlet name) 5. Enter a Sort Order to control the order in

which the menus appear on the Menu tab 6. Change the Menu Type = Property if this is

to be a hotel level menu or leave it set to Marketplace if this is to be a corporate level menu 7. Leave the Active checkmark checked if this menu should be available immediately for associating to Dishes 8. Click Save

Example: Menu Name = Main Restaurant

Menu Categories must also be created to correspond to these menus. For example:

Main Restaurant - Breakfast Menu - Lunch Menu - Dinner Menu

CREATE MENU CATEGORIES 1. Check the Hide Menu checkbox to unhide

the menu 2. Click the Recipe link on the left 3. Click the Menu Categories link 4. In the drop down in the upper left corner,

select the desired Menu name (EX: Main Restaurant) 5. Use the Menu ID lookup to find the same desired Menu name (EX: Main Restaurant) 6. Enter a Category name 7. Add a Category description if desired 8. The Category sort value will default to the Category name. This is a field that drives the sort order in which the menu categories will appear on the Menu Tab. If you wish a different sort order, enter a numeric or other value. 9. Click Save

Create Dishes

You will need to make a Recipe "Sellable" if you want to save a Selling Price for a collection of recipes & ingredients. Sellable Recipes automatically appear in the Dishes tab. Dishes are also necessary if you are tracking Menu Usage.

1. Start on the Recipes Tab 2. Select the Recipe you wish to work with

and hit Edit 3. Complete the following for each of the

screen sections:

RECIPE/DISH 1. Once the Recipe is marked a "Sellable" =

"Yes", you can supply one of the following fields and the other two will be automatically be calculated for you: a. Selling Price b. Projected Food cost % c. Cost per Serving 2. Additionally, once a recipe has been made "Sellable", it will appear in the Dish tab as well. 3. Recipes appearing in the "Dish" tab can be assigned categories for Menus. 4. By changing the Recipe/Dish to "Sellable" = "No", the Recipe will no longer appear in the Dish tab, you will no longer be able to set a selling price, and it will not appear in any previously assigned Menus.

As with Recipes, you can also modify the following fields when editing the dish from the Recipe Creation screen:

INGREDIENTS 1. Required Fields (marked with )

a. Quantity b. UOM c. Library Ingredient Lookup

Use the Ingredient Lookup to look up either an Ingredient or a Recipe.

2. Additionally fill out the optional fields as necessary: a. Preparation b. Sequence

METHOD 1. Use this section to copy and paste already

created preparation instructions

CRITICAL DETAILS 1. Use this section to add critical notes

above and beyond the normal preparation

NUTRITION 1. This section will automatically populate

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BirchStreet Recipe Costing and Menu Usage Quick Guide

Create Dishes (Con't)


Menus and Menu Categories must be set up prior to this step. See the Create Menus and Menu Categories section.

1. Un-check the Hide Menu box 2. Recipe menu Dish/Recipe Categorization


3. Type your recipe name in the Search Text box and click Go

4. Select your dish from the list 5. Click the Categorize button 6. Click the Add Row button 7. Select a Menu from the drop down next

to the Menu ID field 8. Click the Zoom next to the Menu

Category ID field 9. Find and double-click the Menu Category

ID of your choice 10. Click Save and then OK

Dishes will not be searchable on the Menu Tab for Menu Usage Tracking unless you Submit and Activate your Dish

SUBMIT AND ACTIVATE A DISH 1. Start on the Recipes Tab 2. Select the All Recipes filter option 3. Type your recipe name in the Search Text

box and click Go 4. Click the Edit Recipe button 5. The Recipe Creation screen will open, find

and click the Submit button and OK 6. Click the Activate button and OK 7. Click Save and then OK

Track Menu Usage

9. Start on the Menus Tab 10. Click the Menu Usage button 11. Click the zoom icon next to the Menu

Name field 12. Enter a date in the Sales Date field 13. Enter the quantity for each dish in the

Quantity Sold box 14. Click the Update button 15. Click OK to the confirmation box 16. Click the X in the upper right corner to close

the Menu Usage tracking window

Using RecipePad for iPad

1. Start on the Recipes Tab 2. Click the Recipe Pad button 3. Search for a recipe by title or ingredient

used in a recipe 4. If you want to refresh the full list of all

recipes in an Active status, click the Search button at the top of Recipe Pad

Recipes and Dishes can alternatively be viewed on the iPad for easy use. See your application administrator for the URL.

SEARCHING FOR RECIPES OR DISHES 1. Enter a Title, Keyword, or Ingredient 2. Click the Search Local or Search Global

button 3. Thumbnails will appear with recipes or

dishes matching your description 4. Click the thumbnail for the recipe of your


SCALING RECIPES OR DISHES 1. Once a recipe is loaded, click the Scale

button 2. Enter the number of servings in the How

many servings... box 3. Click Calculate

What If Analysis

1. The What If function can be used on recipes or dishes selected in Recipe Cost tab, Recipes tab, or Dishes tab.

2. Once a recipe or dish is selected, click the What If button

3. Using the What If tab, make changes to the recipe to see how they would affect cost

4. To save changes, click Save As 5. Give the new recipe a name 6. Click Save As 7. Click the Recipe tab to see the recipe in a

new status.

Copying Recipes or Dishes

You can copy a global recipe or dish and make a local hotel version that is slightly modified to meet the hotel needs. This tool is different than the "What If" feature in that it makes an immediate copy which is visible by anyone else at your property. It is identical to the original recipe or dish until you make changes to it or remove it. You do not need to copy it if you are only "Costing" it, but will not be able to edit any of the ingredients.

1. Click the Recipe Tab 2. Search for and select a Recipe 3. When the Recipe or Dish appears, select

the one you need 4. Click Copy Recipe 5. Enter a Dish/Recipe Name 6. Click OK, the Dish/Recipe is saved at this

point. 7. Your recipe or dish will be listed on the

Recipe tab in a New status 8. While it is in the new status, it can be

edited as needed using the steps listed in the Editing New Recipes or Dishes topic 9. Once editing has been finalized, you must submit the recipe or dish using the Submit button on the Recipe Costing Tab or from the Recipe Creation screen 10. As a final step, the recipe or dish must be Activated using the Activate button on the Menu tab

Scaling Recipes

1. Select a recipe or dish from the Recipes tab 2. Click the Cost button which will take you to

the Recipe Cost tab 3. Once your recipe is on the Recipe Cost tab,

click the Scale Recipe button 4. Enter the number of servings for which you

need to scale the recipe in the Scale to # of Servings box 5. Click Recalculate 6. The Scale qty and Scale ext cost will automatically be updated in the grid to reflect the scaled amounts

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