How to redeem minecraft windows 10 for free


How to redeem minecraft windows 10 for free

Forza Horizon 4 XBOX LIVE I was able to redeem minecraft windows 10 for free along with Java edition. I haven't played [windows 10 edition] for a while, but now going back to play with a friend who doesn't have java mc, I realized that for whatever reason, there was no sign that I had ever purchased it (even though I already had), and the redeemable code was not where I got it from. How do I get it back? Oddly, or maybe coincidentally, the problem seemed to arise right after the deadline for redeeming the code, in August. A lot of old Minecraft players want to check out Minecraft with RTX, the all-new path-traced version of Minecraft that's built using the DXR acceleration capabilities of Nvidia's RTX series of graphics cards. The problem is that these classic Minecraft players use the Java version of the game, making their game incompatible with the title's new RTX version. Don't worry, because those who purchased Minecraft's Java version before October 19th 2018 can still redeem a free copy of the Windows 10 version. This will allow them to continue using their original Java copy, while also gaining access to the game's new DirectX 12 version. This offer will be available until April 20th, giving PC gamers three days to redeem their free copies of Minecraft for Windows 10. To do this, all you need to do is log into your Mojang account (link to their login page) and then redeem their free game code for Minecraft for Windows 10. It's as simple as that. After doing this, Minecraft players can redeem their Minecraft for Windows 10 code on the Microsoft Store, giving their Microsoft account permanent access to the DirectX 12 version of the game on Windows. Below is what Mojang had to say about the offer earlier this year. Hello! Did you buy Minecraft: Java Edition before October 19th, 2018? If you did, keep reading! If you didn't, then this news isn't really relevant to you.If you did buy Minecraft: Java Edition before October 19th, 2018, then you might not be aware that you're entitled to a FREE copy of the Windows 10 version. It's an offer that we ended a couple of Octobers ago, but you still have some time to redeem your free copy if you bought Java Edition way back when! After Monday, April 20th, 2020, customers who purchased Minecraft Java Edition before October 19th, 2018 will no longer be able to redeem their free version of Minecraft for Windows 10 token code. Until then, players who bought Minecraft: Java Edition before October 19th, 2018 can still receive a token for Minecraft for Windows 10. This was originally a way for our PC Java players to get access to the Windows 10 beta version of Minecraft, and the Windows 10 version of the game left beta quite a while ago. You will still be able to buy Minecraft for Windows 10 at and at retail partners worldwide.So to reiterate, if you bought Minecraft: Java Edition before October 19th, 2018, then you can still claim your free Windows 10 version until April 20th, 2020 which also happens to be my birthday which also happens to not be relevant to this post which means I'm sorry I brought it up. Go claim your free Windows 10 version! Or put doing that off until April 19th. You do you! Reply I'm getting back into this game and I thought I would get the free Windows 10 version from previously buying the Java version however, it says the code has already been redeemed?There is no possibility I could've redeemed the code as I only have one Microsoft account and I have checked the purchasing history and it is empty. Does anybody know what to do? Who do I contact about this? This issue has caused a lot of frustration amongst Minecraft players, with endless forum pages discussions about how to fix this issue once and for all. In case you find yourself in the same situation, please follow the steps in this article to fix the problem and get back to playing Minecraft fast. Here's how to fix the Minecraft Windows 10 code already redeemed error message 1. Redeem your code this way Login to Windows 10 with the Microsoft account you used to buy Minecraft. Open Microsoft Store -> search for Minecraft Windows 10 Edition. Click the button `Get this app'. Select `Buy'. Type in the email address and password that you used to buy Minecraft. Windows Store will recognize that you already own this game, and will start downloading. After the download and installation process are completed, you can start playing again. Got problems with corrupt chunks in Minecraft? Fix them now! 2. Contact official support Login to . Search for `Minecraft: Windows 10 Edition' and see if the code is marked as being already claimed by checking the date. If the game is not listed there, you need to contact Mojang Support. If the game is listed, it means that you redeemed your code with a Microsoft account. When you redeemed the code, you used a specific account that has the code connected to it. Go to Microsoft official website, log into that same account, and check under `Recent purchases'. If you can't find the game in that list, it means you used another Microsoft account to claim it. In case you don't know which account you used, you should contact Xbox support. They will be able to tell you to what account you redeemed the code to. In this article, we explored some of the best ways to deal with the issue caused by Minecraft Windows 10 edition code that seemed to be already redeemed. We hope this guide helped you solve this issue. Please feel free to let us know if it did by using the comment section below. READ ALSO: Something went wrong. Wait a moment and try again. 1 Go to the Mojang website. Open your browser of choice, then type in "" on the URL bar. This will direct you to the main web page of the game dev studio, where they announce their games and updates. 2 Login to your Mojang account. Look at the top of the page, just below the Mojang logo. You will see some subpage links under it; go click on "Account." This will redirect you to the login screen, where you can also make a new account if you're new to things. Go look at the top-right portion of your screen again, and click the "Log In" button you see, then type in your email account and password. Press the big green button and you're in! You can also register on the account. page. It only requires your email and a password, and for you to verify your email by logging into your email and clicking the link Mojang sends you. 3 Redeem your code (if applicable). You'll immediately be redirected to your games directory. If you bought the original Minecraft PC edition, you'll see a nice little link that says "Minecraft Windows 10 Edition" with some instructions underneath and a "Claim Your Free Copy" button. This will redirect you to the Microsoft Account login web page. Log into your Microsoft account or Live/Outlook mail account, and you'll be redirected to another page where you can get your free download of Minecraft Windows 10 Edition! Do note that you need a Microsoft account to claim the game. If you don't have one, just make a new one at "mail.." Make a free email account, and you can use that to log into any Microsoft service, including Xbox Live. 4 Download the game. Head on over to the Microsoft App Store (represented by a silhouette of a paper bag with the Windows icon), which you can find by scrolling down at the lefthand side of your Start Menu or on the shortcuts bar of your desktop. Log into the same Microsoft account you used to claim your game then search for Minecraft Windows 10 Edition in the top-right portion of the screen. When you see it in the search bar drop-down menu, click on it and you'll be redirected to the game's main page. Click the option with the price tag, since it's the option that downloads the full game, then simply type your password to download the game for free! If you don't have the original Minecraft PC edition and don't want to spend money on the full open beta version, just click the "Free Trial" button. The free trial lasts about 90 minutes but contains pretty much the full game. You won't be able to progress your world after 90 minutes, but you can keep making worlds to keep playing if you want. For those without Minecraft but want the full game, just click the option with the price tag on the App Center. You'll have to buy it for about 10 dollars, but it's otherwise cheaper than buying the full Minecraft PC edition. 5 Start playing! Once it's done downloading, click "Open" and the game will startup! You'll need to log in to an Xbox Live account, which is the same as your Microsoft account. Once you're logged in, you can now enjoy your game! Add New Question Question Can I log in to another Microsoft account while I'm in the game? No, you cannot. Question How can I get this for free without owning the PC version? You can't. The code for Java Edition is the only way of getting it free. Question Can I get Minecraft Windows 10 edition if I already own Minecraft Java Edition? This is not possible anymore. The offer to have gotten a free code for buying Java Edition is now expired. Question How do I get world edit in the PC edition? You need to download a plugin called Bukkit, which will allow you to access world edit and a few other script mods. Question Is there a safe, free Minecraft APK for PC Windows 10/Java? PC's Dont use APK. PC uses .exe and other files, but you cannot get Windows 10 Edition for free. You can get the Java edition for free but cannot join the premium servers. Search for this if you want the java edition free : Shiginima Launcher. Question Can I use multiplayer and get achievements without Xbox live? You can go onto multiplayer servers, but you cannot get achievements seeing as how they're on your Xbox account. Question How do I get the code for Minecraft Windows 10 Edition? Players who have purchased Minecraft: Java Edition before October 19th, 2018 can get Minecraft for Windows 10 for free by visiting their Mojang account. Log into account., and under the "My Games" heading you will find a button to claim your gift code. Question What do I do if Minecraft Windows 10 edition says I already redeemed my code when I didn't? Contact Mojang support. You'll need to provide proof of purchase for the Java Edition and they will give you a new code as a one-off. Question Can I just buy Minecraft for Windows 10? Yes, you can. Just go check at the Microsoft Store and search for Minecraft Windows 10 Edition. Question Will it hack my system? No it won't, Minecraft is a protected site and won't likely give you a virus. Ask a Question Thanks! wikiHow is a "wiki," similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, volunteer authors worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 84,093 times. Co-authors: 6 Updated: September 13, 2020 Views: 84,093 Categories: Minecraft | Windows 10 Print Send fan mail to authors Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 84,093 times.

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